Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 80

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Not caught in a net (1)

It’s been a while since I visited a cave in the mountains.

This was the same cave I visited before whenever something important happened.

There, I calmly packed Hyuknang’s things.

First of all, from the first year of life.

Most of the things called perennial seasons in those days were not pure perennial seasons. Most of them were a mixture of other metals, and their strength was determined by the high proportion of aged iron.

This was because the price of Permanent Iron was so expensive that it was difficult for even the richest people to use only pure Permanent Iron.

Among the people I know, the only person who used pure iron was the Black Dragon Emperor of Sapa. He used it to escape, but I ended up cutting it off and killing him.

This was brought from Yacheon, and considering its strength, it was expected that the purity of 10,000 years old iron would be quite high.

Later, if you entrust it to a craftsman who can handle perpetual iron and separate the perpetual iron from these metals, you will be able to make enough for one sword, or two at best.

Or, I could also convert it into alloy and use it for other purposes. In any case, I obtained something that is difficult to obtain even with money.

Anyway, I couldn’t use it right now, so I buried it near the cave out of sight.

Next, I counted the slips.

It was a whopping 550,000 nyang. It was a fortune that Yacheon had accumulated throughout her life. It seemed like even if I sold the gold items I brought with me, I could make quite a bit of money. It was literally close to 600,000 nyang.

I plan to do two things with this money. First, I plan to create an information organization. When considering my enemies, there must be a properly functioning intelligence organization.

Second, he plans to create a secret organization with Baekpyo as the leader. I will create a powerful organization made up of top experts who will only listen to my orders.

I plan to leave everything from gathering people to Baekpyo. Baekpyo will be able to do the job well.

Other than the vouchers, goldware, and jewelry, there were miscellaneous items. There were documents I didn’t need, and while I was burning them, something caught my eye.

It was a small booklet filled with secret words and numbers.

I could tell that this was Yacheon’s secret ledger.

I was going to just burn it, but then I changed my mind. She put it in her bosom. There was something I wanted to check at least once before burning it.

So I organized all the things I brought from Shandong Night Market.

I came out of the cave and looked down the mountain.

The enemies we were dealing with were getting stronger.

I didn’t hate it. Because the reason I needed to become stronger was to become stronger.

* * *

From the next day, the rumor began to spread quickly.

There was a rumor that Hoyeonnam of the Hoyeon family was dead and Yeomhwa of Cheondomun was seriously injured.

On one side was the Hoyeon family, one of the major families of the Joseon Dynasty, and on the other side was Cheondomun, which makes my mouth hurt when I say it twice.

It was truly a major incident. As soon as the rumor spread, it followed that the head of Shandong Yasang had died at the hands of a Cheondomun master.

It was Shandong Yasang who brought in the Hoyeon family and suffered revenge.

Even when two people gathered together, everyone talked about that. In particular, the leaders of the Shandong faction were worried that Shandong might become their battlefield.

The same was true for my father and mother.

“I’m worried about what kind of repercussions this incident will have.”

“That’s right.”

Compared to my father and mother who were worried, I was relaxed.

“I don’t think you need to worry.”

“Why do you think that?”

I calmly answered my father’s question.

“The Hoyeon family is based in Gangseo, and the Cheondomun family is based in Gwiju. Both places are far from here. It’s already happened, and there’s no need to come all the way to Shandong and have a conflict now that the before and after events are clear.

“Isn’t it?”

My father nodded. It seemed like he thought it definitely made sense.

“So, what are your thoughts on Shandong Night Market? “Aren’t you going to put Shandong in danger by saying you want revenge?”

“It is a good thing that Shandong Night Market failed. Nightlife is an organization whose identity is unclear, and they are full of greed. Those people are out to get revenge on Shandong Yashang? That can’t be true. Perhaps they are trying to take over Shandong.

“We will fight fiercely among ourselves.”

My father and mother nodded at the same time at my words. The eyes towards me were full of trust. Regardless of what the outcome will be, it feels good to see my son express such a clear opinion.

Actually, I felt really good.

Everyone who needed to be eliminated was eliminated and a huge amount of money was gained. The most important thing is that Song Hwarin and I were completely spared from all of that.

Fighting among themselves is what I want.

One of the most important principles for dealing with strong enemies in war.

Divide the enemy and destroy them individually.

It was also a method I often used.

As the number of forces hostile to Cheondomun increases, Cheondomun’s power will weaken.

As I increase my power, I have to find out who is behind Ma Bong-gi.

It was still time to increase size and strength.

Anyway, there won’t be much going on in Shandong for the time being.

“I think I’ll go back to Wuhan tomorrow.”

“already? “Please wait a little longer.”

My mother couldn’t help but feel sorry, but my father held back his regret.

“Yes, you should move diligently while you are young.”

My father added something I never forget.

“Do not treat your subordinates carelessly and always be considerate.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

It’s a sound you hear. But when I heard this today, this thought suddenly occurred to me.

Wouldn’t just one heart be enough to become a great leader?

It seems like you have to accomplish so many things because you are in the best position, but isn’t it really enough to just do one thing properly?

No, wouldn’t it be difficult for me until I die?


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* * *

Song Hwa-rin opened her eyes.

The morning sunlight coming through the window was brighter and brighter than ever. When was the last time you woke up in the morning feeling so refreshed?

She stretched and stood up.

“Ah, I slept well.”

After a while, Suran came in with some water to drink.

“Miss, you look like you’re in a good mood.”

“I slept soundly.”

It’s been a long time since I slept soundly. And I didn’t have any nightmares today.

Suran was happy as if it were her own work. Watching Song Hwa-rin, who was not able to sleep properly, was very nerve-wracking and heartbreaking.

Song Hwa-rin looked out the window. Her scenery was the same as yesterday, but because she was in a different mood, her scenery also looked different.

I heard about Master’s death. The moment I heard the news, my heart ached.

The moment she felt sorry for her master, she knew. She realized that she was completely free from Sabu. That the wounds in her heart were healed.

If Master’s death was considered pleasant, the wound would still remain greatly.

But she was sad that her master had died. She felt sorry for her master and her heart ached.

But that was all. I didn’t have any nightmares, and I feel so refreshed this morning.

At that time, a civil servant came and delivered the news.

“Confucius Byeok has come to visit.”

“what? “Tell him to wait a moment.”

She quickly got down from the bed.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to wash! I also have to wear makeup. You hurry and find some clothes. know? My favorite clothes. hurry! Hurry!”

Suran made a bewildered expression as she saw her running forward with all her light skills. She was a version of Song Hwa Lin that I had never seen before.

Suran looked out the window.

I could see Byeokridan standing in the flower garden in the distance.

Song Hwarin was changing after meeting Byeokridan. It became brighter and more lively.

At first, I hated Byeokridan, but now I appreciate him.

“Still, you shouldn’t make our lady cry, Mr. Byeok-gongja.”

After some discussion, Song Hwa-rin yawned and walked towards the back yard.

“What happened so early?”

She stretched as if she had just woken up.

“Did I come too early?”

“no. I just woke up. “I haven’t even washed it yet.”


“no. “I’m sorry for showing you like this.”

She was too pretty and beautiful to say that. The clothes she was wearing were also neat.

“But what happened so early?”

“I have to go to Wuhan. “I think it will take a month or two, so I’m going to say hello and leave.”

“Oh, I see.”

Although she pretended nothing was wrong, Song Hwa-rin felt more disappointed than ever.

My relationship with him was changing day by day. Of course she had her own mind. Because I couldn’t understand Byeokridan’s feelings.

How will you feel the next time you meet again?

Just thinking about it made my heart flutter a little.

She said to Byeokridan.

“Thank you for this. really.”

I meant it. If it weren’t for him, he would have had to live with the scars for the rest of his life.


“I have to keep what I promised before.”


“I told you I would teach you better martial arts.”

“Did you really mean it?”

“Surely you took it as a joke?”

When Song Hwa-rin nodded, Byeokridan asked with a surprised face.

“And yet you decided to throw away your martial arts skills? why?”

“I told you to trust me?”

There was silence for a moment.

“ha ha ha.”

I laughed out loud.

Because I really made that decision without any plan, just trusting myself.

“Come on, let’s go out.”

I took her with me and stood face to face in the empty training ground.

The martial art to be taught was Jinhua Swordsmanship. She was a German martial artist of Gosan-nang-ja (孤山華娘子), a famous female master of the pre-war period.

Evolutionary swordsmanship was an advanced swordsmanship that could not be compared to the swordsmanship she learned from Hoyeonnam.

I first taught her how to practice meditation.

He taught me how to use the mind method over and over again.

Next, herbivorous diet was taught.

Only the key points were extracted and transmitted as quickly and accurately as possible.

Even so, it took all day.

I did my best, and she also did her best to learn.

Eventually, when night fell, the martial arts training ended.

I smiled and told her.

“If you master this martial arts skill, you won’t go anywhere and get beaten up.”

Although it was said as a joke, Song Hwa-rin will be able to see how excellent this swordsmanship is. She already looked excited. There is tension and joy that comes from rising martial arts.

“I’ll come and see you again next time. “You can just practice as you learned until then.”

She didn’t ask how she knew this martial art. If she had to ask this, there would have been too many things to ask before that.

“I will work hard.”

I added it with the hope that it would help her in her training.

“A person who uses martial arts must be free. When you are not tied down, you can be free. But don’t forget. People who freely use martial arts are people who have practiced the same basic techniques over and over again, thousands or tens of thousands of times. Only such a person is true

“You can get something.”

This is not a story that only applies to martial arts.

That’s what freedom is.

Only freedom with patience is true freedom.

Song Hwa-rin nodded with sparkling eyes. She’s smart, so she knows what I mean.

“I will be back.”

“When we meet again, you will be stronger.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

As I was about to turn around, Song Hwa-rin did something unexpected.

She held out her hand for a handshake.

Her outstretched hand trembled. It occurred to her that this might be the first time she had extended her hand to her man to express her gratitude.

I held her hand. Not painful, but tight.

It was my first handshake with her.

* * *

I returned straight to Wuhan.

On my way back, I brought with me the old iron that had been buried near the cave. There were no craftsmen in Shandong who could handle it anyway.

I took a thousand years of iron and brought it to Seonhakbong’s secret place. It was a safer place than any battlefield in the central plains.

Only then did they return to the guest room where Gwangdu and Gong Su-chan were staying.


Gwangdu came running from far away and hugged me as if pounced on me. This time, instead of avoiding him, he obediently hugged him. Because I really wanted to see Gwangdu too.

“I missed you!”

“Hey! “Someone would think it was a reunion of families who had been separated for decades.”

“Think of it that way. “I was very worried when I heard that there was an uproar in Shandong.”

How terrible must it have been? Gwangdu’s specialty was not being able to sleep because he was worried about me.


Gwangdu asked carefully, and I nodded with a meaningful expression.

“oh my god!”

Gwangdu was very surprised when he found out that it was related to me.

“Don’t worry. Because it was resolved well.”

“young master?”


“Aren’t you scared? “I feel like my heart would explode if I had to deal with those guys.”

“I’m scared. But isn’t there someone who would die for me?”

Gwangdu, startled, took a step back.

“You must not forget that the sword holder is still weak. “It will take another hundred years to become stronger!”

“ha ha ha.”

Afterwards, Gong Soo-chan walked over and said hello.

“Did you have a good trip?”

“Thanks to you, I had a good trip.”

“You look nice.”

Maybe it was me, but it wasn’t Gong Su-chan. His face looked a little gaunt because he was busy working.

“Take a break while you work.”

“I am eating well, sleeping well and working.”

“It’s an order.”

“yes! “Of course.”

Gong Soo-chan said with a slightly nervous expression.

“Bye Gongja, there is a place you want to go with me.”

He seemed slightly excited, unlike usual.

I followed him out without a word.

martial arts,

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