Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 364

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Chapter 364: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

262. How did you do it?

“You can send more.”

Professor Sepion was dumbfounded when he heard Dane’s words.

That was the word he spoke after defeating six dolls one after another by himself.

“What did he just say?”

“I’m tired of being surprised now. How many more will I have to defeat?”

“Shall we bet? About ten?”

“I’m twenty. How much is it?”

“Three crown gold coins.”

“You have to do at least 10. If you get scared, you’ll die.”

Professor Sepion asked in the midst of the spectacle of impromptu betting.

“… … Are you okay?”

“of course.”

Not a single breath was lost.

If you were to fight six low-power dolls, an undergraduate student would barely be able to defeat them, let alone defeat them two or three times.

Why multiple enemies are scary.

Knights learn too.

When facing multiple enemies, be careful even if the enemies are poorly armed.

But that guy, depending on the output of each individual entity, had to deal with six dolls, each as thick as two undergraduate students.

And that too, very easily.


Five dolls reappear when the device is turned on.

“I will increase the output.”

“All right.”

Professor Sepion thought for a moment.


Should we take it one step further?

Professor Sepion, with a hopeful mind, came up with two steps.

“You can raise it as much as you want.”

If it gets dangerous, we go in to rescue them.

It’s a completely different mindset from Professor Esteranza.

“good night.”

Finally, the output of the dolls goes up –


The five dolls rushed forward at a speed incomparable to that of the dolls that had just been defeated.

‘How to deal with it.’

If the individual levels of the knights could be converted into scores, five dolls of that level would surpass Professor Sepion’s score.

But swordsmanship and combat are not just a numbers game.

How to act in any given situation.

The choices you make in the moment determine the next moment, and they can be life-or-death choices.

In that sense, it seemed like Dane had made his choice.


First, he raised his sword horizontally towards the two dolls that were rushing towards him, and then simultaneously blocked two swords that were swinging vertically.


And then, without any effort, he pushes away the two dolls, and ducks to dodge the three swords flying from behind.


A sword technique that simultaneously turns the body around the left foot on the ground and splits the lower bodies of two dolls.

“oh my god.”

Professor Sepion sighed at the series of movements that flowed like water.

All those decisions were made in an instant?

No, but rather-


What on earth is that technique of kicking up sand from the ground to block your vision and then gouging out your eyes with a pommel?

The mouths of the undergraduate students who had only learned ‘sword fighting’, that is, cutting and stabbing using the ‘blade’, are wide open.

“Can you do that in Dalian…?”

“Is that sparring? It’s a showdown!”

“I never imagined such a method… … .”

After the war, swordsmanship was limited to ‘sparring’.

The swordsmanship used in Dalian was given more importance.

Because of this, the so-called ‘cowardly’ techniques that could not be used in sparring were discarded.

Improvisations that could overcome skill gaps if used well were considered ‘dishonorable’.

“It’s different, definitely different.”

However, as if to mock this tone, Dane actively uses his black hands and feet to fight the dolls.

It is no longer a skill that can be discussed solely through pure swordsmanship.


And experience.

Here’s more boldness.


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That’s an area that can never be explained by talent alone.

‘But how?’

Dane is a fifteen year old boy.

No matter how much ‘experience’ you have, at best it’s only a training ground or a sparring range.

I’ve probably dealt with some monsters, but… … Well.

Could such swordsmanship skills be achieved with just that?

‘Professor Keltas?’

A talented person who suddenly comes to mind.

As a former Imperial Knight, I heard that you live like a bum in the Autonomous College of Engineering, even though you don’t know what you’re doing…

Actually, I don’t know.

Even if taught by a former Knight Commander, would it be possible to instill such expertise?


Dane knocked down two dolls in the meantime.

Now there’s only one thing left.

I could tell the results without even seeing them.


He flies off one of his arms, kicks him down with his foot, and then aims his sword.

It was a perfect victory without a single flaw.

“Enough. Well done, Dane Sogress.”

Professor Sepion immediately released the area. His expression was complicated and subtle. How should I put this?

“Thank you professor.”

“Uh, um. Okay.”

There’s nothing I can do.

Professor Sepion looked around at the undergraduates and said:

“Everyone must have seen it.”

“… … .”

You couldn’t have seen it well.

At least in terms of learning.

How do you learn and follow that?

“As you can see, Dane Sogress’s swordsmanship is diverse. To be more precise, his fighting style is completely different from yours.”

“Professor, we haven’t learned how to fight like that yet.”

That’s right.

Rather than learning, he would just swing his sword.

He may have learned the steps necessary for swordsmanship, but he probably didn’t learn such ‘dirty’ fighting techniques.

“Then you can start learning from now on.”

Professor Sepion looked at Dane and continued speaking.

“The Dane Sogres’ fighting style is new to you, but that’s why there’s so much for you to learn.”

The surroundings became quiet.

Professor Sepion took out his prepared remarks.

“Of course, you may never have a use for it in your entire life. If you show it even a little, you may be branded a coward. However, what threatens your lives is not the sparring under the watchful eye of the initiates.”

Professor Esteranza taught methods for good scores and good sparring rather than actual fighting.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

However, this is not the right way to survive.

“So from now on, you will follow the example of Dane Sogres and hone your warrior skills that can be used in ‘fighting’.”

Imperial Academy.

In this place, known as the headquarters of imperial education, it is impossible to know what kind of repercussions it would have to say something that negates the current swordsmanship trend.

But Professor Sepion looked rather relieved.

As if he had said something he had held back for a long time.

“Dane Sogress. If you don’t mind, could you help me out with the next lesson?”

At those words, Dane shook his head.

“If you are talking about the assistant, I would like to decline.”


Professor Sepion, who had assumed that he would naturally accept it given the atmosphere, was taken aback.

“Is there a reason you are refusing…?”


Is it because of ill feelings?

‘It was a bit early to suggest this.’

In fact, anyone who experiences a series of events like that cannot help but feel ill-willed.

This isn’t the first or second time I’ve been provoked.

To be honest, I’m a little embarrassed.

It’s both a suggestion and an experience like this, and the fact that Dane Sogress is still attending this swordsmanship class.

But the answer I heard was a bit unexpected.

“Someone said that if you accept the assistant position offer, that’s the beginning.”


“Graduate school.”

“… … .”

It wasn’t exactly wrong, but I couldn’t refute it.

“But if you promise to spar in the future, I can often help you.”


The people who were really surprised by those words were the undergraduate students.

The authority of the professors of the Department of Swordsmanship is enormous.

Of course, a one-on-one meeting is out of the question, and sparring is out of the question.

It is a great honor to spar.

That’s understandable, since all of the professors in the Department of Swordsmanship are either former or current swordsmen.

“Okay. Of course. I’m looking forward to you.”

But Dane, who asked for it lightly, and Professor Sepion, who accepted it.

What the hell is going on?

The gaping mouths of the swordsmanship students would not close.

“I knew it.”

Now, Leila is okay with whatever Dane does.

“Senior, you seem to like sparring.”

Except for Benatio, who is hell-bent on finding out what Dane likes.

* * *

“Your skills have improved in the meantime.”

After the fencing department lectures ended.

It was something I heard after meeting Professor Keltas for the first time in a long while and having a heated debate with him.

“Is that so.”

“Yeah. It’s grown again. Damn it.”

“Is it okay to react like that to a student’s growth?”

“It’s because it’s so fast. The speed at which it fills is incredible. It’s like pouring water into a bottle.”

Of course.

Dane had already developed the framework for swordsmanship in his previous life, and in this life he gained ancient magic and other talents.

So, growth is bound to be faster every day.

“How many cores did you have?”

“There are three.”

“No one will ask unless they are close to me, but if you go somewhere and say there are three, no one will believe you.”

That’s right.

The usual standards set by the Empire are now meaningless to the Danes.

Things like how many cores there are.

Of course, it had its own important meaning, but with just three cores, it could take on a Penta-class knight and five dolls with medium or higher output.

“Then, should we try raising it to four?”

“What are you talking about? You want to increase the core?”

“Now that we’re on the subject, I didn’t do it because it wasn’t really necessary.”

“If someone heard me, they would think the core was a rubber band.”

A Dane who just smiles without saying anything.




This guy is a research subject.

Maybe it’s a mutation.

Why, it seems like among monsters there are some that are particularly large and strong compared to their own species.

Aren’t there bound to be mutations in people too?

Like Saul Hangston, who is said to be the idol of all wizards.

‘I wonder if Professor Crosu thinks of him that way too?’

Anyway, since that’s the case, it’s time to check it out.

“Try it.”

“It’s done.”


Professor Kelthas looked blankly at Dane.

When I checked earlier, it clearly had three cores.

But, there really are four?

“That’s just how it is. Your core expands without you even knowing it.”

“That’s true. But the story about being able to control it… … .”

I haven’t heard of it.

So Professor Kelthas put his hands on Dane’s body.

It’s true.

“This is ridiculous… … .”

The cores that had been three until just now had now become four.

“How did you do it?”

“I just increased it.”

“So how.”

“Just like that. I channeled the magic well. In my body.”

“… … .”

He speaks so casually that it doesn’t seem like he’s bragging or lying.

It’s as if he’s calmly confessing the truth.

“Huh… … This is… … .”

Professor Keltas put his hand on his forehead in bewilderment, then nodded.

“Good. Now that you have four cores, let’s try using them. Grab the sword.”

Professor Keltas was honestly delighted.

What a fight with a guy who grows like this every time.

To the extent that I can feel the joy of swordsmanship that I had completely forgotten about.


Dane also readily took up his sword.

That’s what Dane hoped for too.

Sparring with a strong opponent is always a welcome event.

“A quadruple pod at that age… … Does your father know?”

“No. But you’ll soon find out. When I go home for the holidays, I’ll ask you to spar with me.”

There will be chaos.

Probably just like my father.

Our son became a quad at fifteen by running all over the castle.

Dane shook his head at the mere thought and raised his sword.

“I will go first.”

“Okay, come.”

By the way, there was one thing I didn’t tell you.

If Dane’s prediction is true… … .

‘I don’t think even the Penta-level will be difficult.’

And really, the core doesn’t mean anything anymore.


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