Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 369

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Chapter 369: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

267. Is it going well?

Among those who have converted to divinity, Dean Celes has had a smooth ride so far.

He entered the Great Hall at the age of eighteen, and has never missed a promotion since.

Then, at the age of thirty, he became the youngest professor in the Academy’s Divinity Department –

Now in his forties, he serves as the head of the Department of Theology.

So, when you are around fifty, you will be able to aim for the position of bishop of the Great Hall.

It’s rare to find an elite course like this.

But paradoxically, that’s why I never knew what failure was, and I never imagined being pushed around by someone.

Even more so if the object is ‘magic power’.

Divinity and magic repel each other.

Then, the moment one side gains even a little bit of an upper hand, they completely destroy and tear apart the other side.

The object of the collapse had to be the magic power of Dane Sogres.

But… … .


What is happening now?

His noble and lofty divine power was being pushed away.

That too, by magic.

You will need to be at least a 7th class wizard to deal with him.

Even that would be difficult, so why is that boy… … ?

“Professor, I have one last thing to say.”

He even gives a leisurely warning.

“If you don’t stop here, the divinity will go out of control.”

So paradoxically, I got even angrier.

Why dare you?

Not only did you overwhelm me with your magic as an undergraduate, but you even gave me advice like that?

To Dean Celeste, undergraduate students were people who would roll around when told to, do whatever they were told to do, and not pretend to die when told to die, but rather people who wouldn’t be surprised if they died.

But it wasn’t Dane.

Far from backing down… … .


Now, his divinity, which had not been able to stop him, is beginning to overwhelm him.

Something ridiculous is happening.

Therefore, those who had even a little knowledge of magic and divine powers opened their mouths wide when they saw this sight.

“Is Dane Sogress… … overwhelming Professor Celes right now?”

“What on earth is his magical power?”

“No, what the heck… … .”

Dane’s magic power is of a different nature from the class it is discussed in.

An ancient magical power concentrate.

The fact that there are four of them together is overwhelming even to the level of a divinity like that of the Dean of Celeste.

Here’s one more.

Even the visionary magic of magical shape-shifting learned from Professor Cross.

At this point, it was Dean Celeste who was in trouble.

It is an unprecedented situation where a professor is casting divine powers at a student, but is still being pushed back.

“Ugh… … .”

Are you no longer even thinking about giving up?

No, is it that I don’t even have time to think about giving up?

Although Dean Celes was trying her best, she couldn’t shake the feeling that Dane was actually ‘controlling’ her power.

That was actually the case.

“Dane is watching.”

“I think so.”

As Leila and Ernest said, Dane was really watching.

Priscilla, who I’ve known for quite some time, if not as long as Leila and Ernest, has an expression on her face that says she can’t believe it now.

“How on earth is Dane winning… … .”

I know Dane is great, but still, to dismiss someone as Director Celeste like that so easily… … .

Anyway, it was such an unrealistic sight that one might wonder if the two of them had conspired to do something like that.

“Stop right now!”

And there was someone who showed up to stop this situation.

“It’s the dean!”

“The dean showed up?”

This is Dean Homet.

“Chief Celeste, take your strength back!”

That’s what it looked like to people.

It seems like this situation is continuing because Dean Celeste is going crazy.

But in reality it was different.

“Ugh… … I can’t stop… … .”


That’s right, the divinity that had already started to run wild was being suppressed by Dane’s magical power.

The divine outburst was expected.


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The reason was that I couldn’t believe that I was being pushed around by undergraduates, so I vented to an uncontrollable level.

“That’s exactly what I said.”

“oh my god.”

Dean Homer was astonished.

It is a very dangerous situation.

If we make a mistake, Dean Celeste could die.

A divine outburst that would not occur unless there were extreme circumstances.


But Dane Sogress is stopping this?

‘Could it be with that magic stone?’

Otherwise, there is no way to explain it.

I acknowledge his talent, but that doesn’t mean that he can be explained to this extent without the power stone.

Amidst the strange misunderstandings that arose-


“We must block the emission of divine power.”


Dean Homer looked at Dean Celes at Dane’s words.

It won’t last long.

If Dane were to release his hand here, an explosion of divine power would occur in all directions.

But if things continue like this, Dean Celeste will die.

A situation where you can’t do this or that.

At least that’s what Dean Homet thought.

“It’s not possible right now… … .”

“No, it is possible.”

“How do you mean?”

Dane spoke to Dean Homer, who asked urgently.

“Please evacuate everyone first, and immediately surround this area with a barrier. There must be no one inside the barrier besides me and Dean Celeste.”

Dean Homer flinched.

In other words, you have to stand outside and install it.

“It’s too dangerous.”

“If the divine outburst erupts here in all directions, all magicians will become ruined that day.”


I swallowed the gossip, but I could tell without him having to say anything.

What if Dane Sogress dies or something goes wrong here?

Perhaps the Imperial Church will have to face the full force of the Sogres Counts.

“There isn’t much time.”

I couldn’t help it.

Dean Homer followed Dane’s instructions and used his voice amplification to shout loudly.

[Immediately, everyone, get out of this area. I’m warning you! Get out of this area, your life may be in danger!]

The evacuation didn’t take long.

Thanks to the Academy guards who arrived just in time to help evacuate the people in a hurry.

“You guys, get out too!”

Dane’s friends were no exception.

Even Benatio, who is stronger than any of his friends, has no choice but to back down at this point.

‘What on earth are you trying to do?’

Benatio stepped back and thought.

Even though I don’t know exactly what it is, I think it’s something only Senior Dane can do in this situation.


“You don’t have to worry.”

Dean Homet nodded and stepped back with a somber expression.

Lamenting that he could not resolve this situation himself and had to leave it up to his undergraduate students.

And after Dean Homet stepped down.

“Is the smoke getting thicker?”

Dane muttered in a voice too quiet for Dean Celeste to hear.

Actually, there was no need to evacuate like this and build a grand magic barrier.

Because there was a simple solution.

I just scaled it up a bit.

To make this seem like a ‘big deal’.

If we do that, the shame of the Great Hall and the Divinity School will be highlighted, and Priscilla will suffer less damage.

The added benefit of Dane getting some more attention is that

Anyway, it’s too bad that this golden opportunity ends so simply.

“Should we wrap this up now?”

Dane looked at Dean Celeste.

“If you trust me and give up your strength even now, no one will get hurt.”

“… … Ugh.”

“I take it you agree.”

Dane continued speaking without waiting for an answer.

“If I give you a signal, you can cut off the divine power.”

“Then my divine power went out of control… … .”

“No, that won’t happen.”

At Dane’s words, Dean Celeste raised her head.

It was so hard that the blood vessels in my eyes burst.

“You know, right? No matter what we do now, the divine outburst will occur.”

“… … .”

“I can stop it.”

From the perspective of Dean Celeste, it sounded like unfounded confidence… … .

Literally, there was no way.

“Then, I take it you agree… … .”

Dane then drew on his magical power to create a hollow hemisphere in midair.

It’s a kind of lid.

How to block the vent of the rampant divinity.

It utilizes that high-density, concentrated horsepower.

Then, the explosively released divine energy can be safely returned inside.


And finally, with Dane’s signal, the divine power that Dean Celes was emitting temporarily dissipated-


Dane’s magical hemisphere clung to the place where the divine power was being released, and everything disappeared at once.

“… … !”

The storm of power that had arisen from the clash of magical and divine powers had disappeared, and the fear of death that had dominated Dean Celes’ mind had also disappeared.

As if nothing had happened.

“What the heck is this… … .”

Dean Celes appears bewildered by her own divine powers that neither run wild nor disappear.

Dane said at that sight.

“thank god.”

“… … .”

It’s a good thing he didn’t die.

But there was another meaning.

“I’m glad you’re alive now, so you can tell us what happened.”

“… … !”

Only then did Dean Celeste realize what was happening.

Because I had been walking on a smooth road, I focused only on the fact that I was pushed out by undergraduate students and did something truly absurd.

The divine power was prevented from escaping.

But, this feeling of all the blood draining from my body… … .


The first person to come running at that time.

“Are you fine?”

Leila was the most indifferent because she thought she would figure it out.

After that, Ernest followed, and then Priscilla came running with a pale face.

“Dane, are you okay?”

“yes I’m fine.”

Dane was not injured.

The same goes for Dean Celeste.

So Dean Homet, who had just finished setting up the barrier, could not believe what was happening.

‘There’s nothing wrong with Dane Sogress… … and Dean Celeste is fine?’

Judging from the unpleasantness felt when approaching it, it does not seem to have lost its divine power.

Stopping the rampage and fully restoring divine power.


This is a great discovery.

The Great Hall will soon be turned upside down.

No, before that, we should first investigate Dean Celeste’s crimes.

He displayed powers that went beyond simply threatening undergraduate students with his divine powers within the academy, to the point where it wouldn’t be strange if he killed them.

But even with that power, he was not only pushed back, but he also had to calm the rampaging divine power, which cost him his life.


Dean Homer burst into laughter.

Dane Sogress came to me and said:

I’ll pay you the price of the magic stone, so I’m asking for a little help.

So, I gladly called in Dean Celeste and acted harshly, which was not even in my fortune…

This is how it is.

Wasn’t it you who received help?

The entire academy almost flew away.

“Dane Sogress. Are you sure you’re okay? Are you hurt?”

“It’s okay, Dean. Thanks to you quickly organizing the surroundings, I was able to do it with peace of mind.”

There’s even a proper gilding there.

I should have become friends with this student a long time ago.

“I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of the Academy. I will also be presenting an official award.”

“It’s not what I wanted.”

Humility is a bonus.

At this point, I really hated Professor Celeste.

What on earth were you thinking when you did something like this?

So Dean Homer made a decision.

“Chairman Celeste.”

He approached Dean Celeste and spoke in a solemn voice, as if declaring:

“In order to punish the incident that just occurred, Professor Celes’s position within the Academy will be temporarily revoked.”

“Ha, Dean!”

“You almost put the entire Academy in danger. Any objections?”

“That, that is… … .”

“It seems there isn’t one. If necessary, request a formal trial.”

The authority of the dean.

I just haven’t used it yet because I haven’t had any use for it yet.

No matter how high the prestige of the Divinity School may be, it is nothing compared to the superficial authority held by the Dean of this Academy.


The security guards who came running at Dean Homet’s words immediately took Dean Celes away.

It wasn’t like they had tied him up or dragged him away for the sake of courtesy, but the humiliation of everyone watching was just as severe as when Professor Esteranza was there.

“What on earth has Dean Celeste been up to?”

“That’s right… … No, but how did you stop Dane Sogress?”

“They did it again.”

“How can an undergraduate student block a professor’s level of divine power with his magic?”

Mutters, exclamations, and surprises.

All eyes were on Dane… … .

Priscilla, who was not a party to this incident, suddenly realized.

‘Things… are strangely going in my favor?’


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