Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 374

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Chapter 374: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

272. Exemption of usage fee

First, we head to ‘Mount Ariela’.

And Mount Ariela is located near the city of Pecs, before entering the desert.

So first you have to go to ‘Pex’, but the route itself is not difficult.

That’s because Pecs is a city with a teleportation platform installed.

“The teleportation platform is definitely convenient. It’s just that the usage fee is very expensive.”

It’s just like Priscilla said.

There are only a handful of cities in the empire with teleportation platforms installed.

It was installed because Pecs was practically the end of the ‘western cities’.

The remaining ambiguous cities, of course, do not have teleportation platforms installed.

It costs a lot of money, and the maintenance and upkeep costs are also considerable.

So, places like the Greek merchants traveled all over the empire, delivering goods to various places, and grew based on this.

By the way, I heard that my older sister is conducting research to drastically reduce the installation and maintenance costs of teleportation platforms.

I hope it goes well.

“There, I see it.”

We headed to the teleportation platform we had previously used.

As expected from a place with expensive equipment installed, the interior is impressively clean.

For your information, the platform is managed by the Imperial Family.

Maybe that’s why.

“Hello, Dane Sogres. Welcome to the Capital Teleport Platform.”

He immediately recognizes me and guides me to the reception room.

“What, Dane’s a celebrity now?”

“I became a celebrity a long time ago, Miss Leila.”

“Well, I’ve been to the imperial palace several times.”

We were treated quite sumptuously in the reception room.

It took some time for the platform to warm up with horsepower, and in the meantime, they brought out refreshments and told us to take a rest.

“I will take you this way.”

The wait wasn’t long.

A platform heated by magic appears before us.

“It’s still magnificent even when you see it again.”

As Leila observed, it is truly enormous.

A space as large as a hall is filled with all kinds of devices.

Right in the middle.

If you stand on the floor that has been engraved with a complex magic circle and coated several times, you will be transported to another place in the blink of an eye.

A total of 8 people.

If you include Karnas and Chiron, there are ten living beings.

Here are even artificially created mini golems rather than living creatures.

“I wonder if Arcana operated much smaller and more efficiently than this?”

It was Althur’s muttering that seemed excited ever since he heard the word Arcana.

“Probably so.”

I recalled what I had read in the book.

Due to the nature of moving through space, Arcana is said to have used a simple teleportation device, although this is strictly controlled, limited to authorized personnel or areas.

It is said that it was not as large as a mountain, but rather of a moderate size.

It is said that even portable development has been carried out.

Suddenly, that thought occurred to me.

If the techniques of Arcana were reproduced in the present age, would everyone like it?

Already, my eldest sister is developing items that utilize that principle, or more precisely, based on the efficiency of my special magic stone and the principles found in the book.

There aren’t any on the market yet, but they will be soon…

Will everyone really be able to enjoy these things as they wish then?

It is a problem that requires some thought.

So we need to approach it more carefully.

“Dane Sogres, the platform is ready. The destination has been set to Pex, as you have indicated.”

“thank you.”

“For your information, the usage fee is waived.”

I tilted my head at that.

“I haven’t paid yet.”

“Ah. Strictly speaking, it has already been paid.”

There was one person who just came to mind.

“So… … His Majesty the Emperor paid for it.”

I knew it.

“His Majesty the Emperor has issued a decree exempting Dane Sogres from paying fees for use of all national facilities.”

“Since when?”

“Since yesterday.”

Coincidentally, it was the day of the academy’s graduation ceremony.

I turned my head and looked at Benatio.

Benatio looks at me with an innocent expression.

By the way, that guy is also coming along on this adventure.


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A guest member of the club or something.

Did that guy’s report reach the emperor’s ears?

Well, it doesn’t matter.

“I am just touched by your kindness.”

“I am so envious. That His Majesty the Emperor favors you so much.”

It would be nice if the favor were just a little less.

“What, so Dane is exempt from the fee?”

“I’m jealous. Wow, if you’re exempt from national facility usage fees… … that means everything is free.”

“Teachers, I would like to go to the Imperial Fitness Room. I heard that only the Knights are allowed to use it.”

Fortunately, this favor was somewhat better.

“His Majesty the Emperor has also ordered that the usage fee be waived for all those using it together, including Dane Sogress.”



“Yes. Everyone here is exempt from admission fees.”


It was going to come out of the club’s funds anyway, so it’s good to have the money solidified.

With the money I saved, I will work hard to decorate the academy grounds next semester.

“Then, everyone, please come up onto the platform. “Oh, your highness, you must take this shielding tool with you. When you arrive at Pex, you can return it to the platform manager there.”

“Oh, yes. Thank you.”

So we got up on the platform.

In the unexpected grace of His Majesty the Emperor.

Good things are good things.

The fee waiver is definitely appreciated.

Since it is a national facility, there is a clear record of its use, so there is no need to exempt the usage fee if the purpose is to monitor me.

“We’re finally leaving.”

“I’m so excited!”

“Jenna, it’s like that the first few times.”

“Ernest, you seem most excited when you say that?”

The sound of the platform starting can be heard among the excited voices of the guys.


I closed my eyes, feeling the magic enveloping me.

* * *


A city not far from the desert.

This is where green space and sand coexist.

Goggles to protect against the occasional sandstorm and sandstorm that occasionally comes.

A turban to keep you warm and also to keep the sand out.

There are also long clothes to block out the hot sun and keep out the cold at night.

This is the basic attire in Pecs, and it is something that even first-time visitors to Pecs will soon have to get used to.

That’s why Pecs is such a strange city.

Everyone who visits here ends up becoming Pecs, living there, staying there, and sometimes spreading Pecs’ own culture.

To put it positively, it means that the city has a strong color, and to put it negatively, it means that the city has too much character.

All this was possible thanks to the desert not far away.

To be precise, it is because of the desert that is ‘approaching’.

“Captain, the observation team is returning.”

City Guard Captain Lancel looked beyond the wall with an anxious expression.

Not far away.

A group of observers are seen returning, kicking up a cloud of sand.

“Let’s go down.”

30 years after joining the city guard.

There have been good and bad things, but I’ve never been this anxious.

This is not a recent anxiety, but a long-standing anxiety that has been going on for about a year.

‘I hope it doesn’t get any faster today.’

As always, Lancel went down to the watchtower with the same thoughts in his mind and had to listen to the unmistakable report.

“Captain Lancel, here are the measurement results.”

It got wider.

And at a faster rate.

“The speed has been increasing recently. If this continues, we will be able to see the border of the desert from the Pex Watchtower within a few months.”

Lancel swallowed his saliva.

Looking at the measurements, it seems to be about 1.5 times faster than last month.

Something that is accelerating.

“If this continues, Pecs will be buried in the sand.”


That’s the biggest problem the city of Pecs is facing right now.

The desert is expanding its territory at a frightening rate.

“The city will either die or adapt.”

Merchants no longer set up stalls outdoors.

The frequent sandstorms have boosted sales of goggles and turbans, but have also reduced the number of tourists visiting Pecs.

There is also a shortage of water.

The yields of farmland within Pecs are also decreasing, and frequent sandstorms and storms often ruin crops.

Everything is slowly falling apart.

“What about the investigation team?”

“We are currently exploring the area around Mount Ariela.”

“Well, there probably isn’t a place where it’s harder to find something than that.”

“It’s an incomprehensible place.”

Mount Ariela.

A mountain where certain areas cannot be explored, making it impossible to ever complete the entire map.

It lies between the border of the desert and Pecs, so it may be a cause of desertification.

But there is no income.

In the first place, no one has conquered Mount Ariela for a long time.

“And all the seedlings that were planted before… … seem to be dying.”

“… … .”

Of course, Pecs also made every effort to prevent desertification.

Planting seedlings, as I just mentioned, is one of them.

However, because the soil contains too much salt, it often dries out and dies.

‘In the end, do I have to just watch like this… … .’

City Guard Captain Lancel was born and raised here in Pex.

Pecs was a source of pride for him.

He gave kindness to strangers and strength to the inhabitants of Pecs.

There have been dozens of instances of monsters being repelled.

But, is it possible that the sand of the desert cannot be stopped?

“Captain, I have a report.”

The voice heard at that moment.

“This morning we arrested three travelers from the north on suspicion of assault.”

“The Northern Army again. Did they act up and demand ice? They’re weaklings anyway.”

The report continued while Lancel clicked his tongue.

“And we have received reports of intruders from the teleportation platform.”

“Teleport platform?”

Everyone uses it often, but recently, the use of the platform has been cut off.

Fortunately, the Imperial Family is managing it, but if you look closely, you’ll see that it would be better if those money-sucking facilities didn’t exist at all.

Anyway, I heard you visited.


If you’ve come on a platform, has the Imperial Family finally sent someone to investigate the desertification?

No matter how many times I sent people to the capital, there was no response.

“Yes. I heard that Dane Sogres and nine others visited the capital.”

But it’s not the royal family, it’s the other side.

“The Count of Sogres?”

A family that any person in this empire would naturally know.

What’s going on all of a sudden?

From a family so powerful that even the empire would be sad to be second?

Wait, Dane Sogress?

“That genius boy?”

“you’re right.”


Well, fortunately, since you said ‘9 others’, it doesn’t seem like the entire family came.

If that was the case, it would have been Arken Sogress, or Lily Sogress and nine others, rather than Dane Sogress.

“What is the purpose of your visit?”

Whether you use the platform or pass through the city’s main gate, you must have a purpose for your visit.

Since you’ve come all the way to this West where there’s nothing to see, you must have some kind of purpose.

“It’s called a visit to Mount Ariela.”


However, the purpose of the visit was unexpected.

“According to the documents sent from the platform… … they said they came to ‘explore’.”

Lancel doubted his ears.

Exploring Mount Ariela?

There is nothing that cannot be done… … but a research team has currently been dispatched to investigate desertification.

No, aside from that, a descendant of one of the most prominent families in the Empire visited Pecs.

As the captain of the guard, I have to go and greet him.

“Move right now.”

“Oh, and.”

Here is the soldier’s report added.

“It is said that Lady Leila Termion, the daughter of the Duke of Termion, is also with us.”

“… … .”

What day is today?

The sons of two of the most powerful families in the Empire are visiting Pecs.

Lancel gave an additional order, intending to meet him at least once.

“Report to the mayor too.”

“All right.”

The market of Pecs.

People who wonder what they are doing for this city for the time being.

But I guess there’s nothing we can do.

“Go right now.”

Lancel took heavy steps.


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