Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 95

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Beyond the door (2)

Lee Ho spoke politely at the door.

“That’s me. “I will take Demon Gongzi and the Nameless Grand Hyeop with me and go in for a moment.”

He told me exactly who was going in. It meant that he was respectful and careful of the people inside.

When Lee Ho opened the door, it opened softly. This time it wasn’t locked.

“Let’s go in.”

He left without coming in as if he had fulfilled his duty.

The devil and I went inside. He was on edge because he didn’t know what was waiting for him.

The room was filled with things I had never seen before. Before I could even look at them one by one, a strong smell hit my nose.

The average person would perceive it as a medicinal scent that one might smell in a doctor’s office, but I was able to know exactly what this smell was.

It was the smell of the two ingredients I knew best. The smell of elixir and poison was strangely mixed.

There were all kinds of things in this smell. The first thing I saw was a large sphere. There were about a dozen bamboo pipes connected to the sphere, and at the ends of the pipes were several barrels.

The barrels were each of a different color, and it seemed like various elixirs or poisons were flowing through the barrels and converging into the central sphere. As if it wasn’t just about collecting the drugs in one place, the box was also equipped with boiling and cooling devices.

The mysterious energy I felt earlier was coming from that sphere. To be exact, it would come from the drug contained inside the sphere.

On one side, all kinds of medicinal herbs were piled up, and there were boxes containing poisonous substances and poisonous insects such as snakes and centipedes.

There was a large piece of paper attached to the opposite wall, full of unrecognizable letters and numbers. It seemed like he was calculating something, but it wasn’t something I could tell.

There was a desk against the paper wall, and there were a mountain of books on it and around it.

Meanwhile, a woman was sitting with her back turned. She was reading a book and when we walked in she didn’t even turn her head.

Of course, I was the first to notice her presence when I entered the room, but the average person probably wouldn’t have noticed her presence.

There were many things in this space that attracted attention, and on the contrary, she was motionless like a doll. She felt like the background of this room, but she strangely fit into this space.

The demon spirit told her.

“If someone comes, let’s at least meet them and say hello.”

The woman spoke without turning around.

“That’s not a person, is it?”

It was a clear yet resonant voice.

Perhaps because he had heard this many times, the Demon Spirit did not feel offended at all.

“So I brought someone here.”

“It must be those vegetables and that rice.”

The demon looked at me and smiled slightly. She felt her favor towards her. Perhaps she is the person the Demon Spirits need.

“I failed the test again.”

Then, the woman’s voice suddenly lost strength.

“I know.”

Only then did she stand up and turn towards me.

The moment I saw her, I was startled. It was much more beautiful than I thought. Moreover, she was wearing clothes that completely exposed her body, making her very voluptuous. Her breasts were large, her waist was thin, and her legs were straight and long.

If she looked like that, she would never look at a book in a place like this, so this contrast made her really attractive.

There’s one more thing.

She had a face that made it impossible to tell how old she was. At first glance, he looked like he was in his early twenties, and in some ways, he looked like he was in his thirties. If you were in your thirties, you were incredibly young.

And, crucially, he was a great expert.

He was much more expert than Demonyeongin and Chudochi. Of course, she couldn’t compare to me, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a female expert like this.

She looked at me, came closer and smelled me.

“Are you a new applicant? “Your body odor is nice.”

The devil said with a smile.

“no. “My friend.”

“friend? Do you have something like that too?”

She glanced at the demon spirit and then spoke to me.

“If you get close to someone like that, you’ll die young.”

It wasn’t a joke, but it wasn’t serious either, so it was unclear what to say.

“I’m feeling it desperately these days.”

“But why are we going together?”

“I’m caught in a trap.”

“It’s a trap, it’s scary. “That guy’s trap in particular is very strong.”

I said it out loud, but the demon spirit showed no reaction.

The woman stared at me quietly.

“But there’s something strange about you.”

He must have sensed something from me. Her strange feeling is what I felt for her.

As she was looking at me, she glanced at the demon spirit. Her expression looked as if she was asking ‘This guy?’

The devil said with a smile.

“A friend I want to catch, even if it means setting a trap.”

It was the answer to the previous conversation, and at the same time, it was the answer to her question.

At this moment I could feel it. The ‘it’ he mentioned last time was related to this woman. They’re trying to make me take the same test they did earlier.

I looked at the Demon Spirit, pretending not to know anything. He was looking at me with a kind smile. The subject of the test bled to death in the hole. How dare you laugh like that while trying to kill me like that?

The woman seemed to be no longer interested and returned to her seat. And she started reading her book again.

The demon spirit and I looked around the room.

I asked in front of the poisonous water placed next to me.

“What on earth are you making here?”

“It’s medicine.”



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“It’s a drug that makes the user invincible. At the same time, it’s a medicine that will save you.”

“no way? “This place?”

“okay. “A study is underway to remove the word ‘unhoe’ and replace it with the word ‘invincible.’”

In other words, they were conducting research to eliminate the side effects of the Demon Spirit Corps.

“You fooled me. “You make it sound like there’s already a way to solve it.”

“It would be even more strange that such a drug would have a solution. But you can definitely succeed within a year.”

The magician looked at the woman and asked.

“Isn’t that right?”

Then the woman spoke without turning around.

“If you come and interfere, it could take a year or a day longer.”

The devil looked at me and smiled.

“Don’t worry. It will definitely be successful within a year. Do you understand now why I wanted to show you this place?”

I nodded.

The demon spirit spoke again.

“Trust me.”

At that time, the woman blurted out without turning around.

“Do you know how to drink?”

I couldn’t tell if he had said it to me, so I looked at the demon with a puzzled face.

The demon spirit nodded as if saying yes.

Only then did I tell her.

“Of course. Just don’t drink it alone.”

She got up and grabbed the clothes hanging off to the side.

“Good for you. “Have a drink with me.”

She spoke first, in case the demon spirit would follow her.

“We’ll be drinking just the two of us. So don’t even dream about it.”

* * *

After half-hour, we were drinking at a bar. The person who brought me here blindfolded was Lee Ho.

When she moved, Lee Ho followed her. Even now, he was waiting in the carriage parked outside the tavern.

Now I think that Lee Ho’s main mission may not be to watch over the demon spirit, but to protect her.

She said it was her first time drinking alcohol in a long time, and whenever she took a sip, she made sure to have a snack.

“If I drink alcohol, I get upset.”

“For your health, I don’t think you should stay locked in the basement like that.”

“It’s work. “It is something that has no choice but to be done.”

“Is there really something that can’t be helped? “Can’t I just close my eyes and go somewhere like this?”

“Run away?”

I expected people to say things like, ‘You’re a good person’ or ‘You’re irresponsible,’ but she smiled brightly and said,

“It’s nice just thinking about it.”

Her expression was so bright at this moment that I could see that it could never come true.

Looking again, she was a strange woman. She had a feeling of intelligence that did not match her sensual appearance. She also had her own mystery, as did the mysterious energy that emanated from her sphere.

One thing is certain: this woman is in charge of the underground testing. Judging by the way Demonyeongin treated her and the way Lee Ho followed her, she was in an important position in this organization.

“What’s your name?”

“Are you in a position to ask someone else’s name?”

I said this because when I entered the room, Lee Ho introduced me as an unknown Daehyeop.

“It’s frustrating not having my own name, but it’s also really frustrating not knowing the name of the person sitting across from me.”

I didn’t think she would give me her name easily like this, but unexpectedly, she told me her name.

“This is Lim Yeon-jeong (林燕情).

“Oh, that’s a good name. “Now, since we met like this, let’s toast.”

She toasted cheerfully and emptied her glass in one go. She was a very good drinker.

“What on earth are you researching?”

“It’s research to make a living.”

However, I did not make a mistake while drunk. She was flawless. She didn’t say anything that would lead anyone to guess her identity. She didn’t even tell me her age. Meanwhile, she asked questions every now and then.

“How did you get to know Ma Gongzi?”

“I found out by chance.”

I took the young girl with me and told her the story of how she discovered the female fish through Jo Byeok, who was running the Giru, and how she came here.

“You were originally a charlatan.”

“knight errant? no. “It just happened that way.”

Lim Yeon-jeong quietly stared at me. At times like this, she seemed far from evil at all. However, you should not judge or evaluate someone based solely on her impressions and feelings.

“Then how did you come to know Demon Gongzi?”

“It’s a much more trivial reason than yours.”

Instead of answering, she drank. Like most of my questions, this too is a question that has no answer.

She laughed and felt sad while telling the story. She couldn’t control her emotions, but she knew one thing.

She seemed to have been very frustrated lately. It seems like he wanted to drink and laugh with someone like this. Seeing that she chose me as her target for the first time, I could guess that her life was not that smooth.

When I look at Demonyeongin, I feel full. Whether it’s evil or ambition, he’s full of it. The same goes for Lee Ho.

But she was different. She feels like she has space. Something like a blank space in the heart.

Only after emptying three bottles of alcohol did she get up. Not much time passed because she was so focused on drinking as if we were competing.

She finished her drink and was about to leave when she left her last words.

“When you date a bad guy in Gangho, you have to become an even worse guy. “That way he can survive.”

“I don’t think Gongzi Demon is such a bad person.”

She looked at me quietly and left without saying a word.

“If you don’t have eyes for people, just live with your ears open.”

* * *

When Lim Yeon-jeong returned to the manor, Demon Spirit was waiting in front of her room.

“Did you two have a good time?”

“Seeing your face made me drunk.”

“I’m glad I was of some help.”

When she snorted and was about to go inside, the demon spirit suddenly spoke.

“We’re going to make him take the anti-inflammatory drug we’re researching.”

At that moment, Lim Yeon-jeong’s movements stopped. A slight sadness flashed across her eyes. This is because she knew better than anyone else that if she took the unfinished medicine, she would die. He runs wild with a force that has become much stronger than before, and eventually strikes.

The ball bleeds to death.

“You clever one. I wouldn’t believe it if a cure was developed in just a few days. Just say that it is a medicine that must be taken as a first line for treatment.”

“What if you don’t like me?”

“Then drink it.”

Even if the demon spirit didn’t make a mean threat, she was in no position to refuse the demon spirit’s request. she finally asked, letting out her sigh lightly.

“When should I take it?”

“Ten days later, the opening ceremony of the Golden Grand Festival.”

“You know, but there are some things we need to do by getting him here before we can take him.”

“Didn’t you drink to make it easier? “I thought so.”

Lim Yeon-jeong’s expression frowned at the snarky words telling her to take care of it.

The demon spirit took a step back without provoking her any further.

“I will help too. So proceed as planned.”

When she didn’t answer, the devil asked as if he was wondering.

“Do you even like him?”

“There are people who you get a feeling for at first sight. “You too, and him too.”

“What about me, and what about him?”

“Just know that it’s the exact opposite.”

“That guy was evaluated very generously. ha ha ha.”

The demon spirit was about to come out of the room, but this time she spoke sharply.

“You said you were a friend?”

On the other hand, the magician answered calmly.

“You said I’m not a person?”

There might have been some nervousness in the way he closed the door, but he closed it politely and quietly and disappeared.

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