Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 94

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Beyond the door (1)

A man was running wild in a small room.

He swung his fist at the wall.

thud! Teuong!

The wall caved in with a deep clanging sound.

Coo! Empty! thud! Boom!

Although he continued to throw punches, the thick steel wall only made a dent and did not break through or collapse.

The man hitting the wall had veins sticking out all over his body like a thick earthworm crawling, and his breathing was extremely rough, as if he had run ten thousand miles.

The man who was pounding on one wall suddenly turned his head back. There was a hole the size of an adult’s palm in the opposite wall, and someone was looking into the room.

Like a wild animal seeing its prey, the man lunged towards the wall.

thud! Coooooo!

After knocking on the wall several times to no avail, the man looked into the hole. Two people were seen beyond the hole.


I felt like I wanted to immediately break down the wall and kill the two people.

On the other hand, the two people watching the man from outside were calm. They were Majyeongin and Chudochi.

Chu Do-chi looked at the softly growling man with red bloodshot eyes and said with a slight blush.

“I have a good feeling this time that it’s still going strong.”

In response to Chudochi’s hopes, the demonic spirit reminded him of reality.

“It will be important from now on.”

Chudochi lit the incense he was holding with a lamp hanging on the wall. The incense began to smoke and burn.

“From now on, as long as you hold on until the scent burns out, you will succeed.”

There was tension in Chu Do-chi’s eyes. Over the past few years, tests have continued to fail, resulting in a huge amount of time and money being wasted. More than anything, I was devastated by the continued failure.

‘Please, at least this time! Burn it all down quickly!’

Contrary to his earnestness, the incense burned slowly.

The man who had been pacing around the room for a moment suddenly stopped.


He opened his eyes wide. The whites of the eyes turned red. The two eyes were completely red, as if they were looking at a ghost.

“no! “Hold on!”

Chu Dochi shouted desperately. On the other hand, the demonic spirit standing next to him just watched calmly.

The man in the room started having seizures again. It was a much more severe seizure than before.

thud! Coo! Coooooo!

The thick steel wall was dented, but the man’s hand was unharmed.

“Hold on just a little longer.”

As Chu Do-chi cheered, the man put his face through the hole. He was whimpering in pain as if he was begging for help.

“Hold on! You bastard! “Hold on!”


The man’s whole body convulsed in pain, and then he stopped moving.


The man collapsed on the spot, bleeding from the lacquer on his face. There was silence in the room where she went on a rampage.

Chu Dochi sighed and looked down at the incense stick he was holding. More than half of the scent remained.


Chu Do-chi looked at the eyes of the demon next to him. Although he didn’t show it on the outside, he was angry.

Chu Do-chi quickly held up the remaining incense and said to the devil.

“But I held on a little longer today.”

But those words were no comfort at all. Rather, as if it was some sort of signal, the demonic spirit walked forward with strides.

Of the two rooms facing him, he stood in front of the one with a strange energy emanating from it.

I pulled to open the door, but it was locked.

The demon spirit spoke softly.

“Open the door.”

But the door didn’t open.

Chu Do-chi, who was watching, was nervous inwardly. He felt that the demon spirit was much angrier than usual.

“I told you to open it!”

As the demon raised his voice, Lee Ho appeared at the end of the hallway.

He walked forward and blocked the door.

“You can’t do this.”


“I’m sorry, but no. “Didn’t you promise not to force it if you don’t open it from the inside?”

Lee Ho explained calmly and did not take a single step out of the way.

The demon’s anger was transferred to Lee Ho.

“I said get out of the way.”

“If you keep doing this, I have no choice but to report it to the higher-ups.”

“Top? Then what about me? Am I Habu? “The soles of your feet!”

Although he was furious, Lee Ho did not move.

It was right then.


I heard a sound from the room across from me. It wasn’t any other sound, it was just a knock on the door. It was a warning to be quiet.

Lee Ho’s whole body trembled. He, who was not afraid of the life of a demonic spirit, became afraid.


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The demon asked quickly.

“Who the hell is in that room?”

Surprisingly, the demon spirit did not know who was in the room where powerful energy was flowing.

Only Lee Ho, who was acting as a watchdog, knew what was in the room.

“You bastards! If you weren’t going to trust me, you shouldn’t have included me in the first place. “If you’ve included me, I’ll believe you until the end!”

Chu Do-chi, who was watching, was inwardly surprised. Lee Ho is Lee Ho, but Maryeong-in is also a person who does not show his emotions often.

Even though I failed countless exams, this was the first time I was this angry.

“Please go back now.”

In response to Lee Ho’s order to congratulate the guests, the magician spoke coldly.

“You cocky bastard. “You will definitely regret it.”

As the demon turned and walked away, he suddenly remembered the words of the unknown guest.

-It seems like you really like arrogant people.

“Damn it!”

The demon spirit who was walking to his room turned around again and went out.

Chu Do-chi, who was watching, could feel it.

The devil is changing. The reason was not yet known.

* * *

The streets of Zhengzhou began to get crowded.

There are still about ten days left until the Golden Banquet takes place, but people have begun to gather from all over the central region in advance. As it was a festival especially for merchants, numerous merchants gathered from all over.

Items that were not normally seen appeared on the street, and many people gathered to buy them.

I too was pushed around by the crowd and looked at things.

There really were a lot of different things.

I walked around there and bought a few things. There were things I had to buy, and there were things I just bought on impulse. Among them, there was Chujonghyang that I thought I would use at least once.

Anyway, my insight into Kangho’s equipment was fully demonstrated, and thanks to that, I was never ripped off or fooled by a fake.

I bought a fishing boat and a fishing rod and used up almost all of the remaining 7,000 nyang. Rather than feeling like I wasted it, I felt somewhat relieved.

When I returned to the guest house, a demon was sitting on the first floor, drinking.

“Are you looking for me?”

“That’s right.”

It’s been a while since I came, but there are already three or four empty bottles of alcohol.

I sat down in front of him and ordered some more drinks and dishes.

“Couldn’t you have given me a message in advance?”

“I can drink well alone.”

“Welcome. “I was just thinking of having a drink too.”

I emptied the drink that the magician poured for me in one go. Is it because her body has become younger? Or is it because her mind has changed? The alcohol was better and more delicious than when I was a king.

Actually, I didn’t even have time to enjoy alcohol properly at that time. I was afraid of making a mistake while drinking, so I expelled the cycle through the internal energy that the alcohol goes into.

At that time, all I thought about was the peace between Maeng Ju-il and Kang Ho. I was so busy with work that whenever I had time left, I devoted myself to martial arts training.

I felt like I knew a little bit now. Why couldn’t I reach the point of deep introspection? It wasn’t a lack of earnestness. Because my way of life is wrong. How can one exercise one’s mind in a tightly confined life and mandatory training full of greed?

Could it have been achieved?

I wish I could leisurely have a drink and go on a trip sometimes. I really wish I knew then what I know now.

“I have a question.”


“It is said in Gangho that curious people die quickly, but damn it. I’m so curious, I just can’t stand it. “How did you get into this?”

“This is happening?”

“The things I saw underground. “This is a man who bled to death, and this is a room with a strange energy coming out of it. Isn’t that normal?”

“Couldn’t he have been a villain? “It could have happened while the Murim League was torturing him to reveal his background.”

I chuckled.

“Do I look that naive? So what about those who died by my hand in the additional chapter? “Are they also Murim men?”

The demonic spirits laughed together.

“As expected, you’re smart.”

“If I were smart, would I be asking these questions? “Actually, I have more questions.”


“Is what you are doing now done on your own, or by the Lord?”

“What do you think?”

“I think Confucius did it on his own.”

“Why do you think that?”

The magician gave an interesting look.

“No matter what, you don’t think the Murim Lord is involved in this dark matter, do you?”

Then the demonic spirit laughed again.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Aren’t you different from the outside and the inside? You are known to the world as a powerful hero, but in reality you are… … .”

“They are just small people who are greedy for money. “Then does the leader also know about this?”

I gave him an interesting look.

“Maybe so, maybe not.”

“I guess in the end I won’t tell you.”

“Didn’t you tell me? If you know a lot of secrets, you will die quickly. “Let’s not end our relationship through vain curiosity.”

The person who wants to kill me after using me is saying such things naturally without changing his eyes. In some ways, it’s respectable.

“Oh, please take this.”

I took something out of my pocket. This is one of the things I bought at the store earlier.

“It’s a gift.”

It was a portable whetstone that could be carried around and sharpened a sword. Among the portable ones, I chose an expensive and good one, so it was very light and effective.

“I can’t compare to the favor you gave me, but I wanted to return the favor. “It would be nice to buy me something big, but I don’t know what to buy.”

“Do you trust me now?”

I said, shaking my head.

“Your kindness still feels like a trap. But isn’t there a time in a person’s life when he or she is harmed without knowing it? I’m tired today, so I’ll go and rest first. “Drink and then go.”

I ran upstairs as if running away.

Before entering the room, I glanced down and saw that he was still sitting in his seat, looking down at the grindstone.

This was the moment when my tactical favor was conveyed.

* * *

Two days later, the devil called me to the manor.

I didn’t know if my favor had any effect or if it was just a coincidence.

Chu Dochi came and blindfolded him and took him there in a carriage.

“If it’s between us, can’t we just not cover our eyes?”

“Between us? “Did we have anything to say between us?”

I could tell from his nervous reaction. He is angry because of the 20,000 nyang he received the other day.

It is welcome that the enemies’ emotions fluctuate and become tense. In times like these, I need to control my mind calmly.

I got off the carriage and entered the manor. I concentrated. Exactly how many steps do you take, how do you turn, and which device do you touch to open the secret door to the basement?

Thanks to this, I was able to notice that Chu Do-chi adjusted the lamp on the wall to open the door to the institution going down to the basement.

The door opened and the engine he and I rode went down to the basement.


I walked down the same hallway from before again. Life was still felt in the four institutions.

After passing through the hallway, I turned a corner and found myself in a new hallway.

We passed a room with eight escorts. Their presence also means that demon spirits are here.

Next came the two rooms facing each other.

I passed a room with a mysterious energy and a room with a powerful energy.

I was taken to the last room where I had dined with him earlier.

When the blindfold was removed, the demon was sitting with another person. He was the man who had stopped me from entering the room.

“Let’s say hello to each other.”

I greeted him first.

“I don’t know if you know, but my name is not there. “You can just call me anonymous.”

Then the man answered bluntly.

“I also don’t have a name.”

At that time, the demonic spirit spoke.

“Isn’t there something that refers to you instead?”

For a moment, the man’s expression hardened slightly, but then he spoke calmly.

“It’s called Lee Ho.”

Lee Ho. My prediction was correct. She was sure that her organization was like her.

“If it’s Lee Ho, you must be good. “You’re next after Ilho, right?”

I said it as a joke, but I was also curious about it. Is the number really determined by that organization according to ability, or is it just a number for convenience?

He didn’t answer anything.

It gave her a similar feeling to Chil-ho, whom she had seen before, but this man was definitely different from her.

Chilho felt something like loneliness and emptiness. He felt a longing to escape from his work.

But this man wasn’t like that. He was a man who was satisfied with his work and tried to be faithful. He is a person who tries to do things better. He is easy to exploit, but he is also very dangerous.

“Now that this person has become part of the Korean family, you can show him to his room.”

Lee Ho’s expression hardened slightly.

I could tell that a fight was going on between the two.

This was the situation I wanted.

If the opponent had been Demon Jeongsoo, he would have smiled in remorse.

But instead of being happy, I decided to be more careful.

It was clear that my recent relationship had created this situation. However, although your relationship with me may be an ‘opportunity’, it will not be a ‘result’. It means that he is not the person who will save me just because he became close to me. Even this relationship can be exploited somehow

will try to do it

The demonic man is like a deep, dark well with no bottom visible.

I thought that perhaps today’s place might be a place to put into practice ‘that’ they had talked about that day.

Be careful.

Lee Ho quietly looked at me and Demonyeongin in turns, then got up without wasting much time.

“Please follow me.”

With a trembling heart, I followed him with the demon spirit.

So we stood in front of a room with a mysterious energy flowing out of it.

martial arts,

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