Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 432

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Chapter 432: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

317. The Tragedy of the Final Judgment (1)

The first week of the new semester, when orientation is usually held, goes by in a flash.

And for me, as has been the case throughout previous semesters, a lot was happening during that first week.

“Dane, you got caught again?”

“Yeah. He said he’d give me good grades so why don’t we study together?”


“I refused.”


Jenna nodded, saying she knew it after attending the same liberal arts lecture today.

“Why, what kind of research was it?”

“Studying the history of war. Are you talking about ancient times?”

“It’s so relevant to this lecture.”

“Yeah. I guess I looked like I’d be interested in military history.”

For your information, this liberal arts lecture is taught by a professor from the Military Science Department.

It’s called liberal arts, but it’s a lecture that could be considered a semi-major lecture for the Department of Military Science.

“You’re the only one who answered the professor’s question today. Honestly, who answers that?”


The question was this:

Tell a real-life example of how you would fight against an enemy more than twice your size on a given terrain with a small number of troops.

So I mentioned a real-life case.

A case that I personally experienced.

By the way, it was a fairly large and famous battle that was included in the latest war manuals and books, and of course, I’m talking about it from Alteon’s perspective, not Draenic’s.

So, it’s an explanation from the perspective of the defeated army.

Because in my previous life, I participated in that battle and won.

“It’s amazing. How do you know so much about this? It’s a field that other people aren’t even interested in.”

“Yeah. It just so happened.”

Of course, in these cases it’s not always good to know.

There, Draenic also won after losing many troops as a defender.

Among those troops were my subordinates.

I buried them all with my own hands.

I wonder if the tombstone is still intact.

I’ll have to stop by there sometime next time I go to Draenic.

“Dane, what’s the next lecture?”

“I’m going to go to the nearby lecture hall and take a walk.”

“Aha. That’s my major in college. I’ll go that way.”

“Okay. Let’s meet in front of our club premises later.”

After parting ways with Jenna, I headed towards the Summoning Department lecture hall. That was the closest.

I felt hot stares as I walked, but I easily ignored them.

No, I was going to do that… … .

“Dane Sogres, Dane Sogres! Just one minute! Just give me one minute! So I can explain why you should support our camp!”

“No! Don’t listen to these guys! This guy is suspected of embezzlement during his time as president! Instead of explaining himself, he shamelessly keeps his mouth shut!”

“Where are you going! I can’t explain that right now, but I can tell you that there is absolutely no such thing!”

They get along well with each other.

A guy who wants to get my endorsement.

A guy who gets in the way of that guy.

Guys looking from the side, wondering if something might fall.

And there are guys who stand behind other guys and curse at them too.

I think my little sister did that once.

Don’t even step foot into politics.

Anyway, I used the assassin’s steps I learned from my mother, who was fighting with the guys, and escaped the scene safely.


In the midst of all this, I turned my head when I heard someone calling me and saw my little sister.

“Sister. Long time no see?”

“How did our youngest grow up so much? While I was watching him.”

My little sister hugged me and patted my head, regardless of whether others were watching or not.

“When it grows a little bigger, I’ll have to lift it up and pet it.”

“At that time, I will know to bend my knees.”

“Oh my, it’s pretty.”

By the way, it seems like it’s been a really long time since I’ve seen my little sister.

Unlike my older sister, who was able to come and go from the lab and research lab relatively freely, my younger sister was busy preparing her thesis and doing various other things.

“Are you feeling better now?”

“The only thing left is the final review of the thesis. That’s why I came out like this to take a breather.”

Final review of the paper.

I haven’t experienced it myself, but I don’t think my little sister’s slightly excited reaction is necessarily a good one.

You must have been really nervous.

“It’s already a new feeling. I also started my journey as a full-fledged summoner here. I’m doing this to look back.”

“I see. When will the results come out?”


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“The final examination is in progress right now… … Maybe in the next hour or two? Oh, it’s thanks to our youngest.”


“Yeah. This thesis. I was able to finish it thanks to the hints you gave me. And Karnas helped me out too.”

I tilted my head as I felt Karnas wriggling in my arms.

“is it?”

“Okay. Anyway, once the results come out, I have to feed Karnas something delicious. What does he like?”

“Hmm. Any meat?”

“I’ll buy you as much meat as you want.”

Anyway, there seemed to be a strange sense of liberation on the little sister’s face.

The evaluation results haven’t come out yet, but I’m finally taking a break after finally finishing the thesis I’ve been preparing for a long time.

I don’t think that will happen, but even if she does, it seems like Little Sister intends to enjoy this sense of liberation.

As if reading my thoughts, my little sister chuckled.

“It would be really, really unfortunate if I failed… … but there’s nothing I can do. I have no choice but to do it for another year. It’s okay. At least compared to Senior Killian.”


“Yes. Someone who has been eliminated in the final round for 6 years.”


I’ve been eliminated in the final round for 6 years now.

“In my opinion, it seems like it’s not because of the thesis, but because the professor doesn’t like it… … .”

“The professors are very powerful.”

“Yeah. A lot. That’s why I try not to bring up my family background as much as possible. It’s very likely that rumors will spread that I’m trying to take advantage of the professor’s authority behind the scenes. That’s just how it is around here.”

Of course, if we set our mind to it, there is nothing we cannot do to project our family’s influence, but it seems that what my little sister wants is not achievements through such power.

“You look really tired these days. It’s been 6 years, so that’s understandable… … You’ve lost a lot of weight… … .

The little sister muttered in a voice that seemed to contain real sincerity.

I made a suggestion while looking at that little sister.

“Let’s go and take a look.”

“Huh? Watching?”

“You’ll be contacted after the final hearing is over, right? In the meantime, instead of fidgeting and doing this, let’s just walk around and take a look.”

“… … That sounds good.”

A smile spread across the little sister’s face.

And this choice, while not too bad, caught some subtle attention.

“Look over there. That’s Dane, right? Who’s next to him?”

“Are you my lover?”

“No. Look carefully. The famous Summoning Department… … .”

“Ah! Claire Sogress!”

In this area, that is, around this lecture hall full of Summoning Department students, the younger sister is naturally a famous person.

They say he left behind many legendary anecdotes during his undergraduate days.

I didn’t find out what it was.

I thought it was something I shouldn’t know.

“Hey, I heard that Claire Sogress might be coming to our department as a professor.”

“Hey, no way. You’re that young?”

“You’re still young, and your thesis is just waiting for the final review. If it passes, isn’t that the end?”

“is it?”

During my walk, I heard so many whispers of envy, jealousy, and surprise from people around me that I just closed my ears.

Because we only have a little precious time left now.

“What do you want to do first after you pass your thesis?”

“Me? Hmm… … I think it would be nice to have a glass of wine that I haven’t had in a while, and I think it would be nice to pack my bags and travel around the continent.”

“Aren’t you going to your family home?”

“Of course I should go. I’ve been making excuses to avoid going. If I don’t go this time, won’t I get half-assassinated by my mother?”

I asked while I was at it.

“Then, don’t you plan on continuing the family line?”


A pretty important issue.

Regardless of what I do, it is also important to ask my sisters for their opinions.


My little sister looked at me with her eyes wide open.

My younger sister said that after passing her thesis, her dream is to stand at the podium of the Department of Solicitation.

So, is it possible to continue the family line?

Not right now, but maybe later?

“Umm… … .”

It was at that moment when my little sister was thinking for a moment and moving her lips.

Boom, bang, bang!

In an instant, a series of explosive sounds occurred.

That too, at the Academy.

I instinctively left the magic barrier and surrounded my little sister to check the situation.

I felt it right away, but it wasn’t an explosion that happened nearby.


“Pooh, it’s an explosion!”


“Is this terrorism?”

“Everyone, evacuate!”

In the chaos and disorder that followed the explosion, I identified the source of the explosion.

This is the research building.

Is this really terrorism?

Or is it just a simple accident since it is a research building?

I first released the deployed barrier.


I can’t see the little sister next to me.


When I turned my head, my little sister was running like crazy.

At that moment, I remembered that my little sister’s thesis was currently in the final review stage.

And, the final examination is currently underway in the research building.

Knock knock.

I kicked the ground.

* * *

While everyone was leaving the research building, there was someone who was running inside instead.

It’s me and my little sister.

Even before I reached the research building, I could see why my little sister was running like crazy.

“Take these stairs instead of the elevator!”

The explosion occurred on the 6th floor.

And, the office where the final examination is in progress is also on the 6th floor.

Even while running up, I looked at the information board on the 6th floor and saw that there were only offices gathered there, not laboratories or research labs.

So why did the explosion occur?


Or terrorism?

Arrived at the 6th floor amidst questions.


I stood in front of my sister and put up a magic barrier.

Otherwise, it seemed like black smoke would cover both of us at any moment.

The source of the smoke is in the central west corner of the research building.

“Is that right?”

“… … .”

It seems like the final decision was made there.

My little sister’s expression is not good.

I cast a water-based magic that I don’t normally use.

And as soon as I arrived in front of the laboratory, which was the source of the fire, I sprinkled as much as I could to put out the fire-


“Ugh… … .”

I helped my little sister get up the people who had fallen inside and checked their injuries.

It’s pretty serious.

Everyone woke up unconscious from the aftermath of the explosion, and there were quite a few burns and shrapnel wounds visible.

“What about the Academy Emergency Rescue Team?”

“I called you on my way here. You’ll be here.”

For now, the fire has been put out, and now white smoke is rising instead of black smoke, making a hissing sound.

Looking inside, it is an ordinary office.

All you can see on the small round table is a piece of paper.

There is absolutely no visible dangerous or potentially hazardous object or furniture.

Unless the explosion happened naturally… … .

“Professor, are you okay? What the heck is this… … .”

“I, I don’t know. I was discussing the final review of my thesis, and I was taking a break after finishing one. Over there, there was an explosion from the bookshelf… .”

When I went straight to the bookshelf, I saw a part that was particularly black and deeply sunken.

No matter how you look at it, it’s not a place where an explosion would normally occur.

Will there be an explosion between the books?

No way.

That means… … .


That’s all there is to it.

So the question remains: why?


That might actually be easier.

I approached the only conscious one among the professors and asked him.

“Whose final thesis was it?”

“Huh? It was Killian’s.”

I had a feeling it wouldn’t happen.

Why do I remember what I heard from my little sister earlier?

This is the story of a senior who has not been able to pass the final review of his thesis for 6 years because he is disliked by his professor.

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