Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 379

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Chapter 379: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

275. The Secret of Mount Ariela (3)

There’s a nice wizard over there.

Looking at the flow of magical power caught in the air, it was clearly detection magic. And it was quite powerful.

Regardless of the level of the chain, detection magic is something that only a few wizards can learn.

Aside from the fact that it is difficult to learn, it is because you have to have some kind of ‘innate’ feel for it.

In that sense, it was quite surprising that the wizard immediately figured out where Venatio and Ernest were hiding.

“I thought I heard it from here?”

“Here, it seems like we’re getting closer!”

In that sense, I think my explosive trap performance was quite effective.

Because several mercenaries who had been standing guard came rushing towards us.

“Dane, everyone has moved.”

“Okay. Let’s go too.”

Our goal is to divert the attention of the mercenaries.

There is no need to fight.

For now, that is.

I moved with Leila after making sure the mercenaries were heading towards where I had detonated the explosive trap.

Now it’s Dorian’s turn to join Priscilla.

Jenna and Althur, who have relatively low mobility, remain here and watch the surroundings.

“Kkuruk… … .”

In the midst of all this, a weak sob is heard from within.

It was Karnas.

“are you okay?”

“Kkuruk… … .”

I think we might need to move a little faster.

“Leila, tell them to follow me carefully. If they come across any mercenaries, you know?”

“Don’t kill.”


Avoid getting blood on your body unless necessary.

First of all, I am not the type of person to solve problems by shedding blood unless it is necessary.

Anyway, I jumped up the tree right away.

“It reminds me of old times.”

In my previous life, I went on an infiltration mission and spent three days and three nights up in a tree.

Of course, it wasn’t a good experience.

I even almost died.

Still, thanks to that, he was able to pick only strong branches and move up and down the tree, finally arriving at the place where the two were hiding.

Hidden in the shadows.

“Don’t react.”

When he whispered from behind, Venatio and Ernest flinched, but soon their trembling subsided.

“Tell me the situation first.”

Benatio explained without turning his head.

“For now, Baron Hexen has left for the moment, and all you see there are two mercenaries and one wizard.”

What concerns me is the political problems that would arise if, even by a single chance, our faces were recognized.

We must not drag the family into our expedition and put them in an awkward situation.

“I think it would be best to keep that wizard for a while, Senior.”

“The reason is?”

“I’m the only one who can touch that equipment, and I feel very involved in what’s going on.”

If what Benatio said is true, then we must do so.

“Dane, Baron Hexen?”

“Just that wizard for now. There’s no evidence yet.”

First, we get evidence through that wizard.

Baron Hexen, what happened next.

“Venatio, can you track down Baron Hexen?”

“Leave it to me, Senior. I will do whatever you tell me to do.”

By the way, why is this guy suddenly talking like he’ll do anything?

Well, that’s a good thing.

“Okay. Let’s secure the wizard first and then move.”

I looked down.

A wizard looking around in a slightly bewildered manner.

The reason is simple.

Because I cast a blocking spell right after I got here so that I wouldn’t be detected.

It’s understandable to be confused because the breathing of two people, which had been faintly detected until just now, is no longer detected.

“Wizard? Are you okay?”

“Uh, um. It’s okay.”

Two mercenaries are visible in the middle of this.

After dealing with those two first, next is the wizard.

I learned the recipe from my mother and took out the poison I had prepared in advance.

To be exact, a small knife coated with poison.


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This is the so-called paralyzing poison.


He threw two swords and they struck the mercenaries’ arms straight in the eye.



With a short scream, the poison began to spread immediately, and the two mercenaries collapsed and convulsed on the floor.

“It’s definitely effective.”

After all, it’s poison mixed by mother.

It’s probably the only poison whose paralyzing effect spreads so quickly.

“What is this… … .”

There is no time to appreciate it.

I gently landed behind the bewildered wizard and thrust my dagger behind his neck.

“It would be better to stay still.”

“… …Who are you?”



He continued, holding the dagger just a little closer.

“I think now is the time for answers rather than questions.”

“… … .”

The wizard raised both hands quite obediently.

It seems to express that he has no intention of rearranging his magic power or engaging in any nonsense.

But what he said next was a bit strange.

“That’s better. Please hide me. If possible, it would be better to treat me as dead.”

Internal conflict?

Or maybe they were dragged here by force?

“Why should I do that?”

“If you hide me, I’ll tell you.”

Asking for help from someone you’ve never met before, and who threatens your life from behind.

There must be some hidden trick, or the situation must be urgent enough to require it.

So I put a safety device in place.


I surrounded myself with a magical barrier, which is my specialty.

Control the flow of magical power within to prevent this wizard from making foolish moves and make it impossible to access from the outside.

“What did you do?”

However, this wizard seemed to immediately notice that he specialized in detection.

“I prepared for any eventuality.”

“You are a very high-level wizard.”

I wonder why it’s so strangely cooperative.

Well, that’s good.

It saves the trouble of having to threaten more people to get information.

Of course, we’ll have to wait a little longer to see what they’re hiding.

“First of all, it’s a good idea to get that equipment. It’s a measuring device, and if it disappears right away, it could slow down progress for a while.”

“You want me to stop what you’re doing right now.”

“That’s right. I’d like to make it seem like it never happened, but it’s too late.”

I opened a subspace by snapping my fingers as the wizard said, and then used telekinesis magic to place the equipment back in.

A surprised voice heard at that sight.

“Multiple magical powers… Is that possible while maintaining this barrier?”

“If it was possible, I would have done it.”

I answered briefly and covered the wizard’s eyes with a cloth.

Because several approaches towards this direction have been detected.

“Right now… … .”

“I know. There are about five people approaching this way.”

“… … .”

There was no further conversation.

* * *

After a while.

Leila, Ernest, and I gathered together while the rest of us watched the surroundings closely.

The three of us were watching the wizard who had entered the magic barrier with his eyes covered.

“I did catch him though.”

“Dane will take care of it.”

They say I’m not omnipotent or anything.

Well, if there really wasn’t a plan, I wouldn’t have caught him like this.

“But what about Baron Hexen?”

“Dane told me to track down Benatio.”


By the way, the wizard cannot hear our conversation.

This is something I can only hear if I release the blocker.

No matter how excellent your detection ability is, if the sound itself is blocked, it is impossible to hear.

What if that wizard’s magic level is higher than mine?

Anyway, there is no time to delay.

I immediately lifted the barrier and asked.

“Let me ask you something simple. What were you doing there just now?”

“… … Does that sound more like a threat than a negotiation?”

“So you were expecting negotiations?”

I approached and said.

“You know better than I do that this situation is quite urgent.”

By the way, I’m a bit impatient because of Karnas.

They’re in a hurry for other reasons.

However, we can see that the phenomenon itself is the same, although the reasons are the same in detail.

There, within the undetectable zone not far away, a force trembles.

“… … .”

“So you’d better talk. If you don’t, we’ll have to use another method.”

It’s not that there is no other way.

Approaching closely, somehow finding an undetectable area, and then breaking through it, either with the flames of Karnas or with my own power, and going inside.

But it would be easier if we had some information before that.

“What if I don’t tell you?”

“I’ll turn all this upside down and die alone. In the dungeon.”

“… … .”

“Do you think the Baron will defend you?”

The wizard nodded unexpectedly.

“I need you, maybe.”

“Even if everything was discovered?”

“… … .”


“I can guarantee your safety, but it would be difficult to turn a blind eye to all your sins.”

Only then did the wizard begin to tell what they had been planning.

“The goal is simple: to seize power within the unexplored regions.”

“Is this Baron Hexen’s purpose?”

“That is my goal too.”

The wizard spoke again and again with emphasis.

At least he doesn’t shirk his responsibility.

“The power within the area. You sensed it, didn’t you?”

“That’s right. If you do a little research on me, you’ll learn that I’m a wizard with a knack for sensing, and that I was banished from the Antalion Tower about a year ago.”

What power is inside me?

What power is it that makes Karnas so helpless now?

“How do I get in?”

“Yes, but if we use that method, not only Pecs but the entire West will be covered in sand.”

The wizard’s explanation was as follows.

Amplifying the power within will further aggravate the current abnormal phenomenon.

And if things continue like this, there will be no turning back.

“If we make a mistake, the entire empire will be covered in desert.”

“That’s right. Because of that… … I was worried.”

“Worried? Considering what just happened in the city of Pecs, I don’t think I even worried.”

The wizard just explained, saying:

Several attempts were made to amplify the force and accelerate the explosion cycle.

So the period of sandstorms blowing into Pecs has become shorter.

The rapid expansion of desert areas is also a related story.

“… … There is no room for excuses.”

The wizard nodded obediently and continued speaking.

“It seemed that the power was growing little by little by absorbing other forces around it. That’s why the land is losing its vitality and the desert is expanding, making it difficult for life to survive.”

Of course, there is life in the desert.

Like cacti or palm trees.

Or creatures like scorpions, and even monsters.

It’s not an environment where you can’t live.

But it is definitely not an environment that is good for living.

Of course, I didn’t come here to stop desertification.

My goal is always to uncover what’s inside.

More importantly, we need to move faster for the now powerless Karnas.

“Just get to the point.”

There is no time to wait any longer.

I quietly summoned my magical power and created several magic arrows.

“Even if your sensing ability isn’t that great, you know what will happen.”

“… … Okay. I wouldn’t have been able to stop it anyway. And neither would you.”

It’s worth thinking about that.

“That’s something we’ll take care of.”

But we are a little different.

As always, I’ll figure it out.

“We tried to force the force inside by accelerating the frequency of that wave. After a few repetitions, the wave got stronger. But it got much stronger than we calculated.”

“The reason is?”

“There is a crack in the magical thing that blocks access. A very small crack. The power is slowly leaking out through there.”

It’s a crack.

That’s nice to hear.

“Baron Hexen does not know this fact.”


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