Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 79

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Don’t look back (3)

Hoyeonnam, standing alone in the field, was in a state of great shock.

First of all, I was greatly shocked by Song Hwarin.

It wasn’t because I was rubbing against her. Afterwards, it was because of her words.

‘I met a master who couldn’t overcome his lust when I was 20. ‘I will mark it that way in my life.’

Those words became a dagger and pierced my heart.

When she finished speaking and turned around smiling, I felt like my heart was breaking. She felt so insignificant.

I felt a murderous desire to rush in and kill both Song Hwarin and Byeokridan. The desire to kill Byeokridan and rape Song Hwarin on the spot soared.

‘How much did I like myself?’

The reason he let me go without making it his that day was because I loved him.

At that moment, a sound rang out. It was the sound of Byeokridan.

-Yeomhwa told me to tell it to you. Get out of Shandong immediately.

For a moment, Hoyeonnam felt like his mind was empty.


While I was standing there in a daze, Byeokridan and Song Hwarin left.

Belatedly, Hoyeonnam’s face distorted like a demon.

“You damn bastard!”

Only then did it dawn on me that this was all planned by Butcher Yeomhwa.

“I see, that’s right.”

Otherwise, there was no way Song Hwa-rin would suddenly ask to meet him and treat him with such disdain. Her butcher, Yeomhwa, was manipulating her behind her back.

“He did this to destroy me!”

At the same time, self-rationalization occurred.

‘Yes, Hwarin can’t do this to me.’

Instead of rational judgment, fiery hatred consumed him.

Since he had received Yeomhwa’s message, there was no reason or situation for him to think differently.

Hoyeonnam’s eyes were filled with a dark murderous look.

“I will definitely kill this bastard.”

* * *

I returned home.

I don’t know what result my one word will produce.

If he judges correctly, it will be nothing but nonsense, and if he harbors evil intentions, it will eventually become a sword that harms himself.

Three days ago, after tailing Hoyeonnam who had gone to Giru, I immediately sent a letter to Yang Sobang and asked him to send a messenger here.

Upon arrival, Sejak was entrusted with the task of watching over Hoyeonnam and Yeomhwa.

Now all I have to do is wait for the results.

On the way to my room, I met my mother and Baekpyo’s wife, Jeongyoung.

The two people were talking friendly as if they were real sisters.

“Mother, mistress.”

I greeted them both politely.

Jeong Young’s expression was brighter than when he first arrived. She no longer looked stiff and nervous.

“What is your name?”

“I’m studying writing. “My wife put me in a school with a good writing teacher.”

Jeongyoung smiled brightly and answered.

“Don’t call me wife, call me sister.”

“… … yes.”

Jeongyoung lowered his head.

Given my mother’s personality, I thought that we would become sisters sooner or later. Her mother seems to have liked her quietness and calmness.

At times like this, I respect my mother again. She asked me to take good care of her, but the behavior her mother was showing now wasn’t just about complying with my request.

He is acting out of sincere love for Jeong Young’s hat. I could clearly see that this came from a deep affection for humans.

This wasn’t a problem that could be attributed to age. Because in my last life, even at the age of seventy, I could not treat people with such a warm heart.

“If you need anything, please let me know.”

When I told Jeong-young, my mother quietly spoke on her behalf.

“I need a daughter-in-law.”

I pretended I didn’t hear and quickly got out of there.

I heard two people laughing behind me. The conversation will begin to bloom with my wedding story.

* * *

Three days later, I received the news I had been waiting for.

It was news of negotiations between Hoyeonnam and Yeomhwa. Yeonhwa refused to negotiate with them, an offer the Hoyeonse side repeated several times.

It is said that in the midst of such difficult negotiations, Hoyeonnam suddenly drew his sword and attacked Yeomhwa, turning the negotiation hall into chaos.

In the end, it is said that Ho Yeon-nam died on the spot and Yeom-hwa was seriously injured after being stabbed with a sword.

Although he was as skilled as Yeomhwa and even made a surprise attack, Hoyeonnam died. It meant that he had already lost his composure.

If he had regretted trying to rape his young female disciple, he would have returned to Sega on the day of the meeting with Song Hwa-rin. If she had, she wouldn’t have lost her life like this.

But he couldn’t control his anger. He ended his life as a terrible human being.

After hearing the news, I immediately put on a bast mask and went to Shandong Night Market.

They, too, must have heard that the negotiations had collapsed and the situation had turned into a bloodbath, and they were in the midst of holding a countermeasures meeting.

When I said I had come out of Cheondo Gate, the men guarding the gate guided me to Yacheon.

Yacheon asked cautiously.

“I heard you came from Cheondumun.”


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In the audience hall, about a dozen men stood nervously. I knew full well that they had secret weapons hidden up their sleeves.

If you are a martial arts expert at my level, the problem is not knowing and being attacked, but memorizing what you already know is not memorization.

I blatantly showed my intent to live.

“How dare you play a trick against us?”

When I began to pray in earnest, the momentum was tremendous. People with weak liver biliary tract would urinate on the spot.

“What do you mean?”

“You dare invite the Hoyeon family to attack us?”

“You misunderstand! “I just wanted arbitration.”

“Stop that bullshit! Yeomdaehyeop was seriously injured in a sudden surprise attack by an old bastard from the Hoyeon family. “Weren’t you the ones who brought them in?”

“I never imagined something like that would happen.”

“joy! “You call that an excuse?”

As I snorted, Yacheon asked urgently.

“What do you want from me?”

“You will have to take responsibility with your life. “I will kill every single one of you.”

There was a cold chill in the room.

Yacheon and the men looked at each other and pondered.

I have no idea what to do with this situation.

At that time, Gucheol, who was impatient, made the first move.

“pup! “f*ck you!”


With an ear-splitting explosion, a memorization was released from the memorization container that Gucheol was holding.


I lightly swung my sword and deflected it. Instead, Gucheol collapsed due to the relapse in memorization.

Pwaaang! Pwaaang! Puan!

Memorized words were released in succession.

window! window! Chaang!

However, I swung my sword and deflected the memorization, and the men who had thrown the memorization turned over and fell. In the eyes of those watching, it seemed like a memorization shot at them.


The remaining men threw away their memory cylinders, held their heads in their hands, and ran away.

They let them run away. Because it had to be rumored that this was something that happened at Cheondomun Gate.

I took out my sword and walked toward Yacheon with great strides.

Yacheon fell down on the spot and shouted.

“Please save me!”

I raised my sword into the air.

“I will give you all the money you agreed to give to the Hoyeon family.”

The sword that was slashing stopped above his head.

“It should have come out like that a long time ago.”

He heaved a sigh of relief at my words.

“Please follow me.”

He took me to his room. When I operated the hidden device, the bookshelf opened.

“Please go.”

“If you do anything in vain, know that you will die on the spot.”

“I am a guy whose life is most important to me. “No such thing!”

Yacheon took me down to the basement.

There was a secret warehouse there.

“You must never move from here. “If you make a mistake, poisonous smoke comes out.”

Just when he was manipulating something to open the safe door.


Suddenly the bars came down around me.

The wire mesh between the bars was so tight that not even a dagger could hit it. I could tell at a glance. This is made from iron that lasts for 10,000 years.

As expected, Yacheon was relaxed as if he had become a different person.

“You idiot! How dare you crawl in alone and ask where I am? Do I look that funny? okay?”

After yelling at me, he actually opened the safe.

You had to put a unique number on it, one device under your feet, and another device on the wall. The safe had to be pressed correctly, double or triple in the correct order to open the safe.

The safe was filled with vouchers, gold labels, and various documents.

The guy grumbled as he brought in a large leather bag that had been prepared in advance.

“shit! “In the end, you have to jump out.”

It seemed like he was very sad about giving up Shandong Night Shopping.

“If you stay stuck for a few years, you will start to get used to it.”

While taking the slip, he looked back at me.

“Do you know how I got this money? One day a pregnant woman came looking for her husband. I haven’t heard from him since he was brought to me because he couldn’t repay the money. He begged me to release him because he was going to be the child’s father. so

What do you think happened? They locked the children up until they were born, then sold them as babies, and sold the woman to her brothel. husband? My husband has been dead for a long time and has become dog food. “You bastard, this is the money I earned.”

“Even hell would be too much for you.”

I was maintaining a calm demeanor.

“You idiot! “Don’t pretend to be a strong person until the end!”

I slowly pulled out the Sura Myeongwang Sword.

Easy profit.


As expected, even the sharp blade of the Sura Myeongwanggeom did not cut the bars.

The guy laughed and shouted loudly.

“개새끼야, 그거 만년한철이야!”

I injected internal power into the Sura Myeongwang Sword.


The Suramyeonggeom, which had accepted my internal power for the first time in a long time, cried once for a long time.

When the sword cried, Yacheon was startled.

Blue-black steel began to form on my sword. It felt like blue waves rippling. It was truly the first time in a long time that I unleashed my sword power from the Sura Myeongwanggeom.


I started chopping the steel with a sword.

“You idiot! It won’t be cut with a sword! If it gets cut off that easily, it will last 10,000 years… … .”

Yacheon was speechless and his eyes were shaking.

“uh? uh? uh?”

Slurp, slurp.

As I continued to cut it repeatedly, the iron bars began to break away.

“Holy shit!”

Yacheon hurriedly ran over and started manipulating something.


Iron plates came down around the iron bars, blocking all directions.

Chiik, puhahahaha.

Immediately, poisonous smoke began to rise from the floor inside the grate.

“Kkkkkkk! If it had stayed, I would have killed it gracefully. The poison is Shinsanjeolmyeong poison (辛酸絶命毒). “It’s a poison that causes you to die while feeling the pain of cutting off the blood vessels in your entire body.”

The inside of the iron bars was covered with poisonous smoke.

The next moment, Yacheon opened his eyes wide.


The iron plate cracked and the blade of the sword stuck out.

I was looking at it thinking it might be my last struggle.

Suddenly the sword moved and started cutting through the bars.

Slurp, slurp!

Smoke flowed out between the blades.

In a room filled with smoke, the Sura Myeongwanggeom was sawing. Since no people were visible and only the sword was sticking out and moving, it looked even scarier and more bizarre.

“Huh? “Uh huh?”

Yacheon felt as if she was dreaming. Are you cutting a thousand years in a poisonous smoke? Things that should not have happened were happening one after another.


As he was about to run away, he quickly started taking money.

“Ship! What are you? Are you a ghost? okay? Shit!”

While swearing, he quickly picked up the money and put it away. Even if I gave up everything else, I couldn’t give up this money.

At that time, a sound came from behind me.


I heard the sound of metal falling on the floor.

Yacheon looked back and opened her eyes.

He was so scared that he hit his butt on the spot.

Of course you can’t help but be scared.

The steel plate and iron plate were cut off, and I walked out in a cloud of loneliness.

Yacheon looked up at me as if she was seeing a ghost and trembled.

“It was a joke. It wasn’t poisonous acting, it was just acting. Please forgive me.”

I smiled and then blew air. The poisonous smoke that had been in his mouth spewed out onto his face.

“I like pranks too.”

Yacheon, who drank the poisonous smoke without even thinking about it, let out a painful scream.

“no! “Aaaah!”

He rolled around on the floor, tearing his whole body. Even while he was writhing in excruciating pain, he would not be able to understand.

Why didn’t I die? How did this happen?

After experiencing the pain of having all the blood vessels in his body cut off, Yacheon closed his eyes and died.

My gaze towards his corpse was cold.

“Just like you did to me earlier, state your past sins well in front of King Yeom.”

He took all the remaining slips. They were all small bills. It was a fortune he had accumulated throughout his life. At first glance, the amount was hundreds of thousands of nyang.

Because of this money, many people would have suffered and many would have died. I prayed for their souls to rest in peace.

“Now this money will be used to save good people. So, let’s forget the resentment and hope to be born in a better place.”

Not only the slip but also everything that was there was swept away. Documents, boxes, gold gluing, I just put it all together.

I cut it using a sword so that it could be moved. It was quite heavy, but since most of it was made of wire mesh, I was able to move it with my strength.

The documents stored separately to one side were IOUs received for lending money.

When I looked at the contents, it was a ridiculous contract that required repayment of several times the principal amount after a year.

I burned them all.

After today, he will be known as dead, and there will be no need to repay the money, as all contracts are gone. People who suffered because they borrowed money from this guy will be free from debt hell starting tomorrow.

I got out of there carrying a large leather bag and Hancheol.

As of today, Shandong Yasang has disappeared from Jianghu.

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