Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 451

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Chapter 451: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

328. Land of the Past Life (1)

Crossing the border didn’t seem like it would be difficult.

Professor Cross and I are wizards beyond the ordinary level.

Because of this, it was quite easy to cross the ‘border’ while avoiding the guards’ eyes…

“They installed something strange at the border.”

“Oh, you managed to see it.”

There was a magical power detection device that was so strange that it was invisible.

The purpose seemed very clear, without even having to analyze the waves.

It’s like detecting the passage of unauthorized magic power.

Since people, even priests, possess magical powers, detection itself is not difficult.

“So, to get through there, you have to get special permission and take steps to go undetected, that’s what I’m talking about.”

Professor Cross mentioned the device when talking about plans to cross the border.

They say that cheating and getting through it is the core of menstruation.

“But… … Hmm. It seems like security has been strengthened a bit.”

But things have changed a little.

The number of troops initially expected was the same.

Neither too much nor too little.

Since it is near the border, it is natural that they have no choice but to thoroughly maintain the number of soldiers.

The problem was the other devices besides the ‘magic detector’.

“There are quite a few pieces of equipment that seem to have magical powers.”

Contrary to what Professor Cross had said, security has been strengthened significantly.

This seems to be… … .

“I think it’s because of what happened yesterday?”

“… … This damn thing.”

It seems that the security has been strengthened in a hurry due to the incident.

From our perspective, it was a helpful thing, but after a while, it ended up holding us back.

“Huh. It took a week just to analyze that.”

Professor Cross rubbed his forehead as if he had a headache.

It was probably an analysis that allowed it to pass by without being detected.

However, the border has been strengthened, and even the magic array code may have changed, so it seems likely that we will conclude that it will be difficult if things continue as they are.

“I guess I’ll have to go back next time. It’s hard to force my way through like this. Hmm… … This is getting a bit tricky.”

But even if I had foreseen this, I probably would have saved them the same way.

Because that’s what I believe is right.

“Let’s go back. We can just use the teleporter again.”

“Isn’t it difficult to teleport across the border?”

“Hmm. It’s going to be difficult. I need to know the magical coordinates on the other side, and I need to measure the airflow… … Anyway, it’s going to be difficult unless there’s at least one person there.”

If that’s the case, then yes.

“There may be another way.”

“other way?”

Professor Cross asked with a look of ‘no way’.

“Surely the classic methods of putting them all to sleep or turning their gaze to one side won’t work. Do you see the expressions on the faces of the soldiers guarding the border right now? Maybe a baby ant… .”

“You can just hide and go.”

“If I hide and go, I’ll never be caught… … How are you going to go?”

I showed it to Professor Cross, who was asking blankly.

I mean, the sight of me seeping into his shadow.

“… … Did you also receive assassin training?”

“That’s what it is.”

I came out of the shadows and answered, offering a solution to Professor Cross, who was just laughing in disbelief.

“I’ll cross the border and go to the right place. Then you know what happens next?”

“… … Should I teleport?”

“That’s it.”


Professor Cross gave a one-word review of my solution.

“It’s possible because it’s you.”

In fact, this shadow hiding technique is something that any assassin with a certain level of skill must learn.

There are differences in the duration of vision and level of stealth depending on the assassin, but it is still difficult to say that it is very difficult.

However, this technology alone cannot cross borders.

No matter how great an assassin you are, if you have magical powers, you will still be detected even if you move in shadows.

“Yes, my magic is a bit special.”

But my magic is different from others.

Not only does it greatly increase the stealth level of the Shadow Hide skill, it also allows you to avoid detection.

“Shall we try it?”

I created a magical sphere filled with my magical power and confidence, then hurled it into the detection zone beyond the border.

And then nothing happened.

That means my magic power is not detectable by them.

What this means is that, as long as you’re confident that you won’t get caught, you can walk through there without any problems.

“So you’re saying that if you use the existing mechanism to detect only magical power… … and hide your body with that assassin’s technique, it’ll be perfect?”


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“That’s what it is.”


Professor Cross immediately frowned.

“If that’s the case, why didn’t you tell me a long time ago? I was curious about what kind of magic you had, but I never imagined it would be like this. Damn, if I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have even planned it out for the past few months.”

“Anyway, you were able to go, right? Thanks to me.”

“… … .”

Anyway, I concluded that I should hide my magic power as much as possible, hide my body in shadows, and then move.

I set into action right away and reached the border without any difficulty.

And he approached close enough that he could hear the soldiers muttering.

Of course, hiding in the shadows.

“What the hell, just show them what kind of guys they are. Is it right to start working right after shift change? Huh?”

“Hey, I’m going to work this shift and then go back to work tomorrow! I even lost my vacation tomorrow!”

“This f*cking army… … If only I hadn’t been dragged here… … .”

“Damn, this is good for strengthening the border! But why are they all a complete failure? Let me rest half of them!”

I don’t really need to feel sorry, but I feel sorry.

Perhaps because of what happened yesterday, a series of orders seem to have been issued to all troops stationed near the border.

I hid in the shadows among the grumbling and moved quietly, passing through lightly.

I mean the border.

And finally, in the no man’s land that appeared –

“Let’s take a break here.”

After using the invisibility magic in a suitable place to catch my breath, I moved again using the shadow hiding method… … .


“It’s been a while.”

It was really easy to step onto the Draconic land.

But there is no time to indulge in sentimentality.

Near the border.

“What are those guys doing there that make them so noisy?”

“The number of guards has increased. Do we have any training?”

“No. There’s nothing like that. Maybe the commander over there is just being a jerk?”

“It’s the same whether you live in the military or not, you idiot.”

I left the Draconic Border Guard camp, leaving behind the Draconic that I was glad to see after such a long time.


Afterwards, Professor Cross found a suitable place to use and increased his magical power.

“Now, shall we call our teacher?”

* * *

The feeling of stepping on the Drani land again after a dozen years was actually not all that special.

Just because you cross the border a little, yellow soil won’t turn into red soil, right?

But clearly, strangely enough, the smell in the air seemed different.

“Wow. I never thought this would be real.”

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

“That’s the most useless worry in the world. I’m Richie.”

“I know. I just tried to do my duty as a disciple.”

Professor Cross, who had just finished teleporting and was concentrating his magic power.

“Hmm. It’s been a long time since I had my period. Dane, it must be your first time. How do you feel?”

“It smells different.”

This is an honest answer only to me.

“That would be the case, probably. They say that the body odor of Alteon and Draenic people is different.”

“Does it smell different?”

“I guess that’s because there are slight differences in the food we eat. I found out after wandering around many places. Depending on the spices, a person’s body odor changes, and because of that, the smell in the air also changes.”

This is a fact I am learning for the first time and it is a fascinating fact.

I’ve lived in both countries, but I’ve never felt that way because I adapted so naturally.

Anyway, it’s Draconic.

The land where I was born and raised.

I was born to a mother I didn’t even know, a refugee, and grew up on a battlefield, and I returned to that very place.

What should I say?

Should I say that it is a new feeling?

“From now on, let’s be more careful with our words.”

There is no time to ponder it for too long.

“They are soldiers.”

Not far away.

A group of soldiers patrolling the perimeter was visible.

We are Alteonians, and this is Draenic.

No matter how well we disguised ourselves and how fluent we both were in Draconic, one small mistake would cause us trouble.

“There, there will be a brief inspection!”

As expected of soldiers on patrol near the border, they called out to us from afar as soon as they saw us and approached us quickly.

“We are Imperial soldiers on patrol. This is near the border between the enemy nation of Alteon and our great Draenic. We will conduct an inspection as ordered.”

A rather lovely draconic language.

Since it’s been a dozen years, the words used and the rules of sentences can’t have changed much, so of course I understood it correctly.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

Of course, the Drani language that flows out of my mouth is also fluent and natural.

The soldiers seemed to be quite thorough in checking our identification and permits.

But I don’t think there will be any problem with that.

According to Professor Cross, it was a very elaborate forgery.

In the meantime, I glanced at the soldiers.

It is difficult to say that the condition is good, even in good words.

It’s possible that you’ve just played the janggu without permission.

The original ceremony was about a hundred years removed from actual combat.

However, not only is there no janggu at all, but the shoes they are wearing are all different and it seems that the weapon management is not done properly.

To put it simply… … Rather than being a well-fed and well-rested soldier, they are closer to being hungry beasts that cannot eat or drink.

“You’re a war merchant. Let me see what you have for sale.”

The soldiers were quite meticulous.

No, to be exact… … .

“Aren’t there too many items for sale? You’re different from the war merchants I know.”

“You know, there’s been a significant increase in demand for basic necessities near the border.”

“Hmm. Even so… … What is this? A dagger? Do war merchants sell weapons these days?”

“There are also people who want a means of self-defense to protect themselves.”

“No matter what, the items are a little suspicious. Hmm. Big.”

The look of trying to find fault.

Especially when looking at food, it seemed to take a particularly long time… … .

“Would you like to try it?”

The soldiers saved face for a moment at my timely question.

“Oh, what are you doing? Are you trying to get through the security checkpoint… .”

“How could that be? Couldn’t you confirm that there was no problem with the license and ID we showed you?”

“That’s true.”

“So, this is purely a favor and a token of gratitude. Because you always work hard for this empire.”

A soldier’s face with a satisfied smile.

“Ahem. You have a case for a war merchant.”

How many times have I tried to please my superiors?

This is nothing.

So we handed over some canned goods and dried goods, etc. –

“Be careful. The area near the border is always dangerous.”

After a proper inspection, he was able to be released.

“Oh, and I have a question. Here… … how do I get to the 4th Garrison?”

“Ah. You mean the place you’re moving to? It’s over there, a little over half a day’s drive northeast.”

“thank you.”

There’s even information there.

Of course, a lot can be gained by providing adequate food to suitably starving soldiers.

“You’re so skilled. Where on earth did you learn all those techniques?”

“Here and there.”

“I really am. I’m no better than a vagabond who’s been living outside for a dozen years.”

I chuckled at Professor Cross’s praise.

Now, let’s slowly get back to our original purpose.

To find traces of Arcana.


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