Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 67

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you don’t know(2)

I wanted to follow Jo Byeok and find out something, but he didn’t come out of the Murim Alliance.

Jeongjeongak, where Sima Qian, the commander-in-chief, was located, was located in the inner circle of the Murim League. It is a place that cannot be easily infiltrated. With my current level of skill, I could try it at least once, but there was no reason to take the risk.

There was no way his money was inside the Murim Alliance, and even if it was, there was no way it would have been revealed the moment I infiltrated.

If it had been easily revealed, it would have come out during an investigation by the Heavenly Hope Association, so his financial sources must have been very secret.

I decided to dig into Samyeong instead.

If Cao Byeok was Sima Qian’s arm, Samyoung was like his fingers. Since he has been doing Jo Byeok’s work for a long time, he probably knows something.

They infiltrated Howolru (夏月樓), where they had been playing hard for two days.

Howolru was a medium-sized building with twenty-five rooms and fifty courtesans. Among the twenty-five rooms, Samyoung played in the fourth room in the outbuilding.

After playing until dawn, we slept in a guest room provided in Giru, and came out again late in the evening to drink and play. I was literally having fun eating and sleeping in the giru.

I hid in the ceiling of their room and overheard their conversation. There were bugs crawling around due to the musty smell, the hiding position was extremely uncomfortable, and I couldn’t relax even for a moment to hide my presence.

This kind of surveillance was truly something I had never experienced in my entire life.

When I was young, there was nothing that bothered me. All I had to think about was myself, so I just cut down all the evildoers. I didn’t think about what came next.

After becoming a leader, even if I wanted to go through this kind of hardship, I never had the chance. Because he lived a life where everything was resolved just by saying one word.

Of course, the reason I had to endure listening to their dirty talk was because of Baekpyo. It was to protect his life completely.

Baekpyo would have protected me like this too. Sometimes from the ceiling, sometimes from behind a narrow wall.

I was only on my second day. He protected me like this my whole life. So how can you think it’s difficult?

Anyway, I was able to find out many things while hiding here and observing them.

The furry one was Ilyoung, the big one was Iyoung, and the ugly one was Samyoung. Il-yeong and Sam-yeong used swords, and Lee-yeong used a sword of a size appropriate for his size.

Surprisingly, they said all sorts of things.

He spoke without hesitation about the time when they first hung out together, where he raped someone and killed someone else, even though there was a courtesan next to him.

He may have been drunk, but he had faith that courtesans would not dare to divulge such words.

Gal Sa-ryang told me something like that before.

“Our Jeongjeongak is difficult because of outside attention, but the general intelligence group plants a lot of sejak in the gilru. When men are drunk, they want to show off in front of women. Unless its nature changes, stomas will always be the most numerous.

“It will be a place where secrets are leaked.”

As I listened to their past evil deeds, I personally felt that those words were true.

After midnight, the moment I had been waiting for finally came.

“It’s boring here so I can’t play anymore.”

Lee Young, who was lying on the woman’s lap, suddenly got up.

Ilyoung, who was massaging the woman across from her, glanced at her and said.

“Seeing you say ‘boring’ coming out of the girl’s arms, I guess it’s time for you to die too.”

“But boring is boring. “Let’s go there.”


“As you know.”

Then Ilyoung shook her head.

“it’s okay. “If you’re bored, just drink some more and go to sleep.”

“Let’s not do that and let’s go. “I’m going to see my kids after a long time.”

“Didn’t your brother tell you? “Please refrain from entering if possible.”

“If it weren’t for us, we wouldn’t have even started, so it’s a shame to refrain from entering. let’s go.”

For a moment I was nervous. Hyungnim obviously means Jo Byeok. A secret place related to Jo Byeok is mentioned.

The two looked at the youngest, who had not expressed his opinion until then. It seemed like he didn’t really want to go, but when the big man frowned, he eventually nodded.

Three people left the trail.

The place they arrived was a manor on the outskirts of the city, not far from the village. It was a place where you had to walk down a small path that even a carriage couldn’t pass through, and you would never be able to find it unless you knew where it was.

Even though it was late at night, when I knocked on the door, I immediately heard an answer from inside.


“We all.”

When there was no answer from inside, the big man looked through the gap between the doors and said.

“Why don’t you open your ears before they rip them out?”

Only then did they recognize the large man, and the door opened immediately.

“What are you doing without any news?”

Although he bowed, the man didn’t look very welcoming.

The big man said with a grin.

“You’ve never been folded in half, have you? “Not like this, like this.”

At the same time, I recreated the reverse bending of my back with my hands.

The man frowned slightly and guided them.

“Please follow me.”

“Baby, it would have happened a long time ago.”

The three people followed the man into the building.

The inside was plain. The interior of a manor that can be found everywhere.

I walked along the hallway and stopped between rooms. When the man manipulated the lamp hanging on the opposite wall, the wall opened.

Normally, a secret passage would be located behind a bookshelf in a study or under a bed, but it was located in an entirely unlikely location.

There was a large main hall where we entered through there.

There were five tables full of customers, and women were serving drinks at each table.

It looked like a rag, but it also looked like a tavern. Usually, people drink in separate rooms in each room, but here they drink in a completely public place, like a bar. However, like Giru, there were women waiting on him.

There was something different about it from a normal stoma.

The point was that courtesans were very young girls. Now, girls who looked no older than thirteen or fourteen were pouring drinks and serving them.

Samyoung had a conversation while looking around the inside.


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“Business is going well. “My brother, you make a lot of money.”

As Ilyoung said, the five tables were full of customers.

“Why don’t we add more seats?”

“Isn’t that the secret to popularity? “If you make it too easy, you’ll get tired of it quickly.”

“Anyway, my brother, I’ll kill your hair.”

“He’s grown up a lot. “It was him back then, right?”

“That’s right. “You ended up killing everyone, including your mother, because you woke up, right?”

“You’ve grown a lot.”

“They grow bigger every day. Bitch, don’t be too big. Then you die.”

The three people giggled at the same time.

This was a secret tunnel run by Jo Byeok.

All the children here were kidnapped from all over the central plains.

The guests were old people who wanted to rejuvenate themselves by embracing a young girl.

Jo Byeok only recruited a small number of rich people and received a higher price than the average Giru. But there was always no empty space here.

When this place first opened, these three young people kidnapped girls.

There were only three people, including the knifeman who guarded this place to maintain secrecy and the man who had previously opened the gate.

“I was hoping there would be an empty seat.”

Lee Young quenched his appetite, and the other two expressed similar regrets.

“let’s go. Let’s massage the girls’ breasts more. “I’ll run out of money anyway, so I’ll have to start working tomorrow.”

“If you look at these fresh things, you will be in a bad mood.”

“Crazy guy!”

At that time, the man who had previously opened the gate came up to the next stage, bringing a young girl with him. She was now a very cute child who looked to be about twelve or three years old.

“Well, I’ve waited a long time. This is the first child to come today. “Of course, he is a child who has no experience with men.”

The old men flicked their tongues and swallowed their lust.

The child trembled with fear. Those lustful eyes directed at him were already taking off his own clothes.

“Now, let’s start with five hundred nyang.”

When a child first arrived, an auction was held like this.

The five old men began to raise the prices. Every time you raise your hand, the price goes up by a hundred nyang.

In an instant, it exceeded 1,000 nyang, and then again exceeded 2,000 nyang.

From time to time, the man said something to seduce the old men.

“Look at this skin. “Your skin is clearer than the snow on a snowy field.”

The money, which kept going up, stopped at 7,500 nyang. It was a huge amount for just one night.

“If you don’t come out by the count of three, it’s your decision.”

When it seemed like no more people would come out, the old man burst out laughing.

“one two… … .”

At that time, a soft word was heard from behind.

“One hundred million nyang.”

Everyone was startled and looked towards where the voice came from.

I was standing where everyone’s eyes were focused.

“How can that child be worth 100 million nyang?”

I asked coldly, looking at the old man I was trying to buy a child from.

“Would you sell your granddaughter for seven thousand five hundred nyang?”

The old man’s face turned bright red. Seeing that his opponent was Kang Ho-in, he couldn’t bear to swear and looked back at the man on stage.

When the man on the stage gave a glance, two men with swords standing next to him rushed at him.

He easily dodged the flying sword and struck the man’s neck with the blade of his hand.


The bone in my neck broke and I fell over.

The other man just flipped over and pinned him to the floor.

thud! The man’s spine shattered with a heavy sound.

After quickly overpowering the two men, the man on stage looked at Samyoung.

Samyoung jumped up and landed in front of me.

Lee Young looked back at the other two and said.

“Strangely enough, I wanted to come today. “What would you have done if we hadn’t come?”

At that time, Ilyoung shouted in surprise.

“careful… … !”

Before I could finish saying, “Be careful,” my kick hit the back of Lee Young’s head. The moment he turned his head, I was rushed in.

There was a popping sound and the sound of something exploding inside my head.

The heavy body slumped forward.

I leapt once more and hit the guy on the head with my knee.


The skull crumbled into powder. Its body twitched once or twice and soon became quiet. He couldn’t even pull out the large ax he wore around his waist.

I said softly as I looked down at the corpse.

“Where should I turn when the enemy is in front of me?”

The method used to defeat him was Seonhak secret techniques.

Ilyoung and Samyoung were glaring at me with their eyes wide open.

No matter how surprising it was, it was a shock to them that Lee Young, who boasted an external attack as strong as steel, was killed in just two moves.

Ilyoung and Samyoung glanced at each other and nodded. As soon as the signal to join forces ended, two people rushed at the same time.

They also dealt with Seonhak secret techniques.

I twisted my body to avoid the flying sword and rushed at the guy. Because it was a completely unexpected movement, my shoulder hit Ilyoung’s shoulder exactly.

He was pushed back with a thud and tried to fight back again. But instead of attacking, he screamed.


His shoulder was shattered by the attack just now.

Just as he was about to make another awkward attack with his shaky arms, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Wood clatter.

His neck was bent at a right angle and he died instantly.

While attacking Ilyoung, my gaze was focused on Samyoung.

“help me! “I’ll just go!”

Samyoung, frightened, threw down his sword and ran toward the door without listening to my answer.

I kicked the guy’s sword that fell to the floor.

Shhh! Pooh wow!

The flying sword pierced Samyoung’s back. He flung his hands in the air and then fell forward.

The guy who was auctioning off the child on stage had disappeared. Earlier, when the fight with Samyoung first started, I saw him running out of here, but he sent me away on purpose.

Only if he goes will I bring back the person who must be killed today.

While waiting for Jo Byeok, I beat up the old men who were there.

puck! puck! puck! puck!

Teeth were broken and limbs were broken. Old people screamed that they were dying.

“Please save me!”

These old and ugly men never asked anyone to kill them. Even under these circumstances, I wanted to live.

“Okay, I’ll let you live as you wish.”

puck! puck! puck!

I beat them harshly. They made him a half-asshole, but they didn’t kill him. What is the use of killing old people whose time has come to die?

What I did here will be revealed to the world. It will be revealed to their families, and they will spend the rest of their lives in prison with bone diseases. All of your teeth are broken, so you will have to eat only rice, and even if you live, you are not alive.

will make it happen. In the end, they will cause you to die in shame and pain.

The girls were gathered to one side and were looking at this scene with excited faces on the one hand and horrified faces on the other.

I asked the kids.

“Do you want to see Mom?”

Tears welled up in the children’s eyes at my words.

“I’ll send you home.”

As I watched the tears flow, I felt sorry for the children.

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

What happened here will be a scar that the children will never forget. This was the world of children who were brought here when they did not even know what the world was.

I didn’t know if I would be able to live a normal life.

This is why I show all these things to my children. If you can’t forget it anyway, don’t forget this exhilarating moment when they were punished.

I believed that this was a helpful way to heal children’s wounds. So I plan to show it all.


Then the door opened. Perhaps Jo Byeok has arrived.

So look carefully. From now on, everything that happens when that door opens.

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