Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 415

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Chapter 415: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

306. It’s getting eaten up

On the day of the competition.

Esteranza ‘disguised herself’ appropriately in preparation for any eventuality.

It’s not like he was wearing a mask or anything, he was just wearing a hat under the pretext of blocking out the sunlight.

It is no secret that he is currently based in the Southern Territory…

‘I just don’t think that Dane Sogres guy should know.’

Anyway, the important thing is to get some revenge on that Dane Sogres guy.

But for some reason, he didn’t want to reveal his identity before that.

Is it because of the last remaining face?

“Haha. I heard you’re a former academy professor. Please take good care of our players.”

At that moment, Baron Terix’s greetings from the participating players can be heard.

Esteranza shook their hands with a kind smile.

“I’m not very good at this, but since I was invited, I’ll do my best for the honor of Baron Terix.”

“Huh. Even though your magical power is limited, you should be able to do it if you’re a former professor!”

By the way, why does the title ‘former professor’ bother me?

I don’t know why, and I don’t think they meant to do that, but I really don’t like the way they smile all the time.

“I would appreciate it if you treated me as an equal participant today rather than referring to me as a former professor.”

“Haha, I didn’t know you could be this easygoing!”

Fortunately, it seemed to have gone well.

Anyway, looking at the situation, it seems like everyone from each territory has gathered and preparations for the stone throwing competition are almost complete.

The competition area is a large plain between the Count of Sogress and the Baron of Terix.

It’s a kind of natural competition venue with various obstacles installed here and there.

“It’s so big.”

There were hills and trees in the middle, so it seemed like there would be a variety of strategies available.

Esteranza is slightly more adept at swordsmanship than military strategy and tactics.

“By the way, I heard that Baron Terix always wins these stone-throwing competitions.”

“Well, that’s a bit much. We’ve won almost every tournament. Traditionally, Sogres focuses on the first and last tournaments, while we at Terix are strong in the second tournament.”

“You don’t care about the first and last competitions?”

“Rather than saying I don’t care… … I couldn’t keep up with Sogress in the third competition, so I really wanted to bring it this time for the first competition… … .”

The aftermath was exactly as Esteranza had expected.

“Why, isn’t there that boy who is already known throughout the Empire as a genius? He is said to be favored by His Majesty the Emperor. And because Young Master Dane Sogres suddenly stepped forward… … .”

Dane Sogres.

The one who ruined Baron Terix’s climb down the hill, where he was confident he would win this time.

“Honestly, there is still some back and forth, but what can we do? Cross-verification between the realms has already been completed and it has been confirmed that there was no wrongdoing.”


“Anyway, we absolutely have to win this time. Professor, I hope you can help us a lot.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll do as you tell me.”

Esteranza held the ball tightly.

Whatever it was, his goal was to get that Dane Sogress guy a kick in the butt.

“Hey, here they come.”

And finally, the Dane is visible.

Silver hair, which I don’t like.

“The Sogres guys will probably come out for some defensive and small-scale maneuvering.”

“You said it was a small-group mobile battle?”

“Yes. There’s no one on the other side who’s as good at throwing as we are, so a multi- or all-out maneuver would be impossible.”

Esteranza curled the corners of her mouth.

“Then, your highness, it must be the same.”

“Of course. Even if you have talent, throwing is not a problem that can be solved right away. You have to hone your senses countless times and throw until your shoulders break.”

In other words, consistent practice is more important than luck or occasional fortune.

In that sense, it didn’t seem likely that Dane would suddenly show up in action like he did in the first competition.

No, it has to be that way.

“All clan representatives, please gather here!”

Anyway, the competition was about to begin.

“Sogress! You came here to get hurt again!”

“This time, our Terix takes it again!”

“Everyone, stop wasting your time and abstain!”

With provocation.

However, there was a slight problem… … .

“We now have a former Academy professor! I’ll make sure you drop out before you even know it!”

The point is that Esteranza made a remark that she had never expected to make –


“What are you talking about over there?”

“Why is a former professor here?”

It made some people on the Sogres side tilt their heads.

But that only lasts for a moment.

Dane opened his mouth, looking at everyone without even paying attention.

“We stick to our own strategy. The moment it starts, we split up and run to either side.”


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A situation where everyone believes without a doubt that Terix will win.

But for some reason, Dane was full of confidence.

As if he was sure of victory.

‘Is there such a thing as a f*cking case?’

Because of this, Esteranza’s irritation increased.

I was even wearing a hat!


But it’s okay anyway.

Since it’s come to this, I’m just going for that guy’s head.

If someone were to look inside this, they would think that I am acting so petty, like a former professor… … .

If it weren’t for that Dane guy, I wouldn’t have ended up in this southern corner.

Esteranza was the only one who believed so firmly.

“Let the game begin!”

And with a shout and a pop of firecrackers in the air, the game finally began.

At the same time, participants from the Sogress camp disperse.


Terix tilted his head.

Always, when it starts, instead of moving right away, I would hide behind an obstacle and watch the situation.

“They split into two and scatter.”

The Sogres camp splits in two.

The number is exactly half.

What are you trying to do?

If you don’t have a good thrower, you’re going to lose if you go for mobile warfare.

“For the time being, all the other families are keeping their positions.”

“Hmm. Let’s just hold them in check for now.”

The balls start flying like that.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Terix said he threw it lightly, but from the perspective of an observer, the speed and accuracy were no joke.

Boom, boom!

“Wow, this is no joke.”

“Let’s move slowly and take cover while moving past the obstacles. It’s your order, young lord.”

And the Sogres camp, which was under restraint, was surprisingly calm.

“Aren’t we really going to fight back?”

“You told me to wait. You told me to throw it so that it wouldn’t seem strange.”

“Well, I’m not sure if this is right.”

“What can we do if they want to win? We have to play along.”

Until now, the participants on the side of Count Sogres only understood these strategies as Dane’s greed.

“You said that the restraints would definitely get stronger. Let’s wait.”

But after a while.

The balls really started flying in nonstop.

“Haha, are you scared? You idiots, just give up and come out!”

“Just stick your head out! I’ll harpoon you!”

As if to show off its power and accuracy, the ball was flying nonstop towards the obstacles.

As if even if there are only a few balls left, you guys can just stick your head out and hit them.

Thanks to this, the Sogress camp, which had naturally taken cover, could not raise their heads.


The Dane side was a little different.


Esteranza doubted her eyes for a moment.

Over there, not far away.

Silver hair was visible.

It was Dane Sogres.

That one is also coming out alone.

“this guy.”

Esteranza shouted.

“There it is, there it is!”

And everyone’s gaze returns.

Everyone saw it.

Dane Sogress, the only one to emerge from cover.

* * *

“Dane, are you sure things are going well?”

Thud, thud!

The ball was still flying, but I was leisurely observing the situation.

“As long as we don’t counterattack too aggressively. Since our accuracy is relatively low, we have to wait for a single opportunity. You all know what I mean, right?”

Everyone nodded to what I said.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

I nodded slightly at the old man’s question.

“Yes. Just hold on tight.”

“If you get hit, it’s over.”

An anxious Mr. Aekneck.

I pointed to the calm expressions of Ernest and Althur at that old man.

“Look, they don’t have any worries.”

“… … .”

I don’t know if it’s because there aren’t many, but these guys have never had any worries up until now in this competition.

“Okay… Okay. Okay. Okay, it was a competition where I would have been eliminated anyway.”

“Do not worry.”

I checked my share of the ball numbers, leaving only that one word behind.


There are ten opponents.

The quantity is overflowing.

“Okay, I’ll go.”

Knock knock.

The moment I left the cover, I felt countless eyes on me.

Not only Baron Terix, but also contestants from other families were looking this way.

Yeah, you might think I’m crazy.

He came out alone and wandered around like that.

But I didn’t come out without a plan and left it to luck.

Feeling sorry.

And sense.

That which is imprinted on my body and does not disappear even if I limit my magic power.


So, I came out believing in this amazing sense that roughly tells me the direction and speed of the ball flying towards me.


The feeling of a ball brushing past your ear.

They say that Baron Terix has a special talent for throwing balls, and that’s certainly true.

But this is enough to avoid.

Of course, avoiding one doesn’t mean avoiding all.

Shh, shhh!

A dozen or so balls flying in an instant.

Rather than foolishly avoiding all of that, I chose to jump to cover on the other side.

Thud, thud!

The balls just barely made it to the cover I was hiding in.

This has definitely caught people’s attention.

The plan from now on is this.

While I continue to attract attention, the rest move in two directions to take up the rear.

And then there’s the beggar who attacks me from three directions.

I heard that Terix’s side has never been on the defensive even once so far.

As we have superior contestants, we have only deployed attack tactics that match them.

The key is to take advantage of that arrogant mentality and create a defensive atmosphere.

This time it will be different.


I stuck my head out for a moment, still holding the ball.

In that split second, a dozen or so balls flew in, but there was enough time to examine them.

Rather than hiding, the Terix side participants exposed their bodies openly.

Is it an expression of confidence or arrogance?

Well, you’ll know when you see it.

I aimed for the one at the very front, the one who was throwing the ball most enthusiastically –


The moment the ball’s baptism stopped for a moment, he got up and threw the ball.

And the ball that flew through the air hit the man without him knowing, sending a bang! explosion of shining powder.

“… … .”

“… … .”

The surroundings become surprisingly quiet.


It’s sinking in.

I picked up a new ball, curling the corners of my lips.


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