Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 70

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When the first snow falls again (2)

– Stop it! No matter what happens, we must stop it.

Baekpyo screamed at the top of his lungs, but his voice was not heard. Like a fantasy in a dream, everything was moving slowly in silence.

Enemies were rushing in from all directions, and the warriors of the Meng Haodan were falling one by one.

Baekpyo swung his sword like crazy. There were too many enemies. If you cut down one, two will rush at you, and if you kill two, four will rush at you.

Beyond the fallen enemies, I could see my subordinates being cut to pieces.

I couldn’t go there to help. Enemies were rushing from all directions.

-What about the lord? Where is the Lord?

He shouted like crazy, but the sound could not go out and only echoed in Baekpyo’s head.

I cut down the enemies and found Cheon Ha-jin.

Hundreds of people were fighting together, but it was extremely quiet. It was so unrealistic that it created an even more horrendous scene. Because I slowly saw my colleague’s limbs being cut off before my eyes.

How lost were you like that?

Baekpyo finally saw Cheon Ha-jin.

There was an altar far away, and Cheon Ha-jin was lying on it.

Another striking sight of the white leopard again.

A black shadow in the shape of a person was walking towards there.

-no! Stop it! Protect your lord!

I ran towards that place, shouting at the top of my voice.

Enemies blocked him. I cut and cut again.

-no! please! You bastards! Move! Get out of the way!

But the enemies endlessly blocked the way. Meanwhile, a black shadow climbed onto the altar.

-Lord! Avoid! Please wake up!

However, Cheon Ha-jin was asleep while lying on the altar.

The black shadow took out a black shadow sword.



A sword with a black shadow pierced Cheon Ha-jin’s chest.

Blood splattered. Drops of blood were seen slowly spraying out in all directions.


Cheon Ha-jin slowly turned his head and looked at himself.

The moment you make eye contact with him!

Suddenly, everything that had been moving slowly became faster.

Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh!

The swords that were attacking him flew in from all directions and quickly pierced his entire body.


At that moment, Baekpyo woke up from his dream with a single scream.

His wife, Jeong Young, stood up next to him.

“honey! are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

She poured water from the kettle next to her.

“Please eat.”

“Thank you.”

Jeongyoung watched with concern as Baekpyo drank water.

My husband was having nightmares every day.

When I said I would quit the Meng Haodan, she did not object. She instead encouraged me to rest a bit and do whatever I want.

He bought a bar and a house attached to the bar with the money he had diligently saved during his days as the leader of Meng Hao Dan.

I thought I could live happily like this, but my husband was suffering from nightmares every night.

“It’s all over.”

Jeongyoung hugged Baekpyo from behind. She wanted to be her husband’s strength as calmly as possible, but she couldn’t shake off the moisture in her voice.

“You no longer have to protect the lord.”

I knew that my husband felt guilty about Maengju’s death. Some feelings become lighter as the days go by, while others become clearer. For my husband, Maengju’s death was the latter.

“I’m sorry.”

Baekpyo sighed lightly.

“It’s not your fault, right? So don’t be sorry. For me too… … “To the Lord Maeng as well.”

She just hoped that her husband would get over the hurt of the past as soon as possible.

Her hands tightened as she held her husband.

* * *

The next day, I did not go to Pungju branch.

It was because I thought I would be more confused if I met Baekpyo in a situation where I hadn’t made up my mind yet.

Gwangdu also did not bring up the story about Pungju branch or Baekpyo.

Gwangdu went out with Gong Su-chan to help make the top, and I walked around the street by myself.

If the opponent is Galsaryang, I won’t worry. Because I’ve already made up my mind.

When the time comes, I will definitely make Galsaryang mine.

But why is Baek Pyo hesitating?

Maybe it’s because of his family.

The desire to live happily with my wife and children is probably what makes me hesitate.

What would you have done if you were me in a past life?


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I probably would have done whatever I felt like without much thought. You probably didn’t even worry about this.

At that time, I valued my own feelings more than the other person’s.

You could call it selfish, but there were some things that could not be helped.

When I was young, I lived with only one goal in mind.

With the intention of becoming strong and becoming the best person in the world, I did not think about anything else. Even if I wanted to look back, I couldn’t. That process alone was dangerous and difficult enough. If I had looked back, it would have been a path I would never have reached.

Become a leader, go to war with Sima Mao-do, and fight against the hidden power within the political faction. For a really long time, I was fighting, so my life wasn’t normal.

I didn’t know at the time. I just took it for granted that this was what the leader’s life was like.

But now it’s different.

Not only am I being faithful to my feelings, I’m thinking about Baekpyo right now.

Will he be happy living the rest of his life as a bar owner? Or would he be happy to be with me again, traversing the river again?

Is my desire to be with him clouding my cool-headed judgment, or is this worry preventing me from making sound decisions?

It’s still difficult to give an answer.

Just as I realized many things in my past life only after I died, the answer to this problem will also be known only after passing.

I stopped for a moment and looked at the sunset over the mountains in the distance.

Baekpyo, I’m not sure.

* * *

On the other side, far away, there was a person looking at the sunset that was also setting in the distance.

It was Macheolgun.

As he stood alone in the wide field, I could feel his sternness in his resolute eyes and tight lips. His appearance as the most likely successor to the Cheondomun was revealed even in his still standing posture.

How long did he stand?

A person walked there. Surprisingly, the person who approached was the Murim lord Ma Bong-gi.

“Are you here? father.”

“Why did you ask to see me here?”

“Shouldn’t you be conscious of the eyes and ears of your surroundings?”

“Then why not send a telegram?”

“I wanted to speak directly to my father. I looked around beforehand. “No one will hear our conversation.”

The guards were standing everywhere, but they were standing so far away that they couldn’t hear the two people’s conversation.

“father. From now on, please do not misunderstand what I am saying and listen to it.”

“Try it.”

“Why did you send our brothers to all parts of the central plains?”

“Didn’t I tell you when I sent you down?”

“Are you really testing the successor?”


“Then why didn’t you send me out?”

“Shouldn’t someone guard the Heavenly Capital Gate?”

“So am I also being tested?”

“Isn’t it true then?”

Ma Bongi was lying. He had already decided on a successor in his mind. The reason he sent his children to various parts of the central plains this time was not to take the succession test, but to strengthen the power of Cheondomun.

In order to keep in check the power that made him the leader, he had to increase the power of Cheondomun. There was no point in increasing the power of the Murim Alliance. Because I couldn’t figure out who in the Murim Alliance was with them.

Of course, they will know their intentions. He is using the successor exam as an excuse to increase his power.

‘I don’t mind knowing.’

What if you find out? Will you stop it? If you block it, how do you block it? By killing yourself? If I had planned on killing him this easily, I wouldn’t have made him a leader in the first place.

The person who possesses a powerful weapon called the Murimmaeng is himself. He said they were the ones who made him the leader, but that doesn’t mean he can control them at will.

“What on earth do you want to say?”

“Is there someone behind your father?”

At that moment, Ma Bongi’s expression suddenly hardened.

“What nonsense!”

“I asked who was behind my father. You have to tell me. “No matter what anyone says, I am on my father’s side.”

“Why do you think that?”

Ma Bong-gi became angry at the sight of his son hesitating to answer.

“Did you think I couldn’t become the leader if there wasn’t someone behind it?”

“no. It’s because I don’t understand why the Murim Alliance’s three major organizations supported my father. “You haven’t had any interaction with them at all?”

Ma Bong-gi’s sharp temper softened slightly.

“If it were anything else, exchange would have been important. However, it is a matter of selecting the Murim lord. “You need a cause that is much more important than personal relationships.”

The gazes of the son asking the truth and the father answering lies were intricately intertwined in the air.

In the end, Ma Cheol bowed his head and said.

“I said something pointless. sorry.”

The gazes of the two people intertwined in midair.

“I’ll say it again, there is no one behind it!”

“I will believe what you say, father. “Then I’ll just leave.”

Ma Cheol turned around and walked away.

Ma Bong-gi let out a soft expression with a confused expression as he watched his son walking away.

“Damn it!”

Meanwhile, Mr. Go, who was waiting far away, asked Mr. Ma Cheol.

“What happened?”

Majeol said with a sigh.

“They ended up hiding the fact that there was someone behind it.”

Majeol was convinced that there was someone behind it.

His sigh moved to Mr. Go.

“What do you want to do now?”

Majeol showed his teeth like a beast. He looked strong and sharp, different from his usual calm appearance.

“Something has to be done. “You can’t give me a dog after making porridge, right?”

* * *

The next day, the three pieces sent by Jeong Yeo arrived.

“This is Jin.”

“It’s Su.”

Jin looked to be in his forties and Sue looked to be in her twenties.

They were different ages and looked different. But the two had one thing in common.

The point was that it looked extremely ordinary. They were familiar faces, as if I had seen them somewhere, so when I first saw them, I thought they were people I had met once before.

But these were people I had never met. After talking to me like this, if I went to the other table and mingled with my companions, I would feel like I was there from the beginning.

“Will you follow me now?”

“I heard everything Jeong Bang-ju said. From now on, I will serve you as my lord and give you all my loyalty.”

“good night. “I will trust you.”

The fact that Jeongyeo sent them to me means that they have a certain level of skill and trust.

You will find out in the future if you and I are compatible both professionally and personally.

I gave each of them 1,000 nyang.

“It is necessary for operations and must be used to protect your safety. “If you need money in the future, let me know at any time.”

The two people looked thrilled. Although it was an unexpectedly large amount of money, he seemed to be grateful that his safety was taken care of.

“thank you.”

The first order was given to the two men.

It was to collect information on the Murim Alliance. In particular, he said to pay attention to information related to Sima Qian for the time being. In relation to Jo Byeok, he also asked me to find out about the disposal of secret giru.

“The opponent is the Murim League, so you should never overdo it. “I want small but safe information rather than large information obtained through unreasonable efforts.”

“all right.”

I sent two people. If they continue to show their loyalty, they will play a central role in the newly created intelligence organization.

Of course, the head space will be left empty for Galsaryang.

* * *

“Are you worried about something?”

Gong Soo-chan’s question woke Gwangdu out of his thoughts.

The two were eating in a guesthouse, and Gwangdu, who was eating, stopped using his chopsticks and remained blank for a long time.


Gwangdu asked again, playing with his chopsticks.

“Where did you say you were going after eating?”

“I have to stop by Manchun Sanghoe for a moment.”

“Let’s eat quickly and then leave.”

Gong Su-chan worked very diligently while working on the top. He stopped by the battlefield, then went to various merchants’ associations in Wuhan, to Pyoguk, to see the manor, and to the information store. He was truly invincible in all directions.

I could see that making the top was really not an ordinary task.

“You are truly amazing. “How do you handle so many complicated things?”

Gong Soo-chan smiled slightly at Gwangdu’s admiration.

“It’s not a big deal once it becomes a habit. I think Gwangmuin is truly amazing.”

“Don’t call me Gwangmuin, just call me Gwangau.”

Gwangdu still felt awkward being called a martial artist.

“If you say that, then why don’t you call me your older brother?”

“that… … .”

I couldn’t do that because I was afraid it would be burdensome for Gong Su-chan.

Gwangdu could understand why he was saying this. That too is difficult and burdensome.

Gong Soo-chan said with a smile.

“Awesomeness is not an evaluation of something that has been done habitually since childhood. “I think the really great thing is to do something you’ve never done before without being afraid.”

Gong Su-chan was surprised to find out later that Gwangdu was a servant in the first place. Even after learning the truth, he found it hard to believe that Gwangdu looked like a military man. It also looks quite strong.

Gwangdu slightly shook his head at his praise.

“I shouldn’t receive compliments. “If it weren’t for you, I would still be sweeping the yard.”

“You both are amazing.”

“This feels surprisingly good, doesn’t it? “Sitting like this and giving gold to each other in front of each other.”

Gong Soo-chan picked up on Gwangdu’s self-deprecating joke and burst into laughter. Since he usually only smiled, his current laughter was almost like laughter.

At first, I was curious about how a mere servant became a warrior. Because that usually happens rarely.

However, after experiencing Gwangdu while traveling from Gokbu to Wuhan, I felt like I understood the reason. Why does Byeokridan care about Gwangdu? Gwangdu had enough charm to be worth it.

“Commissioner General.”

Gwangdu looked out the window and casually threw it away.

“I think I’m going to have an accident soon. What should I do?”

Gong Soo-chan responded to the sudden and unexpected remark without asking what it was about.

“Hit it.”

Gwangdu opened his eyes wide and looked at Gong Su-chan.


“Don’t you want to hit that accident? In that case, you hit it. “How can you cause an accident while worrying about the future?”

It was something that could never be said without trust in the other person.

“Have you always been such a helpless person?”

“No, I am a very calculating person.”

“But why?”

“It’s not my job, is it?”

Oh my God, Gong Soo-chan added with a smile to Gwangdu, who looked bewildered.

“And an accident that was predicted in advance would not be a real accident. So, you can hit it.”

Gwangdu, who had been staring at Gong Su-chan for a moment, stood up.

“Let’s go, to work.”


Gong Su-chan could feel it as he got up after him.

Gwangdu decided to do something a little while ago.

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