Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 69

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When the first snow falls again (1)

The next day, the people who had been waiting arrived.

“You idiot!”

Gwangdu ran towards me like a bison, as if it were a reunion after decades.

I dodged slightly and walked towards Gong Su-chan, who was following me.

“Thank you for coming.”

“how are you?”

When I took care of Gong Soo-chan first, Gwangdu looked dumbfounded.

“omg. “You take care of the money first.”

“Oh, you treat our communist officers as money.”

“No, that’s not it!”

Gong Su-chan smiled at the embarrassed Gwangdu.

“it’s okay.”


“I am a money manager. “I am a person who interprets world affairs in terms of money, so I am not offended by such comments at all.”

“I said no, but why are you like this? The atmosphere was nice when we came together, right? yes?”

As expected, the atmosphere becomes brighter with the arrival of Gwangdu. There is a vitality that only Gwangdu can provide.

Gwangdu came next to me and said vaguely.

“I understand that you took care of the Communist Party headquarters first. “You like to save the delicious food and eat it last, right?”

“I’m sorry, but I’m a person with the value that if you save, you’ll become a waste.”

I pretended not to see Gwangdu poking his mouth out and entered the guesthouse first.

“You worked hard to come this far. “I’m going to be hungry, so let’s eat first.”

Gwangdu’s eyes widened at the dish that could only be tasted in Hubei. He broke his upper leg.

“and! It is very delicious. After all, infinity is infinite. “It can’t be compared to the countryside of Qubu!”

“Eat to your heart’s content! “If it’s not enough, I’ll order more.”

“also! “There is no one but us, Master!”

After filling our bellies so well, we finally started talking in earnest.

“Are your parents safe?”

“You are doing well.”

“You don’t want to see me?”

“You didn’t say anything like that.”

“Hmm. No way?”

“I guess you don’t know much because you are still young, but I hope that parents will let their children go out as they get older. How long will your children be just cute? “Master, please take a look at Tokyo sometimes.”

“ha ha ha.”

Since I was attacked, I have to return it. There was still one room that would work well.

“Is Dosun okay?”

“Ah, if you forget something, you attack it mercilessly.”

“How can you forget your first love?”

“How many times do I tell you that it’s not your first love?”

Gong Su-chan, who was next to him, smiled faintly. He probably looked like he would bet on it being his first love if there was a bet.

“Anyway, Master, do you want to see Song So-jeo?”

“Are you okay?”

“It became more beautiful.”

“How do you know?”

“I came one more time to see the great lady not long ago.”

I felt grateful to her again. I was even more grateful because it was when I was away from home.

I know. That her actions were not meant to impress me.

She, too, is going through a change in her life. This is something that I thought indifferently in the past, but now it feels important. Taking care of my mother would be one of them.

That’s what change is.

When one thing changes properly, everything changes.

After hearing all the news from Shandong, I brought up the reason why I had called them.

“Let’s make a top.”

Gong Soo-chan calmly nodded, as if he had expected it.

“I felt like you were going to say this because you called me here.”

“What do you think?”

“As you know, building a top is not an easy task. First of all, a huge amount of money is spent.”

“I know. So let’s start from the small top, not the big top. Instead, be sure to keep scalability in mind.”

“What if you say scalability?”

“This top line will spread throughout the midfield in the future. Although we start small, we ask that this beginning become the root of a big tree. What I’m saying is, don’t make it haphazardly, but make it with the expectation that it will grow bigger in the future.

is. So we can grow the organization quickly whenever we want.”

It’s easier said than done, but it was never easy. Gong Su-chan, who pondered for a moment, nodded his head.

“I understand what you mean.”

Gong Su-chan’s eyes shone with anticipation. I thought maybe it was something he had dreamed of for a long time.

“And please establish a liaison office connecting Wuhan and Shandong.”

“All right. “Please leave it to me.”

“How much money do you need?”

“Even if you want to start a small business, you will need at least 50,000 nyang. First of all, I will save the funds I manage… … .”


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I handed him the slip. It was money that had been found in advance on the battlefield.

“100,000 nyang. “Please start off properly with this money.”

Gong Su-chan was surprised. Gwangdu, who was next to him, also opened his eyes wide.

“I’ll just touch you once.”

Gwangdu was trembling and stroked the slip.

Starting a business with money stolen from evildoers is something that would never have happened in my past life. Because they probably thought it was against the agreement.

But it doesn’t matter now. I will not repeat the same life. Because I was regretting my past life that was tied to face and fame.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t call me a charlatan. I will care more about reality than about my reputation.

Although it came from evil, the starting point of this money would never have been evil. It’s just a result of exploitation.

I want this money to go through my hands and go to good causes. If that happens, it doesn’t matter what I am called in the powerhouse.

“This money is enough. I could probably make the top you mentioned.”

“If you need more money, tell me. If you need more people, get more. “I will leave this matter entirely to the Commander-in-Chief.”

“Please leave it to me.”

I said while looking at Gwangdu.

“You will act as the Commander-in-Chief’s guard while the work progresses.”

“all right.”

Gwangdu answered with a happy expression. He seemed happy that he could help with such a big undertaking.

Gong Su-chan stood up as if he wanted to start right away.

“Take a break today and start tomorrow.”

“no. “I don’t feel like I’m resting even if I put off work.”

Gong Su-chan said while looking at Gwangdu.

“Are you okay?”

“Of course. “We will go.”

The two people left the guesthouse.

Watching them move around so energetically, I felt the fatigue I had accumulated in Wuhan disappearing.

The next evening, I took Gwangdu to Pungju branch.

On the way, I saw a group of people walking in the distance.

The man standing among the group was none other than Ma Cheol.

I know a little bit about him because I saw him back when I was a leader. I remember wondering if Ma Bong-gi had a son like this. After chatting with him for a few words, he seemed smart and had a good personality.

But this is just a guess. That was the first and last time I saw him. Has he experienced being deceived by first impressions once or twice in his life?

Anyway, I understand that he is holding the position of temporary head of Cheondomun, which became vacant when Ma Bong-gi became the leader. What is going on here?

Next to him was an old man with a calm expression, followed by seven men. Even at a glance, they were masters with great skills, and I could tell who they were.

These were the seven masters of Heavenly Dragon, Seven Swordsmen, who were said to guard the Lord of the Heavenly Daemons. Originally, they were guarding Ma Bong-gi, but now they were guarding Ma Cheol-gun, the temporary lord of the gate.

What caught my attention was a man a little distance away from them.

Cold, emotionless eyes. When I saw the man, I immediately thought of Chilho.

It’s them.

He must have been trained by the same organization.

Since it was given to Ma Jeong-su, it was probably given to other successors as well. However, I thought it was surprising to see that even Ma Cheol had someone attached to him.

Something was happening.

Anyway, it was something I couldn’t intervene in right now. Stir-fry, fry, do whatever you want. Because I will become stronger as I am.

“Why are you doing this?”

Gwangdu asked cautiously. It seems like my expression got serious for just a moment.


“young master. “If anything happens, you have to tell me first.”

Why don’t I know how he feels about me?

“Oh, if something dangerous happens, I’ll always think of you first.”

He walked away at a brisk pace, leaving the embarrassed Gwangdu behind.

“No, you don’t have to do that. There are many things that are moderately dangerous… … .”

* * *

This is how I introduced Gwangdu to Baekpyo.

“This is my servant, Gwangdu. “He is the person I trust the most.”

It was the moment when I introduced the person I trusted the most in my past life to the person I trusted the most in my reincarnation.

Although the two people had completely different personalities, they had one thing in common.

There is an unexpectedly emotional aspect to it.

Gwangdu, who was in high spirits at being told that he trusted him the most, said playfully.

“Thank you for taking care of our underprivileged master.”

I only introduced myself to Gwangdu as the owner of a new bar that I met when I came here. Since it was the first day, I only gave them a brief hello.

Baekpyo waved his hand because they couldn’t play together.

“It’s not enough? Thanks to Byukgongja, I’ve had a lot of fun lately. Thanks to this, sales have increased a lot.”

I took Gwangdu and sat down where we always sit and ordered him to drink and cook.

“and! “The alcohol tastes really amazing, doesn’t it?”

I said with a smile at Gwangdu’s admiration.

“Don’t the alcohol taste like wind?”

Then Gwangdu made a gasping expression.

“That’s a bit…” … Did you borrow any money from the owner?”

Baekpyo, who was listening, chuckled.

What I felt about Baekpyo when I came to Wuhan this time was that he really smiles a lot. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile during Meng Haodanju’s days.

That night, I returned to the guest house and had another drink with gwangdu. She came up with drinks and snacks, sat down by the window of the second floor guest room, and drank.

We were drinking and looking outside for a while.

People returning home after work, the sorrowful singing of stumbling drunks, warriors diligently walking somewhere with swords in hand, and many people were taking their own steps. Just watching that makes me happy

The person was strange.

It was Gwangdu who broke the rather long silence.

“I think I know why you like the owner of Poongju branch.”

“Did it look like you liked it?”

I was inwardly surprised. Today, I just introduced the two people, had a quick drink, and came back. I thought you didn’t show much emotion.

“is not it?”

“Why did you think that?”

“He didn’t seem like an ordinary bar owner. I can’t express it exactly in words. Anyway, I felt comfortable just being together. “He was very different from the bar owners I’ve seen.”

It was something I had seen for so long that I had not felt it. However, upon seeing Gwangdu for the first time, he felt the sense of security given by Baekpyo.

I told Gwangdu about Baekpyo.

He was a former leader of the Murim Alliance and was in a difficult situation this time, and I secretly helped him.

I didn’t want to deceive Gwangdu, and there was also a reason why I hadn’t made up my mind about Baekpyo yet.

Honestly, I wanted to take Baekpyo with me. I wanted to somehow persuade him, impress him, and take him under my wing.

However, because I did not know how difficult my future path would be, I began to worry about whether it was the right choice to involve him.

Of course, regardless of my decision, making him my person was an almost impossible task. Because he will not easily serve others.

Gwangdu, who is quick-witted, seems to have caught a glimpse of my heart.

“I have to tell that person. The master helped me. “He saved my family.”


“Why? “I deserve to be thanked.”

“Are you in debt? “If you give, you must receive.”

“If you don’t tell me, you won’t know. How do you know what you haven’t seen? How do you know people’s hearts? I know you don’t like showing off, but that’s not the way the world is. “If you don’t tell me, you really don’t know.”

It must have been something he personally felt in his life.

“It would be cooler if you told me later than if I said it myself.”

“That’s right. “There was a purpose for calling me.”

“ha ha ha.”

I held out my glass and Gwangdu clinked his glass together.

“young master.”


“Be honest and tell him everything. I want to be together. I saw the way the master looked at him earlier. “It was the first time I saw someone look at me with such good feelings.”

“More than when I saw you?”

“I don’t know that. “Because you can’t judge objectively.”

It was something that Gwangdu could not say easily.

There was no way he didn’t know that if Baekpyo was with him, his position would be narrowed. He also needs to give him the attention and affection he deserves.

Nevertheless, Gwangdu speaks to me. for me.

“Come on, think about it.”

Just like the jealousy in Gwangdu’s heart, his glass was also empty.

“do. please.”

The cold night breeze blowing through the windows announced that winter had arrived.

After drinking, I lay down, but I couldn’t fall asleep easily.

Gwangdu, who was on the other side of the bed, was also tossing and turning and couldn’t sleep. He also seems to have a lot on his mind.

Suddenly, making decisions like this felt much more difficult than when fighting dozens of powerful enemies.

A thoughtful night had passed.

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