Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 351

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Chapter 351: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

231. Opportunity for a reversal (1)

“We need to build our own training ground.”

“Looking at the land, it seems quite large. Would it be possible to build a building on it?”

“Should we create a counseling center?”

Our club room is bigger than any other club room.

But it is difficult to practice here.

Although we are already doing various training in front of the forest of Bonia, it is lacking in stability.

It’s an empty space right now, so no one is using it, so I’m using it step by step, but if someone raises a problem, it won’t be usable.

So, I think it would be great if we could get a formal site and build a building while we’re at it.

Because there’s so much money.

“Well then, let’s give our opinions.”

So, we need an idea that will win first place overall at this festival.

That’s a very good idea too.

“First of all, the treasure hunt and astrology booth are confirmed.”

“But I don’t think that’s enough. Of course, I’ll make it super fun. I guarantee you the treasure hunt.”

Ernest was emphasizing that treasure hunting alone wasn’t enough, and I agreed.

“I don’t know, but I think everyone will come out with this. After what happened last year.”

In particular, the Academy Swordsmanship Club.

Those guys will do whatever it takes to reclaim first place and get their dorm rooms back.

I hear that the Faculty of Magic is also preparing something big this time.

The same goes for other well-known departments.

“You don’t have to be number one, but it would be nice if you did, right?”

Althur made the situation clear in one room.

By the way, he is a member of the Faculty of Magic, but he hardly does any undergraduate activities anymore.

No, you don’t have to.

There was no need to do anything, because I ended up going to the Niroxion Tower in Seedrain right after graduation.

In that sense, various opinions began to emerge one by one.

“Should we make the haunted house bigger?”

“Please, the haunted house… … .”

“How about that? Let’s develop the astrology booth a little further and grow it into a blind date booth.”

“They tried that at the magic department three years ago, but it failed because the ratio of male to female students became 4:1.”

There were various opinions exchanged, but no idea really caught my ear.

So the conversation took a brief lull, during which Jenna asked me a question.

“Dane, I heard you stopped a rebellion at the palace this time? I saw the article.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“That’s amazing. How did you figure that out? I saw in the article that Dranid was mentioned too. Of course, he didn’t do it.”

I was about to answer Jenna’s question when I stopped for a moment at the word Drenique.

This happens often.

It’s simple, and words that you would normally just pass by make a sudden thought pop into your head.

What should I say… … .

Should I say that countless thoughts follow each other in an instant and then suddenly burst out with a bang?

It is exactly like this now.



“That sounds fun.”

For a moment, the other guys’ eyes were focused on me, and I brought up a story.

“Everyone knows that Drenique is famous for mechanical engineering, right?”


“So I heard that something like this exists.”

I was searching through the subspace and took out a book.

A book written in Dranid.

I was looking for an old document a while back and was so happy to find it that I kept it.

“Is this a book written in Dranid?”

“Isn’t it a forbidden book?”

“The Danes have finally rebelled… … .”

“What is it all of a sudden?”

Thanks to this, a variety of reactions emerged.

I brushed those reactions aside and opened the book, asking.

“What is Draconic famous for?”

“Is Dane trying to draw us in naturally?”

“It’s still bright… … .”

After watching for a while, the white noise died down immediately. Soon, surprisingly, the one who shouted the correct answer was Jenna.

“Mechanical engineering?”

“Okay. So what will Drenique do with mechanical engineering?”

“Uh… … um… … I don’t know the details?”

“You shouldn’t know the details.”

Certainly, the concept itself is different.


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Perhaps because they are from the post-war generation, the perception that ‘Draenics = bad guys’ is firmly ingrained.

So I had no choice but to say.

“We do everything with mechanical engineering. To be exact, you can say that almost everything that is done with magic in Alteon is done with mechanical engineering.”

“How does Dane know that?”

This time, the other guys surprisingly answered Jenna’s question well.

“Because I’m Dane.”

“That’s just how he is.”

“Are you not used to it yet?”

Well, I’m satisfied with the answers.

Thanks to that, I was able to continue my explanation naturally.

“That’s the point.”

I opened the book to a certain point and showed the picture.

“what’s this?”

And the expected reaction came back.

“Is this a mining cart…?”

“To be exact, it’s something that started out as a mining cart. It’s a ‘plaything device’ developed by Drenic using the dwarfs’ technology.”


Of course, this is your first time hearing about it.

Because the concept itself might be unfamiliar.

Of course, only a few wealthy noble children ride wooden horses that bounce from side to side in place.

Actually, if you look at it closely, that is also an amusement ride.

It’s about creating a thrill by shaking, falling down, or spinning around.


“I’m thinking about making this. What do you all think?”

“You’re making this?”

Everyone’s eyes widened.

“Yeah. If you want to get first place, you have to do at least this much.”

I’ve already done everything I can.

In fact, things on a large scale have already been attempted in other departments in the past.

Leila is adamantly opposed to increasing the scale of the haunted house.

There’s no need to do it if one of the club members hates it so much, so another method is needed.

That is also a very certain way to take ‘1st place’.

“I don’t know if there are any other brilliant ideas that could win first place.”

Everyone became quiet at my words.

There is no idea.

Except for the original idea.

“Okay. Then I’ll explain.”

I only heard about it in my past life.

I’ve only been to the battlefield, so there’s no way I could go to a so-called ‘park’ full of ‘play equipment’ like this.

All I knew was that I had heard stories of noble knights I had become friends with taking their children to play, and that I had been lucky enough to obtain information through books.

But still, the idea that I am suggesting now is… … .

Because everyone who told the ‘ride’ story had the same reaction.

It was a dream-like experience, incredibly enjoyable, new, and surprisingly scary and thrilling.

Of course, I can’t tell these stories, so I’ve adapted them to fit my tastes.

“… … So you’re saying that everyone from Draenic is fun?”

“That’s right. Dane can speak Draconic.”

“That’s great, Dane. You can speak Dranid too?”

I feel like I’m slightly off topic, but whatever.

“Anyway, the conclusion is that we should recreate this ‘amusement ride’ and use it for the festival.”

“Are you okay?”

“According to Dane, it’s a device that people enjoy for the ‘thrill’ and because it’s new, people will be interested in it.”

“Okay. Let’s do it right now!”

Priscilla, Leila, and Ernest, who were relatively hot-tempered, shouted, but Althur and Dorian, who were relatively ‘somewhat’ calm, applied the brakes.

“But how are you going to make it?”

“That’s right, teachers. Look at this picture. It’s incredibly complicated. I don’t know much about architecture, but this isn’t something that can be completed in the time remaining until the festival. Surely there won’t be rats in here?”

Dorian is right.

Because the picture in the book I just opened showed several trains, similar to minecarts, lined up on very intricately intertwined rails.

“That’s right. I can’t make something that complicated.”

I nodded and turned a few pages.

And then he showed me one ride that was relatively simple compared to the picture I just drew.

“How about this?”


“The structure is simple?”

“What kind of device is this?”


And the disc that goes up the cylinder.

Several seats surround the edge of the disc.

“It’s simple. You slowly go up, then suddenly drop. It’s a ride where you feel a great sense of fear when you reach the top, and a thrill when you fall.”


The principle is simple enough that even those unfamiliar with the concept of amusement rides can understand it in no time.

The name is translated into Alteon… … .

“It’s called a ‘sudden falling machine.’”

It comes up with a pretty cool name.

Then Leila narrowed her eyes and applied the brakes.

“Even if you make it, it can’t be named that.”

I squinted my eyes too.

“Why? It’s just cool.”

“You really… … That’s it. Your opinion on naming things will be left out from now on. How about ‘Sudden Drop’?”

“that’s good.”

“As expected of Leila.”

“Dane, I’m sorry, but let’s follow Leila’s advice.”

“Mr. Dane, your naming sense is lacking.”

These guys really don’t know what style is.

Since there’s a lot of backlash, I guess I’ll just have to come up with a name secretly later.

In the midst of all this, Ernest asked me.

“It looks simple, but it seems like it would be quite large if more than ten people were to ride it.”

That’s right.

But it is true that it is relatively simple compared to other amusement rides.

So I took out the things that were immediately organized in my head.

“The technical part is fine.”


“Because there is magic.”


Of course, magic isn’t omnipotent.

The limitations are clear.

In general, this is certainly the case.

But the magic I possess, the magic stone derived from it, and the magic are not ordinary.

“If it’s Dane’s magic, then maybe it’s possible.”

Althur stepped in and intervened.

“For now, there’s enough power to pull this disc up to the top. If it’s Dane’s magic stone, it’s enough to hold it from above.”

“Then it just falls down like that?”

“Of course, we have to hold it down. With a strong magnet. Likewise, we have to apply brakes to the rails as a double safety device.”


“There probably won’t be any safety or power related issues. I’ll have to look into it a bit more though.”

I nodded and added.

“What’s important is the rails that this disc will ride on and the pillars that will withstand all this impact and force.”

“Then that is… … .”

“No separate production required.”

This is the most important point.

The physical part.

Even if the principles and dynamics are resolved, nothing can be done unless a conclusion is reached in the physical aspect.

“Even if we scale this down a bit, it’ll still be quite large.”

“The pillar alone has to be at least 20 meters tall.”

Amidst everyone’s concerns, Jenna gave her opinion.

“We’ve been to the underground city. Then, can’t we borrow the power of the dwarves?”

“Right. It’s simple. I think they’ll make it right away if I ask.”

I shook my head.

“No. That won’t work. The purpose of the academy is to resolve the issue through the power of the academy members.”


If outside forces could be brought in, the Academy Festival would have long since become a power struggle between families.

It’s also written in the school rules.

The Academy Festival says that direct assistance from outside sources is not allowed.

If you dig a little deeper, it’s like covering your eyes and pretending not to see anything.

That’s why I have thought about this in advance while telling these stories.

“It’s not outside, it’s inside.”


“Department of Architecture.”

I remembered last year’s festival.

There, the Department of Architecture did not even make it into the festival rankings.

Because it was an unpopular department to begin with.

I remember building something cool back then, but there wasn’t much of a response.

“You’re dealing with them.”

“That sounds good.”

“Architecture department… I never thought of that?”

“The sorrow of an unpopular department… … .”

If you have to solve it within the Academy, it’s better to collaborate with people who can do it properly.

By the way, I don’t plan on leaving it to students alone.

I said, getting up from my seat.

“Let’s go seduce the professor first.”


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