Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 408

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Chapter 408: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

301. Fifth Power Concentration (2)

Mukhtar was startled by the priest’s words.

“Looks like those kids got what they wanted.”

“Can you feel it?”

“The flow has disappeared, the pulsation has stopped.”

Mukhtar was taken aback by those words.

“That sounds really dangerous. Doesn’t it feel like life has stopped?”

“Huh. Whatever the expression, it’s a good thing. I can finally sleep comfortably.”

“So, have you been losing sleep over the past days?”

“It makes a lot of noise underground every day, so wouldn’t it be like that? What a comfortable guy. Tsk tsk.”

Mukhtar shrugged his shoulders at the priest’s rebuke.

“Well, I don’t have as much ability as you, priest.”

“If you can’t even speak, hey.”

Mukhtar asked the priest, who clicked his tongue.

“By the way, did those guys find any traces of the old kingdom?”

“That must be true. I don’t know for sure, but something must have happened there. That must be why this desert has been so quiet for the first time in a long time.”

The desert is always quiet.

Except when a sandstorm comes.

The priest looks different after all.

“Our scouts will probably be passing by that area anyway.”

“Someone is coming.”


“Judging by his gait, he looks like Eomet.”

It was at that moment that Mukhtar turned his head.

“Chief, it’s a miracle! It’s a miracle!”

The priest’s tent opened hastily and a sweaty desert warrior rushed in.

As he was in front of the priest, he had no time to retort and the words continued in an urgent manner.

“Something ridiculous has happened!”

“Take a breath and speak more clearly. Is there anyone dead?”

“Oh, no.”

“Anyone injured?”

“doesn’t exist!”

“Then let me take a sip to moisten my throat.”

Surprisingly, what Mukhtar offered was the ‘Mysterious Spring’.

A treasure of the Smar people, where clean water slowly but steadily rises.

He readily gave up the treasure that only the chieftain possessed.

Because of this, the desert warrior, Eomet, was so embarrassed that he started to stutter again.

“This, this is.”

“Drink. It’s going to be cold anyway.”

“This, this blessing… … How could I dare… … .”

“If you don’t drink, I will.”

“Please, please! I will drink!”

Gulp, gulp.

A loud swaying sound.

“Whew. Oh my gosh. That’s the best water I’ve ever had.”

“Report back when you’re done watching.”

“Yes, yes. For now, the other warriors are out there investigating, and I’m the only one who came back in a hurry. Everyone was shocked and fell over, saying it was their first time seeing anything like this.”

“What on earth is this phenomenon? A strange phenomenon?”

“Yes that’s right.”

Eomet shook his head as if he still couldn’t believe it, then opened his mouth with a determined expression.

“The desert… … was split in two.”

On the desert sand.

It was a moment when history was created out of nowhere.

* * *

We left the desert and finally arrived in Pecs.

Nothing special happened along the way.

Several monsters, including Tetzeldug, attacked, but were easily repelled, and a monster I had never seen before, nicknamed the ‘Desert Leopard’, was also dealt with.

Thanks to this, we also ended up transporting the byproducts of monsters that were considered quite precious in Pecs.

“Almost ninety? Are you going back in ten days?”

“That’s right. The adventure ended sooner than I thought.”

“It’s a shame. But maybe it’s because the scale is a bit bigger this time. I want to go back and rest.”

“That’s right, teachers. I think we should take this vacation and enjoy it.”

“Dorian, you have to train.”


Anyway, I was also happy to see Pecs.

Even though I don’t really care about my surroundings, I still prefer the city to the desert.

What should I say about the endless expanse of sand? It really makes people bored.


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“Let’s stay a night in Pecs and then leave. I contacted them and they said it would take about a day for the platform to be activated.”

Everyone agreed with my proposal.

“Good. While I’m at it, I’ll buy something delicious to eat.”

“Priscilla, are you going to the temple again?”

“No. My divine powers are off today. I need to rest too.”

Everyone seems excited about getting some rest for the first time in a long time.

I too should go out and look for some delicious desserts from Pecs.

Now that the sandstorm has passed and the city is slowly returning to normal, I wonder what it will look like.

“Oh my goodness. Aren’t you and your party, Lord Dane Sogres?”

In the midst of all this, we received a warm welcome from the entrance.

The guards recognize us?

“Captain Lancel, who is acting as mayor, has given me a portrait and a description. When you return, be sure to let him know and treat him with the utmost respect from the entrance!”


I was just thinking of taking a quiet break, enjoying myself, and then going back.

As expected, adventures don’t always go as planned.

“Okay, I understand. Please guide me.”

Since it has come to this, I think I will rest at the lodging near the official residence where I stayed for a while and look around the area.

Anyway, we wanted to go inside right away to be greeted by the guards… … .

“Please wait a moment! The parade will be ready soon!”

What’s ready?

We had no time to stop them or run away.


The gate we entered through was open.

What I originally imagined was a slightly more lively street in Pecs.

A sight where merchants are lively selling goods and food, and people are walking down the street with smiling faces.


“There you are, there you are!”

Instead of that kind of street, what we saw was a street full of people.

To be exact, it seemed like all those people were waiting for us.

“They are heroes!”

“Heroes of Pecs!”

Scattered flower petals.

Am embarrassed.

But what’s more disconcerting is that this situation seems as if it had been prepared for.

We were speechless as we looked at the path between the crowds on both sides… … .

We were even more speechless when the carriage approached us.

“… … Are we some kind of improvement group?”

“No, why are we doing this… … .”

“Wouldn’t it be okay to just rest quietly and leave… … ?”

What the heck is this?

The carriage was decorated with flowers, gold, and all sorts of things-

“Now you have arrived, heroes of the desert!”

Next to him was a man who seemed to be the culprit behind all this.


“Haha. I prepared this in advance for when you come back. What do you think?”

“Uh, that’s… … .”

“Come on, don’t be like this. Get in the carriage quickly! We’ll be going to City Hall like this!”

Until the city hall?

driving me crazy.

We ended up getting into the carriage without any time to do anything.

That too, divided into two generations.

I couldn’t bring myself to say that I couldn’t do it.

I don’t think I can stand seeing so many people disappointed.

If there’s anything worth seeing-

“The cushions are soft.”

The inside of the carriage was quite luxurious.

“Isn’t that the original market that the nobleman uses?”

“Oh, you were locked up in that prison?”

Leila and Priscilla came up with some pretty reasonable guesses.

It’s not that Pecs is an uninhabitable city, but this is a luxury comparable to a carriage fit for an emperor.

However, I didn’t have time to appreciate it for long.

Because the carriage was moving.

What’s the problem?

This carriage has no windows.

“Hero of Pecs! Thank you!”

“The hero who stopped the sandstorm!”

“Dane Sogres! Leila Termion!”

Because of that, I made eye contact with everyone passing by outside the window, and of all people, the carriage was going incredibly slow.

“Please accept it, heroes!”

Thanks to this, our carriage began to fill up with gifts that citizens gave us one by one.

Fruits, desserts, bouquets and even jewels.

“What am I going to do with all this?”

“I know.”

On the one hand, I felt pretty good.

The expressions on the faces of the people outside the carriage were filled with genuine joy.

It’s really a happy thing for them, and it makes us look like heroes.

So what can we do?

“Let’s wave our hands.”


“That seems right.”

I stuck my head out the window and waved.

But anyway, for the sake of the people who gathered for us.

* * *

Anyway, after such a long, long parade, we arrived at the mayor’s residence.

When we got off the carriage, we were shocked to see the pile of presents inside, along with the presents that Lancel had brought in on a separate cart.

“All of this is a gift for you.”

“I appreciate your kind words, but if I were to receive that much, I would feel like my subspace would burst. So please return it or use it for Pecs.”

There is too much.

To the point where I really wonder how I’m going to do all this.

“If you say so… … .”

“Oh, wait a minute.”

But, you still have to take care of this.

“The dessert looks delicious.”

“Haha. Pecs’ desserts are incredibly sweet and delicious.”

It’s so sweet that it makes your teeth melt.

Thanks to that, it boasts a great compatibility when eaten with milk.

Anyway, thanks to that, I guess I’ll be busy eating desserts other than tarts for a while.

“Then let’s take a rest now.”

So we finally arrived at the official residence, unpacked our bags in our room, and laid down for the first time in a while.

Some people ran to the bathroom saying they needed to shower right away, and I was able to join them and soak in the hot water for a long time for the first time in a long time.


By the way, the bathroom is also very luxurious.

They originally said that the market was a place for the sole use of the owner, but there was only me in a space that could accommodate dozens of people.

Judging by the constant steam and good water quality, this facility appears to be an incredibly luxurious one in Pecs.

It seems like the former mayor who was imprisoned committed quite a few crimes.

“It’s good, it’s good.”

Money is good, right?

There are also bathhouses like this.

By the way, this bathhouse was originally a facility that originated from Drenique.

Perhaps because Pex is located quite far from the capital, it seems like they built it without much thought.

As far as I know, even the wealthy aristocrats of the capital these days can’t build bathhouses.

The reason is simple: it is a Dranek artifact.

What is the emperor thinking?

“Karnas, are you okay?”


In the midst of all this, Karnas looked like something that would have startled any wizards.

Because the dragon was enjoying a bath.

As if that wasn’t enough, he was also splashing and swimming.

I wonder if it’s possible that the body is a dragon with a human inside.

“Creak! Creak!”

The guy also showed off a trick where he would hold water in his mouth and then spit it out forward as if he was shooting fireworks.

You’re so excited, man.

I looked at Karnas, smiled broadly, and closed my eyes.

Now that I’m back in the capital from Pecs, I’m thinking of going south for the first time in a while and staying at my hometown.

I haven’t been home for quite some time, but I’m sure my father and mother are waiting for me.

He had been asking me not to come down since it was already vacation time.

Since my sisters won’t go, I guess I’ll have to go too.

How long has it been since I last soaked in such warm water?

Yeah, yeah.

The communication bell rang.

-Dane? Are you listening?

It’s Leila’s voice.

I tilted my head to see what was going on and opened the connection –

“what’s the matter?”

-Uh… … I think I should finish this up quickly and come out.

I heard something I never expected.

-The Count and Countess have arrived.

Sai Leila added, momentarily dazed.

-Your parents are here! Here at Pecs!


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