Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 88

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Where the secret fish leads (3)

The pointed sword trembled.

I wasn’t looking at the tip of the sword, I was looking into Turmeric’s eyes.

At that moment, the door opened and someone came inside and spoke loudly.

“That is correct. “If you bring it, they will let you in. That is an invitation.”

He was none other than Chu Tao-chi, the head of Chu Chu. He was emitting a sharp prayer, which was different from the warm and soft appearance he had shown in front of others before. It was like seeing twins with conflicting personalities.

“Take off that banggat.”

“I don’t like it.”

When I immediately refused, the turmeric that was aiming the sword twitched. He wanted to swing his sword and cut off my head right now. However, now that Chu Do-chi has appeared, he cannot act alone.

I warned him.

“You better be careful. I only have the patience to tolerate your rudeness once. “When you swung your sword at me, you already used that opportunity.”

Turmeric’s eyes were filled with life. I didn’t have the skill to be scared by words like this.

Chu Do-chi stopped him.

“Go back.”

Turmeric took a step back. But even after taking a few steps back, he still glared at me warily.

Chu Dochi told me.

“You better be careful. “You only have one chance to live.”

I chuckled. I really never imagined that such a situation would await me in a place where secret language was deciphered.

“So you won’t show your face? “She’s not even a beauty, but she’s being overpriced.”

“You’re not going to kill a pig just by looking at its face anyway, are you?”

Chu Dochi said with a smile.

“Hahaha, I guess that’s true. Good. Then, as the person who issued the invitation, I can ask this question. Jo Byeok, the owner of the invitation you brought, is already dead. But why do you have his invitation?”

“Because I killed him.”

“One more thing, who are you?”

“Let’s just say he was someone who couldn’t pass up a guy who kidnapped a child and was running an operation.”

Chu Do-chi looked at me sharply. But you won’t find out anything. Because I was in complete control of my airway.

“I killed Jo Byeok and found the invitation by chance. And here we are. Now, let me ask. “What on earth are you doing here?”

Chu Do-chi smiled leisurely.

“As you can see, I am receiving guests for my birthday. “You here are specially chosen guests.”

“Explain it easily.”

“We sent out invitations to anyone who wanted to join us. People who want to come should come, and people who don’t want to come shouldn’t come. It was your will to come here. Ah, of course I think you did it out of curiosity.”

“How many people sent invitations today?”

Chu Do-chi’s sharp eyes twinkled at my question.

“Why do you ask that?”

“Tell me how many people there are.”

Chu Do-chi, probably wondering what my intention was, answered obediently.

“There are seven in total.”

“I’m worried about the other four who weren’t here.”

Chu Do-chi was silent for a moment at my words. They would probably have all been eliminated by now. Judging by the skills of Chu Do-chi, Tur Hwang, and the other men, this was not an ordinary organization.

Chu Do-chi smiled strangely.

“If your predictions are correct, you can be considered very lucky. “At least you guys are alive like this, right?”

It answered my question and at the same time scared us.

“We are trying to change this powerhouse.”


“I’m talking about a righteous powerhouse, a powerhouse with consensus. So we are recruiting talent. “This is not a powerhouse ruled by old-style powerhouses, but a new powerhouse being cultivated by new martial artists like you.”

I picked and laughed.

“Why are you laughing?”

“You don’t seem too young to be discussing outdated practices.”

One of Chu Dochi’s cheeks twitched and his eyes became distorted. But he did not easily run out of patience.

“Isn’t that why I called you?”

“Let’s be honest. “I just want to dominate the powerhouse.”

“When you pursue a great cause, misunderstandings and jealousy are bound to follow.”

“Okay. Let’s say I misunderstood. So what will you give us in return for being part of it?”

“It’s strength.”

When Chu Do-chi gave a signal, one of his subordinates came out carrying an iron tray.

There were three pills on the tray.

“It’s Cheongongdan (天工丹). “It’s an elixir that allows you to gain the strength of a half-gap in an instant.”

The eyes of the other two men wavered.

In this day and age where elixirs are rare, the skill of Ban Gapja was a temptation that could not be easily resisted. I know this well because I recently bought an elixir.

That wasn’t the only temptation.

“I will also teach you a more advanced martial art than the one you learned.”

Chu Do-chi pointed at me and spoke to the other two men.

“The person who kills that person will also get that person’s Heavenly Dan.”

It was a powerful temptation. With two punching stages, he could have an internal power approaching that of a single puncher.

The two men were in conflict for a moment. First of all, I couldn’t make a rash decision because I didn’t know my skills. Moreover, the relaxed manner in which he treated the memorial service made me hesitate even more in making a decision.

But the temptation was too great to give up.

One of the two men jumped out. As long as there was anxiety that someone else might come out first, there was always a situation where one would come out.


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The man’s sword flew towards my heart.

I slightly dodged his sword and pulled his wrist. The moment when his body overlaps with mine.


Before I knew it, the dagger in my hand had slit his throat.


The man staggered around as if dancing, blood spurting from his neck, and then fell forward.

Then the remaining man spoke to Chu Dochi.

“I will only eat mine.”

Fearing that the situation might change, the man walked toward the tray with long strides. Just as he was about to pick up the skylight, I spoke.

“Is it really the Heavenly Dan?”

The man froze at my words.

“Let’s assume. I want you to eat this river. However, there are several skylights underwater. “If you do that, are you going to eat it yourself to increase your strength, or are you going to bring in someone you don’t even know and feed it to you?”

The man looked at Chu Dochi with suspicious eyes.

Next moment.


The man just collapsed.

In Chu Do-chi’s hand was a sword dripping with blood.

With a truly rare sharp sword, he was a master much stronger than Turmeric.

“Business was ruined today. “Get rid of him too.”

As if they had been waiting, Turmeric and the ten men behind him approached, pressing from all directions, radiating deadly force.


The dagger was thrown at Turmeric.

Turmeric turned his body to avoid it. Of course, I didn’t mean to kill Turmeric with that dagger.

After throwing the dagger, it rushed straight towards him.

Turmeric quickly thrust out his sword.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

His sword struck the air in five places in the blink of an eye.

As I was flying, I instantly turned and hit the man on my right. That was the first target in the first place. Throwing the dagger and rushing at Turhuang was all a mistake.

Whi profit. Twisted!

It fell to the floor along with his body. Because I didn’t know this situation would happen, I didn’t know how the men around me would react.

He just fell backwards, but the first man was already dead. On the other hand, I jumped like a spring and attacked the man who was hesitating next to me.


My fist hit his jaw. His jaw was smashed and he used it as a shield to push towards the next man.


The man behind him hastily thrust out his sword.

The panicked man’s sword pierced his colleague and aimed at me from behind.

But it was a ridiculous response. I easily dodged the sword, and before he could draw his sword again, I jumped over the man who had become a shield and struck his face with my knee.


The man’s face sank and he fell backwards.

When I hit the ground, the three men who were my targets earlier were cold corpses. It happened literally in an instant.

Turmeric shouted to his subordinates.

“You’re an expert! be careful!”

They were much more advanced than they expected, and their methods were also unexpected.

But if you can stop it by being careful, how can that be a master?

I roamed all over the place like a tiger jumping into a flock of sheep.

The first thing to consider when dealing with a large number of people is killing the leader.

However, there is no need to rush towards the boss.

At least that was the case at this moment. Moreover, Chu Do-chi was targeting me from behind.

In this fight, I eliminated my minions first.

Sometimes without mercy, sometimes using them as a shield.


A man was pushed into my fist. I followed behind him. After kicking the man, he leapt forward and rushed towards the other man.


Sword energy flew from behind.

It was the sword energy radiated by turmeric.

I lowered myself and slipped. The sword energy passed over my head and hit the man I was trying to attack. The man’s body was torn apart and he fell down.

I was sliding on the floor and changed direction.


At the same time, a dagger flew from my hand.

The dagger hit the ankle of the man in front and he fell over.


Before I knew it, I kicked his head and flew towards the man behind me.

Sword energy flew from behind again.

Easy profit!

I tried to block the attacking man’s view as much as possible, but twisted my body at the last moment.

The sword energy passed me by just in the nick of time, cutting through the man’s face.

As Turmeric let out the word ‘f*ck’, another guy had his ribs shattered by my fist.

A dagger flew at the men who were standing still, waiting for my attack.

Everyone fell down without being able to avoid it. Normally, I would have been able to avoid this level of attack, but my frightened body was unable to avoid this unexpected attack.

Throwing away when you least expect it. This is the most appropriate way to use a dagger as an aid.

In an instant, all ten subordinates became corpses and collapsed.

“You bastard! “I’ll kill you!”

Turmeric flew in with his sword. Turmeric certainly deserves to be called coriander.

His sword flew quickly and accurately, aiming for my bloodstream. He realized that the person he was dealing with was a great expert, and combined with his anger, he unleashed great power.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

But no matter how angry the hunting dog was, it could not defeat the tiger alone.

I dug into him through the grassroots that I never thought would have a loophole.

At the moment when his eyes widened in surprise, I was putting my arms around his sides.

He looked at me with desperate eyes. On the other hand, as an herbivore, I was extremely calm. If we couldn’t handle this last moment, we shouldn’t have jumped into this powerhouse.


Turmeric’s body fell to the floor.

He died instantly without even feeling any pain.

Now the only person left there was Chu Do-chi.

He didn’t run away, perhaps because he was confident in his skills or because he had other measures.

I was curious who that guy was. Is this guy the leader, or is there someone else behind it? If there is a mastermind, is it someone connected to Mabonggi, or is it someone behind Mabonggi? Or is there a completely separate third party behind it?

“They say there are as many cilantro as there are grains of sand on the beach. I’ve never heard of a master like you… … “Ugh.”

He was startled.

“… … I’ve heard of it. It is said that a man named Unknown Daehyeop killed the Butcher of Cheondomun with a baktu technique. “That’s you!”

Although I neither confirmed nor denied it, he was convinced that I was an unknown guest.

“You would have sent a very special invitation.”

I walked slowly and picked up the punching table that had fallen on the floor.

I smelled it. It had a similar scent to heavenly altar. But it wasn’t Heavenly Dan. I knew exactly because I had taken it during my time as a leader.

At that time, I felt that the scent of the heavenly altar was mixed with some other subtle scent. The moment I found out what it was, I was shocked.

A group of demons without sorrow!

It is definitely an elixir that gives half an amount of resistance.

But the price to pay was harsh. It was a medicine called the devil’s elixir, which would kill you seven years after taking it.

If you take two, you will gain one level of internal energy, but your lifespan will be three years. If you take three, you will gain one and a half points of internal energy, but you will only live for one year. If you take more than that, you will die instantly.

It was said to never regret, so the term ‘non-repentance’ was used in the past in the Hyeolcheonsingyo religion. No matter how fatal the weakness, the elixir was an elixir, and it took a huge amount of money and resources to manufacture.

But why are the items of the fallen demonic religion here?

“How is it? “If you take it, I promise you will be treated much better than the others.”

“Did you take this too?”

He was startled by my sudden question. It occurred to me that he might have taken this too. Do we really know what this is?

I never would have thought that there was an organization that was growing in power as a group of evil spirits. It was truly an unexpected situation.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. “Even if it’s not you, there are plenty of people who won’t hesitate if you give them credit.”

He signaled by snapping his fingers.

Rattling, rattling, rattling.

Then the doors on all sides opened at once. There were a lot of people standing around the outbuilding.

I was surprised. They were the celebrants I had met earlier.

More than a hundred of them were staring at me. I could tell. That they are all on the same side.

Chu Do-chi laughed at what I said earlier and said,

“We only send invitations to people we know.”

From the beginning, this place was a place that attracted people. Birthday banquets will probably be held frequently. Every time, they will all say the same lines and pretend to be celebrants.

Their prayers that showed their will to die were not ordinary. There’s even a memorial service.

I coldly sneered as I felt the deadly force coming from all directions.

“You like the new powerhouse.”

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