Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 372

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Chapter 372: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

270. Where is the limit?

The desert is a hot and cold place.

What this means is that during the day the sun is scorching hot and seems to burn your skin, and at night the cold comes and freezes your whole body.

Of course, there are different types of deserts, but this virtual desert environment created by Professor Cross has these characteristics.

And of course, there are monsters that only live in the desert, an environment with a lack of water, and even sandstorms that blow in from time to time.

“Is this going to be a struggle for him too?”

Professor Cross was full of anticipation.

This is the magic that he developed with great care, the ‘Magic Realm’.

Anyone who enters this magical realm will feel everything as if it were real.

Should we say that this is an object with a different principle from Arabella’s ‘welcome generator’?

Unlike generators that are easily portable, these need to be installed in a fixed location and require a lot of effort to set up the environment.

“I’m really looking forward to it.”

Professor Cross muttered as he closed the teleportation gate through which Dane had just entered.

Then he snapped his fingers and projected an image into the air with his magical power.

Dane appears shortly after.

It’s quite a sight to see him wandering around.

“Well… how long can I hold out?”

The ‘A Plus’ condition set by Professor Cross is simple.

Staying inside for more than 4 hours.

Of course I can’t just leave it like that.

The monsters created in the ‘Magic Realm’ will continue to swarm without rest, and sandstorms and day and night cycles will change periodically.

To put it simply, it’s nonsense magic.

This is magic that only Professor Cross, Saul Hangston, can create.

That’s why Professor Cross was confident.

Even if you’re Dane, you’ll only be able to stay in there naked for an hour or two.

Of course, we are also prepared to take it out in case of danger.


Professor Cross moved the projected magical image in front of him and sat back in his armchair.

And then he leisurely prepared cookies and tea.

A sight of monsters rushing in, as seen in the magic video.


It was at that moment that the cookies and tea that Professor Cross had prepared with a smile were placed on the table.


Clearly, the monsters were swarming.

But those monsters now… … .

There wasn’t any.

“Is this a magic error?”

That can’t be true.

The setup is perfect.

Even the monsters were set to at least level 4.

Since it is a welcome anyway, it doesn’t actually cause physical damage.

But why?

“no way.”

That means… … .

Are you saying that Dane guy wiped out all the monsters at once?


The cookie I had just picked up fell back onto the plate.

* * *


And it gets hot right away.

And then there’s the sandstorm that comes with the heat.

“It’s well made.”


Even to the eyes of the dragon Karnas, this environment appears to be much more elaborate than expected.

Of course, if you focus on the feeling, there are more than one or two awkward parts, but that’s just because it’s my level.

“Mini Golem, what do you think?”

[It’s not as good as the ‘temporary materialization’ magic that existed in Arcana, but it’s pretty good. It’s a well-made environment.]

Since Mini Golem’s rating is like this, I cannot help but acknowledge Professor Cross.

I’m telling you, they don’t call him Saul Hangston for nothing.

Even the monsters that flock there.

Of course, I just knocked it all down.

Whether it was the limit of welcome or the limit of programming, the moment I killed them, they all disappeared without a single corpse left behind.

“The environment is good.”

If Professor Cross is okay with it, it’s a great environment for all kinds of training.

Wouldn’t it be nice to learn this magic?

[Dane, it looks like monsters are coming from the east.]

At the mini golem’s notification, I drew up my magical power and held it in both hands.


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The condition is naked.

Karnas and Mini Golem followed, but they did not participate in the battle anyway.

And since there is no sword, you have no choice but to sweep it away using only magic.

Of course, it is not difficult.



It’s been a while since I’ve seen those monsters.

Dozens of monsters, including giant monsters that I had never summoned before, were gathering together and rushing towards me.

It’s truly an overwhelming sight.

If it were me in the past, I would definitely have felt that way.

No, but is it really a reasonable test to drive out dozens of monsters like that?

It’s ridiculously difficult to just block a single wave of monsters.

[By the way, this seems like a difficult test even for the skilled magicians of Arcana. If the magicians of Arcana had only seen this, they would have felt that the descendants were incredibly skilled.]

It’s literally a mini golem.

Dozens of monsters running towards you.

It feels like the difficulty level has increased compared to the first wave.

I thought for a moment and then arranged the magical power I had drawn up into a net shape.

Using magic shape-shifting.

“This should be enough of a barrier.”

I then held the formed magic net in place and created several magic bullets in the air with one hand.

This is also a manifestation of magical power.

And then, after lightly touching the magic rearrangement to keep it in the air, lastly… … .

Spear of magic.

This is not magic that uses materialized magic, but magic that I enjoy using.


This completes the preparation.

I waved my hand, staring blankly at the monsters rushing toward me without knowing anything.

And the moment the monsters touched the magic net-

Boom, boom!

The magic net burst and the compressed magic scattered in all directions, and the ten monsters that had initially rushed in disappeared without a trace.

That’s a literal expression.

Because it just disappeared as if it never existed in the first place.



Okay, I sent ten of them with this.

Next is a magic bullet containing compressed magic power.


The five flying magic bullets exploded among the monsters, causing a powerful explosion that caused a large sandstorm to blow in this direction.

Of course, I didn’t care and blew the remaining magic spear through the wind –

Thud, thud thud!

I neatly finished off the group of monsters that were rushing at me.

After shaking my hand and checking the remaining horsepower, I got a rough estimate.

“The next day will be easy.”

Of course, this is assuming that horsepower is used efficiently.

No matter how big the country is, it won’t be able to withstand this many monsters coming at this rate for long.

[You’re so easy. Dane, how much magical power do you have?]

“That’s true too, but it’s efficient.”

[You would probably be surprised if you saw any of the wizards of Arcana.]


I watched the approaching sandstorm, with the Mini Golem and Karnas thankfully giving me courage.


If we survive there, it’ll be easy to go to the Western Desert.

“Karnas, come inside.”


[Dane, what should I do?]

“There is no place for you.”

[… … Then am I just a sandbag?]

“It’s not real anyway. And I tied it up tightly.”

[How did I end up hanging on to this person’s waist… … .]

“What did you say? I can’t hear you very well.”

[Oh, it’s nothing.]

I pulled up my mask and put my hood over my head amidst the cute rebellion of the mini golem.


A raging sandstorm.

Controlling your body is a secondary issue, and it’s an environment where you absolutely cannot open your eyes without your goggles.

So I solved it simply.

“This is okay.”

By projecting the embodied magical power onto the surrounding area, creating a windbreak.

This feeling of comfort, as if you were in the eye of the storm.

It’s like looking out the window of a comfortable home while a huge storm is raging.

No matter how you look at it, it is a magical power that is almost omnipotent.

Of course, you can defend against physical force in this way, but you can also throw it with explosive power like before.

And countless other things.

It was something I was able to learn from the ancient magic powers, but it was something I was able to use even more efficiently.

“I don’t think you have any intention of making it public in academia.”

Even if it is made public, everyone will only learn the theory and will not have the capacity to actually implement it.

So, you should enjoy this privilege to the fullest.

for the better.

Now that it’s come to this, I guess I’ll have to do some training in this area.

* * *

“… … .”

How much time has passed?

It was difficult to judge just by the cookies on the plate and the teacup.

Because the cookies didn’t decrease at all and I didn’t drink any tea either.

Professor Cross’s gaze was focused solely on the projected magical image.

To Dane, who just survived the fourth wave of monsters, three sandstorms, and ten days and nights.

“What the hell is that guy doing?”

Professor Cross initially set up the environment with the expectation of ‘endurance’.

There are many options.

Either run away or delay the time.

Or, you can use terrain features to survive.

Those monsters are pretty realistic, but their field of vision is narrower than you might think.

In the first place, there are still many challenges to implementing it as a real creature.

Because Professor Cross thought Dane would be able to figure out and exploit the weaknesses of this still sloppy space… … .

“Are you going to sweep it all away?”

It was a pity.

If I had known this would happen, I would have just practiced magic.

That would have been easier to measure.

I’m almost teary-eyed.

How did you prepare that?

“How on earth can you be so comfortable?”

If you put a normal wizard in there, they’d probably start crying in less than 30 minutes.

Please take it out.

The monsters that swarm, the sandstorms that blow in, and the night and day that change in an instant.

Of course, the opponent is Dane Sogres.

A guy with a talent that is more outstanding than anything I’ve ever seen.

So the comparison is not appropriate, but isn’t this a bit harsh?

Who would have thought he could walk through a sandstorm with such a relaxed expression?


Now I see that it’s not like my clothes or hair are fluttering.

It felt like I was standing alone on a windless plain.


Professor Cross realized that Dane had created a magical barrier around himself.

It is also a magical barrier that uses the magical power shape-shifting that he taught me.

If it were a normal magic, it would either be quickly broken by the physical force of the sandstorm or would be difficult to maintain for a long time.

Even just walking while maintaining it is difficult.

You have to move your body and maintain the magic.

Needless to say, when it comes to visualization… … .

“I don’t know if the Emperor knows about this.”

Isn’t this a human weapon?

An absurd level of force.

Dane Sogress is not the type of person to commit massacre by force, but… … .

It would be dangerous for the Emperor to know for sure how strong Dane Sogres really is.

In that respect, it was very fortunate that Dane was ‘Sogress’.

This is a family that cannot be treated lightly by the emperor.

“There’s nothing more to see.”

At this point, Professor Cross felt more at ease.

There is absolutely no reason to be nervous.

Because he’s the kind of guy who can figure out how to get through any situation.

Even if the environment was made worse, I didn’t think that Dane wouldn’t be able to overcome it.

Professor Cross sank into his armchair as he had done the first time.

I wonder what that guy’s limits are.


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