Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 9

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Sheep fire department (3)

Yang Ki-cheol jumped up and landed next to his son.

“What on earth is going on?”

His first emotion upon understanding the situation was not surprise or worry, but anger.

“I asked how this happened!”

Yang Ki-gang opened his eyes with difficulty at the sound of his booming voice.

Yang Ki-gang said while letting out a pain-filled groan.

“father… … That bastard… … To kill me… … .”

When Yang Ki-cheol realized that the person who had beaten his son was me, he glared at him as if he were going to kill him.

However, he could not bear to rush straight towards me and instead scolded his subordinate.

“Is it true?”

“that is… … .”

The subordinate man hesitated to answer.


Yang Ki-cheol slapped Suha’s cheek mercilessly.

“You stupid bastard! “What did Daeyang Firefighting’s successor do to end up in this situation?”

As if that wasn’t enough to relieve his anger, the hand-to-hand combat continued.

match! match! match! Wow!

I could tell. Yang Ki-cheol is not hitting Su-ha now. It was hitting me. It’s a protest against my father. Your son could be next.

The man who was beaten eventually fainted and collapsed. Still, her anger seemed to not subside, and only after trampling on the fallen subordinate several times did she turn towards her father.

“How will you take responsibility for this?”

My father looked at me. I looked at my father with a calm heart. He wasn’t depressed, but he wasn’t confident either.

What did you read in my attitude?

It seemed like he was going to yell at me right away, but my father was calm.

First, I asked Seojung about the situation.

“What happened?”

Seojung calmly reported what had happened a little while ago. He tried to molest Songhee, made Gwangdu do something inhumane when he tried to stop him, and even said he would let it go if I came forward and apologized. Thankfully, I didn’t leave out anything essential.

It was a situation where an ordinary father would not be able to raise his head at his child’s behavior, but Yang Ki-cheol screamed in anger.

“You beat my son like this because he was having a fight with that bastard servant? “How dare you kill my son!”

I don’t think there will be any further need for evaluation of him in the future. Because those words were enough to tell me what kind of person he was.

Yang Ki-cheol threatened me with a fierce look.

“How do you plan to take responsibility for this incident?”

I really like it!

But I was sparing with my fists and my words. It wasn’t a question of whether I could beat him or not. Although I don’t feel like it, resolving this issue will have to start with me apologizing.

At that time, my father said something unexpected.

“I think Yang Bangju should take responsibility.”

Everyone, including me, was surprised. The father in my focused gaze was not the calm and passive person he usually was. The prayer was harsh and sharp.

“What did you say just now?”

“Gongzi Yang couldn’t even put all the power into his fist, so he even pulled out his sword and tried to kill my son. To an opponent with bare hands. “Everyone here watched, so I think there will be enough witnesses.”

My father looked around. All the soldiers on our side nodded, and the soldiers on the Yang Fire Station did not say anything. There were too many people watching so I couldn’t insist or manipulate it.

My father put more emphasis on his stern tone.

“If it were anyone else, I would have punished him for a grave sin, but looking at Yang Bangju’s face, I will forgive him just this once.”


“If this incident were to become known to the public, wouldn’t it be a big deal of ridicule not only from Duke Yang but also from your room?”

Yang Ki-cheol’s expression became grimly distorted. It felt like my anger would explode at any moment. It would not be strange at all if the sword was drawn right away.

“What do you want to do now?”

My father returned those words exactly as they were said.

“Then what do you want to do?”

The momentum of the two people collided. His father was overpowering him.

I was thinking that my father might be a bit timid.

But that was an illusion born of his calm personality.

My father was a military man. He is also a rough and rough businessman with a manly scent. Before the question of how strong a martial artist was, this was a question of the martial artist’s temperament.

Now I know.

Why didn’t Seojung leave his father? He knew his father’s true colors. He is a man worthy of allegiance.

Yang Ki-cheol was unable to run in the end. Instead, he expressed his anger in the lowest way possible.

“Pay back the money you borrowed right away.”


It is true that Yang Sobang’s power has become much larger than ours, but at the moment, they only brought in twenty people. Besides, he had never been attached to his father. He didn’t feel confident in daring to fight when his father came out so strong. Moreover, even the cause was not on their side.

“A guest is leaving.”

My father’s cold-hearted order to welcome guests. It was an expression that said, “Sprinkle salt.”

Yang Ki-cheol left there with his son and subordinates in a huff.

Finally, my father asked me.

“Why did you do that?”

The emotion my father showed me today was at its peak. Trust me first and ask why later.

“He brought humiliation to our family. “He made me do things that no human being should do.”

Then he looked at Gwangdu and Songhee. Gwangdu and Songhee, who had dumbfounded expressions, lowered their heads. They looked surprised and embarrassed when they heard the word family.

My father looked at me and Gwangdu back and forth for a moment, then entered the room without saying a word.


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“Seo Dae-ju, please come in for a moment.”

“Yes, matriarch.”

Perhaps they are trying to come up with a solution to this incident.

He neither praised nor reprimanded me. Well, take it as a compliment.

Seojoong, who was following his father in, glanced back at me. A look closer to favor than reprimand.

It wasn’t just the middle of the summer. Not only the swordsman but also the priests and servants looked at me with new eyes. It was the first time I made proper eye contact with them after being reincarnated as Byeokridan’s son.

In particular, Song Hee had an expression of emotion that made her want to rush in and hug her at any moment.

I approached Songhee and lowered my waist to be at eye level.

“Are you very surprised?”

“no… … yes.”

“Don’t be afraid that that guy from before will do it again. That guy is not worth fearing. Rest assured. From now on, I and your brothers from the main family here will protect you.”

Song Hee looked at the swordsman soldiers. They smiled and nodded. They were deeply loyal people who remained despite the harsh conditions. In other words, they are also good people.

“Thank you, Master. Thank you, guys.”

In the end, the tears I had been holding back fell. This must have been the first time in my life as a civil servant that I felt this kind of relief.

Songhee whispered to me before returning to the room.

“Now I think I can trust you, Master.”

Everyone dispersed and now only Gwangdu and the two of them remained.

Gwangdu’s legs seemed to have relaxed along with the tension, and he sat down.

“I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

“Don’t throw up. “You have to clean it up.”

I grinned while looking at the dumbfounded Gwangdu.

Gwangdu, who was staring at me, suddenly asked.

“Aren’t you scared, Master?”

“Why are you scared?”

“What if Yangsobang invades? I told you this before, right? “Currently, the best place in Shandong is called Yangsobang.”

“Did you see the expressions on the faces of those Yangso firefighters earlier? He hated his master. There will be only a few people who are truly loyal. On the other hand, have you seen our swordsmen?”

“But their numbers are much higher than ours.”

“The fight is not just about numbers. And war doesn’t happen that easily.”

There are many things you can trust me about, but the part about war is something you don’t have to doubt. Because I have spent my entire life in the battlefield.

“A person as political and quick-calculated as Yang Bang-ju will not make a rash move. “I will make a move when I am confident that my guy will win.”

“Even though my son was beaten to the point where he was half an asshole?”

“Yang Ki-cheol didn’t even look into his son’s details properly. He wasn’t angry because his son was hurt. “He beat his own son.”

“Isn’t that what it is?”

“It’s different. “The nature of anger is very different.”

He was a selfish person who only thought about himself.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Go and rest. “You worked hard today.”

I was about to turn around, but Gwangdu caught me.

“young master.”


The guy’s eyes were trembling.

“Thank you earlier.”

In my trembling, I felt an even deeper sincerity.

“Oh, don’t forget it for the rest of your life.”


I left him behind and walked away. My expression had already become serious.

From my long political experience, it was clear that he would not move immediately. I’ll either find a surefire way to get revenge, or I’ll find a way that doesn’t get my hands dirty.

However, once it moves, it will become an even more lethal and cruel method.

Before that, I have to move first.

Okay, let’s just resolve this issue and focus on training quietly.

martial arts,

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