Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 437

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Chapter 437: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

319. Do one thing


“Is it delicious?”


In fact, if you think about it, the one who contributed greatly to saving Killian was Chiron.

If it weren’t for this guy whose name also happens to be pronounced similarly, it would have been difficult to find Killian in the forest.

Thanks to that, the guy is happily eating up the special food I’m giving him now.

“Eat lots.”


By the way, they say that if a horse doesn’t run, it gets sick. Does that mean that this guy is going to run around the entire academy?

Well, there’s no other way.

“Once the stables are built on the property, you can stay there. I don’t know if you’ll stay there or not.”


For reference, the place I am currently in is a temporary stable on the grounds of our romantic club.

Here, at the place I got as the first prize for the festival, a building was currently under construction.

This includes our club building, training grounds, and various other facilities such as stables.

I think it will probably be completed around next semester.

If possible, I hope to maintain this site for a long time.

Even after I graduated.


Then a voice is heard from behind.

It was Benatio.

“Are you here?”

“Yes. I investigated as you said… … It was as you expected. I tracked his movements over the past three days, and there was a situation where he called in a ‘problem solver’ and proceeded with planting the bomb.”


Benatio handed me the papers.

There were written down the results of the investigation into Mrs. Lautaro.

The very woman who planted the bomb.

To be exact, she conspired with Baron Keus, the husband of Professor Rowena, the mistress of her husband, Professor Riltarek, to plant the bomb.

It seemed that Mrs. Lautaro, who was less likely to be suspected, took the lead in this matter, under the pretext of not being suspected.

“He had his close butler contact the problem solver and plant the bomb through him.”

“Good catch.”

“thank you.”

I pretended not to notice Benatio’s strangely grumbling appearance and snickered.

Since it was helpful, I guess it would be polite to ignore his origins or affiliation in the future.

“By the way, you’re a problem solver?”

“I just found out about this for the ‘first time’, but it’s not about assassins, it’s about an organization like that.”

A guy who insists on emphasizing the word ‘first’.

“Looking at them, they seemed like guys who would investigate anything and do anything if they were given money. They’re a little different from assassins.”

Those are interesting guys.

“So it seems like they got the job done by giving them a considerable amount of gold and even some kind of material. As you know, infiltrating the Academy and planting explosives is a whole other matter.”

And at that moment, the Academy deliveryman happened to come to see me.

“Dane Sogres? This is a special delivery.”

After giving him a silver coin as a tip and opening the package, I found a report along with evidence inside.

[To the client]

The title was like that, and the content inside was an investigation into Baron Keus.

The content was not much different from Mrs. Lautaro.

As Benatio said, it contains the fact that the two each sent their agents to make contact.

The only slight difference is that the explosives were purchased by Baron Keus.

“The route for purchasing explosives is also shown.”

Benatio, who was looking over the documents with me, looked a little surprised.

“This… doesn’t seem like something that was obtained within the empire?”

“Looking at the route, it’s a foreign country.”


“Smuggling site.”

Things seem to be getting a bit bigger,


Indeed, for items subject to strict imperial control, such as explosives, smuggling might be slightly better than internal procurement.

But if you get caught, it can cause bigger problems.

In that sense, it seems like the livers are really big, whether it’s Mrs. Lautaro or Baron Keus.

I wonder what love and revenge are.

“Let’s think about this issue a little later.”

First of all, how they obtained the explosives is a problem for later.

Let’s summarize.

Professor Liltarek.

Professor Rowena.

These two are in a honeymoon relationship.


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But the two spouses each noticed and, in some way or another, came into contact with each other.

In the process, a ‘murder’ was simulated.

The motive could be revenge, or it could be the return of both of them when they die.

“And the problem solver was Madame Lautaro, and the explosives that the problem solver was to install were prepared by Baron Keus.”

It’s so ridiculous, I prepared so well, but for some reason, only Ammon was seriously injured.

The actual targets of the bombing, Professor Riltarek and Professor Rowena, only suffered minor injuries.

It’s fortunate that no one died, but how would the two criminal accomplices feel when they hear this news?

“First of all, it’s clear that Killian isn’t the culprit.”

But one thing is certain.

Killian is not the culprit.

If you think about it, this is something that has nothing to do with this terrorist incident and should be treated as a separate matter.

Fortunately, Killian’s suicide was prevented and no one has died yet.

Here, it’s time for the things that have been going on thanks to Killian to start to blow up.

-Today’s special report has been issued.

Communication from a crystal ball flying in with perfect timing.

This is Griffin from the Academy Daily.

This is the result of calling in a person who was running around here and there trying to find a scoop and relaying the truth about a prestigious professor.

There was no mention of an affair.

That’s something that will naturally come up the moment the matter of the parties involved, that is, Madame Lautaro and Baron Keus, is revealed.

-The response is very hot. It’s not even a riot. I think the Academy will be turned upside down.

“great job.”

-Thank you for your hard work. Thanks to you, our Academy Daily has also been able to take a breather. The director will probably be quiet for a while, too.

Didn’t that director say that he would never accept external sponsorship or advertising, even if he died?

Anyway, this broke the news.

Professor Riltarek will be investigated for this.

Even if you try to avoid it, nothing will change.

Because if the truth about the affair is revealed later, it will be ethically difficult for him to continue his teaching career.

“Will this guy Killian and your older sister’s final decision be concluded well?”

“There will probably be a retrial, but I don’t think it will be as unfair as before.”

Okay, now it’s time to move on to the next thing.

“Where is the problem solver?”

“I figured it out.”

“Let’s go catch it.”

Those guys who will do anything for money.

We’ve already met several times in past lives.

A representative example was the guys who lived like that, committed a crime, and were dragged to the battlefield.

This time the story is a bit different in that the opponent is an organization, but that doesn’t matter.

We already know of an organization that is even worse than that.

“Will it be okay?”

“What else is not okay?”

I tried to reassure Benatio, who seemed worried, and the response I got was impressive.

“No. Those guys. I don’t think they’ll be okay.”

Benatio clicked his tongue.

“It doesn’t seem like he’ll cooperate right away, but how many times do you think I have to hit him before he comes to his senses and tells you everything?”


It would be boring if I just told you everything, so I think that might be fun in its own way.

“Would the two of us be okay?”

Actually, I’m enough alone.

But if you’re going to do it, it’s more fun if you do it in groups of two or three.

“Need more?”

“No. Let’s go, senior.”

I looked at the Benatao guy leading the way and chuckled.

* * *

There was a man.

A man with a shabby appearance, incomprehensible tattoos on his body, and rotten, black teeth.

Because of his appearance, people who met him for the first time naturally avoided him, and on the other hand, people who already knew him avoided him even more.

“That guy, he hasn’t been seen for a while, and now he’s back.”

“Shh. Listen. Let’s be quiet and go. If you overhear, there’ll be trouble. You know that guy? The guy that cussed out Dave was found in a back alley with all his bones broken.”

“That makes him even more of a bastard. Hey.”

“If there is no evidence, can’t the Capital Guard arrest him?”

There was a rumor going around.

You shouldn’t go against that man’s feelings, the man who is called by various nicknames like ‘son of a bitch’, ‘son of a bitch’, and ‘scum’.

A man never touches anyone in front of others.

Always, just leaving a warning behind.

And when the night passed and the day broke, the person who had been warned was always found half dead.

Or die.

That’s how men were.

It would have been less scary if this had been a slum, since those who have no tomorrow have relatively little to lose.

But this place, where men live, is a street better off than the slums, but worse off than the aristocrats.

For those who have a lot to lose, men are the real terror of these streets.

Even the fear of disappearing somewhere for a while and then returning again.

“What kind of guy is he? Is he a mercenary or something?”

This theory was popular, but no one knew about it and no one looked into it.

Because I was afraid of men.

And now that the man has returned, the street that runs north of the capital is deserted.

Except for one back alley.

“Oh, don’t come here! Damn it! You son of a bitch!”

“If you rob a house while the owner is away, you deserve to be punished.”

“Hey, this monster!”

back street.

To be exact, it’s a back alley with several corpses lying around.

The walls were splattered with flesh and blood, and only two people were standing in a standoff.

It was nice to have a fight, but one of them was being pushed into a dead end wall.

And the man’s whole body was covered in blood as he approached the terrified person.

Not your own, but someone else’s.

“If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the request… … .”

“That’s strange. I was just coming back after completing a request.”

The man clenched and unclenched his fists, smirking and curling the corners of his mouth.

Black, rotten teeth visible between the lips.

The sight of it set against the backdrop of a dark back alley was truly bizarre.


The man who had approached in an instant snapped the neck of the last man who had been swearing and searched his arms.

All that came out were a few silver coins.

The man, having confirmed that there was nothing left, threw the body away.

Corpses and blood filled the alley.

The man clicked his tongue.

“I guess I’ll have to stay here for a while.”

After taking care of the problem as a problem solver, it was a place where I could rest for a while.

This is how it is.

Isn’t this crossing the line to be dealt with appropriately?

“Then why did you rob the house while I was away?”

I’ve broken into other people’s houses dozens of times because of requests, but this is the first time my house has been robbed.

Anyway, for that reason, I killed them all, and since there’s no way to dispose of all these corpses cleanly, I guess I’ll have to go into hiding for the time being.

“I should talk to the organization too.”

The man took off his outer clothing and threw it away. He then took off the outer clothing of the one that looked relatively intact among the corpses and put it over his body.

After that, I washed my face and hands roughly with the water from the water bottle I was carrying and left the alley.

Problem solver.

He is one of the most skilled people in their group who will do anything for money, and he is now heading to his home.

‘I guess I just need to bring some money and documents.’

And when I got home, before I opened the door, I habitually checked for signs of a break-in.

Not this time.

I guess that’s to be expected.

But, that was when I opened the door and went in.

“… … Damn, did you get sick today?”

The man noticed two people looking at him.

This is the second intrusion today.


The man asked, cracking his fist.

“How do you want to die?”

But the answer I got back was a bit strange.

“I heard that if you give them money, they’ll do anything.”

It was a strangely youthful voice.

“Just do one thing with me.”


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