Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 84

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One-hit kill (2)

After returning to the hotel, I soaked in the bath water.

As I soaked in the steamy hot water, my fatigue seemed to melt away.

Suddenly, the image of Chilho I saw earlier came to mind.

A seemingly indifferent expression and eyes. When I met her after a long time, she seemed to have not changed at all.

I remembered her last words.

“I heard that lotuses bloom in the mud. Is that really true?”

When I said yes, I remembered the smile she gave me.

What brought us to Wuhan this time?

Since he was watching Yeomhwa, he must have come because of something related to him.

Are they keeping an eye on him like they did last time with Demon Essence?

It didn’t seem like it. The way he looked at Yeomhwa was clearly different from before.

After taking a bath, I came out and was eating, when Jin came and reported.

“Yeomhwa told Lord Maeng that all of the disciples of the Hoyeon family who came to the negotiations that day should be killed. “Rumors spread widely within the community.”

“You’re crazy.”

“That’s right.”

The fact that this rumor is spreading is itself a problem. In other words, it means that the leader, Ma Bong-gi, is tolerating his claims to some extent. Otherwise, it would never have been a rumor that would come out.

“You are trusted by Ma Bongi.”

“I have handled all kinds of matters since the days of Cheondomun.”

In fact, would he have been given the name Butcher?

“Be careful when watching him. A third organization is monitoring him. I don’t even know who they are. But it’s definitely a great organization.”

“What is the standard for greatness?”

“I think it is at least as good as or better than the Murim League.”

Jin was surprised.

I nodded once to emphasize that what I said was true.

“You have to be careful.”

“I will keep that in mind. “I will watch carefully from afar.”

“And people named Maerang and Hoyeon Sukjeong visited the Murim Alliance. Find out about their movements and report back.”

“all right.”

Jin left with a polite greeting.

There was only half of the rice left, but I put down my chopsticks.

The image of Maerang came to mind. She can’t just pretend not to know that he’s a stranger, but she can’t forget the little boy who ran into the house yelling at him.

* * *

The next day, Yeomhwa sat in the middle of the Wuhan First Guesthouse.

Of course, there were no customers. The owner of the inn, whose business had been ruined, was in tears, but could not express his dissatisfaction.

People gathered in front of the guesthouse. Yesterday, more people gathered because of the rumor that Yeom Hwa had scattered money.

Of course, there were many people who criticized the incident behind the scenes. It’s an act of ignoring people. They say you can buy people’s hearts with money. So some people didn’t come near the guesthouse at all.

But in reality, more people gathered than yesterday.

Although Yeomhwa enjoyed the attention of military leaders towards celebrities, he was not in a good mood recently. After being ambushed by Hoyeonnam, Yeomhwa was very uncomfortable.

Even if they were attacked by a surprise attack, they should have been able to defeat them easily. But if he made a mistake, he would have died.

That hurt my pride so much.

‘Damn it!’

It seemed like this person would not be released unless Hoyeonse, who saw him being stabbed with a sword that day, cut out all of their eyeballs.

Of course he knew. That it will not be done easily.

However, this was the only way to let Kang-ho know that he was not an easy person. Because it was the nature of this powerhouse that if you look easy, all kinds of people will climb up.

Yeomhwa, who was drinking, saw Ilwoo’s empty seat.

“I can’t see Ilwoo.”

In response to Yeomhwa’s question, Lee Woo spoke cautiously.

“I haven’t seen you since you left yesterday.”


Yeomhwa made a puzzled expression. There was never a time when a day went by without him contacting me.

“Where did you go?”

“I left without telling you my destination.”


Yeomhwa shouted loudly, causing the three men to flinch and lower their heads.

Lee Woo spoke quickly, fearing that there would be displeasure.

“if? “Isn’t it because of that old bitch yesterday?”

“A bitch called Hoyeontak’s grandmother?”

“My brother went out right after what happened yesterday. “He hasn’t been back since.”

“Do you know their whereabouts?”

“of course. “From the way that old bitch was talking yesterday, I thought he was going to do something annoying, so I got someone to help him.”


“I wanted to go that way yesterday and see my lord.”

“The leader?”

Yeomhwa’s expression suddenly distorted.

“But they said they couldn’t see me because they didn’t have permission and just came back.”

“You damn old woman.”


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Yeom-hwa became angry as he remembered Mae-rang’s face yelling that he was afraid of the sky. There were a lot of eyes watching, so I left it alone, but all it did was do it.

“Ilwoo went to see that bitch and hasn’t come back?”

“I’m not sure, but it’s a possibility.”

“Bring those bitches in first.”


Sau quickly ran outside.

Not only does it have to do with Il-woo, but we also have to scare him into giving up on seeing Maeng-ju. Because he wasn’t doing himself any good by saying this and that about Ho Yeon Tak’s death.

Yeomhwa nervously put down the empty glass he emptied in one go.

“I’m so unlucky these days.”

* * *

“Grandma, wake up and eat.”

At Hoyeon Sukjeong’s words, Mae Rang turned his back on the bed and lay down.

“I have no thoughts. “You go and eat.”

“You can’t skip meals. “You have to be strong.”

The two visited the Murim Alliance yesterday and asked the gatekeeper that they wanted to meet the leader.

But I couldn’t meet the leader. There was something wrong with him, so it was no use begging him to let me meet him. Since the issue was a serious matter, it was likely that someone other than the leader would come out, but they knew that no one other than the Murim Alliance’s gatekeeper would come forward.

Couldn’t meet.

They say that if you leave a record, you can meet them through formal procedures, but they said it usually takes a month or two.

“Grandma, you should eat and cheer up. Then she will come back again.”

Maerang still turned his back and didn’t move.

Hoyeon Sukjeong used the last resort. It was a method that definitely worked for her grandmother.

“Then I’m going to starve too.”

As expected, Maerang slowly got up.

“Go Yan bitch.”

As she turned and got off the bed, I saw tear marks around her eyes.

Hoyeon Sukjeong knows better than anyone else how her grandmother raised her brother and herself.

Even though they were related to the Hoyeon family, they were collateral, and among them, they were a particularly weak and poor family. My father and mother passed away early, and what little family fortune I had was completely ruined.

After that, the grandmother raised the two by doing all kinds of odd jobs.

When Ho Yeon-tak, who had grown up, was recognized for his talent and became Ho Yeon-nam’s disciple, I could still vividly remember how happy my grandmother was.


More than anything, it was a Hoyeon Sukjeong where I was very worried about Maerang’s health.

Two people came down to the guest room on the first floor.

As I sat down and was about to order food, I spotted someone.

“uh? What about small cooperatives? “Are you the person I saw yesterday?”

They found me and said hello.

It may seem like we met by chance, but I came here on purpose and waited to see them. Jin knew that they were staying here and that he tried to see the leader but was turned away.

“You are having a good time with the old man. “Since we’ve already met like this, how about having a meal together?”

Hoyeon Sukjeong looked at Mae Rang. She said as Mae Lang nodded her head.

“I’m grateful for yesterday, so this old man will buy me a drink.”

“thank you.”

Two people joined me.

We ordered new drinks and dishes.

Perhaps out of frustration, Maerang drank alcohol in succession.

“Grandma, please eat slowly.”

“I feel like my stomach is going to burst from frustration.”

I asked, pretending not to know.

“I may be embarrassed, but may I ask what the circumstances are?”

Because I stepped up for them yesterday, there was no wariness towards me at all. Rather, he seemed glad to have someone to complain to.

Maerang told his story. From the story of how she grew up in a village and accidentally met and fell in love with the Hoenn Sega, she goes to the Hoenn Sega and says that even though she did not commit suicide, no one listened to her.


After Maerang finished speaking, Hoyeon Sukjeong spoke to me with moist eyes.

“Your brother would never commit suicide.”

At her words, Maerang spoke with a drunken face.

“Oh, of course.”

Ho Yeon Tak must have had both ability and strong will. In that way, he could have become Hoenn Nam’s disciple.

“Then why did you come here?”

“I came to meet the lord and clarify that my brother’s death was not suicide. Brother… … .”

Hoyeon Sukjeong could not bear to speak. If a person was caught in a conspiracy and was killed, there was a high possibility that the villain was the Hoyeon family. It must be a scary assumption to think about.

“Don’t worry. “If you don’t meet me until the end, I plan to go and lie down at the main gate of the Murim Alliance.”

Maerang was speaking sincerely.

I looked at Mae Rang in silence. Her deep wrinkles were filled with only stubbornness and determination to properly reveal the sad truth about her grandson’s death.

Fate brought her to me.

I’m busy with work so just let me go? I didn’t want to do that.

I smiled at the two people.

“I’m sure something good will happen.”

I got up and said goodbye to them.

But before I could even leave the guest house, something bad happened.

Sawoo hurriedly walked past me and went to where Maerang and Hoyeon Sukjeong were sitting and said this.

“If you don’t want to be fooled, follow me quietly.”

* * *

The people gathered in front of Wuhan Jeil Gaekjan split to left and right.

Three people walked between them: Maerang, Hoyeon Sukjeong, and Sawoo, who brought them.

Those who had seen the two people yesterday began to whisper. Even those who did not know the circumstances looked sad upon hearing that an old woman and a young woman had been dragged away.

At that time, Lee Woo came forward and sprinkled eunja in all directions.

“This is a special blessing from Yan Dahyeop!”


It was crowded with people picking up money.

Watching that scene, Lee Woo laughed out loud and curled up the corner of his mouth.

Meanwhile, Maerang and Hoyeon Sukjeong came into the guesthouse.

Sawoo sat them down not far from Yeomhwa’s seat.

Maerang glared fiercely and shouted.

“Why did you bring us here?”

“Grandma, don’t get excited! “I brought you here because I have something to ask you?”

“If you have anything to ask, you will come and ask it yourself. “Is this pale young man telling this old man to come and go?”

Although Yeom-hwa frowned, Mae-rang was not scared at all.

“why? Are you trying to beat up this old man?”

“I don’t beat up old men.”

Then he glanced at Hoyeon Sukjeong who was next to him.

Maerang flinched. She didn’t care what happened to her, but her granddaughter didn’t. She was afraid something like this would happen in the first place, so she tried to come to Wuhan alone, but Suk-jeong caught up with her.

“What do you want to ask?”

Maerang asked in a depressed tone.

“Didn’t someone visit you yesterday?”

“Who are you talking about?”

Maerang and Hoyeon Sukjeong gave expressions of complete ignorance, and it did not seem like they were deceiving at all.

Yeomhwa drank nervously.

‘shit! ‘Then where on earth did Il-woo go?’

Chilho was standing with his arms crossed on the roof overlooking the Wuhan Jeil Gaekjan in the distance.

There was one other person next to her.

He was a short man with a young face who looked like a child at first glance.

But he was an adult. As short as a dwarf, he was the strange man who had come down with us for this mission.

The misfortune was a murderer within the organization.

There were four best shooters recognized by the organization, and Goemangryang was one of them. Until now, it had been an absolute secret who he assassinated.

When an order came to take out Goemangryang and handle the matter, it meant to eliminate the opponent.

Chilho said softly.

“Get rid of that guy as quickly as possible.”

Wei Mangyang turned to her and asked.

“Is there really an order to remove it?”

“Yes it is.”

The two had a bit of a strange relationship.

Orders were given by Chilho, but the level of corruption in the organization was higher.

“An order is coming to kill the butcher of Cheondomun? “As expected, our organization is amazing.”

I wasn’t saying this because I didn’t like it. He was pleasantly excited, like a beast in front of delicious prey.

Guemangyang’s eyes turned from Chilho to the guesthouse.

“what? “But what kind of situation is that?”

Chilho’s gaze followed him towards the guesthouse.

Someone was entering the guest room.

* * *

I walked briskly to the entrance of the guesthouse.


Lee Woo blocked the front. Over his shoulder, he could see Yeomhwa drinking, and Maerang and Hoyeon Sukjeong sitting a little away.

Because I was wearing a human skin mask and my voice had been altered, they did not recognize that it was me from yesterday.

“Who are you, trying to come in without permission?”

“Isn’t this a guesthouse?”


“Did you rent the whole thing?”

I looked at the owner. The owner was so scared that he couldn’t say anything.

Lee Woo looked at me as if I was dumbfounded. There were still people crowding around outside the guesthouse, looking inside.

I couldn’t tell if he was a guy who couldn’t understand the atmosphere or what his intentions were.

At that time, Yeomhwa spoke from behind.

“Let them in. “There is a guest at the guesthouse, so I have to receive it.”

Lee Woo gave a disapproving look and stepped aside.

Leaving behind the murmurs of those watching, I slowly entered the guest room.

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