Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 367

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Chapter 367: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

265. I’m really looking forward to it

Until now, approval from the Department of Theology, especially approval submitted directly by the department head, has been nothing more than a formality.

The first reason is that only ‘what needs to be done’ is approved, and the second reason is that the prestige of the Department of Divinity is unrivaled within the academy.

That’s why the department head is very embarrassed right now.

Yet, in my heart, I kept wondering why the dean had rejected this approval.

‘What? There’s no reason for that.’

All sorts of political reasons came to mind.

Is the Dean going to come and suppress the Department of Divinity now?

Or maybe something changed in your mind?

Whatever it is, it is unacceptable.

So now the department head was striding towards the dean’s office to ask questions.

It’s something I couldn’t even imagine in any other department.

“Oh, department head?”

The secretary you see right away as you enter the dean’s office.

“Is the dean in there?”

“You left your seat earlier.”

“You left your seat?”

“Yes. I heard you’re going on a business trip to the East and will be away for three days… … .”

Three days?

What is this all of a sudden?

“By the way, what brings you here?”

“I came to make a payment.”

“He said that if there were any documents that needed to be paid for, he would look into them after he got back.”

Three days?

There are still a month or two left until the final exams, but if time drags on… … .

Priscilla Neriel will be able to attend the Academy again next semester.

That must be stopped.

“By the way, do you know the reason for the rejection of the payment document I submitted this time?”

“I don’t know. The Dean has never shared any documents with me before… … .”

I guess so.

I just asked just in case.


‘What on earth are you thinking?’

Dean Homer’s business trips are actually not as rare as you might think.

But the timing was very subtle.

No, am I overreacting?

If you just come back three days later and say, ‘Now that I think about it, the department head had a point,’ the problem might be resolved.

-Payment rejected?

So the department head contacted the high priest and reassured him for the time being.

“Yes, this is my first time experiencing this too… … .”

-Please take good care of me. You know what I can promise you.

“Yes, I know. Haha. Of course.”

The moment you are elected as a bishop, you stand at the top of the Imperial Church.

If that happens, it means that those who have supported the high priest so far will be able to get a solid share.

In other words, if things go well, he will be able to move beyond the academy department head position and take up a high-ranking position in the Grand Palace.

“Don’t worry, just wait a little longer. I will visit the Dean as soon as he returns and come back with good news.”

– Heh heh, are you worried? Why are you saying such harsh words? I just ask you to take good care of me.

Even though the communication ended like that, the department head still tilted his head with a strange sense of uneasiness.

‘Surely there’s nothing there?’

No matter how much I think about it, there doesn’t seem to be any reason for that.

So, he tried to suppress his anxiety and felt relieved.

‘Once this matter is concluded successfully and the selection of bishops is completed… … From then on, I too… … .’

The department head was full of dreams.

But again three days later.

The department head who finally went to see Dean Homet who had returned had to hear an absurd answer from his perspective.

“What do you mean, Dean?”

“It is exactly as I said, Professor Celeste. The results of the document review show that some parts are different from the truth.”

“You say it is different from the truth… … .”

“Here, as you can see, it says, ‘Priscilla Neriel has expressed her desire and consented to early graduation, and hereby applies for early graduation.’”

“Yes, is there any problem with that?”

The department head answered confidently, although it felt a little awkward. Then Dean Homet narrowed his eyes and asked.

“Did you really get consent?”

“Yes that’s right.”

Actually, I didn’t receive it.

No, you don’t need to receive it.

It is impossible to refuse the department head’s instructions in the Department of Theology.

If that happens, the elite path to the Great Temple will be blocked, and you will end up living a ‘unattractive’ priestly life wandering around local temples.


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It’s not that consent wasn’t obtained, it’s that there was no need to obtain it.

Because once something is written on the document, it becomes a rule that must be followed.

“That’s strange. As far as I know, that’s not the case.”

“Huh? What is that… … .”

“Is that really true?”

“… … .”

The department head, who had been hesitating, opened his mouth after thinking for a while.

“Why… is that?”

“Professor Celeste.”

Dean Homer’s eyes lit up.

He is a wizard.

It would be natural for him to have a hard time in front of the divine power that flows out and is difficult to control, but he shows no such signs.

The eyes located in the middle of the wrinkles of old age were emitting an even brighter light.

“I don’t want to have a conversation with you over a single payment document. Let me put it simply. It appears that the document was written without the consent of the parties involved. Is that correct?”

The department head flinched.

Something feels strange about the atmosphere.

How did this happen?

The person who used to approve documents without saying anything was now asking questions.


By any chance, do you know anything?

Meanwhile, Dean Homer urged him once more.

“Whether it comes up to me or the department head, the fact that there are false facts in the documents is a serious problem.”

Then, without realizing it, the department head got angry.

“Then, should I call the student and have him check?”

There’s no way Priscilla Neriel would have gone to see the Dean.

Even if that were the case, it would be enough if he could just impress his dignity here.

That’s what I thought.

However, Dean Homet’s answer was a little different.

“Yes, that’s right.”

So what?

“But let me ask the questions.”

If you have a question –

“Is it an early graduation for student Priscilla Neriel by her own will or something else?”

Dean Homer announced without giving anyone a chance to respond.

“The department head, please leave the room for a moment.”

It’s different, it’s too different.

I haven’t really met Dean Homet, but the department head hasn’t paid much attention to him.

Because he is the head of the Department of Theology.

Because the status of the Department of Divinity is enormous.

To be exact, I thought that no one could go against the Imperial Church.

That’s why the current situation is so incredibly confusing.


“Is there any reason why that shouldn’t be the case?”

“… … .”

there is.

But even if it exists, it is a word that cannot be brought out.

“Oh, I understand. Then I will tell Priscilla… … .”

“Oh, I’ll take care of the contact.”

Knock knock.

The secretary’s voice is heard when the direct communication correction ball is touched.

-Yes, Dean.

“Miss Linney? Please page Miss Priscilla Neriel of the Divinity School immediately. Tell her to come to the Dean’s office immediately.”

-All right.

The call ended, and Dean Homet looked at the department head.

“I would like to ask Priscilla Neriel again. Is she really willing to graduate early? And has she previously agreed to it?”

Only then did the department head realize.

Something… … is going wrong.

“You probably know that this isn’t just a matter of paperwork.”

In that moment, my heart sank.

The pulse changes were transmitted clearly to Dean Homer’s ears, who had already had their hearing enhanced by magic.

* * *

“It’s really okay… … right?”


Priscilla is not easily anxious or intimidated by situations.

There may be complaints and grievances, and even a little bit of cursing.

In that sense, it seems like the problem is that there has been no mention of this matter yet, whether from the department or the main temple.

At least for Priscilla.

“Maybe we’ll come to a conclusion soon?”

“How do you know?”

“There is something like that.”

“Can’t I tell you?”

“It’s no fun if I tell you in advance. Just go and tell me as it is.”


Priscilla seems to have finally made up her mind after this incident?

“I will not give up the path for God.”

Priscilla had definitely said so.

The words were like this.

“It’s not easy to turn your back on the Great Temple… … Hey, I don’t know.”

It’s exactly like that.

I will maintain my current faith in God, but I will no longer live for the Great Temple.

Some would say that the road to the Great Temple is the road to the Gods, but this incident has proven otherwise.

Does it make sense to ‘forcibly graduate’ someone using talent as an excuse?

Even the subtleties of the timing, with the election of bishops just around the corner.

“Just do whatever your heart desires.”

“That’s right. Yes, do whatever you want.”

Priscilla nodded vigorously.

As always, I tend to wait calmly rather than trying to persuade my friends to agree with me.

“Thanks, Dane.”


“Thanks to your words, I made up my mind.”

And from the moment you make up your mind, they believe in you and help you.

“Then that’s good.”

“It’s important to do what you want. You’re right.”

Do whatever you want.

A concept that I could hardly feel in my previous life.

The feelings I had from the moment I finally passed the special appointment and decided to become a monk before I died.

The realization that I, who was born on the battlefield and raised on the battlefield, finally had something I could do as I pleased without having to listen to someone else’s orders.

“I’m a little… …shaky, though.”

How could you not do that when you turn your back on the place you have spent your whole life in?

Perhaps, it would feel like a betrayal.

But that’s okay.

At least the forced early graduation that Priscilla is worried about won’t happen.

“It’ll be fine. At least, as far as the things you’re worried about are concerned.”

“… … Just hearing those words makes me feel reassured. Thank you.”

“Tell that to Dorian too.”

While I was giggling, I heard a rumbling sound coming from Priscilla’s arms.

-Student Priscilla Neriel?

Yeah, I thought it would be around this point.

Priscilla looked at me.

I nodded as if to say, “Receive it.”

“Yes, who are you?”

A strangely trembling voice.

– I am the secretary to Dean Arkwald Homet. Dean Homet has requested that you come to the Dean’s office immediately.

“Homet… … the dean?”

Priscilla’s eyes widened.

It’s surprising.

Because I didn’t even mention what I did.

-Yes, right now. If you are attending a class, you can come after asking for permission from the professor in charge.

The prestige of the Faculty of Divinity is unparalleled within the academy.

So, I have no choice but to use it.

It would be strange if I came forward myself, so I spoke to the dean who I had a relationship with through the magic stone case.

“Yes, yes… … I understand.”

Priscilla hung up the phone and stared blankly at me.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen such a blank expression.

“Dane… … You, really?”

Instead of answering, I shrugged.

As if telling me to hurry and go.

Priscilla got up as if possessed and walked away.

I smiled as I looked at his back.


What will happen soon?

I’m really looking forward to it.


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