Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 33

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I was reincarnated as an all-time talented genius of a famous family Episode 33

13. You, become my colleague

6,000 applicants.

Among them, 200 passed.

Those who had become members of the Imperial Academy by overcoming a competition rate of 30:1 were now gathered together in the huge academy square, waiting for the entrance ceremony to begin.

“Look, there’s my son!”

“My daughter is entering the academy! “This is a blessing for the family!”

“Great job, my son! Admission after 8 moves! Soooooooo AWESOME!”

Surrounding them were the families of academy freshmen.

Naturally, they were several times more numerous than the number of students entering the school, and were celebrating their admission by shouting enthusiastically before the entrance ceremony began.

“Hehe, do you see Dane over there?”

“It looks good. How. “Who gave birth to him and made him look so handsome?”

“Kuhm. “You look so bright like me.”

“oh. What do you mean? “He took after me.”

Aken Sogress and Lily Sogress were among them.

However, the difference is that Aken Sogress is a war hero born during a long war, and thanks to this, he receives the utmost protocol and sits in the center of the podium.

Just today, with the help of their eldest daughter Arabella, the two flew to the capital via a teleportation gate like Dane in an instant.

“Arabella and Claire are over there. “After the entrance ceremony, how about taking the kids to ‘Whale Star’ for the first time in a while?”

“Good. “It still reminded me a lot of the star salt lobster stew there.”

As the two people were talking about various things, a welcome voice was heard.

“Hehe, I don’t see a chance for the two of you to grow apart. Isn’t that right, Aken?”

It was the Duke of Termion who had just arrived.

“Brother Bout. “Are you here?”

“hmm. “Your face looks very nice.”

“It’s you, brother.”

“Hehe, your wife’s expression is even better.”

“Duke, how have you been? “You look like you’re in a good mood.”

“That’s right, Jesu. ha ha ha.”

Every year I was invited to the academy’s new student entrance ceremony, but there was no day as happy as today.

Because it is the day that his daughter, Leila, finally enters the academy like her brothers.

“You did a good job farming, Aken.”

“It was nothing. “Compared to my brother, I am nothing.”

“Hehe, there’s no use raising two sons. Don’t you have two daughters? “I have been very envious of you for a long time.”

“I was like that. But now that your daughter and son are entering school, won’t your wish come true? haha.”

Although Duke Termion was smiling, he also had a bitter smile on the inside.

It would have been nice if his wife had come too.

“Hey, can you see it? He’s my younger brother. Can you see it over there? “Silver hair.”

“Is it him? The one who always brags? Wow, awesome. Why are you so handsome? “I feel like I live alone in the world.”

“Our family is a bit like that.”

Meanwhile, Arabella was shrugging her shoulders and boasting about Dane to her friend.

“Then he also drew five magic circles in one day?”

“I’ll draw ten in a little while, right?”

“It’s a dirty world where it’s hard to live without talent.”

The friend who said that was also an incredibly talented wizard.

It’s because she’s less talented than Arabella.

This is a passage that shows how talented the siblings of the Sogres family are.

‘As expected, my younger brother stands out the most.’

How happy I was to hear the news of Dane’s acceptance, and of the fact that only two people passed the autonomous major in 100 years.

“I’ve known you since I was young.”

And not far away, Claire was standing side by side with Professor Delfineso and talking.

“Claire, your sister.”

“Yes, Professor.”

“I heard back then that you were already friendly with Aitsu when you were a newborn, right?”

Claire nodded, recalling how Aitz, a small but very wary summon, rubbed his face as soon as he saw Dane.


“Huh, I guess it’s possible, but Etherach… … .”

After the exam is over.

Professor Delfineso appears to have been in great shock.


In terms of ferocity, it is no less vicious than a grade 2 summon, and when it gets angry, it bites and kills a grade 3 summon, even lowering its tail and licking its face.

That’s a problem that can’t be explained simply by things like innate affinity.

After analyzing the thread of magic that was linked between himself and Etherach, he created an identical one and connected it.

‘It’s a monster.’

A guy without a mark has accomplished more than a summoner with a mark.

“With that level of affinity and talent, wouldn’t it be enough to summon summons from ‘Beyond the Horizon’?”

Normally, even if it was Claire, his favorite student, he would have dismissed it as nonsense.

But I couldn’t do that now.

Not because he was Claire’s younger brother, but because I saw his talent.


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“… … .”

Beyond the horizon.

Another world that brings summons.

Summoning a summoned beast from a world where the connection disappeared over 100 years ago –

not sure.

However, I think it is possible.

The summoned beasts there appear by ‘choosing’ the magician.


Professor Delfineso laughed without realizing it.

Meanwhile, the entrance ceremony began, and the dean took the podium.

Akwald Homet.

A mysterious being who has been the dean of the Imperial Academy for 40 years. He rarely appears outside of official events and does not interfere much with the administration of the school.

So, conversely, he is said to have raised the status of the academy further by allowing professors to have greater discretion.

Although he had a lot of gray hair, his solid appearance made it impossible to think that he was already in his 80s.

“Nice to meet you, Imperial Academy new students. “This is Archwald Homet, Dean of the Imperial Academy.”

A voice amplified by magic resonates.

“Looking at the new students who have overcome fierce competition this year, I feel that the future of the empire is very bright.”

He looked at the new students looking up at him and smiled.

“Now that we are in this position, everyone is said to be one of the best talents in the empire, but among the new students, there seem to be many particularly outstanding talents.”

Outstanding talent.

The freshmen’s hearts pounded at those words.

At that time, Akwald told a surprising story.

“There was even a person who passed the ‘autonomous major,’ of which there were only two students in 100 years.”

There was a murmur at those words.

“Oh my god, autonomous major?”

“Autonomous major? That major at the bottom? “There was someone who applied for that?”

“The dean just said that. “There is someone who passed!”

“Nonsense! How can you pass that! “Didn’t three professors say you had to pass?”

There was astonishment, and some people shook their heads strongly. Some were quick to suspect foul play.

The main reason is that only two people have appeared in 100 years, and they are now recognized only as symbols.

However, everyone remained silent as the dean continued.

“The student in question passed the autonomous major exam by receiving unanimous approval from the three department heads of the Spear Arts Department, Magic Department, and Summoning Department.”


It was passed unanimously by the three department heads.

“Well, then did you really pass?”

“What kind of crazy talent is that… … .”

Immediately, Akwald’s voice rang out.

“There will be no need for a long speech. “Congratulations once again on your admission, and we will now move on to the new student oath.”

Archwald looked down the podium.

Silver hair and green eyes.

That hair resembles the Count of Sogres sitting behind him, and the green eyes resemble the Countess of Sogres.

‘It’s an autonomous major… … .’

Historically, all those who passed the autonomous major had a great influence on the empire, either for good or for bad.

It will be interesting to see how that boy will influence this huge empire.

Akwald finally opened his mouth.

“Chief Admission, Dane Sogress. from now on.”

Senior Admission.

Everyone’s mouths opened wide at those words.

Jerk, jerk.

Attention was focused on a boy walking through the crowd toward the podium.

Dane Sogress.

The first student to pass the independent major in decades, and the protagonist of the top admission that Akwald just mentioned.

No one would have thought that Dane was 14 years old, as he was a hand taller and stockier than his peers.

And, one more thing.

“What kind of blessing was given to the Sogress family… … .”

Someone let out a sigh.

Aken Sogress, a war hero and the Empire’s greatest spearman.

Lily Sogress, a legendary assassin who few people know, but those who do know tremble at the mere mention of her name.

Arabella Sogress is the pride of the Faculty of Magic, the greatest inventor, and one of the best talents the Faculty of Magic has produced.

Likewise, Claire Sogress is considered to be the greatest talent in the history of the Summoning Department, and can not only summon level 3 summons, but also operates two summons at the same time.

In this family full of incredible talents-

Because another tremendous talent was born.

“You are Sogress, the Dane of rumors.”

Archwald went up to the stage, smiled at Dane who was facing him, and handed him the oath.

“I hope you can show off your talents to the fullest at this academy.”

Dane grinned at those words.

That was exactly what I had hoped for.

Dane took the oath, turned around, and finally opened his mouth as he faced thousands of eyes directed at him.


Warm spring.

And just like that, Dane’s academy life was beginning.

* * *

After the entrance ceremony, all new students, including me, were moving to the academy’s main building auditorium.

It was for a new student orientation event.

I feel an excited atmosphere.

So do I.

It is not because of the joy of admission.

Because whether in my previous life or in this life, I am finally stepping out into the world for the first time.

“Follow me this way! You must never touch the statues on the way! There is a magic, so if you touch it by mistake… … .”

“Hey, assistant teacher! “It looks like there was some tampering here!”


There were some accidents along the way.

On the long road leading from the main gate to the academy’s main building, there were statues of great people who graduated from the academy, and there was a magic spell.

“I passed out!”

“Hurry and move to the infirmary!”

I don’t know what kind of magic it is, but it seems clear that it shouldn’t be touched, and I also know that the statue looks quite expensive.

“They say new students like that come out every year. From what I heard, there are quite a few statues and buildings with that kind of magic at the academy.”

“That’s amazing.”

“right? After all, it’s an academy. By the way, someone said that there are a lot of secret places in the academy!”

Leila, who was walking next to me, chattered excitedly.

Since it’s this big, there must be at least a secret place.

“Is he Dane Sogress?”

“I heard it’s an autonomous major. Does that make sense?”

“Isn’t it because he’s the son of Count Sogres?”

By the way, would this be what it would feel like if gaze had physical power?

It doesn’t really bother me, but no matter where I turn, I always make eye contact with someone.

There was even a glaring look.

You probably didn’t recognize me from my past life.

I got cut and stabbed a lot on the battlefield.

“You’re jealous. There is also jealousy. Or maybe he thinks of you as competition.”

I tilted my head at Leila’s words.


“Isn’t it obvious? “This is the stage of the law of the jungle.”

This kid is so cruel.

It is not wrong to say this.

They already bring together talented guys and make them compete, but it’s even weirder that they don’t do that.

It was just a little cute.

Because my past life where I fought on the battlefield was all about the law of the jungle.

If you are weak, you die.

Even if you are lucky and survive, it can be said that you are strong as a result.

If that luck is repeated, it will eventually become skill.

Of course, I was able to endure the battlefield for over 20 years thanks to luck plus talent.

“Listen, Dane. There are probably a lot of kids targeting you. Either good intentions or bad intentions. So be careful. “If someone suggests something, be sure to think about it.”

I would have done it if my older sisters were like that, but it was really cute to see Leila, who was the same age as me, showing off her courage.

“They say there are a lot of crazy kids. “Children who have received poor education and continue to do what their families did.”

I was sick of it in my past life.

New noble knights who came to the battlefield as first-time officers and oppressed and treated the soldiers more harshly than necessary, telling them to do this and that.

FYI, their cockiness didn’t last long.

When you are sent into the battlefield and wallow in a feast of spears, arrows, and magic, you realize that class things like nobility or lowlife have no meaning.

Those who are enlightened are nobles.

Usually, he gets stabbed and dies before that happens.

“OK got it.”

“It is!”

“I said I understood.”

Not some kind of senior.

So we arrived at the auditorium, found a suitable place and sat down.

Leila was still looking around with excitement and admiring the auditorium before asking me.

“But Dane, where are you going after orientation? “We decided to meet by department, but you are an independent major.”

“me? I saw it earlier… … .”

As I was about to continue speaking, a voice came at me from behind.

“Are you a Dane?”

I turned my head to see something, and saw a guy with short hair looking at me.

After that, about five guys looked at me with the same expression.


Leila’s pure admiration heard from behind…

I almost did that too.

He’s a hand taller than me.

A physique that goes beyond being stocky and rugged.

Twisting muscles.

The guy who spoke to me and the five guys behind me all did the same.

“I am Dorian Artak, heir to the Artak family and eldest son of the great warrior and knight Marquis of Kabul Artak. And I am also a third year student in the martial arts department at the Imperial Academy.”

Department of Martial Arts.

Somehow it suits me very well.

He introduced himself in a deep voice, looked at me, and touched his chin with interest.

“Even if you look at it, it has a great skeleton… … Even the muscles are already developed! Forearms, pectoralis major, deltoids… … !”

You can’t see it because it’s covered by clothes, but what on earth has developed?

“I can see everything with my eyes. If you work hard just a little, you will have muscles with truly heavenly beauty… … .”

Is it because of my mood that I get goosebumps?

“right… … and… … .”

Leila’s exclamation has the same syllables but is heard with a different nuance.

“Dane Sogress, we are currently promoting the club to new students.”

I think I heard it from my eldest sister.

There are clubs at the academy, and most students join at least one club.

Club life is the flower of the academy or something.

“So let me be blunt. “Join the ‘Body Beauty’ club where we train and cultivate a beautiful body.”

Dorian, who was smiling while showing off his pure white teeth, suddenly took off his shirt.

“Look. “This beauty!”

That’s sweat and oil.

I gave up thinking.


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