Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 164

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I was reincarnated as a famous genius with the greatest talent ever. Episode 164

110. It is indeed Sogress (1)

Edward left the residence not long after.

After Edward left, I thought about the word archduke he had said.

To put it simply, I am asking you to be my right arm and support me. He assumed that he would be crowned emperor.

That’s something to decide later, and in fact, the fact that he had the ambition to become emperor is surprising and admirable in itself.

It’s been so long since I’ve had my hand treated, I never thought I’d be looking there.

Should I call it a distribution worthy of a prince?

Of course, this is a fact that should not be told to anyone.

Depending on your perspective, it could be an excuse to check or frame the 3rd prince.

“It’s return time.”

Anyway, it’s time to get ready.

I followed the visiting attendant out of the residence and walked for a while again.

And what we arrived at was a cutting room so large that it could not be compared to any other clothing store in the capital.

“Dane, are you here?”

Leila, Ernest, Priscilla, and Dorian came first.


A man wearing a monocle and a handsome beard looked at me and smiled happily.

“It is truly an honor to have the opportunity to tailor the robes of the Count of Sogres. “I hope that my clothes today will be a small addition to your beauty.”

Please note that the foundation has already been completed.

Not long ago, people from the imperial family came to the academy and took our body measurements.

In that sense, the robe was very beautiful.

“It is made from fabric woven from the highest quality silk, so it feels as if you are not wearing it. The frills were also created with great care… … .”

All the decorations on the soft blue robes are beautiful and elegant.

I tend to like formal clothes, but I can wear formal clothes like this as much as I want.

Leila’s reaction was similar.

“oh my god… … “Are you saying I can take this?”

“Of course, my lady. It is a robe made for only one person in the world, the Lady, so of course it belongs to the Lady. “It would be a great honor for this tailor if you would keep it carefully after the event.”

This dress and its fabric alone must be incredibly expensive and precious.

Anyway, the four of us were all dressed in formal attire.

For reference, the other one, Priscilla, wore separate attire because she was in the Department of Divinity.

Afterwards, we finally moved on to the main event.

And while we were on our way, there was an impromptu lecture by ‘Hank’, who introduced himself as the chief imperial official.

“Until His Majesty the Emperor orders, you must not raise your head, and your stride length must be no longer than two fists. Also, you shouldn’t walk too fast, but you shouldn’t walk too slow either. and… … .”

There are many things to protect before the emperor.

“… … Therefore, since we do not know who His Majesty the Emperor may be speaking to, I hope that everyone will be sure to understand what I have just said.”

If we made a mistake, he made a request as if he would die, so I kept it firmly in my head.

Next, there was a lecture on language.

These are expressions I used to describe the prince, such as being devastated and being very sad.

“Okay, let’s go in now.”

And of course, there was no immediate audience.

A continuation of the atmosphere.

Still, thanks to that, we were able to talk about things we hadn’t been able to do before.

“The accommodation was very nice. “It looks better than my room.”

“me too. There’s no comparison to a dorm room! By the way, I applied for a dormitory grade upgrade this time. Will it be accepted? “I’m not the only one who doesn’t belong to Danter.”

“I’m so incredibly nervous… … .”

“Mr. Dane, my heart is pounding like this. Could you please cast some magic?”

Everyone looks extremely nervous.

The reason I am the only one still sane during this time is probably due to the calmness I gained from my past life and the concentration of ancient magic power.

“however… … What kind of reward will I really receive?”

“hmm… … Free access to the imperial family?”

“What kind of academy is this? Could it be that I am receiving weapons?”

“Or just a neat crown?”

“Hey, it’s the imperial family. Do you still want to pay with money?”

“You little guys. “Money is the best.”

“Priscilla, is it okay for the Divinity Department to say that?”

“I don’t know. Regardless of whether anyone listens or not. “There are no old people from Daesinjeon here.”

I’m curious too.

What should I give you as a reward?

First of all, what was confirmed as a subjugation case was the choice of a large amount of crowns and imperial treasure items.

However, the reward you will receive for your contribution in catching the secret society members is different.

In fact, no matter what we give, what is more important is that we came here at the invitation of the imperial family.

Regardless of the political perspective, it can be said that we have been recognized by publicizing our skills to the outside world.

“But what will everyone do when they get the crown?”

“well? Should I buy exploration equipment? “Leila, what about you?”

“I’m going to buy furniture. For my own use only. “I’m going to put it in my dorm room.”

“I should buy a drink.”

“I don’t think Priscilla is really from the Department of Divinity… … .”


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“Mr. Ernest, don’t you think it’s nice to have an unadorned look?”

Hank’s voice is heard in the middle of a conversation.

“Everyone please stand.”

Finally go in.

To see the emperor.

“Please consider again what I said earlier. No mistakes can be made.”

We passed through the waiting room and finally faced a huge hall.

Long hall.

A huge door at the end.

When that door opens, you will see the emperor.

“This hall is called the ‘Hall of Glory.’ Because most of the time, after walking down these halls, we encounter ‘glory.’”

That honor probably means being the emperor.

“So, stepping on this place is nothing short of a promise of great glory.”

It’s glory.

Let’s see what an honor it is.

I hope it’s an honor that’s great enough to make me feel good.

“Then, shall we go?”

We finally took our steps.

Towards the place where His Majesty the Emperor is.

* * *

The imperial subjects lined up next to the throne, bowed their heads, and glanced at the door that was about to open.

Please, I hope that no one who opens that door goes against the Emperor’s wishes today.

Emperor, Demanis d’Anterre.

He, who will be written in history books as ‘Danterre VIII’, was receiving this kind of evaluation.

Sometimes a tyrant.

Sometimes, Seonggun.

And sometimes… … .

Gwanggun (狂君).

‘I think at least five people were dragged from that throne in front of Your Majesty.’

‘What on earth didn’t you like? … .’

Danter VIII is a scary emperor.

Doesn’t tolerate mistakes.

This is especially true when it comes to mistakes you make yourself.

However, he is not just a scary person.

The rewards are certain, and I know how to deal with people.

But sometimes, like a crazy person, he orders them to be dragged out and beheaded without any reason.

‘It’s a shame that he actually ended the war, otherwise he would have been a crazy king.’

An incomprehensible disposition.

But no one can rebel.

The power of the emperor who ended the long war was enormous.

Anyway, it is said that students from some academy were invited today.

Count Sogres, Duke Termion, Baron Dillon, Marquis Neriel, and Viscount Artak.

In particular, the two families in front had a history of opposing the emperor’s purge of nobles after the war.

That’s because, after the war, King Danter VIII eliminated several nobles for various reasons.

‘I hope nothing bad happens.’

‘Whoa, do you think even the students will see blood?’

‘I heard that the youngest son of Sogress is such an incredible talent… … Are you really trying to nip it in the bud?’

Academy students are still kids. To be exact, they are kids who have not even inherited a title.

but… … .

If it were an emperor who often did crazy things, it might be a different story.

“I’m entering.”

Coo thump!

At that time, the door opened and the protagonists of today’s audience finally entered inside one by one.

The leader is Dane Sogress, who was the biggest contributor to this subjugation and made a great contribution to catching the forces threatening the empire.

After that, Leila Termion.

Next, Priscilla Neriel, Ernest Dillon, and Dorian Artak entered.

Each of the robes dressed up was dazzling, and everyone was especially amazed by the sight of Dane Sogress, who stood in the lead.

‘It’s even worse than when Count Sogres was young. ‘How are your eyes so clear?’

‘Silver hair and green eyes… … ‘I inherited it as is and it has become even darker.’

‘I heard you’re a freshman, and your stamina is amazing.’

‘After the audience later, will you find out if my daughter is getting married?’

Dane’s appearance in formal attire exudes elegance and beauty that are difficult to match, as well as elegance and strength.

If you were to model the word ‘noble’ in real life, would it probably feel like this?

Thanks to this, the hearts of nobles with daughters were pounding.

Jerk, jerk.

Dane and his party walked slowly as Hank said and finally arrived 30 steps in front of the emperor’s throne and stopped.

And then, Dane said with his head down.

“Dain Sogress, Leila Termion, Priscilla Neriel, Ernest Dillon, and Dorian Artak dare to meet His Majesty the Emperor.”

A short and simple greeting.

It was exactly as Hank said.

A moment of silence.

The emperor on the throne, looking down on them, Danter VIII, waited for a while and finally spoke.

“Lift your head and look at me.”

As soon as those words were out, the five heads lifted up and they were finally able to see the emperor’s face.

My first impression was this.


A trimmed-down beard and lush hair that can’t hide his ruggedness, suddenly shining eyes and a tall nose.


“You are the students who made such amazing achievements.”

Even a heavy voice that seemed to come from inside a cave.

“The future of the empire is bright.”

And the Emperor was clearly smiling.

Although they could not raise their heads, the subjects who guessed this sighed inwardly.

At least it means that I liked it.

“I was only loyal to His Majesty the Emperor and the Empire.”

Also, the student named Dane Sogress was using appropriate expressions when answering this question.

The atmosphere was very friendly.

If things continue like this, the audience event will end well in an appropriate atmosphere, and there will be no more worries.


Everyone thought so until the emperor spoke.

“Aren’t there two children in the family who at least once questioned my opinion?”

The air froze for a moment.

“Isn’t that so? These are the two families who rebelled against me, who ended the war and led the empire to peace, and their children… … “It’s in front of me now.”

The emperor was clearly smiling.

But how many people will take that smile literally?

Unless you’re an idiot, you’ll know.

Now, Danter VIII… … The fact that I’m not laughing.

“Of course, there is no evidence of rebellion or a plan. But it still left a big scar on me. “I didn’t know that the two biggest families would rebel against me.”

The war is over.

And the emperor’s purge of the nobles began. An extremely political reason to keep in check the nobles who had gained power through a long war.

Meanwhile, two families, the Duke of Termion and the Count of Sogres, opposed this purge of nobles.

The reason was simple,

That we cannot start another war.


The two families came into conflict.

With the emperor.

On the surface, he’s loyal, but on the inside, I’m not sure.

Everyone speaks in unison.

One day, the emperor will draw his sword.

Termion and Sogress, before their power becomes too strong.

Meanwhile, the sons of the two families were now standing here before the emperor.

‘It’s a big deal… … .’

Leila trembled.

Even so, his father, Duke Termion, went and told him to be careful.

Since he cannot refuse the emperor’s command, he asks him to go instead and not disobey the emperor’s wishes.

But it seems like it was already bothersome before I even tried to object to it.

existence itself.

‘What should I do?’

You can’t keep your mouth shut forever.

As the daughter of the Termion duchy, I need words to overcome this situation.

But it doesn’t come to mind.

This tension takes my breath away… … .

It was then.

“Then I guess it could be like this.”

Dane, who was standing right next to him, finally opened his mouth.

The emperor looked at Dane at those words.

Dane Sogress.

A genius boy who helped the 3rd prince and made numerous achievements in this subjugation.

Since I was already looking at it with interest, I’m curious to see what he’ll say.


Dane responded to the emperor’s words.


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