Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 368

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Chapter 368: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

266. I can’t help it

As expected.

Priscilla returned distraught.

Looks like you went and had a lot of fun.

This time, I wasn’t the only one who would listen to the story.

All my friends were gathered at our club’s grounds, a place that hadn’t been named yet.

“Priscilla, what happened?”

“Are you really going to graduate early?”

“This is driving me crazy. Isn’t that guy, the department head, making money?”

“Huh, I heard that the Department of Divinity is very powerful… … .”

While everyone was asking questions out of curiosity, Dorian was the only one who calmed the rest down.

“Teachers, let’s listen to the story first. It seems like you are very confused right now.”

I helped Dorian.

“Dorian is right. Priscilla, speak slowly. When you calm down.”

After a while.

Priscilla barely opened her mouth.

“That’s… … um… … for now, early graduation has been put on hold indefinitely.”

Yeah, as expected.

The reason why this has to be the case is simple.

Because the payment documents were submitted without Priscilla’s consent.

There was no such thing as Priscilla, but it was made as if Priscilla had submitted these documents because she wanted to graduate early.

So, the document has no effect in the first place.

It’s false.

“… … That’s why the dean asked me directly… … and I answered that I never wanted to graduate early.”

“And then?”

“The department head got up from his seat and left. It seemed like he was trying to ask me something here and there, but the dean cut him off every time.”


That’s the bottom line.

The department head’s plan failed.

In addition-

“Then, that high priest who came to visit last time… … .”

“You’re probably angry by now.”

Leila answered Ernest’s words.

Althurdo added a word.

“You’re not just angry, you’re really angry. As far as I know, it’s almost time to elect a bishop.”

Since Althur is a senior, he seems to have seen through the political aspects as well.

As the time for the election of bishops approaches, Priscilla refuses to graduate early and even turns her back on the Great Hall?

A situation arises where it is better to not touch it at all.

Simply put, we are now caught up in the political issue of bishop elections.

Thanks to that, Althur asked me in a worried tone.

“Even though it’s you, aren’t you jumping into something too big?”

“It’s a big deal. It’s my friend’s.”

“… … That’s a good thing to say, but I’m saying it out of concern for you and Priscilla.”

It’s a common reaction.

Of course it should be like that.

Because it interfered with the Imperial Church.

But guys like Leila reacted like this.

“So what? It’s Dane’s fault. He’ll take care of it.”

Such infinite trust.

I guess I’ll have to repay you with an endless sparring match sooner or later.

“Right. Well, because I’m Dane.”

Ernest also got involved.

Then the other guys started to agree, and only Althur shook his head.

“You’re the only ones who would accept that there’s a problem with the Catholic Church for that reason.”

“So what? If you touch it there, you can just deal with it then.”

Yeah, that’s right.

And now, on the surface, it appears that I and the Church of God are in no way entangled.

To the extent that… … .

Dean Homer, who owes me a ‘debt’, accepted my offer.

There seems to be some overlap of interests there.

For example, you didn’t really think much of the Department of Theology, but then you got my offer?

“Priscilla Neriel!”

In the meantime, what was to come has come.

He is the Chair of the Department of Selene in the Faculty of Theology.

He came towards me, grumbling, and suddenly began to emit divine power.

Priscilla flinched, but showed no intention of backing down.

Rather, the ones who retreated were Althur, a magician, and Jenna, who was not very close to divine powers.


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“Do you know what you did just now?!”

“What did you say you did?”

“Yes! It’s all for your benefit, don’t you know that?”

Something for you.

Priscilla’s eyebrows seemed to twitch at those words.

“Something for me… … .”

Meanwhile, Dean Celeste opened her eyes wide and glared at us.

“You are the stumbling block the High Priest spoke of.”

It’s a stumbling block.

The expression is appropriate.

There is no greater obstacle for the High Priest than this.

But what can I do?

It’s not just a stumbling block, it’s a fairly large rock.

A huge rock that blocks the road.

“If you truly care about your friends and the Empire, then let Priscilla go. Those who deceive you with false words are not friends, but those worse than the Demons… … .”


Then Priscilla stepped forward.

I took a step forward, undaunted by the immense divine power radiating from Dean Celeste.

“I can tolerate insults. Like you did in the Great Hall. Like serving wine to priests who are not gods.”

“P, Priscilla, what did you just say… … .”

“They are the hardships of walking the path of God, aren’t they? I can endure such insults as much as I want. They are being poured on me.”

“That is only… … .”

“But I can’t stand it when people insult, pressure, and try to tear me down, other than myself.”

The words that came out of Priscilla’s mouth after that were a notification.

“So I will walk my own path. My own path to God.”

“… … Priscilla.”

“You don’t have to be in the main shrine to worship a god, right?”

“Priscilla Neriel.”

“I want to serve by seeking out those who need God’s help. That’s my heart.”

It’s like looking at a tree that stands tall and doesn’t seem like it will shake.

Looking at the department head with his firm determination and dejected expression, I can’t help but laugh.

And at this point, the department head seemed to be getting more anxious.

“P, Priscilla. That decision now… … could lead to excommunication from the Church. Don’t you know that?”

“That’s an unfair scandal. Don’t you know that?”

That’s right.

At least on the surface, there is no reason to excommunicate him.

Rather, the fact that Daeshinjeon intervened in early graduation without the consent of the undergraduate students is more problematic.

Of course, in normal times, those are powers that can be easily ignored… … .

What’s important is that an outsider intervened in this matter.

Dean Homet.

Someone who would be willing to help you get more magic stones.

That’s how wizards are originally.

I’m there too.

“Are you really thinking of turning your back on the Great Hall? That would ultimately be turning your back on God… … .”

“That sounds like blasphemy, Dean. Does that mean that the Great Hall is God?”

The department head was left speechless by the stunning counterattack.

I guess the department head has nothing more to say here.

Other than threats and persuasion.

If you really do that by pressuring him to do so, he will have to feel the full consequences of not being elected as a bishop.

Politics is really something.

“I plan to report to the High Priest myself.”

“P, Priscilla. Come on, think about it a little more. Okay? At least, yes. Until the end of the semester.”

I think the bishop election was probably next month.

That’s why he acts like he’s got fire under his feet.

If Priscilla were to go and give up her path as a priestess in front of everyone, there would be chaos.

“Do you really want to get into trouble?”

“Why should I be excommunicated when I have done nothing wrong, Professor? It seems like you are the one who is at fault right now.”

Priscilla is probably holding it in for quite some time now.

He usually speaks very calmly and doesn’t even swear.

So, paradoxically, I am even more angry now.

I don’t know if that department head knows this.

“Arrogant to the end… … .”

I guess he doesn’t know.

Seeing him become so angry that he starts to unleash his divine power without any plan.

“Everyone, step back.”

I spoke quickly.

Jenna and Althur.

The two who are vulnerable to divine power have already moved away, but that level of divine power will affect the others as well.

Needless to say, Priscilla.

In a fight between priests or paladins, you can completely subdue your opponent by overwhelming their divine power.

Among users of the same divine power, it works in a different way than magical power.

“Priscilla Neriel, are you saying that you will now turn your back on God, abandon the Great Temple, and let your talents rot away?”

The intense divine power was now focused on Priscilla.


It was at that moment that Priscilla stumbled, unable to hold on for a moment.

“… … !”

The department head looked at me, perhaps sensing something strange.

That’s worth it.


I just blocked the path of the divine power that was about to explode by creating a barrier of magic power.

“You’re crossing the line, Professor.”

Even though I said this, the department head’s eyes were filled with distrust.

Naturally, it would be hard to believe that a mere student could block his own divine power with magic power.

Magic and divine power are in a relationship that conflicts and rejects each other.

Therefore, if one side falls just a little bit in level, they will be pushed back infinitely, like the difference between 1 class and 8 class.

Of course, this isn’t an important fact since priests and wizards will never directly confront each other… … .

At this very moment, this fact must be more important than anything else in the world to the department head.

“What kind of evil tricks are you using… … You’re an undergraduate student, and you think your divine powers are higher than mine?”

The divine power was concentrated towards me, and it was becoming stronger.


Priscilla shouted urgently from the side, but it was okay.

I felt my power increasing, but my magic barrier was completely calm, not to mention unshakable.

“Professor, you’d better take it easy.”

I warned you one last time.

But rather, the department head seems unable to believe that his power is not working, and he only increases his power.

The sea I longed for.

This is not a remote place like the forest of Bonia.

Rather, it is a place where students often come and go, and sometimes… … .

“Hey, what are you doing?”

“Aren’t you guys from the romantic club?”

“Is Dean Celeste there too? Department of Theology?”

“What, all of a sudden?”

Like this, a group of students can form as they rush out after class.

Some of them realized the situation and shouted urgently.

“The Magic School, get back!”

Divine power.

The divine power that overwhelms the magic power of the wizard swallows up the magic power and causes it to flow backwards.

To put it simply, it is a dangerous situation… … .

It is not just anyone else, but someone who is the head of the Department of Theology who is creating this.

“What the hell are you doing? Is the professor over there attacking Dane?”

“Could it be because Dane built a wall?”

“What the hell is going on?”

The reason is unknown, and it would be difficult for them to judge the circumstances, but they would know one thing.

The fact that the professor is attacking the student.

“Professor, didn’t I tell you?”

I looked at Dean Celeste and continued speaking.

“I think it would be better to withdraw your strength.”

“You… … What on earth are you… … .”

But unfortunately, Dean Celes seems to be focused on the fact that her divine power is being overpowered by my magical power.

What can I do?

What’s been piling up.

It’s probably a fact that’s hard to overturn.

So, rather than that, it would be better to focus on the situation that everyone is looking at right now… … .

“What the hell! Right now you are blaspheming the power of God with ridiculous numbers!”

It seems like Dean Celeste has no intention of stepping down.

As evidence, the divine power that had been amplified grew stronger and began to spread out in all directions, surpassing my magical barrier.

“There’s nothing I can do.”

I activated the magic imagery.


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