Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 405

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Chapter 405: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

299. What are you doing?

As soon as we entered, we were greeted by a sight different from any house we had seen before.

“This isn’t a magic stone, is it?”

“I guess. It doesn’t look like a ‘stone’.”

“Teachers, it’s empty inside here.”

First of all, it was empty.

In other places, it was as if people really lived there, with all kinds of furniture and fixtures placed there.

However, there was one thing that was different.

“This… is floating?”

Althur is in the center of the house.

I looked around in front of the round green sphere.

There must be some device to make it rich, but I don’t see anything like it.

So then the sphere is floating on its own… … .

“Wait a minute, if I touch that, won’t this whole town collapse?”

At that moment, everyone froze at the words Leila spoke.

“Is that so…?”

“Think about it. Right? It doesn’t make sense that this village is still standing under the desert. We searched the entire village to find this, so isn’t this what’s making it so?”

It’s a reasonable guess.

So it is not easy to touch.

Now, even if you notice that it is an ancient magical power concentration.

[Dane Sogress. No doubt. A quality that matches the power he possesses.]

“I know. Actually, I sensed it from outside.”

I guess… … .

I think I know the secret.

This village was teleported into the desert.

This village is holding on with an ancient magical power concentration as its core.

This village seems to exist for the ancient magical power concentration.

[You’re not thinking of giving up and leaving, are you?]

Of course I don’t think so.

If you get this, it’s the fifth ancient magic agglomerate.

I’m not sure how many there are left, but I doubt there will be dozens or hundreds of them to the point where you can leave what’s right in front of you.

“But this… … if Dane absorbs it, won’t the village collapse?”

It was a mini golem that answered Ernest’s question.

[It certainly will. But with a little more effort, it won’t happen.]

Some action.

This time I asked.

“Explain in detail.”

[Fortunately, the magical rearrangement structure applied to this magical concentration exists in my data.]

I understood what you meant right away.

“I’ll replicate that magic exactly, that’s what I’m saying.”

[Yes, but for that to happen, there is one condition: your magic power.]

Mini Golem added.

[I’m sorry to say this, but it would be impossible even if everyone except Dane Sogress combined their magical powers.]

“No, why are you saying sorry?”

“I don’t really get hurt. I’m Dane. I guess I deserve it.”

“How many are there… … ?”

“Altur, you don’t know. No, you’re a wizard, so don’t you know better?”

Anyway, it’s fortunate that there is a way.

But something is a bit strange.

I asked the mini golem.

“Didn’t you feel anything else?”

[What else? What do you mean? There is only one magic.]

“I don’t think so.”

A very ingenious arrangement of magical powers is felt as you approach the magical power concentration.

Among the magic that the mini golem had just spoken, there was another magic hidden.

“Based on the arrangement… … it seems like it’s on the summoning side. Is that right?”

[That’s right. So cleverly… … .]

I guess it’s some kind of qualification test?

If it’s hidden, it seems like they’re trying to see if you’re qualified to carry this concentrated form of magic.

Well, it could have been something else.

Anyway, the interpretation is better than the dream.

[No, but how did you find out?]

I answered that simply.

“I just saw it?”

[… … .]


Let’s go and see what kind of magic it is.


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* * *


Mad Emperor.

Alteon The emperor above all people.

The emperor has been smiling a lot lately.

Of course, not the crazy laughter like before, but the kind of ‘benevolent’ laughter that makes you feel happy or smile.

Because of that, people were more scared.

“Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor is truly, truly crazy?”

“Is this kid crazy? Hey, that’s blasphemy. You’ll lose your head right away?”

“No, you too, Sister. Look. Last time you passed by, you patted one of the Imperial Knight apprentices on the shoulder and made that expression.”

It was really scary.

I didn’t know that the Emperor had become such a benevolent person, even though his madness had lessened recently.

“Did you get hit in the head or something?”

“No way. Who would take His Majesty the Emperor’s head?”

“Isn’t that the only explanation?”

The backstories of the royal maids and attendants are always told without restraint.

Thanks to that, the maids’ gossip only ended when the head maid came in and scolded them.

“Where did they go? Why don’t you run out and get to work right now? Your eyes will get poked by the garden weeds!”

“Oh, I got it! I’m going out!”

And on the other hand, this.

“You have little spirit! Again!”


“Again! How can I get rid of my apprentice tag like that!”

The Imperial Knights’ apprentices undergo crazy training.

Among them, Milton Dallahan, who once led the Northern team and entered the Imperial Knights camp, stood out.

“Milton, you’re doing well. If you keep going like this, it wouldn’t be a stretch to become a full-fledged knight.”

“thank you!”

“But there has to be a vacancy.”

“… … .”

Milton quickly became sullen.

You cannot become a full-fledged knight just because you have reached the age of majority.

It has to be filled either by a vacancy or through a sense of ‘challenge’.

“What should I challenge you to do?”

“Not yet.”

“Then, those guys who waste their time are tough and mean. It’s a good idea to rush in like a man and burn them or just stay in one place.”

One seat, what the heck.

By the way, the skills of the official knights are amazing.

Some curious apprentice knights try it, but are often defeated after failing to last five rounds.

And then you never see that apprentice knight again.

If you fail the challenge, you will be kicked out.

Milton thought back to Dane, who had been with him for a while.

‘Did that Dane guy know that and not enlist?’

Then, soon, he started to nod his head.

It’s not that he’s afraid of that and doesn’t join the Knights Templar.

If Milton had the skills he had seen in Dane, he would probably be able to take down any of the regular knights of the Order in an instant.

So, I guess it feels more natural not to join the knighthood that everyone else aspires to be a part of.

‘What are you doing?’

These days, I often hear stories about Danes.

I happened to have a chance to bring up the Dane story, and from then on, he started looking at me with eyes of admiration.

One day, a nobleman will quietly come to you and ask if you can get in touch with the Count of Sogress.

It was a bewildering experience for Milton, who had only formed a connection and had not received a single communication code.

‘Still, when we meet again, I have to show you my improved skills.’

Milton made up his mind.

Thanks to Dane, I was able to become an apprentice knight of the royal family, so I should become even better next time.

That way, it will be helpful to Dane when he needs it.

So Milton opened his mouth.

“Shall we have a go?”


In the instructor’s bewildered eyes, Milton’s expression was burning brightly.

* * *

Around the same time, in the Imperial Office.

In this place designed just for one person, the emperor was smiling happily, the way everyone was talking about.

And Hank, the chief secretary who was watching this, could only bow his head as he was completely oblivious to the Emperor’s intentions.

‘Can the actions of one boy make His Majesty the Emperor this happy?’

What the Emperor is looking at now is a document from the Counterintelligence Corps.

The document contained Dane Sogress’s recent activities.

Thanks to that, Officer Hank is still suspicious.

The fact that a man called the Emperor can smile so happily.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Isn’t that amazing? The boy I had my eye on.”

“Yes, he is. He is a good boy.”

“It seems difficult to express it with existing modifiers. Hmm. So can I give up?”

Yeah, I remembered.

That time when I ‘dared’ to refuse the emperor’s offer.

How my flesh trembled.

The Emperor’s expression hardened at Dane Sogres’s rejection.

“You are so happy, I am happy too.”

So Hank pretended not to know and asked back.

Is there any reason to be so happy about one boy’s activities?

The emperor looked at Hank quietly and asked.

“Officer. What would you do if you were the Emperor?”

“Exactly… … what do you mean?”

“Let’s do this. What will the emperor do when he returns after seeing all the state affairs?”

Hank was speechless for a moment.

I have heard that the Emperor doesn’t do anything special after finishing all his state affairs.

Just go back to your place and rest.

Even so, the Empress said she had to stop him several times because he often had to look at documents.

“At this point, even if you try to do something a little bit, people around you will cause a fuss. If you try to get interested in sparring, they will yell at you to save your health. If you try to do something even simple like jumping, they will nag you to save your dignity.”

Of course, the emperor was the type of person who would do anything regardless.

Until a few years ago.

Then one day it stopped happening.

“So what would amuse me, Officer?”

“… … .”

“No one said anything to me as I enjoyed watching the boy who dared to disobey my orders.”

The clerk suddenly thought.

Being an emperor may be a lonelier existence than you might think.

And one more thing.

Has the Emperor ever revealed his innermost feelings to you like this?

“It’s fun. It’s really fun. I wish my sons could do half as well as I do. Then it would be fun to have them compete.”

Madness again in plain sight.

Hank bowed his head urgently and defended the princes.

“Your Highnesses, Your Royal Highnesses, are also of great help to the Empire.”

“So, did you save a city?”


A bundle of reports was placed in front of Hank.

“There, it says that Dane Sogres ‘saved’ Western Pecs. If it weren’t for him, Pecs would have been covered in desert sand.”

“… … .”


The second paper is placed next.

“This is a report that states that we successfully suppressed the rebellion of the desert tribe and brought peace to the only tribe in the desert.”

“iced coffee…….”

“What do you think?”

“Excellent… ….”

“More than princes?”

Cold sweat is running down my face.

These are questions that make people nervous, even if not as much as before.

“Rather than that… … .”

“I have to admit it. Can you compare me to the princes who are still growing up and have the royal name?”

Do you really like it that much?

Even though it was a private meeting, why did you insist on comparing me to the princes in front of other people?

‘But the Third Prince is successfully defending the East… … .’

It was at that time that Hank was thinking of Edward, the third prince who was slowly making a name for himself in the East.

“If he were my son, I would have handed over the throne immediately.”

Hank doubted his ears for a moment.

Because I felt like the Emperor really, really liked me.

“I think it would be more appropriate to congratulate the entire family rather than an individual.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

But it’s weird if you only praise.

Oh, that madness seemed to be breaking out again.

“But isn’t this an activity that could shake the status of the royal family?”

“… … !”

Hank’s pupils tremble with creepiness and eeriness.

“The Draconic threat seems to be growing again, and the war has been over for a long time.”

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty.”

“I’m really greedy. And I’m also jealous.”

Suddenly the emperor smirked, the corners of his lips curling up.

It was a very dangerous smile.

In many ways.

“Don’t worry, officer. I won’t shed blood just because I’m jealous of a boy.”

Hank sighed in relief.

Yes, no matter how crazy the emperor is… … .

‘Don’t be fooled.’

“What were you thinking just now?”

“That, that, that… … I wonder what Dane Sogress will do next… … .”

The emperor chuckled at the sight of her barely able to get through it, and decided to just let it slide.

“Yeah, I wonder what you’re doing now.”


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