Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 356

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Chapter 356: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

234. Perfect

“Trespassing charges? That’s ridiculous! I just happened to walk in here! Those guys who installed such a dangerous thing in the Academy should be punished!”

“Professor, please go and give a detailed statement. If you make any more noise, it will be difficult.”

In front of the Romantic Club booth.

Professor Esteranza, along with the students from the Department of Swordsmanship and the Department of Magic, were trying their best not to be dragged away.

But there is clear evidence.

Their images were recorded on recording devices, including no-trespassing signs installed everywhere.

Anyone who looks at it doesn’t think he got lost ‘accidentally’.

It was a scene that could not be missed, seeing everyone carefully approaching one place.

“The evidence is clear, Dane Sogres.”

“Please conduct a thorough investigation.”

“Yes, we will inform you of the results of the processing in the future.”

So the ten intruders were not only spared from capture, but were surrounded by Academy security and taken out for questioning.

Of course, this includes Professor Esteranza.

Here, people’s gaze is also drawn.

“What, why is the swordsmanship department over there? Did they cause another accident?”

“The professor is here too?”

“I’m being dragged away by the security guard. What’s going on at the Magic Department?”

“I heard that the Romantic Club was trying to destroy a booth they were preparing and got caught like that.”

“Anyway, tsk tsk.”

Perhaps because of the sins he had committed, there was not a single bit of sympathy in his gaze towards the swordsmanship department.

The Faculty of Magic has been in a state of decline since Professor Dnabo’s imprisonment, and with all the rumors coming in, the reactions are not all that different.

The funny thing is, Dane was involved in the downfall of both departments.

Of course, both departments brought this on themselves.

‘This f*cking shit… … .’

What a shame, Professor Esteranza realized only too late.

Now I can no longer harass or even look at Dane Sogres.

If you wanted to do it, you could, but doing so would put your own neck in danger.

“These kids… … .”

Even without that, the undergraduate students’ gaze is not kind.

Loss of trust.

This operation was proposed by Professor Esteranza, and it ultimately failed.

Another club festival sabotage operation led by the professor.

This will probably have quite a big impact.


“Let’s get started.”

So, after the storm that had once established the hierarchy had passed, the work began again.

A few days later.


Finally, the final parts were installed and the finishing touches were applied, revealing its magnificent appearance.

Sudden drop.

A giant pillar and a disc that climbs up the pillar.

People sit on seats surrounding the disc, and the disc then slowly rises to the top of the pillar.

Then it stops at the top –



It’s like a sudden free fall with a sound like this.

Of course, it doesn’t hit the ground, but stops definitely in the middle.

And finally, the energy for all these movements is delivered by five of Dane’s special magic stones.

“Wow… … .”

“This… is not a joke?”

“We created something ridiculous… … .”

Exclamations from the first test drive.

“Can I ride that…?”

“It must be really scary, really… … .”

“I saw it from above when they measured the speed… … It fell almost instantly?”

But it’s still too early to be impressed.

“Come on, teachers! Everyone, gather together!”

Dorian appears then.

He was holding a box in his hand, and some people who noticed it flinched and took a step back.

“Hey, no way.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha…….”

It was a sure thing.

“Sir, as you know, we have completed the test drive without people on board, but we have not yet operated the vehicle with people on board.”

“… … .”

“Therefore, we would like to accept test drive passengers first.”

It was quiet.


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People who were always talking energetically and sweating profusely all shut their mouths.

The same goes for all the members of the romantic club except Dorian and Dane.

‘I can never ride it… … .’

In particular, Leila shook her head vigorously.

Haven’t you seen it several times already?

I’m talking about a disc that falls from a high place in an instant.

“For your information, this contains swallows with the names of all the people who participated in this project, including members of our romantic club.”

“… … !”

“We plan to provide some benefits to the applicants… … but unfortunately, we cannot provide benefits to those who were chosen by lottery.”

There are twenty seats in total.

There are about fifty people here in total.

The results excluded people who were truly unwell or complained of extreme dizziness that made it difficult for them to work from above.

It’s not an absolutely low probability.

“So, we will accept applicants for a moment.”

“Excuse me, what is the small benefit…?”

“It’s double today’s daily wage.”

“… … !”

Several people raised their hands in one breath.

Then Dorian immediately opened the box and took out the lots with the names of the applicants written on them.

Double the daily wage.

This is an attractive offer.

I’m already getting paid generously, and now I get double that.

“Me, me too.”

“I will do it too!”

Ten people gathered like that.

But the remaining ten were not filled.

“Is there anything else?”

“… … .”

“Okay, then I’ll pick now.”

Now there are forty people left, and ten of them are chosen.

The odds are one in four.


‘I can’t… … I might faint… … .’

However, the lottery was drawn without fail, and the names were announced one by one.


Those whose names were called collapsed in despair.

If I had known this would happen, I would have just accepted the double wage when they offered it to me.

I thought it would be okay as long as it wasn’t me.

Well, amidst all sorts of despair-filled reactions… … .

“I’m screwed… … .”

Unfortunately, Leila’s name was called.

He was the first among the members of the romantic club.

“Okay, now it’s the last swallow.”

But he wasn’t alone.

“Dorian… … Artak… … .”

Because the person who drew the lottery, Dorian, was chosen.

Dane shook his head as if he felt sorry and patted Dorian’s shoulder in despair.

“cheer up.”

“I… … Mr. Dane… … I think I have a fear of heights… … .”

“Wouldn’t it be a bit weird to say something like that with those muscles?”

“Hey, just because you have muscles doesn’t mean you won’t die if you fall from a high place!”

“You know, don’t hit the floor.”

“… … .”

Of course, no matter what I said, it wouldn’t work.

“As long as it’s not me.”

“What did you say?”

“No. Nothing.”

Dane approached Leila with a smirk… … .

“do you want to die!”

I almost got hit and ran away.

Anyway, the list of twenty passengers on the ‘Sudden Drop’ bound for hell was confirmed –

Clank, clank, clank.

Everyone was seated, fastened with seat belts to prevent free fall.

Once this seat belt is fastened, it can never be removed arbitrarily.

It is an object made of a mixture of metals that are extremely strong and elastic, and cannot be broken by force.

Safety plus safety.


Of course, if safety meant that all fears disappeared, the so-called ‘amusement park’ would not have been created in Drenique.

Will the thrill of fear disappear with just one ‘this’ seat belt?

“Oh, it’s going up.”


As evidence, screams erupted from all directions immediately after the disc began to climb up the pillar.

Of course, this sight can only be seen by those inside, and no sound will be heard or anything will be visible outside the curtain.

“Oh. It works very well. As expected, my design is… … .”

The disc finally reached the top floor, as Professor Santelia looked on in admiration.


“… … .”

“… … Uh, it stopped.”

Some people who had their eyes tightly shut reflexively opened them and looked down when they stopped.

And soon I regretted it.

People who could distinguish eyes, nose and mouth just a moment ago now look much smaller.

It has risen that high.

“S, please save me… … .”

One person’s words that burst out in the midst of all this could not be continued until the end.

Kookung! Kiiiiiiiiing!

The magnetism that had been holding the disc disappeared in an instant, causing it to fall.

It took only a moment for the disc to go from the top floor to the bottom.

And the souls of the people riding it also disappeared in an instant.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Most people were so shocked that they couldn’t even scream properly, and some were just dumbfounded with their mouths wide open.

Here Dorian lay, slumped over.

I fainted.

Leila… … .

“… … Dane… … I’m going to kill you… … .”

He mutters blankly with unfocused eyes.

Anyway, Professor Santelia shivered as she looked at the sight.

“It was a success.”

Dane, who was looking at all this sight with pleasure, said a word.


Now the romantic club’s festival preparations are complete.

There’s only one thing left.

“Well then, Professor. Shall we go?”

“Ah, that’s right.”

It’s time to go see the sculptures at the Department of Architecture.

Oh, before that.

“Will one test drive be enough?”

Dane signaled to the architecture student in charge of the operation to turn it around again.


Then the disc rises again.

“What, what! Let go!”

“Why is this going up!”

“Save me!”

“Dane Sogress! You somehow… … .”

The second test drive was also successful.

Dane smiled happily, and the passengers were completely taken aback.

Among them, there were some who smiled.

He’s probably crazy.

And then there were some guys who just seemed really crazy.

“This… is… so thrilling and ridiculous?”

“I want to ride it again… … ?”

The safety device has been secured.

Thrills and fun are also guaranteed.

“Hmm, this… … I wonder if everyone might be scared and not ride it?”

Although some people expressed doubts about this, Dane believed in the crowd psychology that he had seen countless times in his past and current life.

It’s human nature to want to try everything that others are trying.

Maybe everyone will be hesitant at first, but once they start riding one by one, the story will change.

“Can you please ride a few times after the festival starts? As much fun as you can. I’ll pay you a daily wage.”


There’s even an idea to hire a wind catcher.

The preparations seemed perfect.

“Now all we have to do is wait for the opening.”

Professor Santelia also seemed very satisfied.

That makes sense, since this is a work of the Department of Architecture, even though it was done in collaboration with the Romantic Club.

Of course, the ownership belongs to the romantic club.

Instead of having a stake, I decided to help prepare for the architecture department’s festival.

In that sense, now is the time to go and examine the statue.

“Shall we go soon?”

“Oh, okay. Now it’s our turn.”

But then, as Dane was about to leave, a scary voice was heard behind him.

“Dane… … Stand over there… … !”

A person walking this way, staggering.

It was Leila.

He had an unusually haggard face, and his rosy hair was disheveled, but his eyes were extremely clear, sharp, and fierce.

Dane turned his head, startled.

“Let’s go quickly.”

It was a fear I hadn’t felt in a long time.


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