Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 154

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I was reincarnated as a famous genius with the greatest talent ever. Episode 154

102. All at once

Altur had trouble sleeping every night until the day of the mission.

I couldn’t sleep well because I thought it was something that would determine my own fate.

And the day of departure is approaching.

-You’re ready, right?

“Yes, Professor.”

-Go ahead. If you go out to the supply route and walk north, you will find the ‘Sengpir Inn’ on the outskirts of the capital. When you get there, just sit at the table in the far left corner.

At Professor DeNabo’s urging, Altur headed toward the academy’s supply route.

A passageway through which various items to be used at the Academy enter.

There were guards there, but they only checked Altur’s face and let him out without saying anything.

‘two people. ‘I remembered the face.’

Altur intended to remember everything that happened today.

Because it was that desperate.

“Anyway, I never thought it would be this easy.”

Until now, Altur has never gone outside the academy without a pass.

Because sneaking out in itself makes no sense.

However, seeing how easy it is to get out makes me realize how powerful the professor is.

“It was called the Sengphir Inn.”

It was my first time hearing of this inn, but I was able to find it after walking for a while.

On the outskirts of the capital.

An old inn that is falling down.

This place itself is mostly an inn with nothing special about it, with many of these buildings lined up.


As you enter inside with the creepy sound of the old door, people’s attention is instantly drawn to you.

But that was only for a moment, and Altur was able to walk without much restraint and sit down at the corner table.

The inn owner doesn’t even look in this direction, perhaps because he received a separate message.


In nervousness, Altur fiddled with the poison needle he had kept in his arms.

What Dane gave himself.

Before calling Professor DeNabo, he told him to shoot the guy who came to hand him the item.

‘What the hell is going on?’

In the current situation, the only person who doesn’t know ‘what’ all this is for is Altur.

Altur simply follows Dane’s words to change his future.

But there is no room for doubt.

Now, all I have to do is do what I have to do in a simple and clear way rather than making things complicated in my head.

‘I can do it.’

And finally, someone entered the inn.

As soon as he opened the door, he walked straight towards Altur without even looking around.


He pulled out the chair across from him and sat down, glanced at Altur and took something out of his pocket.

A leather pouch the size of a fist.

I couldn’t tell what was inside.

He put his pockets on the table and said:

“After I leave, count to one hundred in your head and then leave. Deliver it immediately afterward.”

“… … “Of course.”

Now it’s time to move.

It was the moment when the man was about to get up.


Altur activated the poison needle container in his arms, and the poison needle contained in the container left Altur’s arms and hit the man’s neck.


And the man falls.

Altur immediately began his next move.

“Hey, hey. Are you okay?”

Although he was not good at acting at all, Altur did his best to pretend to be surprised and checked the man’s condition.

Two wide-open eyes.

A body that cannot move at all.

The paralyzing poison was properly applied.

It was then.

“What are you doing?”

A shadow fell over the table.

This is the inn owner who hasn’t even looked in this direction until now.

He grabbed the person who had just been paralyzed, examined his face, and instantly pulled out a dagger from his arms.

“What are you planning?”

Cold sweat flowed from Altur’s back.

‘Did you get caught…? … .’

Somehow, it felt strangely strange.

I entered the inn, but no one paid any attention.


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This means that everyone here was already aware of this situation and was watching from the beginning.

“You won’t die a nice death.”

I could see the innkeeper’s angry expression.

“Don’t come any closer!”

Altur held up his pocket and shouted urgently. Flames were blooming in his hands.

“If you come… … Burn it!”

The innkeeper who was approaching me flinched and took a step back.

‘You have to take your time.’

I got caught.

Beyond that, what I need to do now is take my time.

This is the same.

Rather, it went well.

“This guy wants to die… … Put it down!”

Not only the inn owner but also other guys were glaring at us.

Everyone is on the same team.

I didn’t expect it to be like this, but yeah, it turned out better.

Because it would be easier to bring out Professor DeNabo.

“I told you not to come any closer.”

“This bastard… … .”


The flames of magic become more intense.

If it got a little bigger, it would reach my pocket and burn it all.

Of course, then Altur dies too.

Therefore, more time is needed.

Professor DeNabo comes, until Dane finally comes.

“Do you even know what that thing is?”

Do you have any clue?

But I know it’s important.

“Step back.”

Altur briefly tied the pouch strap around his wrist and then took out a scroll from his pocket.


A scroll that tears apart in an instant.

A doubt appeared in the innkeeper’s eyes.

What is that guy doing now?

Even if I run away, it won’t be enough… … Isn’t that a signal scroll?

That is also a scroll given by Professor DeNabo.

just as expected.


The door opened, and Professor DeNabo, who had rushed in by teleport, entered inside.

“What on earth is this… … .”

As soon as he entered, he looked around and was dazed.

And then I realized.

‘That guy couldn’t be… … .’

A pouch in Altur’s hand.

And a flame bloomed in the other hand.

“you… … “What are you doing now?”

Professor DeNabo approached with great strides.

“I trusted you and entrusted you with the job… … “What are you doing now?”

“… … .”

Professor Denabo, like the innkeeper, checked the person who handed him the bag and clicked his tongue.

“It’s a paralyzing poison.”

The conclusion has been reached.

Altur closed his eyes tightly.

“I thought you had talent so I gave it to you, but… … Is this how you repay the favor? “Who ordered it!”

Professor DeNabo’s angry voice echoed throughout the inn.

And the moment you try to take one step closer.

“Do not come!”

Altur was the first to ‘shout out’ to Professor DeNabo.

It was a first time in my life.

To him, Professor DeNabo was a ‘master’ and a person who decided his future –

Not anymore.

“now… … “I’m sick of being a slave to you!”


“You bastard! “I’ve been pampering you for years as bait for a job at the Magic Tower!”

There was confusion in Professor DeNabo’s eyes.

Of course, I didn’t feel sorry or pitiful at all.

Is this guy crazy?

How dare a guy who always follows his own words even if he dies soon?

Anger comes to mind.

“How dare you treat me now…” … .”

“Getting a job? Damn it! I was going to throw it away the moment I graduated! “I, just looking at that one thing, gave up all my pride and followed your orders!”

Of course, Altur knows.

Because he became Professor DeNabo’s ‘slave’, he was able to enjoy various positions of power within the Faculty of Magic.

But, that also has no meaning.

That was, after all, the power provided by Professor DeNabo, and not his own.

More than anything… … .

I didn’t want to see any more of that abominable human being who toyed with me and tortured me.

I’m sick of it all now.

I can do this because I was promised a job at the Niruksion Magic Tower.

Still, I would have done this someday.

I felt like if things continued like this, everything would rot and fall apart.

“You bastard… … .”

Professor DeNabo’s wrath bloomed.

But that too was not easy to approach.

Professor DeNabo is a wizard.

A quick approach like a warrior is impossible.

So, Altur can burn that pocket if he wants to.

‘When will it come?’

Meanwhile, Altur became anxious, wondering how long he would have to wait.

I decided to give a signal.

First, Professor DeNabo was dragged in.

And the guys here were also dragged in as a bonus.

“What are you all doing! “Pounce and catch him!”

Professor DeNabo shouted.

And the guys slowly start to approach.

These guys are not wizards.

But some are skilled warriors.

So it seemed like it was only a matter of time before Altur was out of pocket.



The signal I was waiting for has arrived.


Altur quickly activated the signal hidden in his sleeve.

“What are you doing now… … !”

The moment Professor DeNabo shouted when he immediately sensed a magical signal.

Coo thump!

A vibration so powerful that everyone could feel it occurred throughout the inn.

“… … no way.”


The magic field and interference field were activated at the same time.

It doesn’t matter if the signal is detected anyway.

Altur let out the breath he had been holding.

“No one can escape. “Of course you can’t go either.”

“You, you… … .”

DeNabo’s fists were shaking at this unbelievable situation.

How dare you, how dare you talk about slavery… … .

Are you betraying me?

‘If you get caught, it’s over.’

Looking at the situation, someone clearly planned it.

Professor DeNabo urgently tried to escape using teleportation… … .


The magical energy flowing from Professor DeNabo’s body instantly dissipated.

Movement itself is blocked, and the flow of magical power is controlled.

The magic power of someone as strong as Professor DeNavo!

At this point, Altur was not the only one breaking into a cold sweat.

‘My magical power is being disturbed… … .’

Then who is the opponent?

Another magic tower owner?

Or the Imperial Summoning Corps?

or… … Something you can’t imagine?

“Holy shit… … .”

Professor DeNabo’s hands trembled as he guessed that there was no way out.

And the anger that had lost its place was once again directed to Altur.

“How dare this guy… … .”


At that time, one person ran up and snatched the bag out of Altur’s hand, and Professor DeNabo immediately approached and grabbed Altur by the collar.

There is nothing as helpless as a magician without magic, but his anger was as great as that of a well-trained warrior.

“How dare you… … Could it be that you are in the restricted area too… … .”

While Professor DeNabo completely misunderstood, Altur finally opened his tightly closed eyes and said this.

“It’s all over now. know?”

It is a word with many meanings.

Obeying you is the end.

You too are done now.

and… … .



What you say is over.


The hand holding my collar collapsed feebly.

Altur fired his poisonous needle once again, finally paralyzing Professor DeNabo.

If the magic power had been intact, he would have sensed it, but unfortunately, a disturbance field and magic field were installed now.

‘Who on earth created this level of magic and interference fields?’

Who would be able to create something like this that could easily disrupt an 8-chain level wizard?



When Professor DeNabo fell, everyone drew their weapons and aimed them at Altur.

‘I didn’t hear this.’

Altur slowly retreated.

I have to buy time somehow.

But I can’t use magic, so what?

‘Maybe I should have brought a sword… … .’

Suddenly, in this situation, what arose in Altur’s mind was peace and resignation.

He was destined to be dragged around and abandoned by Professor DeNabo anyway.

Yeah, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to die here.

Of course, if you die as a hero without being tied up as a wholesaler… … .

‘If I had known this would happen, I would have confessed to senior Arabella.’

It was a time when I thought of late regrets.


The inn door was completely shattered, raising dust, and behind the dust, a group of people wearing armor poured in.

And the one standing at the front of the group is-

“Everyone stop! “I am Delphion Ornette, leader of the 4th Imperial Knights.”

He had a very harsh expression.

“As of this time, you will be arrested in the name of the imperial family.”

For a moment, confusion appeared in the eyes of the people at the inn.

Imperial family?

Why are you suddenly here?

‘This is crazy… … .’


It was the same with Altur.

‘Woe, Imperial Knights?’

Dane, this crazy guy… … .

I knew he was a no-nonsense guy, but the people who said they would go ‘when you give them a signal’ –

The Imperial Knights?

‘He was a ridiculous guy.’

Dane Sogress.

The more you know, the more awe you feel.

“Everyone, drop your weapons.”

It was already too late.

Sir Ornette said coldly.

“It is an imperial command to make those who resist neither live nor die. Shut up and put down your weapons. “I won’t say any more.”

* * *

It’s a big one.

I never thought the results would be this great.

Originally, I thought only Professor DeNabo and the ‘messenger’ would be caught, but they ended up being caught like dried fish.

“That’s amazing.”

And the prince himself came.

Edward clicked his tongue as he looked at the dozen members of the secret society that the Knights had directly captured.

“I never thought they would be gathered together like this.”

“They couldn’t have even imagined a total strike.”

A total loss.

That word fit perfectly.

Professor DeNabo.

And 18 members of the secret society, including the messenger, were caught.

Of course, the first two guys are currently paralyzed.

He was tied up more tightly than the others, and even had the poison removed to prevent him from committing suicide, and is now completely trapped.

“Except for the three who were unable to prevent suicide… … “That’s a sufficient number.”

Edward nodded with satisfaction.

18 people.

This is a sufficient number.

Even if you confess just one thing you know, it will be no problem to obtain information about the secret society.

And even the biggest hit, Professor DeNabo.

“You made it work, Dane.”

“Thanks to His Majesty the Crown Prince’s permission.”

“hmm. There is no need to paint my face with gold this time. “This operation is entirely your fault.”

Edward then added.

“Of course, there was help from Lord Sidrain.”

For reference, Seedrain helped me form a magic field and a disturbance field.

As an 8-chain wizard, he personally created an effective code arrangement that can interfere with the 8-chain wizard.

“A large imperial-level reward is scheduled to be given to the Niruksion Magic Tower.”

“I’m sure the Magic Tower Lord will be very pleased.”

“hmm. and… … “I have that friend too.”

Edward pointed to Altur, who was sitting in the corner staring blankly into space.

Altur looks startled when eyes turn to him.

Yes, Altur did a good job too.

Things went well thanks to him using the paralyzing poison appropriately and signaling the activation of the interference field and magic field.

“I think that friend needs a reward too. hmm. “What would you like?”

I thought for a moment and then opened my mouth.

“Perhaps a letter of recommendation from the imperial family would be fine.”

“That’s okay.”

In any case, employment at the Niruksion Magic Tower is certain, but the imperial recommendation letter is not just used for employment.

That fact alone will raise Altur’s status considerably, and perhaps offset the possibility of being labeled a ‘traitor’.

“It was a brave act that made me think the letter of recommendation was okay. Well, even on the surface, it’s not easy to ‘betray’.”

Edward is right.

Altur ultimately took the risk.

It is a matter so big that if you make a mistake, you may even be considered extinct.

However, we succeeded brilliantly, and thanks to this, we were able to capture a large number of the secret society.

“Anyway, these guys really were a secret society. “I was wondering what else would happen.”

Edward held up his pockets as if he had endured it for ten years.


What Professor Dnabo ordered Altur to bring.

What was inside was subspace.

“When I opened it, I found various orders and evidence. “I think they were probably trying to hide the evidence from Professor Denabeau.”

Just hide it from suspicion.

Were you aiming for the darkness under the lamp?

It’s not a bad choice.

It’s because the opponent is bad.

“This clearly establishes a cause. Now all that’s left is a search and seizure… … “The imperial police should have arrived by now.”

The sun hasn’t come out yet, but it’s a police force.

The Academy must have been shocked.

“And they will rot in the dungeon forever.”

That sounds scary.

Well, there is no way we will release those who threaten the system.

Professor DeNabo may be… … .

You might lose your magic power.

“Dain, I will meet you at the imperial palace soon.”

“I guess so.”

“hmm. His Majesty the Emperor will be greatly pleased. Very, very much.”

I guess I’ll have to think about going to the imperial palace soon.

“Okay then, Dane. “I’ll contact you soon.”

Edward said and left with Sir Ornette, who happened to be approaching.

Okay then.

Now, can we not worry about the secret society for the time being?

The imperial family will find out, and I can get involved again later if I find out more.

Of course, I am curious about the words that will come out of Professor DeNabo’s mouth.

I’ll have to ask Edward later to find out their true intentions, and especially how they were targeting Saul Hangston’s magical power.

“Hey, kid.”

Seedrain’s voice was heard at that time.

“Where are you?”

When I turned my head, Sidran was standing there.

The magic tower lord who made a great contribution during this operation by setting up a magic field and interference field with me.

“I talked to the magic corps members who came out to investigate. “They know everything.”

“That must be a big shock, too.”

“yes. “There are quite a few people who respect DeNavo.”

But that won’t be possible anymore.

“But are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“The Niruksion Magic Tower will now be mentioned in the imperial court.”

Seedrain chuckled.

“The fact that the five great magic towers defeated the imperial family is a thing of the past. “You can’t survive these days if you show off your pride like that.”

“iced coffee.”

I don’t think you need to worry about political views.

Meanwhile, Sidrain pointed to Altur, who was still crouching in the corner.

“Can you bring that guy over?”

“You can call me.”

I called Altur.

The guy was startled, raised his head and looked at me.

“Come and see for a moment.”

Altur, who arrived in front of us with a shaky and difficult gait, was shaking very much.

“Oh, hello. Lord Magic Tower.”

“hmm. You are Altur. “I read your resume well.”

Altur barely raised his head.

The face is full of joy and fear.

“He had some talent. So, do you plan on coming to the Niruksion Magic Tower?”

“Of course!”

Altur shouted urgently.

Sidrain grinned, as if he liked the sight.

“good night. “I’ll call you to the Magic Tower soon.”

Altur’s face brightened.

“Follow the simple process and hire right away. Of course, getting a job starts after graduation.”

“thanks… … thank you… … !”

Altur was so moved that he bowed as if he was about to kneel.

And he said it to me too.

“thanks. Dane Sogress… … .”

“I just need to know.”

Even though I spoke calmly, I didn’t forget to add one word.

“But thanks to you, things worked out well. “You deserve it.”

“… … .”

It’s none of my business whether he lightens his load or not-

Looking at it another way, it was thanks to this guy’s determination that he was able to bring out Professor DeNabo and arrest him.

“I have found my way now. Thank you very much… … .”

I didn’t say anything more and just nodded.

This is the end of Altur’s side.

Of course, it’s not quite over.

If I need to use it later, I should call it and use it.

So now all that’s left is… … .

“Oh right.”

At that moment, fear came to me.

“What is that?”

“… … “I didn’t reply.”

“reply? “What reply?”

I was so focused on this for a while that I couldn’t even think about fan letters.

That means… … .

“It’s probably piled up like a mountain… … .”

What can I do?

It was sent by fans.

You must reply sincerely.

“You look busy.”

Seedrain snickers.

Of course, it’s not just about fan letters.

“I also have to prepare for the final exam.”

I am definitely an academy student.

So, you need to take the test and get good grades.

“It doesn’t seem right to keep doing such big things and then mentioning final exams in a fan letter.”

As Sid Lane said, it really didn’t suit him.

anyway… … .

It’s time to return to normal life, even if just for a little while.


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