Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 89

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On the monster’s tail (1)

The martial arts level of those surrounding the building in layers varied. There were strong people and there were weak people.

There was a guy I had passed by without thinking and was spouting out a huge prayer, and there was also someone who was just a merchant, just as I felt when I first saw him. Even though his martial arts skills were weak, he stood there completely unfazed.

I felt it was the power of some collective madness. Willing to die if ordered to do so.

It’s been a while since I felt nervous in front of an enemy.

It was not because they were large in number or because they were strong. It was not difficult to exterminate them.

The Bulhoe Demon Regiment.

What was thought to have disappeared from the world appears. This is because those who are using it to grow their organizations have appeared. Now that the magic elixir has appeared, the situation is no longer a joke.

The enemies I’ve faced so far have been nothing more than small pieces that I can play with and increase my strength. But now those who can be considered real enemies have appeared.

What I see is the tail, not the body.

Because Chudochchi was not the type of person to use the Buddhist Demon Spirit Corps to grow an organization.

What if this is the tail? What if it wasn’t a tail but a small strand of whiskers?

“You’re scared.”

I suddenly realized something after hearing Chu Do-chi’s words.

I was thinking of killing them all. This is because the moment I saw the Demonic Spirit Corps, the past war with the Demonic Cult came to mind and a strong sense of hostility soared.

Eliminating them was possible with Seonhak secret techniques, and it would be easier to annihilate them if you pull out the Sura Myeongwang Sword. Although Chu Dochi’s skills may not have been formidable, they were not so bad that he could not be killed.

But I thought it shouldn’t be like that.

We need to find out who is behind these people.

Yes, you should be scared. That way, you will let your guard down, and if you let your guard down, you will see a gap.

“joy! Is that really the case?”

I tried to shout loudly, but my voice was trembling. Try approaching them first, and if that doesn’t work, kill them all then.

I said with a downcast expression.

“Can I eat Cheongongdan right now?”

First of all, the Bulhoe Demonic Order is ineffective against me, who is a person who is not immune to poison. This was because Bulhoe Demon Spiritual Dan was a medicine made based on poison.

Unfortunately, you can’t get half the effectiveness either. This is because while detoxifying the poison, its efficacy is also eliminated.

Chu Do-chi, who thought he had regained control, also regained his composure.

“I should have eaten it before I killed my men.”

“Wouldn’t it be okay to work for the people I killed from now on?


I sensed a gap in his reaction where I could insert a needle, and quickly began to persuade him.

“Wouldn’t it be a great help to your position if you introduced an expert like me to your superiors?”

“You have great pride. Do you think you can even be moved? Do we look that soft?”

“If you look slim, you won’t be like this. Okay, let’s talk frankly. I assure you, two-thirds of them would have to die to kill me. If I pretend to be crazy and only kill you, I can’t guarantee your life either.

“I will.”

I couldn’t refute that. Because you saw my skill in killing Turmeric and his ten subordinates earlier.

“Let’s say you killed me. What are you going to report when you get there? A crazy guy broke in, lost most of his men, and killed him? Do you think you will like it from above?”

Because the words hit the nail on the head, Chu Dochi was conflicted.

He may also have similar concerns. But since it’s already happened, they’re probably trying to get rid of it for now.

However, you may be worried that things will escalate further if you introduce me clumsily.

“I don’t want to die in a place like this.”

There was silence for a moment. Chu Do-chi, who was agonizing while glaring at me, eventually made up his mind.

“Take off your banggat.”

I obediently took off my banggat and threw it away.

I was wearing the same mask I wore when I killed Yeomhwa. He didn’t notice that I was wearing a cotton mask because I had spent a lot of money to buy it of the highest quality in order to act as an unknown guest in the first place.

Chu Do-chi’s gaze was directed at the Buddhist Demon Spirit Corps that had fallen to the ground.

“Take Cheongongdan.”

“Of course.”

Without any hesitation, I took the Bulhoi Demon Spiritual Dan and had good luck.


The feeling of it being absorbed into the body seemed plausible.

Anyone who has never taken an elixir, or even someone who has taken it once or twice, will never know that it is a fake elixir.

However, I could clearly feel the unique discomfort that the fake elixir gave.

Even though all the ingredients of the Buddha Demon Spirit Corps disappeared from my body, I spoke with a happy face.

“oh! It really is a paradise. “My strength has increased by half a factor!”

Chu Do-chi then held out the two remaining Buddhist demonic troupes.

“Take these too.”

“Are you serious? “There would be no reason to show me this favor, right?”

He answered my doubts.

“Now that this has happened, I will bet my life on you.”

I pretended to think about it for a while and then took the Bulhoe Demon Spiritual Pill in succession.

Even if it was unknown whether he had taken this drug, at least one thing was certain. He knew that this was the Buddhist Demon Spirit Corps.

The reason I fed him all three was to get revenge for killing my subordinates. To let you live for just one year. Because there was nothing good about my long life.

It would also be good to tell the higher-ups. One way or another, he ate the elixir, so it would be better to use it for a year and then throw it away. Because it is better to be strong than to have mediocre skills.

After taking all three and completing the one-week training, Chu Do-chi examined my body and confirmed my internal energy. The internal energy approaching this suddenly was my original internal energy.

However, he thinks it is because of the strength he gained from the elixir just now. I will consider three as one and a half, and the rest as my original strength, so there is literally no room for doubt.

Only then did Chu Dochi speak to me.

“There is poison mixed in the elixir, so don’t do anything foolish.”


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“I understand.”

When I accepted it without being surprised, he looked surprised.

“Aren’t you surprised?”

“I guessed it to some extent. “There was no way I was just going to give it away.”

“He’s not a bad guy after all. “Follow me.”

I followed him out of the room.

Those standing outside split apart to make a path.

I walked after Chu Do-chi, feeling the unquenchable madness towards me.

* * *

Chu Do-chi asked in the running carriage.

“I heard people in the Gangho call you a charlatan. “It’s called the Unknown Grand Hyeop.”

“It just happened to be like that. But I hate being called a charlatan.”


“I feel like I’m being pushed to do something that others can’t do. “I’m basically a person who hates losing money.”

“I heard you even warned Cheondomun that day?”

“When everyone looked at me with emotion, I started shouting loudly without even realizing it. “I just had a butcher and a friend.”

“Hehe. “It’s a fake Daehyup.”

“Still, the word ‘fake’ is a bit unpleasant.”

Chu Dochi chuckled, and I spoke in a slightly softened tone.

“After all, isn’t there a difference between a charlatan and a villain? “If you don’t say things like this and put up a cause, you’re a charlatan. If you act honestly like I am now, you’re a small person.”

Of course, this is nonsense to show that the person I am is worldly.

Although I said this as if I was looking down on the charlatan, I have great respect for the charlatan. I tried to live a just life my whole life, but that wasn’t the life of a charlatan. That sense of justice required great effort, but ultimately it was for me.

It was. It was justice to fill my sense of satisfaction.

However, a charlatan is not a person who acts for himself under any circumstances. They are people who truly care for others. These are people who sacrifice themselves to help the weak. Why it is much more difficult to become a charlatan than to become a master

It’s there.

The place where the carriage arrived was Zhengzhou, located northeast of Bangseong.

Jeongju was the capital of Hanam and a place where many people gathered.

As I entered the village, Chu Do-chi covered my eyes with a thick cloth.

I concentrated all my mind to remember where the carriage was going. I remembered at what speed and how far I had to go, how the floor felt, and the sounds coming from around me. Among the sounds of the wind, birds, and people talking

I listened intently to see if there was anything unusual.

I heard the door open and a moment later the carriage stopped. I entered a building somewhere.

“Now, get down.”

I walked along the memorial hall, still blindfolded.

As I entered a space, the space I was standing in began to shake and go down. The institution worked.


It was clear that the machine was made by a person of considerable skill as the downward movement was smooth.

It wasn’t until I got down quite deep that the trachea stopped working.

This time I walked down a long hallway.

Life was felt everywhere. It was not the life of a person, but the life of an institution.

The life of an institution is very slightly different from that of a person. This is contrived yet cold.

There are one, two, three, four institutions.

A total of four institutions were installed by the end of the hallway.

The reason why I can feel the life of the institution like this is because I came into contact with the numerous institutions inside Maengjujeon every day.

Afterwards, I walked down a hallway where there were no institutions. The life felt here was human.


Considerable prayer was felt in the rooms on both sides of the hallway.

I didn’t know the exact skill level, but it seemed to be roughly equivalent to turmeric. The number was almost eight.

But that wasn’t all. As I walked around the corner again, I felt a tremendous energy coming from the room on my left. It was a great energy that I had never felt before.

If the entity of that energy is a person, he must be a great expert.

A strange energy was also felt in the room across from it. This energy felt strange rather than strong.

What on earth are these guys doing?

Until I first followed the memorial service, I had no idea that something like this would be waiting for me.

Soon, we were guided to the room.

Only then did Chu Dochi remove the blindfold. Because the surroundings were dark, I recovered my vision without difficulty.

There was someone sitting on a chair in front of me.

When I looked closely, I saw that it was a naked man.

Chu Dochi was staring at the man in silence.

I also looked at the man. This wasn’t the person I should have met. Her naked man was completely frightened by her fear filled eyes.

After a while, the man started convulsing.


I was having trouble breathing and couldn’t breathe properly. When I looked back at Chu Do-chi, I saw that he was just watching.

The man, who was writhing in pain with red, bloodshot eyes, screamed.


He was twisting his whole body in pain. He seemed to be undergoing an unknown test. It’s too late to help.

Who on earth is he to suffer like this?

At some point, the man’s body suddenly stopped.


He died, bleeding from the lacquer on his face.

When he died, the surroundings became brighter. The night wine that was stuck on the wall came out and illuminated the interior. Considering that this facility was built with Yamyeongju, it was clear that the owner of this place had extraordinary wealth.

A man in his thirties came in through a different door than the one I came in through.

He had a slightly thin build and an ordinary appearance. It felt so ordinary that it wasn’t ordinary. Because there was no way an ordinary person would be in this position.

The man didn’t even look at me and the mourners, but started by examining the body. He rummaged through the corpse without hesitating to get blood on his hands and clothes.

“I failed again.”

I clicked my tongue and expressed regret, but the emotions contained in my words were dull.

He glanced back at me and motioned for me to come closer. Chu Do-chi, who was standing next to him, motioned for him to hurry up and go.

I approached slowly. I tried to read his prayers, only offering appropriate prayers.

The prayer was easily read. He wasn’t a guy with such great martial arts skills. Nevertheless, what felt special was that he had an energy that I didn’t know what it was.

“How is it?”

“What do you mean?”

“How did you feel when you saw this corpse?”

It was very miserable.

“I have no idea.”

“That’s heartless. “Then how do you feel when you see me?”

I stared at him for a moment.

Clearly, this young man is the one giving orders to Chu Dochi.

Who could it be?

“I want to beat you up.”

Then Chu Do-chi shouted from behind.

“Be careful what you say!”

As expected, the man was not angry, as I had expected. Rather, he showed curiosity.

“He’s crazy after all?”

“I’m not crazy.”

“I heard you killed three demonic spirits with your own hands? “Then he’s crazy?”

“A group of demonic spirits?”

I asked as if I had no idea. I was inwardly surprised. This is because I never thought that he would directly talk about the Buddhist Demon Spirit Corps.

The man took another drink.

“Now you have exactly one year left to live.”

I opened my eyes as wide as I could. Half of it was acting, and half of it was really surprise. Are you obediently telling me this secret?

“If you take one of the Buddhist Demon Spirits, you can live only seven years, if you take two, you can live for three years, and if you take three, you can live only one year.”

I turned back and glared at Chu Do-chi as if he were going to kill me.

“Is it true?”

Then Chu Do-chi nodded.

I shouted loudly.

“I will definitely kill you before I die.”

The deadly force was so strong that Chu Do-chi took a step back in surprise.

Then the man said.

“But I have a way to relieve that restriction.”

I quickly turned towards the man.

“Are you sure?”

“How is it? Do you want to live?”

“Are you saying that? “I want to live!”

This guy is high-end.

He told me everything honestly. Except for one fact.

There is no way to relieve the restrictions of the Demon Spirit Group.

If there was such a thing, this powerhouse would have already fallen into the hands of the Demonic Cult.

However, if you hear something like that in a place where these strange tests are conducted, the average person has no choice but to believe it. This is especially true if you are a person who is cornered.

But while you may have been able to fool everyone else, you cannot fool me.

Okay, if you’re willing to treat people this way, I’ll gladly dance to your tune.

I will find out how on earth you saved the Buddhist Demon Spirit Corps and who is behind you.

“What should I do to survive?”

“You have to do what I tell you.”

“Before that, let me just say one thing. I don’t kill anyone who isn’t evil. “Even if I die, I would rather die.”

“It’s a shame. “I kill even if I’m not a villain.”

He looked at me, licked his lips with regret, and spoke again.

“But there are many evil people among those I have to kill.”

“Who the hell are you?”

The man grinned and revealed himself. A name popped out that she had never thought of.

“They say he’s a demonic person.”

I never imagined that I would meet Ma Bong-gi’s successor here.

Why is this guy here?

The Demon Spirit was not the person I knew through rumors. He was much darker and more sinister than that.

I could intuit it.

That I had just caught the monster’s tail.

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