Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 83

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One-hit kill (1)

The person who entered Maengjujeon was Yeomhwa.

As befits his nickname the Butcher, he looks like a huge and violent beast. It was huge, and its muscles were as hard as rocks.

The slitted eyes, the protruding cheekbones, and the nervous-looking lower abdomen. It was so scary that I was afraid to see it in my dreams, so much so that it was burdensome to even look at it.

There was a wound on his chest that had not yet become a scar. It was due to a surprise attack by Hoyeonnam, and he left it as is, saying it was embarrassing to apply medicine and bandages.

However, even though he was like a beast giving off the stench of a festering wound, he behaved like a well-trained hunting dog in front of Ma Bong-gi.

“If we continue like this, the powerful people will look down on our Cheondomun.”

“Didn’t you already kill Hoyeonnam?”

“That’s not enough.”


“Everyone who was there that day must be killed. That way, you will never be able to make light of the text again.”

General Sima Qian, who was listening to the words next to him, looked dumbfounded.

Yan Hwa glared at him. Sima Qian did not lose and received that look. Originally, he should not have behaved like this towards the general of the Murim Alliance, but Yeomhwa was originally a person who had nothing to be afraid of.

Ma Bongi said with a smile.

“Your student committed suicide, so there’s an uproar that you should be punished?”

“The weakling deserves to die.”

“ha ha ha.”

Ma Bongi laughed out loud.

“Stay away for now.”

“All right.”

As Yan Hua confidently walked out of Mengzhu Hall, Sima Qian expressed his dissatisfaction in earnest.

“The author failed to complete his mission. “Why are you behaving so rudely when you wouldn’t mind being punished?”

“It looks like you have a temper. “It will be okay in a few days.”

“Why on earth do you trust the author so much?”

“Good skills, thoughtless.”


“People like that are rare in this powerhouse. “As your skills improve, your brain speed also increases.”

Ma Fongqi’s eyes toward Sima Qian became sharper.

“On the other hand, you think a lot. Would you rather have a subordinate like you, one who does whatever he is told without thinking?”

For a moment, Sima Qian was speechless. It was a comparison that was almost unreasonable, but it was because the thought crossed his mind that he would not allow someone like him.

“Of course he would like a subordinate like me. “The number of subordinates who do as they are told is widespread.”

Soon Ma Bongi laughed out loud.

“yes. If you turn your head, it’s in the palm of your hand. I too will choose you. ha ha ha.”

It was a laugh that I couldn’t tell if it was real or not.

“Public opinion in Gangho is not good. “I think this incident needs to be covered up.”

“I understand.”

Sima Qian went to battle against the mighty lords. Ma Bong-gi has changed from before he became the leader. Mabongi, which used to be simple, no longer feels simple.

* * *

Intelligence organizations were being created rapidly. As expected of Jin and Su, they were quick to get the job done.

“The staff is being expanded with trustworthy people.”

“As much as cost allows, we will select the best talent and give them the best treatment.”

“Do not worry.”

I was already treating them that way. Not only that, he was faithfully carrying out his assigned duties.

“Yeomhwa came out after meeting Maengju.”

Jin and Su were creating an intelligence organization and simultaneously monitoring the movements of the Murim Alliance.

“He is currently staying at Wuhan Jeil Guesthouse with Cheondo Sau.”

The Muhanjeil Gaekjan is the same guest cup where I had a drink with Gwangdu the other day. It was a place not far from the headquarters of the Murim League and was famous for having many customers.

“Why don’t you rent a quiet manor?”

“From ancient times, Yan Hwa hated silence. “I liked showing off my presence in crowded places.”

“Good work. “Please be especially careful in your future activities.”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind.”

“do not forget. “What matters to me is you, not information.”


I knew very well that a single word like this would be of great help to them. Organizations don’t just run.

I went straight to Muhanjeil Gaekjan that way.

There were many people crowding in front of the guesthouse. They were spectators, not guests.

“That person is Butcher Yeomhwa.”

“oh! “Look at that big guy.”

“They say he killed Hoyeonnam with one fist!”

Everyone was praising him. After all, who would dare to curse when he is right in front of them?

Yeomhwa was sitting in the center of the guesthouse, drinking. There was a lot of food on her table, and she had already drank several bottles of alcohol.

The inside of the guesthouse was empty. When he came in, everyone came out in shock.

Thanks to this, he was able to drink with pride, as if he had rented the entire guesthouse.

The Cheondosau were sitting diagonally around him, one at a time. They had the guest room to themselves.


That was my first feeling. It has always been my theory that the more you become a martial arts expert, the less harm you should cause to ordinary people.

The actions that followed showed that my premonition was indeed correct.


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When Yeomhwa gave a signal with his eyes, Ilwoo, who was at the front of the Cheondosau, scattered silver in all directions.

“This is a gift from Yan Dahyeop to you all!”


People started picking up the money that had fallen on the ground.

Butcher Yeomhwa, watching this, looked as if he were a king.

Disgusting bastard!

In that bustle, I saw.

A woman who, like me, is more interested in flames than money.

Surprisingly, she was Chilho.

I really never imagined that we would meet here.

She felt my gaze and looked in my direction.

Chilho’s eyes met. She didn’t recognize me. At the time, I was wearing a bastard mask, so my face wasn’t like this.

It was when Chilho turned around again and was about to leave.

An angry voice came from somewhere.

“Yes you bastard! “Aren’t you afraid of heaven?”

Everyone’s eyes turned towards that place.

The person who was angry was an old woman with white hair. He seemed very tired, as if he had come a long way. However, there was a venom in his eyes that matched the anger he had just had.

There was a young woman next to her. The two looked so similar that one could tell they were blood relatives at a glance.

As I looked at the young woman, I felt like I had seen it somewhere else. She was definitely a woman I had seen somewhere, but no matter how much I tried to remember, I couldn’t identify her.

Ilwoo, who had scattered the money, stepped forward.

“Who are you to say such rude things?”

“I am Maerang (梅娘). Ho Yeon Tak, who died because of you, is my grandson.”

Surprisingly, she was Ho Yeon Tak’s grandmother. Everyone there was surprised by her appearance.

The person who was most surprised was me. When she heard the name Maerang, she was able to think of a woman. She was someone I knew.

The reason why the young woman who came with me looked familiar was because she looked exactly like Mae Rang when she was young.

When I was young, I lived in the same village as Mae Rang, and she loved me and followed me as her older brother. She said that when she grows up, she will marry me.

Of course, I was chasing Kang-ho around like crazy, and to me, she was just the village younger sister.

From then on, I saw her every time I came home, and she became more beautiful every time I saw her. But at that time, I was so crazy about martial arts that I didn’t even care about women.

Maerang also lost interest in me after puberty.

Afterwards, I heard that she fell in love with a descendant of the Hoyeon family who stopped by the village and married him. Perhaps Ho Yeon Tak is her grandson.

I really thought that relationships continued like this.

Maerang looked tired and tired, as if he had come a long way.

Ilwoo said with a sneer.

“He’s the grandmother of a weak bastard who committed suicide because he couldn’t protect his master.”

“Yes you bastard! “Our Tak is not a child who will commit suicide!”

Maerang got angry and swung his cane at Ilwoo. But Ilwoo easily dodged it. It wasn’t an attack, it was just a stroke of the old man’s cane, but Ilwoo pushed Maerang away without mercy.

Before Maerang fell backwards, I stepped forward and stopped her. Thankfully she didn’t hit the floor. If I hadn’t stopped her, she would have been seriously injured due to her old age.

Maerang looked back at me.

“Thank you, young man.”

When I looked up close, I could see traces of my childhood on my face. He was truly childish, but now he has grown so old.

“Please stop.”

It was something he said to Mae Rang, but Il-woo said it coldly.

“What are you doing, squire?”

He probably didn’t like me interfering with his work.

“I was just a spectator.”

“Then why do you have the habit of interfering with the elder’s business?”

“I think they treat the elderly in the same way, don’t you think?”

A few people laughed at those words. However, everyone bowed their heads as Ilwoo looked at them as if they were going to kill them.

Just as Il-woo was about to approach me, Yeom-hwa, who was drinking in the seat behind him, slammed the table. The wind caused alcohol and food to spill on the floor.

“These days, my team is really fierce, to the point where it’s dirty.”

He got up with a frown and went upstairs.

Ilwoo came closer to me and softly warned me.

“You will regret it.”

I didn’t answer anything.

As Cheondosau followed Yeomhwa up to the second floor, the spectators who had filled the place dispersed one by one. No matter when he disappeared, Chilho was nowhere to be seen.

A young woman came to me and bowed her head politely.

“Thank you so much for your help. “I am Hoyeon Sukjeong (呼延淑正).”

“It’s Byeokridan.”

“I will not forget the help of Byeoksohyup today.”

“It was nothing.”

“Thank you, young man.”

“Please take a look.”

The two people walked in the direction of the Murim Alliance headquarters.

I was about to ask what happened but ended up stopping. Because I guessed it. Judging from what he said earlier, it seemed like he came to the Murim Alliance to reveal that Hoyeontak’s death was not suicide.

Is that really possible in this place where Ma Bong-gi is the leader?

I, who had been watching the two with some concern, turned around.

* * *

Instead of returning straight to my residence, I wandered off onto a remote road. He noticed that someone was following him.

I walked for a while and stopped at a deserted place. There were no people and the surrounding area was open, so it was a good place to see if there were any guards.

The person who was following had no choice but to show up.

He was the number one of the Cheondo Four Friends that had caused friction just moments ago.

“Are you sure you were following me?”

When I asked, pretending not to know, Ilwoo said coldly.

“Did I tell you? “You’re going to regret it?”

“You’re really short-tempered. “But you followed me right away.”

“I have never put off killing anyone.”

“You’re going to kill me? “Why are you trying to kill me?”

When I asked him, pretending to be surprised, he answered.

“You mocked me in front of so many people. “I have never spared the life of someone who insulted me.”

“What on earth did you insult?”

“You come forward without any fear and make a fuss!”

“That’s it? “You’re trying to kill someone just for that reason?”

“What more reason do you need?”

I could see how this person had lived so far. He must have lived just like this. He mercilessly kills anyone who goes against his wishes in the slightest. Of course, it must have been done secretly like this.

Even if his sin was revealed, he would have escaped like a loach with the backdrop of Cheondomun on his back.

If you do it once or twice, it becomes a habit, and then you become this monster without even realizing it.

This time he mocked me.

“Why did that old bitch give up her life? When you are reborn, just watch. Got it? “You idiot.”

“Does your master know that you followed me to kill me?”

“Are you going to report every single thing you kill?”

“So you’re the only one who came.”

There was no one visible around. Still, I didn’t know, so I raised my spirits and looked around. I thought there might be Chilho, but luckily there was no one around.

I also showed my true colors.

“If you are someone who kills people for that reason, then I would have a good reason to kill you too. Now, say hello.”

“What nonsense?”

“Whether it’s a tree, grass, bird, or anything else, say hello. “I have to say my final goodbye to this world.”

Only then did Ilwoo understand what I meant and made a bewildered expression.

“You crazy bastard! ha ha ha.”

Ilwoo laughed out loud. I laughed too.

The moment the laughter stopped, he rushed towards me. He pulled his sword out of the air and stabbed him sharply.


It was a really quick and accurate move.

If the opponent wasn’t me, it would have been a really cool move.

I easily dodged the flying sword and kicked him while spinning in the air as if performing acrobatics. He probably never imagined that an expert who could dodge his own sword would use such a method.


With one kick, there was a crunching sound of bones breaking, and Ilwoo staggered back.


His shoulder blades were shattered and his torso was twisted to one side. Immediately his arms went limp and he became limp.

Ilwoo begged, frowning at the excruciating pain.

“Sleep, wait! Ugh!”

It seems like the situation has finally been figured out.

I stopped attacking for a moment and asked.


“I was wrong.”

“The attitude change is really fast. “I wish your sword was this fast.”

“Please save me!”

“What if I save you? Are you going to go and bring them all?”

“no. Absolutely not.”

“A bastard who is so offended by a single word that he wants to kill someone gets his shoulder shattered, but he gets away with it? “Isn’t it too much to ask you to believe that?”

“Please save me! “I will do whatever you want.”

I flew up and kicked the guy in the chin mercilessly.


His jaw was shattered and he fell backwards.

With the same momentum as I kicked, I struck the guy in the face with a thousand knuckles.


His face was smashed and he died instantly.

He walked away from there with great strides, and when he had fallen about twenty steps, he turned towards the corpse.

My sword lightly cut through the air.



As the three seconds of martial arts were unleashed, his body was shattered into pieces and disappeared without a trace.

I said coldly as I looked at the thing that could no longer be called a thing, turning into blood and flowing onto the ground.

“Did you ask me what I wanted? “Just disappear from this world forever.”

I didn’t look back anymore, and not even a flock of crows flocked to that empty place.

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