Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 170

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I was reincarnated as a famous genius with the greatest talent ever. Episode 170

114. Are you done now?

All events at the imperial palace were over, and it was time for us to return.

“Ugh, it’s stuffy. “It’s all good, but when I relax, my whole body aches.”

“If you come twice, it’s really… … “Daesinjeon is the best.”

“Teacher Ernest, I think I’m going to lose muscle because I’m nervous.”

“It’s really unfortunate that I couldn’t go on a royal expedition… … .”

The four showed different reactions, but they all seemed to be in good spirits.

Imperial invitation.

It’s only been two days, but a lot has happened in between… … I gained a lot.

Above all, the tart was delicious.

I was so impressed by how different the imperial tart was.

“I wonder if the Drenik Imperial Tart is delicious too.”

“huh? “What kind of tart?”

“no. “Leila, your house’s tarts are the best.”

“right? “As expected, you’re a Dane. What do you know?”

Someday, I will try all the tarts in the world. This is my goal that suddenly emerged. And if possible, we should create and distribute a tart guide.

“But Dane, let me ask you one question.”


“What were you thinking when you had a snowball fight with His Majesty the Emperor?”

I burst out laughing at Leila’s question.

“Why were you scared?”

“Are you saying it’s a horse? it’s crazy? “Some crazy person in the world is having a snowball fight with His Majesty the Emperor.”

Everyone agreed on Leila’s journey.

“I thought Mr. Dane had given up on life.”

“hmm. If you’re a Dane, that’s plausible, but still, having a snowball fight with His Majesty… … .”

“Dane. “That’s something even the old people at Daesinjeon Temple can’t do.”

Look at the reaction.

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Well, everyone’s holding their necks well, right? “It would have been fine if I hadn’t been executed.”

“… … “Ugh.”

Leila sighed with an expression that seemed like it would be like that.

“done. Damn, what are you doing? is not it?”

“Well, it’s Dane.”

“If you’re a Dane, you deserve it.”

“Teacher Dane is someone who will eat tarts even in front of demons.”

Yes, this is how you get used to it, one by one.

There will be more surprises in the future.

“Now then, are we going to go to penance? Priscilla, when did you start practicing penance?”

“Starting the day after tomorrow. You can pack your bags tomorrow and leave the day after tomorrow. “It won’t take long.”

The next destination is northern Atalia Island.

Participate in Priscilla’s penance.

It is said that the true penance is the graduation penance, but graduation can only be accomplished alone.

Therefore, this is a perfect opportunity.

“After that, we’re going to the Khabarosk Mountains.”

“okay. “There’s a lot to do this vacation.”

“Teachers, then am I going with you?”

Dorian’s question suddenly came to me at that time.

I tilted my head.

“You weren’t going to go?”

“B-but I’m not actually a club member… … .”

At those words, Leila and I looked at each other.

“What do you think? “Guests are also members.”

“That’s right. “I heard you’re going to re-found the physical beauty club later anyway?”

Dorian is the former president of the Body Beauty Club.

So, I had a grand dream of reviving the body beauty club in the future.

Because we were caught by the student council and were forcibly disbanded.

“Just take it easy. “The important thing is whether we are together or not.”

Dorian ended up crying at my words.

“Even if we re-found… … “My loyalty will remain unwavering!”

Yeah whatever.

He’s a hard-working guy, so he’ll have a lot of opportunities to play in many ways.

“Then what about Altur?”

“Where did he go on vacation?”

“I said I was going to the family.”

“Then let’s talk about it next semester.”

Altur is not in a position to be stabbed, and he is not a bad guy.

I need to think a little more about adding it to the club.


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“Speaking of which, next semester, let’s create an entrance exam for the club I mentioned last time.”

Leila agreed with what I said.

“good. Sounds fun, right? “How many people will you choose?”

“Just as much as you like? The number of people must be determined. “If you say you’re going to select everyone, there’s no tension.”

“It would be fun to rent a garden somewhere, make a maze, and test it out.”

Other guys added to Ernest’s opinion.

“Measuring muscle strength is essential.”

“I don’t want to take the same divinity department. “I am a very religious senior in my department.”

“Should I try some swordplay?”

There will be a lot to do next semester too.

“Student Dane Sogress? “Now it’s time to go get Chiron.”

Hank approached at that time.

I followed Hank.

For your information, the reason the imperial family can’t bring Chiron is because I’m the only one who can handle him.

“I guess you don’t like it when someone else takes the reins and leads the way?”

“Don’t even talk. “He is a devil, devil.”

I think I have a vague understanding of the Emperor’s intention in giving me such a bastard, but on the other hand, I wish I had failed.

Well, I didn’t think about that from the beginning.

“Anyway, please take good care of him. “The stable keeper was secretly sad last night.”

“If you are a stable keeper… … “I guess you’ve been taking care of Chiron for a long time?”

“yes. I heard all the hateful feelings. Because I always comforted it, fed it, and took care of its fur. However, when I see him making fun of the stablekeeper all the time, he is really… … .”

Anyway, damn it, there is a reason for it.

“But now that you have been subdued by student Dane Sogress, please be quiet… … .”

That was when Hank arrived at the stable, saying that.

“Soo, Chief Secretary… … .”

A vain voice was heard.

“What on earth is this…?” … .”

A stable with a harpoon also came into view.

“Ki, Chiron, that guy… … They just suddenly destroyed the entire stable… … .”

I understand roughly what happened.

“You ran away… … .”

I shook my head at Hank’s words.

“They must have taken out the paralyzing device. It’s been so long since I was free that I feel like I’m losing control.”

If his escape becomes a fait accompli, it will be difficult for him to survive.

This guy is out of control, so the imperial family is probably trying to control him in some way by now.

You have to find it before then.

That shameless guy.

and… … .

I need to release some of my strength.

So that they don’t run wild.

“He’s a guy with a lot of energy left, so it’s probably even more so.”

“Then what should I do?”

“I have to go catch it.”

* * *

It’s not as common as you might think for there to be a disturbance in the imperial palace.

The commotion is usually just a ‘trivial’ commotion that only happens between servants, maids, or guards.

The imperial palace is where the emperor and other members of the royal family stay.

Therefore, ‘big’ disturbances rarely occur and should not occur.

I just thought it was like that.

But not this time.

“Now, catch it!”

“Drive it this way!”

“damage! “Aaaah!”

It’s only one horse, but it’s a complete mess.

“This way!” damage!”



Don’t be crazy.

The guy had escaped from the stable and was running wild.

It seemed like he had suddenly spun around and was jumping back and forth to the point where he couldn’t control it.

“Why on earth did this guy escape!”

“I heard you’ll be quiet now! What happened suddenly… … “Ugh!”

The servants who were first dispatched were naturally suppressed, and the guards nearby were also unable to do anything.

What came next were the knights.

But the knights didn’t know what to do either.

The reason was simple.

This is because these words were now given ‘directly’ by the emperor to an academy student named Dane Sogress.

I feel like I want to cut it with a single sword, but I can’t.

“Magic Legion, when will the Magic Legion come?”

So the only hope is the magic corps.

People who will safely subdue Chiron with magic.

Of course, it is hell itself until you arrive.


Chiron was jumping around with excitement.

It’s a crazy rampage with no known reason.

I would understand if it were just about escaping, but that’s not the case.

‘Crazy words, crazy words.’

‘I wish I could get out quickly.’

As a result, the servants and maids shed tears of blood as they saw the property being destroyed and the garden being trampled.

That’s ten minutes.

We finally arrived while the place where Chiron had been rampaging was completely destroyed.

“Did the magic corps come?”

It was Dane.


And surprisingly, as soon as Chiron saw Dane, he stopped and grinned like a human.

What horse is that?

People gulped and swallowed their dry saliva.

Everyone knows that Dane Sogress has finally subdued Chiron.

But looking at this situation now, I wonder if it is really possible to suppress it.


Chin, chin.

Sure enough, Chiron starts scratching the floor.

It looks like it’s going to pounce on Dane at any moment.

But everyone was frozen.

The moment you block that path, it’s not a question of whether you block it or not, but a question of whether you’re going to die or be on the verge of death.

If you get hit by that huge steed… … .

At least serious injury.

If you do it wrong, you die.


Chiron begins to scratch the floor more vigorously.

Dane just stared at Chiron like this.

And with arms crossed.

What are you trying to do?

Subdue with just your eyes?

Or is it magic because you said you were a magic genius?

Or would you even pull out a sword?

When I thought about it, there was nothing Dane could do.

This is the imperial palace, so magic, summoning, swordsmanship, etc. cannot be used except by those authorized to do so.

‘Then what are you going to do… … .’

It was a time when those who had been devastated by Chiron’s rampage were quietly watching to see how Dane would come out.


Chiron shook himself off and-

The moment when I was about to hit the floor.

“Are you done now?”

Dane’s question was heard.

It was a question directed at Chiron.

“Or do more. “Until you lose strength.”

The moment I heard those words.


Chiron rushed at Dane again.

Since I told you to try it, I will try it.

“Oh, no!”

“We must stop it!”

“But how!”

People screamed at the sight of Chiron rushing towards them, and Dane did not move.

But at that moment, everyone saw it.


Dane slightly turned his body to get out of the way, avoiding Chiron’s charge, and at the same time as Chiron passed by… … .


The figure kicks off the floor and easily lands on Chiron’s back.

“Shall we have some fun?”

And Dane grinned and grabbed the mane, just like Chiron did, and poured magic power into it like before.

Then something comfortable flows down his mane.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Chiron finally stands tall while everyone is speechless.

The Dane on top grabbed the mane and pulled it without even looking at the reins.

Then, surprisingly, Chiron moved.

In the direction Dane leads.

“Three, oh my… … Oh, it was real… … .”

“Dane Sogress… … That student really makes no sense… … .”

“That Chiron is so simple… … .”

Everyone had their mouths wide open and said one thing at a time at the scene unfolding before their eyes.

The guy who had been making a fuss for no apparent reason until just now was easily subdued.

Of course, it wasn’t a riot.

Chiron was just playing around-

Dane planned to play with Chiron from now on.

Until this guy loses his strength.

“try. “Until you get tired.”


Chiron also responded.

In fact, Chiron wanted it.

Unlike the ‘weak’ guy who would fall off after being shaken a few times, this guy will never fall off even on his back.

And now we have finally met.

“But you need to learn some manners if you want to hang out with me from now on?”

“Puh hing?”

“You’re not going to stay locked up, right? “Let’s be quiet, be quiet.”

This is kind of creepy.

Ancient magic is warm… … .

Should I say that the tone of voice is like a warning?

“But anyway, the house needs to be strong to handle you. Isn’t that right?”


“Let’s build a stable.”

Amid Dane’s mutterings, Chiron finally began to move.

Not far away.

To a horse training ground where I have rarely ridden because no one has tamed me.


Chiron seemed to be in a good mood.

And here’s one more thing.

“really… … “It was.”

“I never thought Chiron would be so calm… … .”

“oh my god… … .”


This was the moment when the legend of Dane, who stabilized the crazy bastard, began to spread in earnest.


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