Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 365

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Chapter 365: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

263. See you for a long time

“I can’t believe a guy who’s never been to Dranek created something like this.”

Professor Cross muttered in disbelief.

“How on earth did you make this?”

“The design was helped by the Department of Architecture, and I figured out the magic to apply it.”

“In less than a week?”

“Yes. Of course, magic is magic, but the Department of Architecture helped a lot in creating it.”

Professor Cross shakes his head.

By the way, Professor Cross told me to submit my research assignments as he will be measuring my grades this semester.

So, I wrote and submitted a production report of ‘Sudden Drop’, which was created by our club.

“But didn’t you see it at the festival?”

“You punk, I’m so busy. I wasn’t even at the academy. I went out because there were no classes.”

“It’s a shame. I wanted to see if Richie felt fear too.”

“Do you want to use your teacher as a test subject?”

Professor Cross grumbled that there was no use in raising disciples and asked.

“How on earth did you come up with this?”

“I saw it in a book.”

“From the Draconic Book?”


“You can’t speak Draconic?”

“little bit?”


Actually, Draenic is not difficult.

According to a professor of linguistics, the linguistic differences are not that great.

So learning itself is not difficult.

It’s because the text is a bit complicated.

However, due to the policies of the Alteon Empire, research and learning about the Draconic language are not active.

“I wonder what kind of action this will show in Drenique.”

“You wouldn’t send an assassin?”

“I don’t think that would happen unless you’re crazy.”

But considering that they chased him all the way from Dranek to kill Delward, it doesn’t seem entirely impossible.

Well, I’m not saying I’ll suffer for it though.

“Anyway, you’ve created something amazing. Do you know that?”

“Then that’s good.”

“Anyway, there’s no way to have a good reaction. Yeah, the assignment passed. There’s nothing to see.”

Bang, Professor Cross, who had stamped the seal, returned the report.

“You don’t have to worry about your grades.”

“thank you.”

I guess the report has been resolved as well.

Now it’s lecture time again.

“Where were we last time?”

“I learned how to gather the magical energy and manifest it into a veil.”

“Okay. Go ahead and do it.”

Gather magical energy into one mass, then spread it out over a wide area to manifest in the form of a curtain.

In fact, it is an extension of the practice of gathering and sharpening the figurative magic power.

However, considering the purpose of the ‘curtain’, it is usually not easy to spread it over a wide area.

Still, it was worth doing.

Whew Whew Whew!

Now, the entire lab has been completely covered.

“As expected, you get it done quickly.”

Professor Cross reacts as if he is no longer surprised.

“What’s next?”

“Not for the time being. Just review.”


“Well, I need to control my speed. This thing, it doesn’t even look like it’ll take a semester. Hey.”

The corners of my mouth curled up at Professor Cross’s words.

“Do you really think that if you have nothing more to teach me, I won’t see you anymore?”

“You rascal. What difference would it make if I didn’t see you?”

“If you don’t see me, what are you going to do next?”

So, the question is, after finding the disciple that he had always wanted to become, and passing on everything he had to that disciple, what would he do next?

Saul Hangston.

Now known as Professor Cross, he is a legendary wizard and lich.

The reason he became a lich was to find a disciple to whom he could pass on his knowledge and skills.

“… … Well.”

Professor Cross scratched the back of his head.

“Because I didn’t think about it deeply.”

Then he glared at me.


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“So, learn slowly, my disciple.”

It was a tone of voice full of strange emotions.


“You’re good at answering questions. Anyway, learning anything too quickly is not good. Even I took decades to complete something, but you can do it in a matter of months… … If you were born during the war, you would have contributed greatly to the unification of the continent, no matter what.”

I laughed bitterly at those words.

In my previous life, when I was born during a war, my influence was extremely minimal.

“By the way, are you planning on going on another adventure during the vacation?”

“I guess so. I’m thinking of going west for a bit.”

“Hmm. I heard that there was a place where the demons lived.”

There’s one more there.

There is a high probability that there is a power concentration in the western part.

I guess I’ll go there no matter what.

Of course, the real goal is to explore the West for fun.

It’ll be much more fun than just staying home during the holidays.

Of course, mom and dad might be a little disappointed.

“Be careful when you go to the desert. The desert monsters are always hungry and burning. If you are caught, you will be dried up and withered away without a single fluid left.”

“Your disciple is going to such a dangerous place. Why don’t you give him any advice and just instill fear?”

“You should worry about the guy who needs to worry. Hey.”

Professor Cross waved his hand.

“The lecture is over, so go quickly. I’m busy.”

It hasn’t even been an hour since the lecture started.

Professor Cross is eating raw food again today.

So, it would be good to eat it raw for a long time.

See you for a long time.

* * *

We set up a temporary training ground on the large piece of land we received as a first place prize at the club festival.

We finally left the forest of Bonia.

“The forest keeper will be bored.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine. You said you’ll come visit later?”

First of all, the temporary training ground was decorated by moving the same things as those in Bonia’s forest.

Like a fence or a wooden doll.

Since we were not yet at the stage where we needed help from the Department of Architecture, setting up the temporary training ground was completed in a few hours.


In the midst of all this, a sound of crying is heard, one that I haven’t heard in a long time.

It’s Chiron.

“How did the guy who was supposed to be in the forest come here?”

I tilted my head as I lightly climbed on top of Chiron, who was about to run up to me and attack me as soon as he saw me.

“Oh, he’s become something of a celebrity at the academy these days.”

It gets even stranger when you hear Leila’s words.


“Yeah. I heard he escaped from the forest and wandered around the academy.”

Look at this guy.

You became such a celebrity without me even noticing?


The guy was shaking his head up and down as if he was fidgeting.

On top of that, Karnas, who had been in my arms, came out with a whoosh and landed gently.

“Creak! Creak!”


I left the two guys who understood human language behind and inspected the training grounds.

Some guys had already started training.

“Benatio, come here. Let’s spar.”

“Yes, senior.”

Benatio seems to be Leila’s swordsmanship sparring partner, Ernest is practicing archery, and Jenna and Althur are, as usual, working on their physical strength.

Anyway, everyone worked hard.

At this rate, even if we go to the desert, we won’t die of thirst.

“But are we really going to the West?”

I nodded to Priscilla’s question.

“That’s probably the case. If there are no other problems. You’re going too, right?”

“That’s right.”

I looked at Priscilla, who accepted faster than I expected.

“Have you made up your mind?”

“Not quite that far, but I already told the Grand Master that I’m going to take a sabbatical year.”

“There is such a system.”

“I’m using that as an excuse to take a break. In my case, I’m just postponing my decision.”

Priscilla sighed.

“But I’m not sure if they’ll approve. You damn old people. I’ve been working hard to promote myself, but when I told them I was taking a sabbatical, their expressions were just ridiculous.”

I want to see those old people’s faces.

“Honestly, I don’t know. Should I align my faith with my career path, or should I just follow my heart?”

It doesn’t seem to be just because of Dorian.

“I’ve been thinking about it for a while.”

Priscilla showed me the pendant around her neck.

This is something that all priests of the Imperial Church always carry around.

But Priscilla is holding this even though she is not a formal priest.

“Since a very long time ago. I grew up not knowing anything, and then suddenly priests came to our family and told me that I had an incredible talent for divine powers.”

“In the Holy Church?”

“Yeah. And even before you became a full-fledged priest, they gave you this when you entered the academy. It’s like your path was set.”

Priscilla held out the pendant as if to let me touch it.

A strange discomfort felt the moment it touches your hand.

This may be because of their nature of pushing each other away.

“That pendant is special. It continuously captures the wearer’s divine power. So later, when selecting high-ranking priests, that divine power is used as an evaluation criterion.”

So, does that mean that from the moment you become a priest until you die, you cannot separate it from your body?

“Honestly, I don’t know what I’ll do if I give up this path. I’ve already been pushed out of the family lineage by deciding to walk this path… … .”

Priscilla, who had been sighing the whole time, hid the pendant back inside her top.

“It’s difficult, isn’t it?”


“But it’s true that I’ve been seriously thinking about it since meeting you guys. And a little bit… … the burden has been relieved.”

Where is it that isn’t a burden?

“There must be something you can do well. Learning magic might be a good idea.”

“That’s the word that doesn’t suit me the most.”

I asked Priscilla, who was giggling.

“How about opening an astrology shop?”

“That’s a good idea too.”

It’s an astrology shop.

This time, we achieved 5th place in the club festival.

It’s a huge achievement for a small booth.

Thanks to that, after the festival ended, Priscilla and Dorian, who helped her, were completely devastated.

In that sense, I think it would be a great idea to open an astrology booth.

“If you give me your name, can I sell it?”

“In what way?”

“A store approved by Dane Sogres?”

“That’s about it.”

That was when we were having a conversation that was both pointless and secretly serious.

“wait for a sec.”


“I feel like that pendant is coming this way.”


When I turned my head to look, three men immediately caught my eye.

White priestly robes and staff.

Anyone can see that they are members of the Imperial Church.

And they’re coming this way… … .


I guess that means Priscilla has some business to attend to.

“Dane, you don’t have to interfere. I think I know why you came….”

Apply for sabbatical year.

Maybe that’s why.

“Priscilla Neriel.”

Of those who finally arrived, the old man at the front spoke first.

“Your Highness.”

“You were here.”

“I didn’t know you would come all the way here.”

Priscilla was shaking.

The authority of the high priest.

I think I know what it means to be able to overwhelm your opponent with just divine power.

“I don’t think it will work through communication or writing.”

The high priest turned his head straight to me.

“Are you the Dane Sogress of the rumors?”

“That’s right.”

“I am Gary Bloom, the high priest of the Imperial Church. I have heard that you have learned magic, but if you come near me, it will be unpleasant, so please step aside.”

If he was a wizard, he definitely would have done so.

However, that is the case for ordinary wizards.

“it’s okay.”

“It’s not something to brag about.”

Then Priscilla intervened.

“It’s okay, High Priest. Dane is special.”

“Is it special?”

The high priest narrowed his eyes and looked at me.

Then he speaks to Priscilla again.

“Priscilla, did you take a sabbatical to hang out with these guys?”

“That’s not it.”

“No matter how I look at it, it seems that way. Priscilla, it was when you started to change that you started hanging out with friends like Dane Sogress.”

I laughed out loud at those words, but since I was in the right place, I thought about Priscilla’s reputation and kept it to myself.

But then it couldn’t be done.

“So, the conclusion of the meeting of the high priests of the Great Hall was that you will graduate this semester.”


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