Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 92

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Between favor and falsehood (2)

From the next day, the rumor of the unknown great association again spread throughout Gangho. When the fire of the rumor that first spread died down, it burned even louder, as if fuel had been poured at the right time.

If the Butcher was a symbol of power, Forbidden Buddha was a villain who harmed the common people. It was also a sin that raped weak women.

Everyone praised the Unknown Grand Collaboration, but part of them had doubts that the collaboration had some political purpose.

But this time, with the removal of the fire of adultery, people have completely abandoned those doubts.

I was happy and excited about the birth of a new hero.

Even in the guest room where we were having dinner, everyone was busy talking about me. About the other Nine, the Nameless Grand Hyeop.

“I really wish I could see the Great Hyeop’s Jonan even just once.”

“After Lord Cheon passed away, there was no one in Gangho who could be called a hero, but he has finally come out.”

“Well, heroes are born in difficult times, but it has been so peaceful so far.”

“This collaboration between the great associations was carried out here in Henan Province, so he may still be here somewhere.”

Then, a man looked around.

His eyes turned to me. The man who inadvertently made eye contact with me immediately turned his head to her colleagues.

You might think that it would be possible to meet an unknown person so easily, but the person he wanted to see so much was me.

I was once again surprised at how quickly the rumor spread. Usually, creating a rumor is not as easy as you think. This requires a lot of manpower and time.

However, the fire of this rumor, which was spreading on its own, was burning Kang-ho in an instant.

It was only when he was a leader that he saw Gangho only through Galsaryang’s report. The Kangho I now see and feel for myself is different from what I thought. He is much more lively.

Another thing I felt was that the strong people were desperately thirsting for the birth of a hero. I was grateful that they remembered me as the last hero, and it was bittersweet to hear that no heroes were born because of the peace that came from me.

Someone sat in front of me without asking permission.

“How is it? “Do you feel like a hero?”

Surprisingly, he was a magician. He left his escort outside and entered the guesthouse alone.

“I’m shocked. What’s the big deal about killing that guy? Do they know that I took advantage of the bounty from the Murim Alliance?”

“Knowing won’t change anything. “You’d think it would be used for something good.”

“That’s funny.”

“It is said that a hero must meet the right time. “If he had killed the same guy at different times, no one would have noticed.”

“I guess so.”

“Anyway, I should have a glass of wine to celebrate. “I heard you don’t drink alone, so let me be your partner.”

He called Jeomsoi over and ordered him a drink.

“Thanks to you, I became a hero and made money, but why did you do me this favor?”

“It’s a gift.”


“I’m giving you a gift to commemorate making a new friend. But why does he look like that?”

“Can I be honest?”

“Try it.”

“It feels like all this is setting a trap for me. “It’s strange that someone as great as you would show me this favor.”

“You have no faith in people.”

“In my life, there has never been a person I could truly trust, even though he told me to trust him.”

“Try to trust me one last time.”

He held out his glass, but I drank it alone without toasting.

Ma-ryeong-in left the guest house and got into the waiting carriage.

The person waiting inside was Chu Do-chi. As soon as I got into the carriage, the demon spirit spoke.

“Blast one more thing for that guy. “Is there a reasonable number of cases?”

“There is.”

“Blast it with the biggest one. If possible, give them plenty of money.”


He answered obediently, but in the end, Chu Do-chi couldn’t hold back his rising doubts.

“I’m sorry, but I really have to ask you this. “Why on earth are you doing this for me?”

“Are you that curious about that?”

“Yes, I’m so curious that I can’t sleep.”

“You will find out soon, so sleep well. Now, let’s go.”

I was standing at the window of the guest room on the second floor, looking down at the carriage.

As the carriage departed, the demonic spirit stuck his head out the window. He smiled kindly and waved his hand at me at the window.

I bowed my head slightly and closed the curtain as if to show off. If Chu Do-chi next to him had seen it, he would have been angry, saying, ‘That arrogant bastard!’

Still, there was a reason for acting like this.

This was because the more I kept my distance, the less doubts I would have toward myself.

* * *

Chu Do-chi came to see me early the next day.

At the time, I was eating on the first floor of the guesthouse.

“If you haven’t eaten yet, let’s eat together.”

“I’m done.”

“They say you can live longer if you eat a good breakfast.”

“Do you want to live long?”

“Of course. Otherwise, would I be tied to you?”

“Another mission has arrived.”


For the first time, my chopsticks, which had been busy moving between food, stopped.

“I haven’t even spent the bounty on the lecher yet.”


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“I’ll write it all down later. “The reward is generous this time too.”

I glared at him. Chu Do-chi’s attitude was that no matter what, what can you do?

“Okay, I understand that you are making the ugly guy work, but why are you helping me make money? It’s not like taking an orphan and begging him. “Aren’t you trying to kill me and take everything?”

“Are we going to do this for money?”

“Then why are you like this!”

Of course, it was clear that Chu Do-chi did not know about him. He must be annoyed because he can’t tell me.

“Now, take this.”

The piece of paper he held out contained the name and location of the evildoer, as well as the evil deeds he had committed.

This allowed me to clearly understand the nature of these organizations.

Selfish bastards!

In this way, the whereabouts of the wicked are secured, but they are not caught. This means that they do not move unless it is strictly beneficial to their organization.

You are the real villains than the villains listed here.

* * *

The person caught this time was a former assassin named Jongbaek (宗帛), who had settled in Hanam and was engaged in assassination work.

It is said that assassins were widespread in Gangho, but the problem with these guys was that they were cruel people who would kill not only people who did not practice martial arts but even children for money.

It wasn’t until he was dying after a fight that he noticed something about me.

“… … “Who are you?”

Jongbaek asked with difficulty, breathing out what little vitality he had left.

“In the rivers, it is often called the Unknown Grand Hyeop.”

“… … “How did you discover my hiding place?”

When I arrived at his residence, he noticed my approach and hid behind a secret wall in the house.

How did he find out what was behind the wall?

During my days as a leader, the enemy I encountered most was assassins. In particular, during the war with Sima Oedo, there was a time when life came every other day.

Sometimes, the water came in the morning and evening. He is truly a person who can write a report on spraying water.

“… … “Did you survive?”

Those were his last words before he died.

It was probably something he felt with Salsu’s unique sense throughout the fight. That I know everything about myself and Salsu.

* * *

This time, the West Pyeong branch of the Murim League in Henan Province was shaken up.

This time, the unknown Daehyup, whom I had only heard about through rumors, brought the body of the fearsome assassin Jongbaek. The bounty on him was a mere 9,000 nyang.

Due to this incident, the rumor of the unknown great association once again spread throughout the world.

An end to the wicked!

The Unknown Daehyup became the hope of ordinary people and the dream of children learning martial arts.

Even if I wasn’t a magician, I was trying to turn an unknown stranger into a powerful hero. But thanks to that, I am easily achieving my goal.

However, the purpose of the demon spirit was not yet known. In terms of baduk, now we are giving away the player, so we had to find the player.

A few days passed again like that.

Meanwhile, two guards died by my hands. There were days when there was a monitor, and there were days when there was no monitor at all. Neither the demon spirit nor Chudochi showed any signs of me cutting the guard.

They and I were getting used to each other.

The journey that started with the female fish was getting longer, but I wasn’t worried about those waiting.

Gwangdu may be worried that I won’t come back, but basically, they are all wise people. You will be able to accomplish your tasks on your own.

In the past few days, the place I targeted to obtain information was Jeongju Military Office.

Zhengzhou Military District was the headquarters of those guys in Henan Province. Although there may be several branches or safe houses throughout Henan Province, I was confident that this was the central headquarters.

First of all, the size of the military attaché was quite large. There were at least two hundred officials, some of whom were ordinary officials, but many of them were probably their subordinates.

Above all, since the manor with the underground secret room was located here in Jeongju, the main base would have had to be established here in order to support it.

In any case, Jeongjumugwan is a place with much less boundaries than Manor.

Chudochi mainly stayed there. On days when there were no guards, I sneaked into the Jeongju military office and monitored the memorial service. I found a secret space where I could listen to conversations in his office.

On the day that Maryeong-in visited Seochangmun and Donggeombang, he also stopped by here to some extent.

In other words, you can come here again. If you listen to the conversation between just two people, you may be able to find some clues.

After a few days of monitoring the memorial service, Maryeong-in finally visited the military officer in Jeongju.

After a few conversations, my story was mentioned.

“What is Nameless doing?”

“I’m just carrying on as usual. Go to Giru, hang out, and drink. “I also wander around.”

“Find a way to make him more famous.”

“Confucius, please speak now. Why are you showing him this much favor?”

“Are you that curious about that?”

“Yes, I really want to hear it.”

“Then your question is wrong. “I’m not doing him any favors.”

Eventually, the demon revealed a truth that had not been told before.

“Do you know what will happen here in Jeongju next month?”

“What if next month? “Isn’t there going to be a golden banquet?”


The Golden Banquet was a major event for merchants held once a year by the Jungwon Merchants Association. From merchants with multiple large merchants to small merchants. It was truly a festival for all merchants in the central region.

The Golden Banquet lasted for 10 days, and not only merchants, but also the Murim lord and leading figures of the Murim League, as well as famous monks from all over the world, all participated.

“Your brother will come then too.”

Chudochi was able to see that the older brother that Ma-ryeong-in was talking about was Ma-cheol-gun.

Chu Do-chi, who blinked for a moment, was startled.

“No way, no way?”

I was so shocked that I almost covered my mouth.

To make his surprise seem meaningless, the Demon Spirit spoke calmly.

“I will send an unknown person to assassinate you.”

Chu Dochi swallowed his saliva in astonishment, and the demonic spirit continued his explanation.

“Mumyeong is now called Daehyup in Gangho. “What would happen if someone like that killed my brother?”

Now I felt like I knew the demon’s true intentions.

In terms of succession planning, the biggest enemy of the Demonic People was, no matter what anyone said, the Demonic Army. He was very popular even within Cheondomun, and most powerful people predicted that he would be the successor.

But what if he dies?

The strongest successor candidate will be Demonyeongin.

Although the rest were evaluated similarly based on what was known to the outside world, the Demon Spirit was a completely different person from what was known to the outside world.

Of course, it cannot be said that there were cases where the outside and inside were different among other successors, but in Chu Do-chi’s opinion, there was no one who could follow Ma-ryeong-in.

“Myung-myeong’s skills are great and his internal skills have improved dramatically. What is it like? “Isn’t it worth a try?”

“But can he kill Macheolgun?”

Majeolgun’s martial skills were outstanding among his successors. Moreover, there were many great experts around him.

“It doesn’t matter even if the assassination fails.”


“The fact that the Unknown Grand Association tried to kill him is important. People will think. Why did that righteous thief try to kill my brother? Could it be that he did something bad behind his back?”


Only then was I able to understand the deep meaning of the demon spirit.

“But what if he gets caught and confesses?”

“He will die on the day of the assassination attempt.”


“Don’t we have that?”

The word ‘it’ gave me goosebumps.

Perhaps, the Demon Spirit had planned all of this on the day they first met, when he received the report that he was taking an unknown person with him. Chu Duo-chi was greatly impressed by his plan.

The demon spirit said with a smile of conversion.

“So let’s make our hero bigger and stronger.”

I was listening to their whole conversation.

Is this really the reason?

I was secretly guessing this. That they would use me as a sacrifice for some test. Like the man who bled to death in Chilgong that day.

But why? I really didn’t even think about it.

What does the ‘it’ that the demonic spirit speaks of mean? Couldn’t that have something to do with the manor’s secret rooms?

A smile of remorse appeared on my face as I regained the player who had been taken away. Not knowing is the problem; if you know, you can prepare.

Okay, I’ll gladly accept your favor.

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