Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 81

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Not caught in the net (2)

The place Gong Soo-chan guided us to was a manor located about twenty miles away from Wuhan. It was a place with a mountain at its back and a view of the water, and the surrounding scenery was also very nice.

“Where am I?”

“This is the manor I bought this time. This will be the home base for our new upper level.”

“oh! The top is finally built.”

“It’s nothing, but I wanted to show it to you first.”

“You mean it’s nothing? Isn’t this a historic place for us? “The story that began in this manor could become a legend.”

I looked at the manor with an expression of emotion.

As I was more moved than I expected, Gong Soo-chan was also greatly moved.

“Have you decided on a name for the top?”

“The master Byeok should build it.”

“No, didn’t you leave this matter entirely to the Commander-in-Chief? “Please let the Gonggungwan build it.”

Then Gong Soo-chan thought for a moment and carefully came up with one name.

“Then how about naming the business Taesung Sanghoe (太星商會)? “Even though it is a small company now, it is our intention to become a company like a big star that illuminates the world in the future.”

“Good!” “Let’s do that.”

The name at the top has been decided. For some reason, I was excited at the thought of this being the first top I had made.

“Now, please go in.”

I followed Gong Su-chan into the manor.

The interior was very small yet neatly built. There were buildings in three directions around the small training hall.

The building in the center was the largest, and the buildings on the left and right were about half that size. I looked around at each one. I liked it without any issues. Well, it must have been bought after careful consideration by the meticulous Gong Su-chan, so there can’t be anything that could be a problem.

It was.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“you’re welcome. “I just bought a house with the money Confucius gave me.”

Gong Soo-chan answered humbly.

“It’s not my money, it’s our money.”

“Yes, Confucius.”

Gong Soo-chan looked at me and smiled slightly. The emotion contained in that smile must be joy because I know my words are sincere.

Afterwards, we talked about building up the top. I entrusted everything to him.

The better the leader, the less he intervenes in the affairs of his subordinates. The only job a leader has to do is find talented people and place them in the right positions.

I handed him the ledger before leaving the manor. It was exactly what I got from Yacheon’s secret warehouse.

“Well, please take a look at this.”

“What is this?”

“It’s an organization’s secret ledger. “Could you please review it when you have time?”

“All right.”

Gong Su-chan carefully received the ledger.

Gwangdu came to the manor belatedly.

After looking around the manor with all the fuss, I rolled up my sleeves and started cleaning.

“If you’re originally talking about cleaning, isn’t this Gwangdu?”

He was not ashamed of the fact that he was a servant. He was rather proud.

“If I hadn’t been a servant of the Byeok Clan Prosecutor, how would I have met you?”

So how could I not cherish Gwangdu?

“You idiot, use someone to do it. “If you clean up this large area by yourself, you’ll get sick.”

“Are you worried about me?”

“of course.”

“Are you thrilled?”

“I also wish the manor was a little cleaner.”

“ah… … “It would have been better if you hadn’t said the last word.”

“ha ha ha.”

* * *

Even though I had a manor, I still stayed in a guest house.

I visited because it was the first day, and for the time being, Taesung Sanghoe had to grow into a top company that had nothing to do with Byeok Clan Inspection.

Gong Su-chan also planned to operate secretly behind the scenes rather than take part in person.

In the afternoon, Baekpyo came to see me with two people.

“I have someone to introduce to you.”

The people who introduced it were Baekpyo’s Sujok, Yang Cheong and Myeongdo. They were bodyguards of the same fierce guard group, but when they quit this time, they became Baekpyo’s subordinates.

“He is my lord.”

Yang Cheong and Myeong Do could not hide their surprise when they looked at me. It seems that Baekpyo didn’t explain anything about me in advance.

I was shocked by the fact that I was so young, but at the same time it gave me a certain sense of mystery.

He is someone Baekpyo trusts, but he is this young? So isn’t there something really great about it?

Those thoughts were revealed on their faces. Of course, it was a possible idea because I had absolute faith in Baekpyo.

“This is Yangcheng.”

“It’s brightness.”

Baekpyo once again emphasized his faith in them.

“These people are like my limbs.”

If so, I have one thing to say.

“If Baekmuin believes, I also believe. “Let’s wait and see about each other.”



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I smiled in satisfaction. What was needed more than anything now was talent.

I needed someone I could trust.

No matter how much money you had or how many warriors you gathered, if you couldn’t lead it with the right people, it was just numbers. It’s like a mirage that will disappear if you blow on it.

After sending the two people away, when Baekpyo and I were left alone, I finally handed him the letter.

“Now, take this.”

It was a letter that Jeong Young had entrusted to me when I left my Shandong home.

Baekpyo’s eyes became teary after reading the contents. I will miss her wife, and I will miss my son too.

He looked at me with passionate eyes. It probably also said that my mother was treating them like family.

“Why but? “Is there even my curse written on it?”

Baekpyo was taken aback by my joke.

“no. “Is that possible?”

It was a joke that didn’t work. I guess it’s because he’s still having a hard time with me.

Anyway, it’s still too early to end the excitement. Because I still had some emotion left to give.

“Now, take this.”

I handed the leather bag to him. Baekpyo looked inside without thinking and was surprised. What was filled inside was slips.

“It’s 300,000 nyang.”

Baekpyo was surprised once again. He escorted Meng Zhou, so he must have seen the large sum many times, but this may be the first time he has seen it up close and personal.

“Use this money to build an elite sword corps.”

“Elite sword corps?”

“It doesn’t matter how many people there are. Whether it’s ten people or a hundred people. However, it must be the strongest organization that carries out the given orders without fail.”

Baekpyo looked down at the money he was holding. A look of passion flashed across her face. When I think about creating such an organization, my fists naturally clench, and I am also very grateful that they entrusted me with such an important task and such a large amount of money without hesitation.

I was impressed.

“Yes, please leave it to me.”

That wasn’t all I had to give.

I took out the Cheonjo Sword from my waist and handed it to him.

“What is this?”

“It’s a gift. “I will use this sword from now on.”

“Isn’t this the sword you used?”

“Didn’t I get a better sword thanks to you?”

Baekpyo also knew well that there was no sword better than the Sura Myeongwanggeom in his time.

“Can I take a look at this sword?”

When I nodded, Baekpyo pulled out his sword.


Baekpyo was surprised when he saw the blade. Coming out of an ordinary scabbard, it was anything but ordinary.

“It’s a famous sword!”

His voice trembled.

“But it looks like a sword I’ve seen before somewhere.”

“Inherently, famous swords give a similar feeling.”

It had only been a few months since I had used the Cheonjo Sword, and that was a long time ago. It had even been remodeled, so Baekpyo couldn’t recognize it. The fact that he could sense that it was a similar sword was proof that his keen eye was great.

“I can’t accept such a precious sword.”

Baekpyo held out his sword again. I said, handing it back.

“The person who leads the strongest organization should have a sword like this.”


Still he refused to take it.

“That’s right, this sword is definitely a precious sword. But that doesn’t mean I can be more precious than you. Be honest. These are not gifts, but shackles. Shackles to keep you from leaving my side. Even though I do this, you still accept my heart

“Wouldn’t you?”

He couldn’t refuse any more. At this moment, Baekpyo was truly pledging his loyalty.

He treated his wife and children like family. He entrusted me with a large sum of money that could sustain several generations, and even gave him an invaluable sword.

How could you not be loyal to a person like this?

“I will gratefully wear the shackles you gave me.”

* * *

This time, I called in Jin and Su, the three characters.

To be honest, I don’t completely trust them yet.

Of course, the two of them earned a lot of points from me by doing an excellent job with their previous mission.

But that didn’t mean I could completely trust them. This was because they were not the people I chose in the first place, but the people Jeong Yeo introduced to me.

So I decided to share my faith. There was no need to subject them to such a big test.

“That’s 50,000 cats.”

The two people were surprised because that alone was a huge amount of money.

“With this, we will build an information organization. Of course, I know that it is impossible to create an intelligence organization in the entire central office with this money. First, let’s establish an organization centered around Shandong and Wuhan.”

Once I use up all of the 50,000 nyang, I plan to support 50,000 nyang again. The total amount of money expected to be provided is 300,000 nyang.

Depending on the outcome of this matter, trust and evaluation of them will change.

“There are people you can trust.”

“I also have a few people in mind.”

I nodded and said.

“First, if you form an organization, I will create a separate military group that only supports the intelligence organization.”

Separate from the organization created by Baekpyo, we also plan to create an organization that supports the information organization.

“oh! thank you.”

The two were happier than when they received the money.

Even when I first gave them orders, I took care of their safety. The two people were thrilled because this time too, it was at that level.

I know. In order for the organization to run properly, we must take good care of them. If you are defeated in an information war, even several times more power will be lost at once.

“I am a person who believes that the intelligence organization is the most important organization.”

The two people expressed both emotion and determination at my words.

“I will never abandon that trust.”


The two men left the guest house with 50,000 nyang.

* * *

Lastly, I took the gwangdu.

“Do I have anything?”


Gwangdu’s eyes sparkled.

“After all, there is only one of us, Master! What is it? “Is this an elixir again?”

“Better than an elixir!”

“Oooooh! “Did you even bring an inner altar for spiritual objects?”

“Something better than that.”

Then, I picked up the bottle of alcohol that I had left on the side of the room.

“No way, no way, is there Gongcheong petroleum in it…?” … “f*ck, that can’t be possible, right?”

“Let’s just have a drink.”

“oh my god! Just alcohol? “Everyone gives me money, a sword, and trust, but I barely drink anything?”

“Even if I wanted to give it to you, I gave it away.”

“Well, I know. “Aren’t you the type of person who believes that if you save money, you’ll end up in shit?”

Although he pouted his mouth, Gwangdu did not feel bad at all.

Wouldn’t it be worth it just to have a drink at the end? No, I thought maybe I was receiving the best treatment.

We had a drink and talked about things we hadn’t been able to talk about properly.

“Are you and your matriarch doing well?”

“Still the same.”

“What about Song Hee?”

“I’m fine. “I think he’s a bit taller too.”

“When you’re a child, you grow up quickly. It hasn’t even been that long, but I miss you all. By the way, what about the gwanjojang? “It’s still a water lily bug, right?”

“If you continue like this, you will soon become worse than a bug.”

“shit! “I’m going back to early morning training starting tomorrow!”

When the entire bottle of alcohol was empty, Gwangdu, in the spirit of alcohol, asked vaguely.

“… … “Is Dosoje well?”

“Dosun? “She became prettier.”

Gwangdu emptied his drink in one go.

“I don’t think it’s over yet.”

“I am an ambassador for comfort.”

“It’s not comfort.”

“In what way?”

“Actually, you rushed in too hastily. “If we hadn’t fallen in love at first sight, we should have approached each other more carefully.”

“I think so too. So what do you do? “It’s already been done.”

Gwangdu sighed and admitted.

“Because it wasn’t finished in a messy way. “I think there’s still a chance.”

“Isn’t it already too late?”

“The human mind changes twelve times a day. Would it be any different if it were a woman’s heart?”

Gwangdu’s eyes sparkled.

“What do we do now?”

“I have to show you. Seeing you change. That’s why Do-sun makes me think like this. Does this person have something like this? Did this person have this ability? like this.”

“Like you?”

Ah, I guess I am like that too. To Gwangdu and Hwarin. to everyone.

“Yeah, like me.”

Gwangdu sighed and said.

“The gender issue is too difficult.”

“Yes, it is difficult.”

It was the moment when I changed from an advisor to an empath.

“Can I do well?”

“What does it matter? “It’s important to try.”

When I held out the glass, Gwangdu clinked it vigorously.

A new hope bloomed on Gwangdu’s face. Yes, I’m still young. I have to live with that face.

I don’t need followers who are just strong. I hope my subordinates are happy because of me. I hope that it becomes a wind that never gets caught in the net of misfortune.

I hope that’s the path I want to take.

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