Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 353

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Chapter 353: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

231. Opportunity for a reversal (3)

Professor Santelia seemed like a person who was serious about architecture.

Because the design revision was completed in just two days.

I also liked the fact that he was somewhat familiar with Dranid, though not as much as I was.

“This should work. I think you’ve pointed out the error well.”

“Thanks to you being with our students. By the way, it seems like you know Dranid very well.”

“I’m glad it looked that way. What does this symbol on the blueprint mean?”

“This means that if you need to make it more solid, you can rivet it. Um, and this part… … .”

Professor Santelia asked me while giving me a friendly explanation.

“By the way, you said you saw it in a booklet, where did you get that booklet? Oh, of course I’m not reporting it… … .”

“If you buy more related books later, I’ll give you one as a gift.”


Professor Santelia blushed as he clearly understood my intention and answered.

As a professor and a scholar, it is only natural that he would show interest.

“I’ll go check it out once the festival is over.”

“Okay. I’ll try my best. Oh, right. How’s the material going?”


To build a building and put something up, you need materials.

“I will arrive this morning.”

And the problem was solved by Seedrain.

To be exact, I asked the ‘Greek Top’ who had made the deal with me last time for the medicine.

According to what Seedrain said, anything can be delivered quickly, except for things that are not there, as long as you say so.

Of course, I paid for it with my own money.

Because it’s against the rules to use family money.

Well, if you think about it, it’s just like covering your eyes and pretending not to see…

Yeah, yeah.

-Dane, the materials have arrived now.

The communication bell rings just in time.

It was Leila’s voice.

“I am coming.”

And as we headed towards the entrance of the Academy with Professor Santelia, we noticed the Greek flag on top along with the huge materials underneath.

“What is that?”

“Isn’t that the upper part of Greece? Why did you come to the Academy?”

“No, why did you bring so much?”

Amid the commotion, I approached the person in charge of the upper part of Greece, signed the receipt, and checked the goods.

“Wow… … This is really… … .”

Professor Santelia also seems surprised.

Of course, these are not raw materials but already processed materials.

They said it was something that could be put together after being polished and set up a little more… … .

“W, isn’t this the latest technology?”

A cry of surprise.


I don’t know the details, but I do know that those ‘modular’ materials are made using a technology that has recently caused quite a stir in the construction world.

“Where on earth did you get this… … .”

Professor Santelia muttered in disbelief, but I just shrugged.

“Now all we have to do is move it to where we’re going to build.”

“Hmm. But I don’t know if the route will be secured while we’re going.”

I nodded to the person in charge at that, and he immediately pushed his top staff back.

And after making sure there was no one near the materials, I immediately raised my magic power and-

“Does that make sense?”

“Oh my god… … crazy.”

“You lifted all that heavy stuff at once?”

The materials wrapped in my magic rose high into the air.

And that too, held very tightly.

If it were normal, it would be impossible.

But now that I’ve learned the art of magical figuration from Professor Cross, or rather Saul Hangston, it’s no longer that difficult.

“Okay, I’ll pass.”

A huge cylinder made of steel and numerous other materials, including those that could be assembled into discs, were ‘flying’ in the sky.



There were screams along the way, but there was no falling and no one came to stop them.

I already told everything to the student affairs office.

It’s spectacular even to me.

It looks even better from a distance.

In fact, some people intentionally raise it higher to be seen better.

It’s a kind of performance.

With such huge materials floating in the air, it is only natural that attention will be focused and people will flock to it.


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And you might be wondering:

I was curious to see what our club would come up with this time.

“What is that? Isn’t that a romantic club?”

“I wonder what their club is doing again.”

“Didn’t the Romantic Club hit it big with the Haunted House last year?”

Oh well, I said it wasn’t ‘romantic’.

Anyway, we finally arrived at the site where we would make ‘Sudden Drop’.

I don’t like the name, but what can I do?

We must follow the majority opinion.

“Here, here. Okay.”

I carefully placed the materials nearby.

And the first thing I saw was Professor Santelia’s bewildered expression.

“Huh, heh heh heh… … So this is what they mean when they say you can do anything with magic… … ?”

“That is the case now.”

“Really… … This is a transportation method I could never have imagined.”

Of course, I know that transporting materials by magic has already been attempted.

However, due to issues with efficiency in horsepower consumption and stability, it was only used in a limited manner over very short distances.

My case is a little different.

“You said you’ve finished paving the ground and completing the construction, so should we get started now?”

“Okay. Then let’s start by setting up the pillars.”

I immediately lifted the cylinder.

With magic power, of course.


As the lying pillar rose up and stood upright, exclamations of amazement and shock erupted from all directions.

“Okay. Just a little more to the left!”

By the way, including the materials I just moved, handling the materials like this is not a non-chain level telekinesis.

It is the process of using magic energy to tightly gather small magic energy spheres in the air and then support the materials.


The moment the pillars were driven in and maintained, architecture students rushed to fix them.

Okay, now there are ten days left.

I wonder how everyone will react in ten days.

* * *

Every department puts its life on the line for the festival.

The same goes for unpopular departments.

Because in a situation where everything is lacking, nothing helps as much as a festival.

Some unpopular departments even make up for their budget shortfalls with the money they earn from festivals.

The Magic Department wasn’t that bad. It was always competing with the Sword Department for first and second place, and because of the nature of the major, it had a lot of money.

But this time, things seem to be a little different.

“We have to invest more, no matter what! Will this work? This time, we will definitely be number one!”

“No, but does it make sense to spend more money than the budget right now, senior?”

“What? Hey, do you know what the swordsmanship department is preparing for right now? I heard they’re preparing for a tournament with some really good swords! How much does that cost!”

“If you keep following that, your legs will tear, right? The budget allocated to the swordsmanship department this time is 1.5 times ours! And since they don’t even use magic items, they always spend a lot of money.”

The Magic Faculty conference room where heated debates take place.

This is evidence that the Department of Magic is still struggling to find its footing after Professor D’Nabo’s imprisonment.

Rather than coming together, opinions are divided into two and are continuing to fight.

The reason is simple.

It’s not that I don’t like either side’s opinions, but it’s because I need to win to take the initiative.

By the way, there was a professor named Tillis who succeeded Professor Denabeau as the department head, but he had neither the will nor the ability to control these students.

“So, there must be a lot of people flocking to the ‘Artifact Experience Center’! They must be curious! But that’s the end of it, right?”

“Then what’s this ‘Let’s become a wizard!’ thing? How much fun would it be to feel like a real wizard?”

The debate within the Faculty of Magic was reaching a climax.

“Hey, you, I said let’s meet up, but you’ve been nitpicking nonsense all this time? What’s going on? Stop criticizing and give me your opinion!”

“What have you been up to since a while ago? What do you not like so much? This kid has been picking fights since he was in the first grade… … .”

“What, kid? Are you done talking?”

In the midst of the tense situation, all the students on both sides who were facing each other suddenly stood up and their magic power boiled over.

It was at that time.


The door opened and an undergraduate student came rushing in.


“This guy came in without even knocking… … .”

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes, but the undergraduate student who rushed in ignored them and suddenly pointed out the window.

“Everyone, look outside!”

“What the… … all of a sudden.”

“What are the Romantic Club guys up to?”

At the mention of the romantic club, everyone’s gaze turned out the window.


When I opened the curtains, an unbelievable sight appeared through the window.

“That’s… … .”

“What, what is it? What is in the air… … .”

“Damn, is that a pillar?”

A huge pillar was moving, floating in the air.

A sight that makes even wizards doubt their eyes.

It’s not difficult to make something float in the air.

But it’s nearly impossible to float something in the air, something so huge, and move it at a constant speed without shaking.

“Excuse me… Is the professor here?”

Someone muttered, but everyone answered inwardly.

Even if you’re a professor at the magic department, that’s not possible.

“A romantic club?”

“Yes, Dane Sogress moves it like that… … .”


Even the magic professors thought it was impossible for Dane Sogress to do it?

Even if he is a genius, I can’t believe it.

Now is not the time to fight.

As a wizard, curiosity and doubt about this unfathomable sight began to rise, and without saying a word, one of them ran out and-

“What is that?”

“It looks like Dane Sogress… … is moving… … .”

“Even if you’re a wizard, is that possible… ? …?”

Same time.

The reaction at the fencing department meeting chaired by Professor Esteranza was not much different.

‘That’s… What the heck?’

Professor Esteranza doubted her eyes.

According to an undergraduate who just barged in, Dane Sogress is ‘moving’ it with members of the Romantic Club and architecture students.

Of course, I moved it alone.

There’s even Professor Sant’Elia from the Department of Architecture.

“What are you doing?”

A thorn in the eye.

A guy who never works no matter how many times you try to trick him or press him.

And now, a guy who is difficult to even dare to touch during class.

And in the midst of all that, you’re doing something like that?

‘I wonder if there were any violations of school rules?’

Professor Esteranza soon shook his head.

I’m not sure what it is.

But I could tell that it was a huge threat.

This time, the Academy Swordsmanship Club, including the Swordsmanship Department, must take first place in the festival.

‘I have to find out what it is.’

I have to find out what it is.

Then they will either come up with a plan or interfere.

Professor Esteranza is already under tremendous pressure as the department head.

Among the knights who graduated from the Department of Swordsmanship, there were various rumors about the department’s disgraceful behavior last year.

So this time, we absolutely must restore our honor.


“I’ll be back shortly. Continue with the meeting.”

Professor Esteranza stood up from her seat with a stern expression.


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