Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 78

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Don’t look back (2)

Yacheon was a worn-out man.

Yacheon, who had experienced all kinds of human situations, immediately recognized from his first meeting with Hoyeonnam that he was a person who valued reputation and liked receiving praise.

“If the Daehyup steps forward, we can turn butchers into butcher’s meat.”

“You won’t know unless you try.”

Hoyeonnam hated people like Yacheon. He may pretend to be mysterious because he is a merchant of the night, but in the end, he is a piece of trash who made a fortune by taking advantage of King Yeom’s money.

However, as soon as Yacheon came to see him, he fell down flat on his face and painted his face with gold, saying that he really respected him, and without realizing it, he felt a little generous.

“Isn’t the opponent Cheondomun? “If Daehyeop accomplishes this task, the reputation of the entire central government will be enhanced.”

Hoyeonnam nodded slightly. Especially after Ma Bong-gi became the leader, the power of Cheon Do-mun was sky-high.

At a time when everyone is watching, if you confront them and achieve good results, it is an opportunity to build a great reputation. That was the reason why I wanted to get rid of Butcher Chulhwa.

At that time, Yacheon quietly held out to one side the leather bag he had prepared.

“I heard that you brought many disciples down with you. “Let’s have a drink together.”

It wasn’t enough money to buy a drink. Because I put in as much as 10,000 cats.

“Why do such a useless thing!”

Hoyeonnam got angry, but he didn’t give the bag back.

Yacheon quickly bowed his head and said.

“It’s just a small courtesy, so please don’t embarrass me.”


Hoyeonnam cleared his throat loudly.

Yacheon quickly changed the topic. He was skilled at observing the atmosphere and dealing with people.

“But I heard that Cheon Do-mun is committing all kinds of evil deeds in the central plains with the power of the leader on his back.”

Yacheon looked at Hoyeonnam’s reaction while praying about Cheondomun. I gave you money, so now I have to make you pay for it.

“I heard it too.”

“In particular, I heard that the butcher Yeomhwa who came down this time is a very vicious person.”

At that moment, Ho Yeon-tak’s voice was heard outside.

“This is my disciple Tak. “Can I come in for a moment?”

“Come in.”

Ho Yeon Tak came inside. He guided Yacheon to this place and exchanged greetings with each other.

“I would like to tell you about how to handle this matter. “Master cannot be involved in every detail.”

“Oh, of course you should.”

Ho Yeon-tak glanced at the master’s notice. Not only did he come into the room without prior permission, but coming forward and talking about this incident was something that could make his master angry.

However, he was worried that his master might promise to kill Yeomhwa, so he came forward like this.

Fortunately, Hoyeonnam kept his eyes closed and showed no reaction.

“If Master steps forward, things like fireworks will be nothing more than a ten-second point. “It’s not that difficult to rip off a guy’s head.”

“I believe that too.”

“But this is something that requires some caution. After all, there is a Murim lord behind Yeomhwa. So I plan to meet with them and negotiate. “We’ll have to find out how much they want it.”

“Of course you should.”

Up until this point, Yacheon had also expected it. There was no way the Hoyeon family and Cheon Do-mun would fight in a life-or-death battle because of him. He hoped that a proper intervention would be made on his behalf.

The problem was Hoyeontak’s next words.

“For that, we need the help of the Nocturnal Lord.”

“Of course, if there is something I can help with, I should actively help.”

“They will ask for money. “It would be a good idea to prepare in advance.”

Yacheon was inwardly angry.

‘You’re telling me to pay more for these things!’

The money to give to the Hoyeon family is as much as 200,000 nyang.

Whether it’s negotiating with the butcher or fighting with him, shouldn’t you be able to resolve the matter with those 200,000 nyang? If money had to be paid separately, why did they bother to bring in the Hoyeon family?

‘Things shouldn’t work out like this.’

Yacheon sighed and opened his mouth.

“However, I am having financial difficulties due to the large expenses incurred due to this incident.”

“I think you should speak directly to your family about that matter.”

Yacheon bit his lip slightly.

‘Have you seen these shameless people?’

This is what powerful organizations do. I am the person in charge of practical work, so talk to the higher-ups. When I talk to them, talk to the working staff. I turn people around. The guy who eventually gets tired and makes you give up


After that, the story progressed further.

Yacheon tried to placate him somehow, but it didn’t work for Hoyeontak. In the first place, they refused, saying they were only following orders, so there was nothing they could do. Hoyeonnam closed his eyes and pretended not to hear anything.

In the end, Yacheon gritted his teeth and left.

It would have been okay if he didn’t give the Hoyeon family the 200,000 nyang he had agreed to give, but that wasn’t an easy choice either.

Not only was it a matter of creating one more enemy besides Cheon Do-mun, but there was also the position of Gangseo Ya-sang, who played the role of a hawk.

‘Should I pack up all my money and hide?’

If that happens, you will have to give up the bonanza of Shandong Nightlife and live a life of being chased for the rest of your life.

After Yacheon left, Ho Yeon-nam took the leather bag and went outside.

“Where are you going? “I will take care of you.”

“done. “You don’t have to follow.”

Hoyeonnam suddenly disappeared into the darkness carrying a leather bag.

I followed Hoyeonnam. I heard their entire conversation earlier.

Because Hoyeonnam’s martial arts skills were excellent, he could not get very close, but thanks to his hearing becoming very sensitive after the Im Dok Yangmaek attack, he was able to overhear their entire conversation from an appropriate place.


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I was curious about where he went with the money at night, but surprisingly, the place Hoyeonnam went into was Giru.

A famous expert from a prestigious family called Hoyeonsega goes to Giru alone? It was truly unexpected.

He called all the best courtesans. He started playing hard with the intention of spending all his 10,000 nyang.

After another inspection. I was standing in front of Giru’s room, hiding my presence.

Ho Yeon-nam was sharing fortune-telling with a courtesan in his room.

“Gasp… … Master, Master! Please, please do more! “More, more.”

It seemed like he had asked the courtesan to say something like that.

My heart sank coldly as I listened.

* * *

Three days later, I was standing in the field with Song Hwa-rin.

Hoyeonnam was called here. Song Hwa-rin personally wrote a letter and sent it, so he will probably come here.

After seeing the true face of the bastard at Giru, I no longer put off doing this.

I watched Song Hwa-rin’s training for the past three days. I thought this was enough, so I sent the letter straight away.

The main reason I got involved in this matter in the first place was because of her. A particularly important task is to heal the deep wounds left in her heart.

A person was walking from afar. It was Hoyeonnam.

Song Hwa-rin became nervous when she saw him. No matter how hard he tries not to be nervous, he can’t help but feel nervous. Anyway, he is someone I have served as my master for five years.

“Are you ready?”

She answered my question.

“I’m not sure yet. But at least I’ve had enough practice with the destruction method I’ll be using in Bimu.”

While they were talking, Hoyeonnam was getting closer and closer.

Song Hwarin spoke to herself as if reciting a spell.

“Let’s not think of him as a master. That person is just the opponent I have to fight today. “I am not a master.”

I gave her one last piece of advice as she braced herself.

“I don’t think there’s any need to deny that he’s not your master.”


“Accept it as is. That person is your master. He was a poor man who felt lust for his student. Even he was an ugly guy who tried to cause an accident under the influence of alcohol. “Nothing more, nothing less, that’s exactly what your master is.”

There was a reason why I said this. If a person rejects something too consciously, the body may react in opposition. The natural movement of the body cannot be achieved due to the refusal to be master.

That is. I decided that it would be better to accept it naturally.

“Your master is just a pitiful old man.”

With those words, I took a step back.

From now on, it’s her fight.

Song Hwa-rin’s gaze turned to Ho Yeon-nam again.

When she first saw her master again, she didn’t show it, but she felt so scared that her whole body stiffened. As she remembered that day, her whole body started shaking again.

I’m so nervous… … Don’t deny him?

She looked back at Byeokridan.

Byeokridan nodded once, as if he knew her concerns.

Song Hwarin accepted the advice given by Byeokridan.

‘Yes, that person is my master. Yes, damn it! ‘My master.’

Hoyeonnam walked about ten steps away.

Song Hwa-rin took a deep breath and took a step forward.


“How are you?”


Hoyeonnam’s eyes turned to Byeokridan standing behind her.

I heard through Ho Yeon Tak that he was with someone who made a covenant in the womb. So I knew it the moment I saw it. That the man is the covenant bearer. I was excited because I thought Song Hwa-rin would come out alone, but her mood suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Unfavorable glances flew in, but Byeokridan showed no reaction. I intend to thoroughly leave this matter to Song Hwarin.

“Why did you ask to see me?”

Although he spoke calmly, Hoyeonnam’s eyes were trembling. On the other hand, Song Hwarin was calm.

“It’s because I want to dance.”

Hoyeonnam was surprised by the unexpected words.


“yes. I want to practice martial arts using the martial arts that my master taught me. “Master and I, with our martial arts skills.”

Ho Yeon-nam looked like he couldn’t understand, but Song Hwa-rin didn’t tell him why.

Hoyeonnam, who stared at her for a moment, accepted the offer.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

“Thank you, Master.”

When Ho Yeon-nam pulled out his sword, Song Hwa-rin followed suit. She was as polite as possible as if nothing had happened between them.

“Then I will go.”

Song Hwa-rin started the attack by throwing her body forward.


Hoyeonnam blocked her attack with the martial arts he taught her.

Now that the dance had begun, her mind was confused. She was so nervous now that she didn’t know what she was doing.

But she was exactly herbivorous.

Now I could clearly understand what Byeokridan had said.

The saying that the body must remember, that the only thing to believe in today is the body that has practiced.

For the past three days, only these herbivores were repeated.

So, when the destruction law came into effect, I didn’t feel anything special.

Right now!

Herbivory just naturally continued without even thinking about it. It was Hoyeonnam’s scream that made him realize that his own move had penetrated the master’s defenses.


Hoyeonnam let out a scream and twisted his body to the left.

Of the two cases that Byeokridan informed us of, this was the latter. If you know that there is a critical weakness to herbivory.

Byeokridan said while teaching two cases.

“It’s even worse if you know there is a fatal flaw. “I taught it even though I knew it.”

Easy profit!

Her body rushed forward and she thrust her sword towards Hoyeonnam.

A more urgent and loud scream erupted than the scream Hoyeonnam had screamed earlier.


At the same time, her sword cut Hoyeonnam’s shoulder.


Blood spurted from my shoulder.

Song Hwa-rin withdrew her sword and stepped back. She realized that she had defeated her master. Of course, she would never have won if her master had used Hoenn Sega’s German martial arts, but at least she won with the martial arts she had learned.

Hoyeonnam was looking at her with a blank expression.

“How did this happen?”

Song Hwa-rin said calmly.

“I will give back the martial arts that my master taught me at the end of today. “I will never use this martial art again.”


“I won’t try to forget what happened that day. At the age of 20, I met a master who could not overcome his lust. “I will mark it that way in my life.”

Hoyeonnam’s face was distorted grimly.

I wouldn’t have felt so bad if I had cursed and complained.

Song Hwa-rin bowed politely and turned around. At that moment, she felt like something that had been sitting on her chest for a long time was going down.

Byeokridan was standing behind him, smiling.

“Good job.”

She looked like she was going to fly away at my one word. She fought her own battle well. This fight today will make her grow and become stronger.

“let’s go.”

She nodded and walked with me.

Hoyeonnam’s shout was heard from behind.


It was a shout that could not overcome his own anger.

Feeling the threat of being attacked from behind at any moment, she suddenly stopped.

I told her.

“Don’t look back. As you live from now on, don’t look back on things that aren’t worth looking back on. “It’s a difficult world to live in just looking ahead.”

I took the first step, and she followed with a smile.

I left there with her.

Is this the end?

Of course not. This is her revenge.

My punishment begins now.

And it already started a little while ago.

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