Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 350

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Chapter 350: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

230. Club Meeting

The day I finally leave the royal family.

All I had to do was walk out the door, but I had to have a pretty grand send-off.

The entire 2nd Knights Templar came out, and the Imperial Ranger Mountain Squadron also arrived.

It’s His Majesty the Emperor’s order or something.

“Everyone, be polite!”

I just wanted to go out quietly, but I’m going crazy.

I thought as I looked at the Rangers and Knights lined up on either side of the path I was walking along.

Perhaps because they are royals, one thing is certain: their performance.

Even the smooth, fluffy carpet beneath me was spotless.

If you add in the staff mobilized for this event… … .

About a hundred or more people came out to see me off.

“Listen! Dane Sogres, the eldest son of the Sogres Counts here and a second-year student of the Academy’s Autonomous Major Department, has made a brilliant contribution in stopping the ‘incident’ planned by a group of people and preventing its spread! In the noble name of His Majesty the Emperor, I hereby award you with a medal, a prize, and a reward, and in the name of divinity, I bless the Sogres Counts… .”

The speech continues.

It’s been about 3 minutes.

When boredom creeps in despite my composure.

“… … Therefore, His Majesty the Emperor’s command is transmitted in this way.”

It’s finally over.

I put on the most glorious expression I could muster, then knelt down on one knee as the attendant approached me.

And he obediently accepted the prize money, medals, and awards that were handed out, and bowed his head to show respect.

“Thank you, Dane Sogress.”

At this moment, Sir Aldebar is heard.

Is it because I am responsible for this matter?

The award was given by the Second Knight Commander, but the prize money was given by him himself.

“If it weren’t for you, things would have been worse.”

I’ve heard this story a few times before, but it’s still the right place to be.

“I was just doing what I had to do for the empire.”

“Your loyalty, effort, and courage will be passed down to future generations for a long time.”

Is it fortunate that His Majesty the Emperor did not intervene in person?

If that were the case, the reward would have been given in front of the throne, not here.

Anyway, things seem to have worked out well.

I heard yesterday that the guys who were caught finally opened their mouths.

Still, I was able to hold out for quite some time.

If you listen to the story of a spy who was captured and tortured by Alteon in his previous life, but accidentally escaped…

It’s surprising that he doesn’t open his mouth.

“Take care on your way back, Dane Sogress.”

“Thank you, Lord Aldebar.”

“That’s what I’m going to say. By the way, we’re going to start eradicating them now. I can’t tell you all the details because they’re confidential, but they were a force that operated underground. Fortunately, they had no connection to the Draneks.”

So, as expected, it looks like Drenique was trying to create confusion by setting it up as if he had ordered it.

At any time, there will be those who deny peace.

Or, there are those who take advantage of the peace to establish their own peace.

By the way, to undertake such a grand undertaking, you will definitely need money and manpower… … .

If any nobles suddenly disappear from the empire, is it you?

Well, that’s something we’ll figure out here.

“And here’s some good news. The entire Northern team will be joining the Knights Templar soon. Well, starting with the Fourth Knights.”

Good news in the midst of all this.

Looks like things worked out well in the end.

Likewise, this is also their share.

I paved the way, and even though it may be a thorny path, they are the ones who chose to walk it.

“For your information, the rate of promotion from trainee members to full-fledged members is only 20%. There are only two ways to do this: create a vacancy or break a member. Or, you can achieve great things like yourself.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

I shrugged.

By the way, what happened to Diego?

“Oh, and Diego also passed with a chin-up. I admire his tenacity in swinging his sword even though his arm was gone.”

That guy’s arm is completely gone.

“That’s good.”

“I’ll try to somehow treat my missing arm, but it won’t be easy. If that doesn’t work, I’ll have to learn how to use the sword with my other hand.”

Well, that’s something he’ll figure out on his own.

Next time we meet, I hope my arm doesn’t fall off anymore, and if possible, I hope we meet outside the palace.

After such a brief conversation, I said goodbye to Lord Aldebar.

“See you again.”

“Yes, then.”

Outside the palace.

Anyway, thanks to that, I was able to leave the palace with my award and medal pinned on my right chest, looking proud.

Is that why?

“Dane Sogress, right?”

“He’s walking around without any attendants.”


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“Judging by your attire, you seem to be an academy student.”

“I heard that young master has done great things?”

Everyone knows.

I was wondering what was going on… … .

It seems that the palace wanted to make this widely known.

[Suspicious rebels, discovered early and arrested!]

[After confirming the Imperial Rebellion, the questioning is underway… … Who is behind it?]

[The sacrificed knight will be honored with a state funeral.]

It was total chaos.

The events that occurred this time were featured prominently on the front pages of newspapers published in the capital and distributed nationwide.

And the main character on that front page is… … .

It was me.

[Dane Sogres, the greatest contributor to the early suppression of the rebels!]

[Stop the rebellion with the efforts of a genius boy!]

[Dane Sogress, Incredible Talents Revealed… … Swordsmanship, Spearmanship, Magic, and Summoning?]

[The genius boy of the empire, protects the empire!]

I was speechless as I looked at the newspaper.

After all, an emperor is an emperor.

You have to know that this is how you do propaganda.

The problem is that thanks to that, I am now in the spotlight of so many people.

If this happens… … .

How many fan letters do you get anyway?

“Dane! Dane! Dane!”

“Sogres! Sogres! Sogres!”

And the resounding cheer that started with one person’s shout began to spread in all directions… … .

In an instant, the streets of the capital became filled with an atmosphere that made people want to go away and see the return of the hero.

I am at the center of it all.

I’m so embarrassed that I don’t know what to do.

And then about an hour or two passed.

I managed to leave the streets of the capital and enter an alley amidst the hugs, handshakes, and cheers of countless people.

“I’d rather fight against ten demons at the same time… … .”

I don’t usually get tired, but this is a bit tiring.

I’m a little happy, but… … .

I really feel like the emperor is the emperor.

“I guess I’ll have to take off the medal first.”

Regardless of the blasphemy or whatever, I took off my medal and took out a robe from the subspace and put it on.

This should be fine until I return to the academy.

Knock knock.

The presence felt at this time.


It’s Benatio.

“You seem very popular.”

“Have you seen everything?”

“I couldn’t get close, so I just watched from a distance.”

By the way, you finally came back.

“Did the Knights get eliminated?”

“I dropped out voluntarily.”

“Of your own free will?”

“Please don’t misunderstand. It was hard for me to push myself to get my grades.”

This is Benatio, whom Sir Aldebar did not mention separately earlier.

“Thanks to you, we had a hard time. Some of the northern team guys were about to give up in the middle, and Diego’s arm was so easily pulled off.”

“Good job.”

“Yes, I’m having a hard time this time… … Yes? What did you just say?”

“Well done.”

“Uh… … I think this is the first time I’ve received a compliment with this kind of nuance.”

Benatio has an ambiguous expression.

It’s good, but that expression seems a bit strange.

“You really did a good job, right?”

“Don’t you think so?”

“Uh, um. I gave everything to the northern team, and led the team while my senior was away… … I also sent the guy with the weak arm safely to the knight training camp… … .”

“Then you did well.”

“… … .”

“You act like you’ve never been complimented before.”

“Huh? Oh, no.”

Benatio looks visibly embarrassed.

Dane shrugged.

“Let’s go back. I’ve only been here for two weeks, so I don’t want to come back for another two years.”

“That is blasphemy.”

“If you get punished for this, then you’re the culprit, right?”

“… … .”

Yeah, yeah!

At that moment, the communication crystal ball rings terribly.

Judging from the fact that it rings nonstop, it seems like all the messages that have been piling up are coming in as soon as it opens.

-Son! What the hell is this all of a sudden! You stopped the rebellion?

-Are you hurt? If it’s the technique your mother taught you… … .

-Dane! You’re not hurt, are you? I was so shocked when I saw the newspaper!

-You went to camp, what’s this! By the way, what prize did you get?

First of all, our family.

I think everyone is worried, but seeing you send this message, it seems like you aren’t that worried.

“What a harmonious family.”

“I know.”

There were other messages too.

People around me, including Professor Keltas.

Of course, people who didn’t know my identity sent me routine messages through other magic lines.

-Dane, when are you coming? I have to prepare for this festival.

– Mr. Dane, this festival definitely includes a sandbag scoring competition… … .

-I thought about a treasure hunt booth this time? The location is the entire academy!

-I don’t think I’ll be able to open the astrology booth this time because I’m busy. Well, it’s possible if you assign someone.

-How about a necromancy experience booth, Dane?

They must have read the newspaper and are talking about the festival.

Well, I guess that’s natural since these are guys who don’t worry about me anymore.

It’s not that I’m upset, but even if I were to go fight a dragon right now, these guys would see me off and say goodbye.

Is it good or bad?

Anyway, it’s time to go back to the academy now.

Let’s prepare for the festival like they said.

* * *

Our club, that is, the name we haven’t heard in a long time, Magic Summoning Exploration Sword…

No, Jenna, who knows necromancy, has joined, and Priscilla has joined, so maybe it will become ‘Magic Summoning Investigation Spear Sword Divine Necromancer’? Wouldn’t it be weird to combine divinity and necromancy?

“It’s been a while since we had a romantic club meeting?”

“… … .”

“Why are you reacting like that, Dane?”

No matter how I look at it, that name up there is nice.

But everyone calls it romantic except me.

Especially Leila.

One day, I will make that wonderful name come out of my mouth.


“Okay. Let’s start the meeting.”

Anyway, the topic of today’s meeting is simple.


We are currently in the process of deciding which booth to run.

“No ghost houses.”

From the start, Leila nailed it.

That was last year.

That booth that was going so well that the swordsmanship club sent spies to try to ruin it.

“Why? It worked out well then. If you do it again, a lot of people will probably come.”

When Ernest tilted his head, Leila refused strongly.

“Anyway, that’s a bit like that. Anyway, that’s it.”

“… … Yeah, well, it’s good to try something new.”

Ernest flinched at the momentum.

The other guys are the same.

“Dane, do you think so too?”

I just agreed because it seemed like he was telling me to think that way.

“Uh, um. I guess so.”

“I’m definitely not doing this because I’m scared of ghosts, you know?”


Ghosts seem really scary.


“First of all, let’s do the astrology booth and treasure hunt that we did last year again.”

Two are confirmed.

Astrology, treasure hunting.

Astrology is done by Priscilla alone and only requires one or two assistants, so there is no need to worry at all.

If you leave treasure hunting to Ernest, he will do whatever it takes to complete it, as it is his specialty and he has pride in it.

So the rest of the guys just help each other out a bit and then it’s over?


“Oh, Dane. Did you see the festival announcement that came up this time?”

According to the announced rewards, they are as follows:

“I see. If you get first place, you get a dedicated piece of land, right?”

The first prize is the academy’s land that can be leased for one year under the club’s name.

To put it simply-

“Are you saying you’re giving me land?”

They are giving us a piece of land within the academy that only our club can use.

That’s a really hot reward.


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