Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 77

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Don’t look back (1)

“Danju, we are here.”

Two men entered the Pungju branch. They were warriors of the Menghoudan, the big man with a good-looking appearance was Yang Cheong, and the young-looking Honam-type one was Myeongdo. They were loyal warriors who followed the white mark exceptionally well. Literally a hundred

They were people who could be said to be the hands and feet of the ticket.

They were the ones who tried to stop Baekpyo the most when he left, and they managed to coax him out of running around saying they would quit together.

Baekpyo looked at them and said as if scolding them.

“What do you mean Danju? “What are you going to do if Danju Lim hears this?”

Im Danju is the new Maengho Danju and refers to Lim Jung-tae (林衆泰), the former Bdanju.

Then Yang Cheng smiled and said.

“I only talk about Danju Lim, who I will also meet. “I said that I wanted to see Danju, and that I would quit just because I was given the Danju position.”

Myeongdo nodded and helped Yang Cheong say that what he said was true.

Baekpyo chuckled.

“That person too.”

During the time of the Menghou Danju, Baekpyo was a respected Danju among the Menghoudan warriors. Naturally, he did not have a bad relationship with Lim Jung-tae, the head of the division.

Not only Baekpyo himself, but also the warriors of the Meng Tiger Corps had an unusually deep bond. As expected, the mission of guarding the Lord was truly difficult.

At first glance, it might seem like just casually guarding a door while chatting, but the job of an escort was very difficult and difficult. In particular, thinking that the leader’s life depended on them, their mental strength was several times greater than that of ordinary warriors.

Baekpyo said with a smile.

“It’s hard there, but when you get out, tell them it’s hell. Just tell them to work hard because hard work is also good luck.”

“Haha, I’m sure he’ll stop by soon. “Please tell me directly.”

“Tell them it’s okay to come slowly.”

Since coming once right after the business opened, Lim Jung-tae has been unable to make time for work.

But Baekpyo was not upset at all. Because he knew better than anyone else how busy and difficult Meng Hao Danzhu was. He was grateful that he came once in the first place.

The two brought their own alcohol and drank it.

After a while, Baekpyo cooked snacks and brought them to them, and the two people spoke with unusually serious expressions.

“Danju, I have something to tell you for a moment.”

Baekpyo sat in front of them, feeling nervous.

“What’s going on?”

“We are both thinking of quitting.”

I could tell it wasn’t a joke.


“It’s just hard work.”

That’s probably not the real reason. Because work has been difficult ever since I first came here.

“It’s not worth it.”

This was the real reason.

Guard warriors were people who worked solely out of a sense of duty.

The pride that I am protecting this person. Because of that, I was able to work without sleeping at night, even with low wages.

However, they were unable to find something worthy of it in Ma Bong-gi.

They were taught to forget even if they saw it and to forget it even if they heard it. But how could these people have no eyes and ears? Ma Bong-gi does not like Ma Bong-gi, and he has even heard rumors that the Cheon Do-mun faction is causing trouble throughout the central plains.

It was happening.

Why on earth do we have to protect people like this?

After suffering from such skepticism, I eventually made up my mind.

Since the two are particularly close to Baekpyo, they are the first to come and convey their decision.

“Are there any measures to come out?”

When Baekpyo asked, Yang Cheong smiled and said.

“Can’t we at least do a point-and-shoot here?”

Of course it was a joke.

Myeongdo also joined in on the prank.

“I will wash dishes in the kitchen.”

The two people looked at each other and laughed.

But Baekpyo did not laugh.

When Baekpyo looked at them seriously, the two also stopped laughing.

Baekpyo spoke softly with meaningful eyes.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

The two people looked at each other in surprise. I could see that what Baekpyo wanted to do was not a bar job. Because there was no need for the three of us to work in this small space. No, regardless of size, they are not people who would ask themselves to do something like this.

Because it was.

They didn’t ask what Baekpyo wanted to do.

Yang Cheng said without hesitation.

“I’ll do it.”

Myeongdo spoke next.

“Just order it.”

Their eyes were still full of loyalty.

Baekpyo said with a smile.

“This will be my last time as a guest… … “Drink as much as you want and have fun today.”

* * *

There are times when I think that the only warrior in heaven is a warrior.

This is what I think of when evaluating a woman, and if I think about when a woman looks most beautiful, it is now.

Easy profit.


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Song Hwa-rin’s sword flew toward my heart.

Of course, I am by no means a pervert who thinks the most beautiful thing is when a woman tries to take my life.

What I mean is, I feel more beautiful when a woman performs martial arts.

What if it were Song Hwarin?

Straight legs, slim waist, and bulging breasts. From that fantastic body to the beautiful face.

No matter how tempting the Empress of Delight may be with her sensual naked body, it cannot compare to the way she is now clenching her teeth and stabbing with her sword in sweat.

I shouted after dodging the flying sword.

“One more time, again!”

Song Hwarin began to display his sword skills again. The herbalism she was practicing now was exactly the destruction method I had discovered.

His master will be dealt with using this method of destruction.




The same herbivorous diet was repeated dozens of times.

“I will be very nervous when I go into practice. Tension leads to mistakes. “The only way to stop it is practice.”

The only way is to repeat it until you get used to it. The human mind is very sensitive, and you never know what it will react to at that moment.

You may be caught by an unexpected provocation thrown by the other person, or you may be distracted by an unexpected thought.

But your body just needs to remember.

All you have to do is ignore your mind and let your body react. Even if your thoughts are deadly, you can survive as long as your body reacts.

I lectured her harshly.

I might be there to compete with Master, but this wasn’t my job. It was something she had to deal with.

As herbivory got used to it, I taught her one more thing.

“Perhaps even if your master attacks and destroys Chosik, he will probably dodge it.”

“Avoiding it?”

I nodded at her surprise.

“So we have to end it with continuous attacks.”

It was impossible to know whether Hoyeonnam knew that the herbivorous diet he taught had a fatal flaw. But if he has that level of skill, he will definitely be able to avoid it.

“You only need to prepare for two reactions and practice!”

If he knew and if he didn’t. I could predict how he would react.

Training with her continued late into the night.

By midnight she was completely out. This would be the first time she had trained so hard.

I sat next to her as she lay on the floor, panting.

“Good job.”

At my words, she looked up at the night sky and said.

“Somehow it feels different from the training I’ve done so far.”

“Because your training so far has been in line with the mold.”

“frame? What frame?”

She got up. Although she was full of fatigue, her eyes were extremely clear. When a person was too tired, it was a state where their mind became clearer.

“It’s the frame your master made. If you practice up to this point, your body and mind will be satisfied. If it goes beyond that, it becomes difficult. “Do you know what else it is called?”




“I got a new feeling because I surpassed that limit today. We often say that we must overcome our limits, but we don’t really know our own limits. “I think vaguely, I guess I should try harder.”

She nodded at what I said. Because that’s exactly what she thought.

“But the limit is not external. “It doesn’t mean there’s a line or line that you have to cross somewhere.”

“Then where is it?”

“On your own. Your usual actions, habits, and thoughts. That in itself is a limitation. Breaking limitations doesn’t just mean putting in more effort; it means that the person itself must change. “Everything has to change: actions and thoughts.”


She thought for a moment.

I gave her plenty of time to gather her thoughts. This is the most important moment for Kang Ho-in.

Sometimes this moment can become a moment of inspiration that can completely change a person’s life.

Eventually she turned to me and said.

“I don’t know for sure, but I think I know a little bit.”

“That’s enough. I had a hard time today. “It was great.”

She was drenched in sweat and had a proud expression on her face.

“I continue to practice the herbalism I learned today whenever I have time. “You will meet Master in a few days.”

“thank you.”

“Thank you.”

I finally added as I stood up.

“Never forget. What you will believe that day is not me or your mind. “It is only your body that remembers the training you have done.”

* * *

I went straight into Shandong Night Market that way.

Now that my strength was almost at this level, there was no one among those guarding the field who could notice my movements.

I had a feeling that my relationship with Yasang would not end easily, but now I am entangled again.

Two people were having a conversation in the office of Yacheon, the head of the Yasang.

They were Yacheon and his right-hand man, Gucheol. It was the same Gucheol who killed Shigon of Cheondomun a while ago.

“Could it be that you don’t come because you don’t know the way? “There is no doubt that the damned bastard is ignoring us because he is the leader of the Central Plains.”

Hoyeonnam came down to ask for help from the Hoyeon family in the night. However, even after Hoyeonnam arrived in Shandong, he did not come looking for them.

“Does not matter. “Have you experienced the condescending behavior of old members of the prestigious political faction once or twice?”

“But aren’t things different this time? “The opponent is Yeomhwa, the Butcher of Cheondomun.”


There was concern in Yacheon’s moans.

“I’m worried that they may have other intentions.”

“You mean something else?”

“What I’m saying is that they’re just trying to steal the money by making a fuss. “Didn’t you agree to give me as much as 200,000 nyang in return for handling this matter?”

This was the amount requested by the Hoyeon family. They would never get involved in this matter unless it was for this amount.

That wasn’t all. He had to give 50,000 nyang separately to Gangseo Yasang, who had connected the line with Hoyeon Segawa. The Hoyeon family was based in Gangseo and had some kind of relationship with the Gangseo Yasang. Gangseo Yasang played the role of a kind of hawk.

will be.

So the money to be spent is about 250,000 nyang.

I couldn’t even calculate how long it would take to earn that money.

‘But it’s still better than losing your life.’

In this situation, Hoyeonnam, who is said to be from the Hoyeon family, does not even see Kobaegi when he arrives in Shandong.

“We should have solved it ourselves.”

At Gucheol’s words, Yacheon shook his head loudly.

“Your memorization will not work for a master like Yeomhwa!”

“If they all attack at once… … .”

“It will all come together at once. “Where is the Butcher now?”

“I am staying at Myeongsujang with people called Cheondo Ou.”

“Are you monitoring well?”

“We are conducting double and triple surveillance. “But I have a question.”


“Why is that butcher locked up in the graveyard? “If they’re targeting us, why don’t they come here right now?”

Yacheon narrowed his eyes and said.

“Because he didn’t come to assassinate me.”


“You came to take revenge on me. The intention is to inform this fact not only in Shandong but also throughout the central plains. Butcher Yeomhwa has come to destroy Shandong Yasang, so take a close look. They’re gathering spectators and setting up the stage. In the end, in front of everyone

“They are going to execute each dog.”

Gucheol frowned at Yacheon’s words.

“We didn’t kill that demon essence beast, did we? “I will go and explain.”

“Will they believe you? It’s already late.”

When Si-gon of Cheondo-mun was killed, things had already gone astray.

“I will take responsibility and destroy him.”

“Stop talking nonsense and get ready to go out.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to meet Hoyeonnam. “If you won’t come, we’ll have to go see you.”

The only thing I could trust now was Hoyeonse. He needs to get out of his own way and somehow make this fight into a fight between Hoenn Segawa and Cheondomun.

“What is the reason for the mumbling? “I guess they’re asking me to take care of it separately.”

Yacheon manipulated several books in order on the bookshelf behind him. Then the bookshelf opened, revealing a secret door.

I made Gucheol wait outside and Yacheon went inside.

After a while, Yacheon came out from there again.

In his hand was a thick leather bag. He said, patting his leather bag.

“pup! “We may ignore it and hate it, but we won’t hate this, right?”

The two people left the room.

After a while, a carriage secretly left for the night.

I was watching it from the wall of the building. The window next to me was the window of the room where Yacheon had the conversation.

I overheard their entire conversation and saw Yacheon go inside through a secret door and take out money.

There is a safe or secret warehouse inside. The fact that he went into that place in front of Gucheol means that there is a device in place that can never be opened except in the open air.

I looked at the empty room for a moment and then turned my head.

What I need to care about now is not money, but their movements.

Money should not be the goal. As always, money should be a trophy that naturally follows when you achieve what you set out to do.

I launched myself towards the direction where the carriage disappeared.

The warrior standing guard glanced up at the sky.

I, who had flown across the sky of the training ground like a bird, had already disappeared from his sight.

martial arts,

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