Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 422

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Chapter 422: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

311. This is assassination (2)

The chase began near the capital, near a small river.

It was a place that had dried up due to a long drought and the construction of a nearby dam, and it is said that all traces of Brant have disappeared from this area.

“It’s not a very impressive place.”

The smell is terrible, perhaps because it has been dried out for a long time. Not only does it smell like rotting fish, but it is also full of wastewater and garbage that has been dumped here.

Paradoxically, it is a good place to hide traces.

“Even the most rotten of beggars will be able to erase their traces here.”

That’s what my mother said.

If you want to erase your traces, the most effective way is to go into the filter bin and come out.

At least you can erase your own unique body odor exactly.

It was a bit overwhelming to have to start tracking from here, but Ernest was different.

I think I investigated for about 30 minutes.

Ernest discovered a series of traces.

“There are traces of people staying here.”

“Traces of human presence?”

“Yes, if you look here… … there are traces of footprints that seem to have been intentionally hidden. Judging by the depth, it’s about ninety? Ten days?”

Thanks to that, Deckers looked at Ernest with bewildered eyes.

“You see that? How do you know?”

“How could you not know?”

Was that guy Ernest always so confident?

Anyway, unless the situation requires magical power detection, there is no one who is as good at tracking as Ernest.

They say that every family has a secret weapon. Is that true?

“Usually, the footprints last for two or three days, depending on the weather and season. But this place is dry, and fortunately, no one has been around here, so the traces have remained for a long time.”

Well, Ernest added his own reasonable explanation, but from the perspective of an onlooker, that’s it.

“How can it look… … ?”

It’s something that even an assassin who’s learning tracking would be surprised by.

Thanks to that, Dekus still has his doubts. Perhaps it’s because he wonders if those words are just empty boasts.

“Wait, how do you know that’s Brandt’s mark? Couldn’t it be someone else?”

“It matches the information the two gentlemen gave me. You said you lost it here ten days ago in Ahre, right?”

Ernest tilted his head and continued speaking.

“And no matter how you look at it, this is a piece of ore used to erase traces.”

Ernest showed me the black powder on his hand.

It looks like it would be completely normal for it to be made of sand or dirt.

“If it were normal, there would be no reason to sprinkle this kind of powder on the place you were staying, right?”

“… … .”

In fact, this may be the reason why the two are silent.

If it’s mixed with dirt, it’s impossible to tell the difference, so how did they differentiate it?

That’s exactly why I use that powder.

That it is difficult to distinguish.

It’s hard to tell if something is written or not.

“The footsteps lead this way. It looks like they didn’t ride a horse on purpose.”

We followed Ernest silently for a while, and when we got out of the river, Ernest stopped for a moment.

“Why is that?”

“The traces end here. It seems like they erased it intentionally.”

“Then you can’t find it?”

“No. If you erase something intentionally, it leaves a trace.”

Of course, assassins are not stupid.

The intentional erasure must have been thorough.

However, Ernest’s talent goes beyond that level.


Ernest took some powder out of his bosom and sprinkled it on, then nodded as if confirming something.

“This way.”

“How did you do it?”

“It’s a family secret.”

Now the runes also reacted.

“This guy… … isn’t he just going to point out whatever he can?”

Although Dekus didn’t really answer, it seemed like he had about half the same question.

I shrugged my shoulders at those two.

“Let’s go for now.”

So we followed Ernest, and finally found a mark clear enough to be seen with the naked eye.

These are horse hoof marks.

“From here on out, we rode horses.”

Traces of people can be erased, but traces of a horse running are difficult to erase.

It is something that cannot be erased as the horse takes each step.

“Oh, really?”

Only then did Dekus seem to believe it.

The same goes for runes.


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“Wow. How on earth did you… … .”

Since the family itself is crazy about exploration, it’s not really surprising to Nana or Ernest.

However, there was no time to be surprised for long.

“This is a mess.”

Deckers examined the traces and touched his forehead.

The same goes for runes.

“There were more guys with him.”

When I heard what he said, it was like this.

“We confirmed three. But judging from the traces here, it appears to be… … at least five horses.”

“Could it be carrying supplies?”

“If I had, I would have dug deeper. Look. The depth of the pier is similar.”

That there were more assassins who sympathized.

“Those damn guys. It must be you.”

“It must have been a big deal for us to be away.”

“It was an inevitable choice for us.”

Deckers sighed and shook his head.

“This is not the time to blame yourself. You have to chase after it quickly, even now. Now that you know the direction, it’s only a matter of time.”

He got up, looked around, and spoke with a determined expression.

“Master Dane, you need to be careful from now on. It could be dangerous. I think it would be best to send your friend back.”

I know what that means.

Because assassins really take your life and disappear in an instant.

But I shook my head.

“I will protect myself.”

“… … Please make sure I don’t get scolded by my senior later.”

I chuckled at the look of secret fear he showed when mentioning his mother.

“You don’t have to worry.”

“Then we’ll wait for the assembled members to arrive and then pursue them. Now that we know the direction, it shouldn’t take long.”

It’s tracking.

Next, I need to find a guy named Brandt, have a fight with him, and then bring him the Ancient Assassin’s Blade?


Suddenly, that thought occurs to me.

“Mr. Deckers.”

“Yes, your highness.”

“I don’t know that guy Brant very well, but I think he would likely attack first, at least in a situation like this.”

“… … .”

This is exactly the idea.

A man named Brant was so ambitious that he stole the Ancient Assassin’s Blade and ran away.

Would such a person really just wait?

It’s obvious that this side has the upper hand.

“It’s not a complete item unless you have all the fragments of the assassin’s blade anyway.”

“Yes. So the justification is on our side. They stole it, and we are the ones who were robbed.”

“So shouldn’t we move more?”

At my words, Dekus looked at me for a moment.

I guess you’re listening to what I have to say.

“If I were in that situation, at least I wouldn’t let this situation drag on for too long.”

If you think positively, you’ll think that the cause is here and that you have the power, so you just have to track them down and find them.

But well.

A well is always dug by the thirsty.

Brant was unable to completely secure the important symbol of the Primal Assassin’s Blade because one of the fragments was missing.

He is truly thirsty.

Would a person like that really just sit back and watch this situation unfold?

“Uncle Decker, do you think that assassin named Brandt would be aware of the movements of these two people?”

“Maybe so. So there is also the purpose of causing confusion.”

It seems like this plan was flawed from the start.

Of course, our tracking itself is a good thing.

Because we can understand the intention and direction of this side.

But you shouldn’t chase it for too long.

To be precise, it only shows the ‘intention’ to track… … .

“We’ll keep tracking, though.”


“It’s about drawing them in.”

It’s time to wait.

I hope they come rushing in.

There is no need to give the impression that you have already started the chase and are just preparing for it.

“Is this what you mean by a stab in the back?”

“It’s a kind of deception.”

“Deception… … .”

Deckers agreed more easily than expected.


And then he burst out laughing as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Who would have thought that the assassins would seek help and even actively accept the opinions of the Academy students in recovering their most important item?”

That’s what I mean.

“I have my doubts too.”

“Why do you wonder?”

“Being an academy student, I experience things like this all the time.”

* * *

Hadil was hiding in the shadows, watching something not too far away.

“Brant, they’re moving.”

-Keep following. Are you following the path well?

“We are still trying to trace all the traces we left behind.”

-Didn’t you say that the two guys who joined were students from the academy? There’s no way they’d find any traces of us erasing them.

Hardildo tilted his head in confusion at Brandt’s question.

Dekus, Rune.

Both of them have excellent skills.

Assassins powerful enough to be considered second only to Brandt.

Even those assassins had erased their traces to make it difficult to track them down… … .

‘Did that guy named Dane Sogress receive any artifacts from him?’

He was a legendary assassin.

So it wouldn’t be entirely strange if they intervened.

“no way.”

-No, even if Senior intervened, we will continue as is. It is impossible for us to give up the assassination sword now because we are afraid of Senior.

“… … .”

Brant’s firm tone.

Is this what it feels like to walk on thin ice?

It feels like if you make even the slightest mistake, you’ll fall into the bottomless depths of water.

Now, those who sympathize with him, including Brandt, who ran away with the assassin’s blade, are like that.

Because everyone already knows that there is no justification.

– All we have to do is retrieve the fragments. From then on, our assassins will no longer have to live a passive life. We will set the rules of the world.

At Brandt’s words, Hardil turned around and looked at the surveillance team accompanying him.

If there’s any chance, I’ll rush in and deal with those four quickly.

-And leave Dane Sogress alive. You can kill the rest. If you do it well, it will become a card that even your senior can use.

Hadil stuck out his tongue inwardly.

Is it the ancient assassin’s sword that has driven people mad, or is there a value hidden there that they are unaware of?

How could you possibly touch the child of a retired assassin, and the child of a ‘senior’ at that?

But now that we’ve come this far, there’s nothing we can do.

“It moves.”

Hadil finally gave the order and gave instructions to the rest of the unit.

“Group 1 will tie up Dekus’s feet. Group 2 will take down Rune. Group 3 will move with me to deal with that boy over there and then subdue Dane Sogress.”

Everyone’s feet fell off as soon as the order was finished.

The preparation is perfect.

In Hadil’s mind, a scene was drawn where Dekus and Rune would soon fall, and then the two boys would be subdued and finally the fragments of the assassin’s blade would be found.


With the dagger drawn from his waist, Hadil finally emerged from the shadows.


The pupils of the subdued target gradually dilate.

But when I looked at myself, everything was already over… … .



It has to end-

Something is strange.

My hand is blocked and I can’t move it.

To be precise, a thin, invisible wall was created.

Between the neck of a boy he was just aiming for and his own dagger.

It wasn’t just him.

The same goes for all the members who rushed in at once.

So after you step back, you have to run away without looking back.

“… … !”

It’s blocked.

In front and behind.

And then the voice is heard.

“How on earth did you do that?”

This was Dekus’ voice.

“You really made the wall with magic power?”

This is the voice of the rune.

“See? Dane takes care of everything.”

And this is the voice of the boy he was aiming for.

Here’s the last one-

“Did you catch them all? I think there’s still one important one left.”

Senior’s son.

Dane Sogress’s voice pierced my ears.


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