Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 441

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Chapter 441: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

322. Everyone’s Happy Ending (2)

As planned, or rather as expected, an article came out.

First of all, two adulterous men and women.

Even the affair between a man and a woman who are professors at the academy.

And the spouses of this man and woman, the ones who committed terrorism at the academy by planting a bomb.

A total of four people, two couples to be exact, were definitely finished.

Two of them because of an affair.

Two because of terrorism.

In many ways, it is no longer possible to pretend to be a noble of this empire.

Should we say that the family was just torn apart?

[Imperial Judiciary, Urgent Search and Seizure of Lautaro and Keus Family Involved in Adultery and Terrorism]

[Adultery and terrorism… … the shame of the nobility]

[Mother Empire Noble: “They should be sent to the gallows.”]

[Imperial Church Holds Ethics Prayer Meeting for Imperial Nobles… …]

Since it was an article that broke out on an imperial level, it wasn’t a riot, and what was originally supposed to be a ‘level’ of a terrorist attack at the academy grew into something truly enormous.

“It’s all thanks to you, senior.”

Thanks to me, as Benatio said.

“Isn’t that good?”

“That’s good. The work you handle always grows in scale.”

“is it.”

When I think back on things I’ve been involved in or involved in, it seems like that might have been the case.

Well, it’s not really that important.

The work is now finished.

“Let’s see, two noble houses are completely ruined… … and the Academy is turned upside down… … and the Empire is in a series of accidents.”


“Behind that is your senior.”

I’m not some kind of mastermind.

As I was handling the work, it ended up looking like I was handling it behind the scenes.

Well, that’s something I have to be careful about as I live this life.

In cases where this could escalate into a political issue, it is better not to show up in the first place.

I want to have fun, not have fun myself at the expense of my family.

“You’re here too, right?”

“Is this because you’re an accomplice?”

“Wasn’t it?”


Benatio looked at me blankly, as if he hadn’t expected this.

Still, I benefited from this guy a bit.

Because this guy did something that would have been completely impossible for other friends.

To begin with, he was a different guy, and I knew very well that he wasn’t actually an academy student, so I did what I had to do.

Anyway, for that reason, the work was finished… … .

“Only the Summoning Department is in trouble.”

There were still some who had not yet reached their happy ending.

It’s my little sister and Killian.

And the Summoning Department.

First of all, the two papers above did not pass.

Even though both are passable.

Fortunately, Professor Delphineso Enz, who had been on sabbatical, has returned, and it seems like the issue will be resolved somehow… … .

The problem is that there are no other professors.

“I heard there are no more professors coming back.”

Well, I think things will work out somehow, but it’s true that I’m a little worried because it’s my little sister’s business.

But my little sister wouldn’t want me to go any further than this.

As I said, you’ve already helped me enough.

But it seemed like I didn’t have to worry anymore.


At that moment, I heard my little sister’s voice through the ringing telephone, and when I listened, it said this.

-Dane? I… … am a little embarrassed?

“Why? What’s going on?”

-That’s… …There’s a shortage of people to teach… … .

iced coffee.

-Anyway, since the thesis is at a passing grade according to the records, they said to hire me temporarily right away?

I want this.

-The same goes for Senior Killian.

Things worked out too well.

My little sister is a professor.

Even if it’s temporary.

It looks like our family will be having a grand party this year.

* * *


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As always, when an incident occurs, the uproar quickly subsides.

This incident was a bit of a shock, but it wasn’t something that would shake up the life of the Academy, except for the Summoning Department.

Of course, for the students of the Summoning Department, something drastically changed overnight.

Four of the existing full-time professors suddenly left their desks, and the former department head who had been on sabbatical returned.


“Then you’re the youngest?”

“Isn’t she definitely the youngest? Even if you look through the entire history of the Academy?”

“Wow… … That family is really… … .”

Even the existence of Claire Sogress, who was appointed as a professor at an absurdly young age, albeit temporarily.

This was absolutely ridiculous.

It can’t be helped given the circumstances, but being ‘temporarily appointed’ means that the person has the skills to do so and has received enough consent to pass the agenda.

The academy wasn’t that easy to solve with just the background of Sogress.

And thanks to this, the fame of the Counts of Sogress is rising without end.

“That’s right. Arabella and Claire. They were the original geniuses before Dane.”

“Everyone who knows knows. Those two were just so ridiculous.”

“It wasn’t just nonsense, it was just… … absolutely nonsense.”

In the midst of this constant barrage of shocks, Claire now leaves the dormitory, ready to head to work on her first day of emergency temporary employment.

Even though it was temporary, I was urgently assigned a place to stay and a lab. This was all thanks to my thesis being accepted and me being hired as a professor or something.

“Whew. You haven’t forgotten anything… right?”

Claire was still worried as she left the dorm.

I hope I missed something.

Have you forgotten anything?

I wonder if there are any problems with the lecture plan I came up with yesterday.

That makes sense, since I am taking over the lectures that the existing professors were giving.

Killian is the same.

He’s probably on his way to work, racking his brain with the same worries as you.

No, maybe he went to work.

“I don’t know. Phew.”

Claire decided to give it a try.

Wouldn’t it be better to lose than to gain?

It’s also a dream come true.

In the midst of all this, there was one thing I regretted.

Appointment ceremony.

Since it takes a long time for most people to be hired as a professor, the appointment ceremony was a dream come true for people like Claire.

But what can I do?

‘The situation is what it is.’

Anyway, how long did it take to walk like that?

Finally, when we were almost at the lecture hall.

“… … ?”

Claire stopped walking with a strange sense of foreboding and looked around.

But starting from that, magic began to boil around her, and when Claire was panicking, something amazing happened.

Boom, boom!

A magical firework exploded in the air.

The actual explosive power is almost non-existent, but… … .

It was a beautiful firework just to look at.

“……no way?”

Claire covered her mouth as she looked at the beautiful sparks of fireworks decorating the air.

The person who comes to mind is Dane.

But it wasn’t.

The magic felt different.

I hate to admit it, but it’s a magic that I’m very familiar with.

There, fireworks explode and letters appear in the sky.

[Congratulations on your appointment, Claire. From your sister.]


to be touched.

No matter how much you fight and are enemies, blood relatives are blood relatives.

This is how I celebrate my younger brother’s first day at work.

“What is that? Is Arabella the genius?”

“The person going over there is Claire Sogress. Arabella is Claire Sogress’s older sister.”

“Oh, right. You said that you were the youngest professor to be appointed this time, right?”

“Hey, Count Sogress, what on earth did they all do in their past lives…?”

Envious looks from those around me.

I don’t know why they set off fireworks in a place where everyone could see them, but…

Still, where is this?

“Anyway. Pretending it never happened.”

Claire snorted.

But that smile was short-lived.

Once again, magic was boiling.

Claire had thought that the fireworks would go off in a different pattern this time.

Phew! Phew!

No it wasn’t.


The moment she raised her head in ominousness, a torrent of water poured down on Claire’s face.

There was no time to even wonder why.

Because the pouring water hit Claire directly, the rest flew up into the sky and fell back down towards Claire.


Should I say that it feels like watching a stream of water spinning around like a watermill?

“Ah, ah, ah, ah!”

Because of that, Claire was left struggling in the water alone while everyone else who was watching was fine… … .

“Arabella! I’ll kill you!”

He let out a shout of anger.

In my imagination, I punish my sister who is watching from somewhere and giggling.

* * *

I was shocked when I heard about my older sister’s antics of teasing her younger sister.

Why on earth can’t they just eat each other so desperately?

Is it because I’m the youngest that I don’t understand?

Fortunately, my younger sister is said to have gone to work safely.

He summoned a summoner and dried his wet clothes and body or something.

Anyway, that’s fortunate.

Because with this, the whole matter has been resolved well.

“I thought Claire would be a bit snobby, so I set up a rule in advance. What do you think?”

I think it’s a pretty good ending for the older sister too.

“Stop fighting now.”

“Our youngest has a long way to go in understanding sisterly dynamics.”

What kind of dynamics is this?

A dynamic relationship where they get impatient because they can’t bully each other all the time?

If such a dynamic relationship is academically verifiable, I don’t even want to study it.

Anyway, back to the main topic.

“So what about the invention you talked about before you came?”

The reason I visited my older sister’s lab after a long time was simple.


It’s an invention.

To be exact, it is an invention that can be realistically utilized, assuming the output of a power source that can be created based on my magic stone.

Simply put, it is an invention that was previously unimaginable, let alone contemplated, due to the efficiency issues of existing magic stones.

One of them is this.

“It’s a cold storage.”

What my older sister proudly showed me was the refrigerator.

To be exact, it is a temporarily miniaturized cold storage warehouse.

“Do you remember the criteria by which we distinguished Dane’s special magic stones back then?”

As my older sister said, I divided my special magic stone into five stages.

This is also divided for convenience, but it can be subdivided into many more.


“Based on that, a 5th grade special magic stone… … As I expected, it would take at least half a year for this miniature model.”

“How many criteria?”


“It’s okay.”

Maintaining a refrigerated device like this for more than half a year by inserting two special magic stones, and of the lowest grade at that.

It’s quite efficient.

Of course, this size is barely enough to fit in three or four average homes.

“If it is the size you would assume for a typical estate?”

“Three based on the 3rd grade special magic stone.”

“That sounds good.”

Even though it is a special grade 3 weapon, it only holds ‘three’ magic stones.

But with those three magic stones, you can maintain a refrigeration system that can be used throughout the entire territory for more than half a year.

“It will be a revolution.”

“Yes. Beyond that, your entire life may change.”

The older sister seemed to be looking forward to a more positive effect than that.

Here’s one more.

“And as Dane said, there will likely be little interference with existing industries, and there will likely be little opposition from those involved.”

At first, you need to get a response rather than a backlash.

What may be a revolution for us and the common people and the poor, for others it could be a threat to their livelihoods.

So, we start with inventions that have less resistance.

“First of all, most refrigeration methods now are limited to magic or special terrain… … Magic is mostly done on an individual basis, not on an industrial scale. Only some royal families or nobles airlift fresh fruit?”

In the future, the plan is to introduce inventions that are likely to provoke backlash, but will gain such a favorable response that it will be difficult to resist.

There is an item that has already been thoroughly tested.

“I’ve finished the supplementation by referring to the data sent from the top of Greece. Now, all that’s left is to release it.”

Top of Greece.

A company that distributes the medicines of ‘Otier Pharmaceuticals’, which I run behind the scenes, to various parts of the empire.

In the process, they used a refrigerated distribution unit to obtain data while also providing it to the Greek upper class.

“How long do you think it will take to mass produce?”

“First, we need to see a prototype for ‘real’ field testing.”

“Okay. Where?”

My older sister answered my question as if it was obvious.

“Of course, starting from our southern region.”


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