Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 86

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Where the secret fish leads (1)

On the roof of the Wuhan Jeil Gaekjan in the distance, a ghostly dragon landed with a nimble technique.

Chilho, who was waiting there, asked.

“What happened?”

In response to Chilho’s question, Goemangryang shook his head.

“I missed it.”

Chilho was surprised. Although his legs were shorter than others, his light attack skills were recognized even within the organization.

she asked in a businesslike tone.

“Didn’t they let you go on purpose?”

It was as if I had been trained to be suspicious in situations like this.

Wei Mangyang said with self-deprecation.

“I’m grateful that you complimented my skills, but to my shame, I followed up with you to death but lost.”

“That guy is really an expert.”

“He is an expert among experts.”

The two watched as an unknown man killed Yeomhwa. It was not boxing, it was not jangbeop, and it was not gakbeop. However, there was something different about it even from the existing box fighting techniques.

“It was the first time in my life I had seen such a martial arts performance.”

“I agree.”

“What should I do now?”

An unexpected situation arose, but Chilho was still the one in command.

“I have to go back and report as per the rules.”

“I get it.”

Goemangryang disappeared from there first.

Chilho was about to turn around and looked towards the guest room once again. I didn’t know why, but for some reason, the image of the man from earlier remained in my mind.

‘Maybe it’s because his martial arts skills are so great.’

Soon she too jumped up and left that place.

* * *

Starting with Wuhan, rumors about the unknown guest spread throughout the entire midfield.

The surprise and shock were especially great because it was not an assassination, but the killing of the Butcher of Cheondomun and three of the Four Guardians of Cheondo in front of the middle class.

Emergency was put on various places in Gangho. Among them, the Murim League’s Jeongjeongak was completely overturned.

The Murim lord’s favorite warrior was killed in broad daylight in front of everyone.

Sima Qian had to immediately go to Mengzhu Hall and report to Ma Fongqi about this incident.

Due to Ma Bong-gi’s personality, there would be a lot of negative comments coming out, but there was no way to know who the evil beast was or why he did such a thing. The only thing that happened was that he was called by people as the Unnamed Dahyeop.

“Who the hell is that guy?”

In response to Sima Qian’s question, the responsible soldier among the dozen soldiers lined up spoke.

“He is someone who has never been active before.”

“So you mean it fell from the sky? Are you asking me to report that now?”

Everyone, including the responsible soldiers lined up in front, bowed their heads at his displeased command.

“Come find me right away! right now!”

The soldiers rushed out. At that time, Sima Qian called Gal Si Liang and stopped him.

“Galgunsa! “You will stay for a moment.”

Sima Qian, who was just the two of them, let go of his earlier anger and asked in a gentle tone.

“How is work these days?”

“It’s worth it.”

“Your gray hair has increased a lot, too.”

“Because my age is not easy anymore.”

Gal Sa-ryang looked towards the window and sighed lightly, then lowered his head as if he had made a mistake in front of his superior.


These days, Galsaryang has been leading a lethargic life. His face was full of fatigue, weighed down by Sima Qian’s excessive workload, which was clearly intended to harass him.

As this kind of life continued, Sima Qian’s vigilance was gradually loosening. The bullying lasted only a day or two, and since Gal Sa-ryang accepted it obediently without resisting, he lost interest.

In Sima Qian’s eyes, Gal Si-liang’s recent appearance was nothing more or less than that of a helpless, aging former military general.

“Is there anyone who can guess what happened? “I think you have someone who can guess.”

When he first heard of the incident, Gal Saryang thought that the person who killed Yeom Hwa was Baek Pyo.

I heard that the Pungju branch was closed. This incident happened while I was worried that something might have happened to him.

But it wasn’t a white mark. It was said that he killed Yeomhwa with his bare hands.

Baekpyo used swordsmanship. I have never used martial arts before. Even if he had a secret weapon hidden in him, he would not be able to kill Yan Hwa with his bare hands.

‘Then who is it?’

In my experience, it is rare for a master to suddenly fall off like this. It was clear that someone had appeared with their identity hidden.

Gal Sa-ryang carefully expressed his opinion.

“My guess is that he was sent by the Hoyeon family.”

“Why do you think so?”

“In any case, there is always a motive. This is especially true if it is a big event like this.”

Sima Qian nodded and Gal Si-liang continued speaking.

“Yeomhwa explicitly stated his intention that the disciples of the Hoyeon family should be killed. Moreover, it is said that Yeomhwa tried to capture Hoyeontak’s grandmother and younger sister and molest them.”

“Did something like that happen?”

“Yes, this is a fact I found out through direct statements from those who witnessed it.”

Because it happened not long ago, it was an incident that Jeongjeongak could not properly understand. Everyone was only focused on Yeomhwa’s death and the beast that killed him.

However, Galsaryang was carefully taking care of even the parts that the existing soldiers could not take care of.


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‘It is indeed different from others.’

It may have been an action that could raise Sima Qian’s alertness, but Gal Si-liang judged that even showing too much helplessness would arouse suspicion. Rather, he thought it would be more natural to show this level of skill.

“The beast is definitely someone sent by the Hoyeon family, or at least someone related to the Hoyeon family.”

Sima Qian nodded. This conclusion is enough.

Now is the time to rush in and give the leader an answer. It didn’t matter whether the answer was right or wrong. All it takes is an answer that Mabongi can understand.

Sima Qian realized that it was time to stop harassing Gal Si-liang and take advantage of him.

“I will give you full authority over the investigation of this case.”

“Commander General!”

“Assemble a team of people and take responsibility for finding the evil beast.”

“thank you.”

Gal Sa-ryang made an expression of emotion. I was actually moved. If we take charge of the investigation into this case, we will have some breathing room as the recently relaxed vigilance will be further relaxed.

“I’m sorry for making you do all the dirty work until now.”

“no. “I will do my best to resolve this matter.”

“I will only trust you.”

Gal Sa-ryang left the office. As he walked down the hallway, the fatigue seen in the room had disappeared from his eyes.

‘He’s an unknown guest.’

Sima Qian was told that he was related to the Hoyeon family, but he thought he was not sent by the Hoyeon family. Because it wasn’t the Hoenn Sega way he knew.

I could feel the heat.

A new, unknown change has begun.

* * *

I was standing alone in the empty space around the guest house, thinking about the fight with Yeomhwa.

Through my fight with him, I felt that my Seonhak secret art had grown from seven stars to eight stars.

Considering the time it took to learn it, it was truly a great achievement. Of course, any martial arts skill grows quickly in the beginning. This may not apply to me, but usually the biggest challenge comes from the Eight Stars.

I was looking forward to seeing how much stronger the Seonhak Secret Art would become once it reached the Ten Masters.

Can the secret art of Seonhak, which has achieved great success, be fused with the Chuhonsura sword technique? What kind of enlightenment does that process give me?

These were things that were still unknown.

Gwangdu ran to where I was standing.

“young master! “Did you hear the news?”

I had an idea what was going on, but I pretended not to know and asked.

“What news?”

“The nameless great guild! It is said that a man named Unknown Daehyeop killed the Butcher of Cheondomun with one fist. And it is said that he declared that if Cheon Do-moon commits evil deeds in the future, he will be destroyed.”

I don’t think you said you were going to destroy it?

Rumors about Kangho were bound to be exaggerated like this. In any case, the more the rumor is exaggerated, the louder and more widely the unknown person’s name will spread. It was what I wanted.

“That’s amazing.”

“What is this reaction?”

“What’s my reaction?”

“if… … .”

Gwangdu stared at my face. He was a quick-witted guy, so I wondered if he had figured out it was me.

“Are you jealous?”

“ha ha ha!”

“Don’t do that. The master is as handsome as you are, and the nameless Daehyeop is as handsome as you are… … .”


Gwangdu, who hesitated to answer, eventually revealed his true feelings.

“That’s amazing!”

“I guess there’s a big difference between cool and awesome, don’t you think?”

Gwangdu pretended not to hear and exclaimed in admiration.

“Standing forward proudly to protect someone is exactly what I dream of.”

I understood Gwangdu’s feelings. For those who have just entered the world of power, how could their hearts not race upon hearing that news?

But Guangdu, you should know.

Although the life of such a thief may seem cool from the outside, the person involved must actually overcome many emotional hardships. Until collaboration becomes a joy rather than a sacrifice, the shabby sense of self-destruction hidden behind its splendor has been revealed countless times.

That you have to overcome it.

“By the way, I can’t see Baekmuin these days. When I went there, I found that the Pungju branch was also closed. “The only thing posted on the front door is that we will be taking a short break due to unforeseen circumstances.”

“I’m doing what needs to be done.”

“It’s important, right?”

When I nodded, Gwangdoo also tightened his eyes.

“Everyone is so enthusiastic. Then, I will also go to practice.”

“Do your best, future Daehyup!”

“Haha, what kind of Daehyup do I have? “I will wear the sword of the eternal master one hundred years later!”

I chuckled as I watched Gwangdu running away.

Left alone, I moved my body again and started practicing.

Whether it was a sword-fighter or a Daehyup, this powerhouse would just get away with it if he didn’t have the skills.

* * *

The rumors about the unknown guest were much stronger than I expected. This was something that was already expected when the term “grand cooperative” was added.

Public opinion in Kang-ho boiled over demanding a reinvestigation into Ho Yeon-tak’s death. That is what happened as the words that the unknown guest said to the soldiers that day spread.

In the end, the Murim Alliance announced that it would meet with Mae Rang and Ho Yeon Sukjeong, and the day after meeting the two, the Murim Alliance announced that it would investigate Ho Yeon Tak’s death.

The original Ma Bong-gi would not have cared about public opinion.

The reason he reacted differently this time was probably because he wanted to get revenge on the Hoyeon family. They seem to have concluded that the unknown guest was sent by the Hoyeon family.

This includes:

Yes, it was the result I wanted. Let’s fight like crazy together.

It was reported that Mae Rang and Ho Yeon Sukjeong were very happy when the investigation into Ho Yeon Tak’s death was announced.

I feel sorry for her, but the reason behind this incident will not be easily revealed.

If it was something like this, the decision would have been made at the head of the family. Perhaps, if a proper investigation is conducted, we will cut corners to some extent.

However, for Maerang and Hoyeon Sukjeong, the mere fact that the investigation began was meaningful and would provide hope.

Maerang, don’t worry. Because my brother has not forgotten that incident. Someday, when the time comes, I will reveal your grandson’s unjust death.

* * *

Gong Su-chan came to visit in the evening.

“Taesung Sangdan’s work is progressing smoothly.”

After saying that, he took out a booklet from his arms.

“The reason I came to see you today is because of the ledger you gave me back then.”

Not long ago, I gave him a ledger to take a look at. It was exactly what Yacheon of Shandong Yasang kept.

“Fortunately, the secret language in the ledger was based on the secret language system we mainly use, so we were able to decipher it without difficulty.”

Perhaps there was a secret language unique to those who wrote ledgers.

“This is a record of money exchanged.”

Looking at the separate list, I saw that the names of several people from Shandong were written down. They were people who were close to Shandong Yasang. It was a material that would be of great help when I wanted to make Shandong my own in earnest in the near future.

“Yachon was personally investing in several top positions in the midfield. “When I looked into the profits of those top companies, they were quite high.”

“Do you have any sources of information in the commercial world?”

“yes. It seems to me that there is an information network among the wild beasts. “If you allow me, I would like to put chopsticks on their table.”

“We cannot be exposed.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. There are not just one or two people investing in one top. There can be as few as dozens or as many as hundreds of people. “If you don’t get greedy, you’ll never notice.”

“What if I do it? “Isn’t Yacheon already dead?”

“Every time Yacheon invested, there were always people who invested together. It’s probably a nocturnal scene from another area. “I think we should pay attention to their investments.”

“I understand. “Let the Communist Party commander take care of it.”

“yes. Profit is profit, but I think it will help my investment perspective.”

That was more valuable. Because the growth of the GCP was more important than immediate profits.

“Please take care of me.”

“Okay, then I’ll just leave.”

He was about to turn around when I called him.

“By the way, can you take a look at this?”

What I took out of my pocket was an arrowhead necklace. It was hanging around the neck of Jo Byeok, who had previously taken the girl with him and ran the kiru.

This time, when I saw Gong Su-chan deciphering the secret language in the ledger, this suddenly came to mind.

He took out the paper stored inside the arrowhead and showed it to Gong Su-chan.

“Can you decipher this secret language?”

Gong Su-chan, who looked at the contents for a moment, shook his head.

“It is a very difficult secret language. “It’s too much for my poor skills, but I know someone who can decipher this.”


“This is my teacher.”

I was surprised.

Jongchonggwan? That the blunt and picky Jongchonggwan in our house can decipher this difficult secret language?

Gong Soo-chan added with a confident smile.

“Master, you will definitely decipher it.”

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