Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 391

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Chapter 391: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

286. If it explodes, solve it.

If you get things done, you will be rewarded accordingly.

In our case, we were treated with great respect and were almost revered as heroes of Pecs.

At first, I thought the word ‘worship’ was a bit excessive, but somehow the rumor spread and everyone passing by recognized us.

“Right? Thank you to those who saved our city!”

“Long live the Count of Sogres!”

“Long live the Duke of Termion!”

That’s a good thing.

It’s a treatment you deserve.

However, since we kept grabbing each person we passed by and handing them something, by the time we had walked around the street, we were all holding something in both arms.

“What is all this? Why are there so many date palm fruits?”

“I have a lot of desserts. What are they all?”

“Someone gave me money.”

It seems that the citizens of Pecs have been suffering terribly from sandstorms.

Of course, just because we’ve unlocked Mount Ariela’s secrets doesn’t mean the sandstorms will stop.

It just went back to how it was before, when it would blow in intermittently.

But that alone seems to have been a huge ‘blessing’ for them.

“I guess we did something great.”

“I know.”

I flinched at Leila’s words.

Certainly, the city was alive with energy.

It’s not just about the atmosphere, it’s really like that. Since sandstorms come periodically, going out must have been limited due to the sandstorms, and there must have been many inconveniences in various ways.

“I thought it was originally once a week?”

“Five months if it’s long? That’s a huge difference.”

By the way, Lancel even suggested that they hold a medal ceremony in Pex’s name, but he declined.

If you do that, you’ll have to be tied up for another day.

We have a long way to go.

You have to go to the end of the Western Desert, and of course there are no teleportation platforms to get there.

It’s not like people don’t live in the desert.

“By the way, is Priscilla still at the temple?”

“Yeah. He said there were still some sick people to take care of. He said he’d be back in the afternoon.”

Anyway, it’s almost time to leave now.


It’s a city that I only visited for a short time, but it’s definitely interesting as I unravel the secrets of Mount Ariela.

Above all, the honey tart is very interesting.

A savory taste that is incredibly sweet, but doesn’t go away and lingers in your mind.

Maybe the real magic is in these tarts.

“I’ll stop by the hotel for a bit.”

“To meet the professor?”


And then I took advantage of the remaining time to go see Dmitry.

It looks like the head part of the work is complete.

“Are you here?”

“Yes. That sounds very plausible. The head.”

“Right? It’s like making you remember your appearance in life. Of course, since it’s an illusion, you’ll be caught if you get close to the temple. Oh, we’re liches anyway, so we’ll disappear if we get close to the temple, right?”

How close would a Lich of Professor Cross’s level have to get to disappear?

“So, are you going now?”

“Yes. I came to take a quick look before I go.”

“What a special guy.”

“Not the professor, but Dmitry.”

“That damn guy.”

I asked Dmitry.

“Have you completely decided not to return to your family?”

“Yes that’s right.”

“It’s your decision. Okay. What about Milton Dallahan?”

“… … Even though I’ve never even seen the face of the child, I’d like to see him at least once, since we’re in the same situation anyway.”

Both of them ran away from their families.

In that respect, Dmitry seemed to be a little interested in Milton, whom I met at the Knights’ camp.

“Anyway, thank you again. Thanks to you… … I have a new life.”

“Hey, Richie. You got a new body. This isn’t something that just anyone can do.”

“Yes, that’s also true. Thank you, Professor. But, do you work at the Academy?”

“I guess so. Are you interested?”

“It used to be like that. But now it’s too late.”

“If you want, you can hire an assistant professor. But you have to have some research achievements.”

“Excuse me, is this true?”

“Of course. Let’s think about it later.”

“Thank you for your kind words.”


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It’s so easy to create slaves.

What a scary person, I mean Richie.

If Dmitry comes as an assistant professor, will our department only have two professors?

“I originally planned to use that guy as an assistant professor, but as you can see, he’s not the type of guy to listen to what I say.”

“I think I know what you mean.”

The two of you have already taken sides.

I nodded my head slightly, chuckling.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Okay. Go and see.”

“Take a look. I am a rich man, but I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, Dane Sogres.”

Rich’s blessing.

This is very precious.

“Oh, wait. My disciple.”

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know what happened to your left hand, but it’s quite interesting. Show me later.”


As expected, it’s Professor Cross.

While I was talking, I smiled and unleashed a dragon scale into the air.

And I saw.

Even Richie can open his mouth wide like that.

* * *

With everything ready to leave, we passed through the west gate of Pex.

Behind them, the farewell party that Lancel had called in advance was waving their hands.

“Have a safe trip!”

“You must stop by on your way back!”

When I see people being so grateful, I feel strangely proud.

Well, I think I would have done the same thing if I were in that position.

Even if it had been left alone, the entire city would have been buried.

By the way, at this point, I’m curious, even if I’m not worried.

What will happen to Baron Hexen?

If they don’t sentence you to death, it wouldn’t be strange if the citizens of Pex beat you to death.

Well, I guess you’ll have to pay the price.

From now on-

“It’s wide, it’s wide.”

“It already feels like a long time ago.”

“Don’t you think it’s getting hotter?”

Because it’s time to cross that yellow desert that’s slowly approaching before our eyes.

It’s exactly as it is said.

It looks so vast that it seems distant.

I have to cross that road.

“Ernest, have you finished inspecting all the artifacts?”

“Okay. I checked both the cold-emitting artifacts to use during the day and the heat-retaining artifacts to use at night.”

“What about the tent?”

“There was no tear. I checked it before I left.”


The road will be quite long, so we will have to camp.


By the way, I also rented a camel.

These are the guys we are leading one by one now.

“These guys are weird. They keep trying to lick me?”

“Look at that bump on your back. Is there water in there?”

“The camel caretaker said there was oil in there, not water.”

“Oh, that’s right. Teachers, if you provoke a camel, it will spit. It smells really bad, so everyone, be careful.”

It’s a camel.

This is an animal I had never encountered in my past life.

At the eastern end of Dranek, a desert tribe is said to operate a camel corps.

It is said that they recognized the autonomy of the Draenics because they could not easily touch them and the desert was not very useful to occupy.

I gently stroked the guy while tilting my head at Karnas, who was already playing on the camel’s hump.

“Is that fun?”


By the way, the guy was sliding on top of a tall camel’s hump.

The appearance has changed, but, really, it still looks like a child.

Anyway, I’m fully prepared to enter the desert.

All the countermeasures have been made.

Of course, as always, it’s not an adventure if you prepare perfectly and everything goes perfectly.

“Another incident will happen, right?”

“Maybe. If we had a prophecy, wouldn’t it be a prophecy that something will happen wherever we go?”

“Priscilla, can you read our horoscopes for us?”

“It’s annoying. I’m running out of divine power right now.”

Well, it seems like everyone is not worried.

So we finally reached the entrance to the desert.

On the way there, there were still green grasses that could be seen often, but now there is only yellow.

If you can see any other colors, it’s probably the rocks or cacti that appear here and there?

“Ernest, what is that rolling thing?”

“That’s called a tumbleweed. It’s made up of dried stems that have lost their moisture and roll around in a clump.”

Objects or plants that can only be found in the desert.

And the air that shimmers and sways.

It’s understandable that everyone would be nervous or surprised by this completely different environment than before.

However, due to the environment, the cold-radiating artifact was not as cool as expected, so there was a slight sense of tension.

“Oh, it’s so hot. Dane, are you okay?”

“are you okay.”

In answer to Ernest’s question, I asked a counter question.

“How much longer do we have to go?”

“What’s next, roughly?”

“Where’s the base camp?”

“There’s an oasis about five days away from here. They say there’s a desert tribe living there. If you need supplies, you can buy them there.”

The supply is sufficient.

For environmental reasons, I also kept it separately in my backpack in case the subspace malfunctioned.

In fact, although subspace seems to be omnipotent, it is actually a method with many inconveniences.

If subspace were stable enough and cheap enough for anyone to use, it would have been a revolution.

“Desert tribe? That’s strange. Do people live in this desert?”

Rail interjected into the conversation then??

“Well then. They will survive. Not much, but they are a tribe that has lived there since a very long time ago.”

“Then, there must be information about the end of the desert, the place where the demons stayed?”

“You’ll have to ask to find out, right?”

I opened my mouth to listen to their conversation.

“Then let’s stop by the colony and get some information. We’ll think about staying.”

“Because you might get into an accident for no reason. Right?”

“If an accident happens, we’ll fix it.”

Accidents, as always, have a way of blowing things up in an unpredictable way even when you control every situation.

So, even if an accident occurs, it is more important to turn the situation into one that is advantageous to us.

I have absolutely, absolutely not given up on the idea that accidents will happen wherever I go.

[Don’t you think another accident is about to happen, Dane Sogress?]


Honestly, sometimes I just wish the adventure would end quietly.

But then there’s the problem of the contradiction of not feeling adventurous.

“But there seem to be quite a few spirits here. I concentrated for a moment, and there were a lot of spirits talking to me?”

“What is the conspicuous spirit, Jenna?”

“Hmm… … Maybe it’s a soul that only drinks water all day if you energize it? It looks like it died without drinking water for four days.”

Yeah, that’s what the desert is like.

A place full of dried-up dead people.

Anyway, we were seriously walking through the desert.

Sunlight pouring down from the sky.

Heat rising from the sand.

Although the cold-radiating artifact blocks it to some extent, it seems like everyone is clearly feeling the heat.

“Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve felt… out of breath…?”

“Is it difficult to create shade?”

I thought about pulling out a suitable rock and keeping it floating in the air, but decided against it.

It’s a pain to maintain it all the time, and above all, it’s not so much that I can’t stand it.

What if supplies are running low?

“Dane. By the way, I heard there’s something called a mirage in the desert.”

Then Althur mentioned the mirage.


This is a phenomenon I have never seen before.


“Then is that also… a mirage?”

A shape appeared where Althur was pointing.

To be exact… … .

“It looks like a person.”

It looks like it’s fallen down.

That’s also the direction we’re going.

There are several large rocks visible nearby.

“A traveler? Or… a corpse?”

At Ernest’s question, I looked at the rock for a moment.

And then he shook his head.

“No. It’s a trap.”


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