Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 76

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At the end of the branch of fate (4)

It was almost noon when Song Hwa-rin woke up.

My head hurt like it was going to explode.

It was only after drinking several bowls of cold water and the honey water that Suran brought me that I finally came to my senses.

“Oh, how much did you drink?”

At that time, a voice was heard from the door.

“I drank until I died.”

When I turned around, Byeokridan was standing there. Suran, who had been guiding him, pretended to hit Byeokridan from behind and then disappeared.

“are you okay?”

“no. I feel like my head is going to explode. “I don’t remember anything about yesterday.”

“Then you don’t even remember biting me?”


Song Hwa-rin opened her eyes wide.

“Bite? I? you?”

Byeokridan nodded resolutely.


She was so shocked that her voice trembled. Biting someone? Did she ever think she would have injections like that?

“Tell me everything?”

When Byeokridan smiled in remorse, she shook her head.

“No, forget everything.”

After speaking, she chuckled. Her head felt like it was going to explode, and her stomach was upset, but she felt relieved. She was really relieved. She told him everything she had said that was in her heart. It was something she had never said to anyone before. I said it out of emotion.

There was a possibility that I might regret it, but I didn’t regret it.

Byeokridan asked cautiously.

“Are you going to see Master?”

“no. no.”

In response to her firm answer, Byeokridan spoke again.

“I think we should meet.”


“Otherwise you’ll never get away from it.”

“but… … .”

“I’ll go with you.”

Song Hwa-rin raised her head and looked at him quietly.

Byeokridan asked with clear and deep eyes.

“Do you think that old man is that great?”

Song Hwa-rin was silent for a long time. Her conclusion eventually came out.

“no. Master… … “He’s a terrible person.”

Since he has decided to rape his disciple, even if he does not actually carry out the act, he is a pathetic and poor person.

Not only beautiful flowers always bloom at the ends of the branches of a relationship. Sometimes even rotten fruit can survive.

Byeokridan looked at her and spoke calmly.

“Wounds that are not worth leaving should be shaken off when the opportunity arises.”

Song Hwarin, who was staring at Byeokridan, said.

“Can’t we do something else first?”


She said, clutching her stomach.

“Please, start with hangover. “I feel sick to my stomach.”

“ha ha ha.”

Byeokridan laughed out loud. Song Hwarin also laughed along. It was her biggest smile since the two met.

* * *

When Ho Yeon-tak returned to the old house, Master Ho Yeon-nam was cleaning his sword in the room.

He was in his late fifties and had gray hair under his ears. His overall appearance was angular, and stubbornness was evident all over his face. The eyes looking at the sword were quite empty, giving a vaguely dark feeling.


“Master, I’m back.”

“What happened?”

Hoyeonnam still had his eyes on the sword and only asked questions.

“Butcher Yeomhwa is currently staying at Myeongsujang (明秀壯). There are a total of five attendants who came down with him, and they are called Heavenly Swordsmen, whom he always carries with him. “It is known that their martial arts skills are formidable.”

Ho Yeon-tak looked a little worried. There are a total of fifteen disciples who came down with Master this time. Although they said they had a numerical superiority, there were still some disciples who lacked experience. On the other hand, the skills of Butcher and Cheondoou are already well-known.

I am in a state.

Even if Master took charge of Yanhua, they were not confident that they would be able to deal with Chen Daou.

“I think we need to get support in the field.”

The hand that was polishing the sword stopped nervously.

“Are you scared?”

Hoyeonnam’s cold question was full of disapproval.


Ho Yeon Tak answered quickly. When the teacher argued with me with a straight face like this, I was really scared.

“I meant to prepare for them to bring in other experts.”

“That can’t be possible. The butcher is not a person who borrows the power of others. “I know mine is the best.”

“The disciple didn’t even know that. “I’m sorry, Master.”


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Then, as the frost-like momentum disappeared, Hoyeonnam asked softly.

“Why do you think I volunteered for this?”


“A guy like Ma Bong-gi should not have become a leader. Someone like Cheon Dao-mun is trying to manipulate this powerhouse! “This is something that can never be forgiven.”

Ho Yeon-tak knew very well how much his master respected the leader of the squadron. He almost deified Cheonha Jin as a warrior.

However, after Cheon Ha-jin died and Ma Bong-gi became the leader, antipathy toward Cheon Do-mun reached its peak.

This time, when we asked for help in the field, everyone was reluctant to come forward, but Hoyeonnam volunteered.

“I will destroy the chlorine with my own hands.”

Ho Yeon Tak was surprised at those words.

The word of eliminating it should never have been said. The reason they originally came down here was to mediate between Cheondomun and Shandong Yasang.

The intention is to appease Yeomhwa and force him to resolve the issue with money. That was also the order of Hoyeonse, the head of the family.

How can you get rid of chlorine in such a situation? It was impossible.

The master was a man with great pride in his martial arts skills.

However, the reason I was so worried was because I knew that the master’s skills did not live up to his pride.

The reason Master liked Cheon Ha-jin so much was not because he liked Cheon Ha-jin as a person. He didn’t know much about Cheon Ha-jin.

The reason his master respected him was because he was ‘the best person in the world.’

What the master wanted so hard to obtain, but the only position in the powerhouse that he could not get anywhere near, and what the master liked, was ultimately that title.

Perhaps his master may have been vicariously satisfied with a person named Cheon Ha-jin throughout his life.

After Cheon Ha-jin died, Master became sharper and more sensitive. I wasn’t a bright person to begin with, but I became darker.

“Master, I am worried about my disciple. Of course, Master can eliminate the fire, but the people behind it are Tian Daomen. “I’m worried about whether I can handle it.”

Although the Hoyeon family is said to be one of the four most powerful families, it is difficult to deal with Cheon Do-mun, who produced the Murim lord.

Killing Yeomhwa would be a big problem.

“It’s nothing for you to worry about.”

When Master came out like this, I couldn’t talk any more.

“I’ll just leave.”

Ho Yeon-tak, who was about to leave, turned back and said.

“By the way, I happened to see Sister Hwarin.”

At that moment, Hoyeonnam was shocked and stopped cleaning his sword again.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I was with Byeok Gongja, with whom I made a covenant in the womb.”

For a moment, Hoyeonnam’s eyes seemed to become more intense, but then he began cleaning his sword as if nothing had happened.

Ho Yeon-tak felt that the surrounding air had become more stuffy for some reason, and he left quietly.

* * *

I bought hot soup and rice with Song Hwarin.

I could have eaten it at home, but I deliberately went out to eat at a nearby guesthouse.

After finishing all the soup, she looked happy with an expression that had everything in the world.

“Ah, I think I’ll buy something now.”

At the same time, I also felt relieved.

“It’s really good.”

In the days of Maengju, almost every drinking party brought out a drink as an internal force.

But these days, I often get drunk. With Gwangdu, with Baekpyo, and even when drinking with her.

“So you carried me back?”


A slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

“You drank a lot too, right? “It must have been difficult.”

“Maybe it’s because I was nervous and drank, but I wasn’t very drunk.”

“Why were you nervous?”

“Since you were drinking so much, I thought I should come to my senses too.”

A slight smile appeared on her lips.

“Thank you for yesterday.”

She lowered her head and could not make eye contact. Now that I think about it, I feel ashamed all over again. Besides, she even shed tears.

“After the day my mom died… … “I think I cried for the first time yesterday.”

“Are you relieved?”

She lowered her head and nodded slightly.

“You asked me before, right? “Why do you hate the leader?”

“The person you disliked likes Maengju…” … Oh, really?”

“that’s right. “The master liked the leader.”

“It was like that.”

Sounds like a damn old man. He actually felt bad that he liked that guy.

Regardless of how I felt, I felt it again this time. Byeokridan’s life is once again connected to my life in my previous life.

she asked, still looking scared and worried.

“What should I do when I meet Master?”

“I deserve an apology for what happened that day. Officially, very properly.”

“Does that have any meaning?”

I nodded firmly.

“there is.”

Saying something or not, receiving an apology or not. It may not seem like much, but it makes a big difference.

“Will Master really apologize?”

“You’ll know when you meet.”

Of course, the purpose of getting an apology is to heal her wounds.

I intend to investigate him on my own. If, apart from what he tried to do to her Huarin, he deserves to die for her other evil deeds, I will kill her after I make her apologize.

Otherwise, if you’re a boring old person, you’re going to end up in one way or another anyway.

“I will schedule a time to meet Master. “You’ll be okay, right?”

She nodded.

“Before that, there is one thing I must do.”


“Shall we go out for a moment?”

I took her out of the guest house. She walked as if she were taking a walk and entered the forest behind the guesthouse.

After confirming that no one was around, I drew my sword.

“what do you mean?”

“Let’s have a fight.”


She looked at me with a surprised expression.

“omg! “Do you really want to beat me up again?”

“ha ha ha.”

“I don’t think it’s anything to laugh about?”

“sorry. “I’m really sorry about what happened back then.”

Only then did the hidden playfulness flash across her expression. I feel like a boundary has been broken in my relationship. One by one, I see new aspects of her beyond that wall.

“Why are you asking for a dance?”

“Because I need to completely improve the law of destruction before I meet your master.”

She looked at me like she couldn’t understand why she had to do that.

But after a while she was surprised.

“no way?”

“Yes, I will defeat him with the martial arts I learned from him.”

“It’s impossible!”

“Is it possible!”

“How on earth?”

“Did you forget? That there is a critical weakness in the herbivorous martial arts you learned? “I’m saying let’s do a dance with that martial arts skill.”


It’s unlikely that her master will ever properly apologize, but I don’t think that just receiving an apology will completely free her from the past.

To make sure you get out, you have to hit it with no attack. In short, it means that she must be defeated, and that too by herself. Then she will truly be able to escape from her own master.

“What I am about to say may break your heart. “Still, I want you to listen.”

She nodded with a slightly nervous expression at my words.

“Once you finish dancing with your master, throw away the martial arts you learned.”


She was surprised because it must have been unexpected.

“How could a martial arts technique with a law of destruction be a perfect martial arts technique in the first place?”


“After five years of learning, how can I throw it away? “Throw it away anyway!”

My tone was firm.

“Song Ga-jang probably sent me a lot of money during the five years I spent learning martial arts.”

It was also a way to make money in a famous clan.

Famous masters of a sect raise many lay disciples. They can use it later when they need it and earn money. It really kills two birds with one stone.

“The martial arts you learned, isn’t it the Hoyeon family’s German martial arts?”

Her head nodded again.

“Your martial arts skills are not worth dedicating your whole life to. Where did they get some decent martial arts skills and teach them? Of course, if you want to deal with nameless second-rate warriors from Shandong, you can continue to learn.”

Of course, this standard was my standard. By the standards of her father and Song Woo-kyung, her martial arts skills could be considered quite good. Since that is enough, we teach under the name of Hoyeonse.

But now that I am involved, I want to make that martial arts thing go away.

Song Hwa-rin’s expression hardened. She will feel like her past life has been denied. Eventually, she opened her mouth with difficulty.

“When I think of Master, I feel so upset and angry. Yes, I also want to throw away the martial arts I learned from him. But if you throw away martial arts… … “I have wasted the last five years.”

“So, if you don’t give up, those five years will turn into ten years, then twenty years… … “It will be a lifetime.”

Because it was a painful truth, it must have felt like a sword was being stabbed into her heart.

“Okay, let’s say I throw it away. What should we do from now on?”

“I’m going to throw it away, I’m not going to throw it away. Be sure.”

She said after a moment.

“Okay, throw it away.”

Now she trusted me completely. If so, I guess I should repay that trust.

“I think that when you truly give up, there is something new you can gain. And what you get new will be even better than the old one.”

Among the martial arts I know, there is one that is suitable for women to learn. Of course, it was a much better martial art than the one she had learned.

She was still not sure. Of course it will. No matter how much she has changed in recent years and how much I have trusted her, she will never think that I am better at martial arts than her own master.



I didn’t think there was a need to say much. So she said just one word.

“Trust me.”

Her head, which was staring at me quietly, nodded vigorously.

“Yes, I will believe it.”

martial arts,

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