Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 66

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you don’t know(1)

After confirming that Samyoung entered the stoma, I immediately started moving.

Jo Byeok was surprised for a few days and gave her a lot of money, so nothing will happen in the meantime.

This is valuable time for me to make a plan to get rid of them.

This was the most necessary thing to eliminate Samyoung and Jo Byeok.

Pleural effusion.

Who will you kill?

Actually, Samyoung didn’t have to worry much. They are nothing more than Jo Byeok’s swordsmen, so no one will care if they die. Because the only person you care about will die too.

The problem was prematureness.

When Cao Bi dies, Sima Qian will investigate who killed him.

There has to be someone worth killing him then. That would also have to be a villain. Because I might get revenge from Sima Qian.

Of course, the Sima Qian I knew was someone who would not take revenge. Would you shed even a single tear if Jo Byeok dies? I don’t think so. To Sima Qian, he is nothing more than a consumable.

An additional investigation regarding Jo Byeok was requested from the Wuhan branch of the Heavenly Manghoe. I wanted more detailed information than the previous investigation. He asked for everything, even the smallest details, especially about his finances.

The guy gave Samyoung hundreds of nyang worth of vouchers without hesitation. If this mission had been cancelled, that money would not have come from Sima Qian.

So where did that much money come from?

Did they find the money they had saved on the battlefield and give it to them? No way?

The information was requested at a faster rate than payment, which tripled the cost. More than half of the 10,000 nyang received from selling the writings left by the leader went back to the Cheon Manghoe. As information is exchanged, the same money is exchanged again.

It wasn’t a waste of money. It’s enough to think of it as hard money given to people when sending them to the underworld.

Of course, I wore a bastard throughout this process. I planned to wear a bastard from now on, except when going to the Pungju branch or going back to my guesthouse to sleep.

After leaving the Cheonmanghoe branch, I strongly felt the need for an information organization.

It was impossible to just buy information by giving money forever. At Cheonmanghoe, you can request information with confidence because customer confidentiality is strictly maintained, but in the world, unexpected variables are bound to arise.

In order to grow my family and carry out my work in the future, an information organization was absolutely necessary.

I have watched Gal Sa-ryang run Jeongjeongak from up close, so I know very well how difficult it is.

First of all, the majority of intelligence organizations are filled with secretaries. Of course, managers were needed to collect their information and issue orders again. They were the soldiers of Jeongjeongak.

Of course, in the case of Jeongjeongak, there was no need for military support because other organizations of the Murim League provided military support, but in our case, we also need our own military support team. Because Sejak needed someone to save him if he was in danger in the enemy camp.

Raising a Sejak is much more difficult than raising a muin. Because it deals with information, confidentiality is much more required. In other words, the loyalty required is much higher.

In addition, since branches must be established in the National Assembly, a huge amount of funds are needed.

It was still a daunting task.

“Are you late today?”

Baekpyo welcomed me with unwavering kindness.

“I was busy with various things to take care of.”

“It’s good to be busy.”

“is that so? I like being free. “I just want to play all day.”

“ha ha ha. “It’s proof that you’re still young.”

I also laughed along with Baekpyo.

“So I sent a message to the house and called someone. “I’m so bored playing alone.”

The person I called was Gwangdu.

Before coming here, I left the Cheonmanghoe branch and stopped by Yangsobang’s liaison office.

The liaison office is where the trained Jeon Seo-eung and the unmanned person who manages it live. It was set up a while ago when connecting Yangso-bang and our house in Shandong. Of course, I couldn’t put it inside the house because I wanted to attract attention, but I put it outside.

An urgent letter was sent to Jeong Yeo. He of course used the secret language he had promised before. He had two demands from him.

First, I asked him to send only two reliable and skilled Sejaks.

I needed Sejak, who would be my hand and foot not only for this matter, but also for other matters in the future.

Second, he sent a message to our house in Shandong and asked him to send Gwangdu and Gong Su-chan there.

Even after eliminating the four targets, there was a need to stay here for a while and see how things unfolded. I called him here because he wanted to hear about the family situation and also see Gwangdu.

Gong Su-chan had something else to do.

I plan to establish a base here in Wuhan. If I create something related to Byeokseommun, it will attract attention, so I plan to create a small top. Earn money and also work as a liaison office.

You might not know it anywhere else, but this is Wuhan, where the headquarters of the Murim League is located. This level of investment was well worth it.

Baekpyo joked.

“If more people come, I can make more money.”

“I’ll have a lot more fun.”

“ha ha ha.”

I laughed happily with Baekpyo.

Yes, even though difficult things continue to happen, I deal with them one by one while smiling.

* * *

At the same time, the Macheol army entered Maengjujeon.

He was the fifth son of Ma Bong-gi and was currently serving as the temporary head of Cheondomun Gate.

He had a tall stature, handsome face, and noble appearance that fit him well as the heir of a prestigious family. Perhaps that was why it was hard to believe that he was in his forties.

Ma Bong-gi was sitting in Taesa Temple and watching Ma Cheol-gun walking towards him.

Ma Cheol-gun stopped about ten steps away from Taesa. The distance is a bit far for a father and son meeting again after a long time.

“Have you been at peace so far?”

“Are you here?”

“You look nice.”

“You look good too.”

“How do you feel now that you have reached the top of all worlds?”

“There’s a lot more work to do.”

The conversation continued naturally, but somehow it felt businesslike.

“I held Jeongsu’s funeral.”


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The purpose of Ma Cheol’s visit to Ma Bonggi was today. Although he was a half-brother, they were still blood relatives.

“Good job.”

“I told all the other brothers, but… … “No one came.”

Ma Bong-gi nodded silently.

“I heard that the Yasang of Shandong and the Shandong Merchant Association were involved in Jeongsu’s death. Shouldn’t we send someone? If we leave it like this, everyone will look down on the text.”

“We’ve already sent someone.”

“Who did you send?”

Ma Bongi did not answer as if it was none of your business.

“You must be tired from the long journey, so get some rest.”

Ma Cheol-gun also didn’t bother to ask again.

“Okay, I’ll just leave.”

When Ma Cheol-gun bowed politely and was about to turn around, Ma Bong-gi called him.



Ma Bong-gi tried to say what was on his mind, but quickly swallowed it.

“When do you plan to return?”

“Since I’m here, I’m planning to meet people and take care of a few things before leaving.”

“i get it.”

Ma Cheol-gun bowed again and stepped back.

Ma Bong-gi’s eyes, watching his back, showed complex feelings.

Sima Qian came in there.

Although he did not have the wisdom to be a general soldier, he was at least amazing at reading people’s minds. In particular, you could tell Ma Bongi’s mood just by listening to his breathing.

“Would you like to go to the palace and have a drink?”


Ma Bong-gi stood up.

The two entered through the secret door at the back of the temple. It was a passage that only the Murim Lord could use.

When I went down the circular stairs, there was a large room in the basement.

It was a place that Cheon Ha-jin used as a secret training ground, but it has now been renovated differently.

There were night wines everywhere and it was decorated with fancy furniture and decorations. The bed in the center was large enough for ten people to lie down on, and had bright bedding with flowers on it.

This was Ma Bongi’s Abang Palace.

The person who renovated this place was Sima Qian. From his youth, he had offered up all kinds of women. After becoming commander-in-chief, the first thing Sima Qian did was to build this place.

The drinking table was quickly set up.

“He’s ignoring me. “It’s been like that since I was young.”

“Is that possible?”

“You ungrateful bastard.”

He catered to Ma Bongi’s mood better than anyone else, but he didn’t swear together. Even if he cursed like that, he knew very well that Ma Bong-gi’s favorite son was Ma Cheol-gun.

Because I like it so much, it has caused all kinds of misunderstandings and misinterpretations. If you look objectively from the side, most of the reasons they fought were because of trivial, insignificant things.

In fact, if Sima Qian had actively intervened each time to resolve misunderstandings and comfort their hearts, the distance between their hearts would not have widened this much.

But Sima Qian didn’t do that. The lonelier Ma Bongi was, the more he needed his presence.

The door opened and three slim beauties came in.

“In times like this, you just need to clear your head and play.”

“you you. “Come here!”

Ma Bongi sat down on either side of a woman who suited his taste.

Seeing Ma Fengqi with wings on both sides and a happy smile, Sima Qian made the remaining woman sit next to him.

He raised his glass with a satisfied smile, thinking that one wing was enough for him.

Meanwhile, outside Maengjujeon, two people were waiting for Macheolgun.

One person was Noh Saeng (盧先生), who was in charge of the military role of Macheolgun. He was someone who had been with Ma Cheol for a long time and was also the person Ma Cheol trusted the most.

Another man was sent by Ma Bong-gi.

Chil-ho came down to Ma Jeong-su, and this man was none other than Sam-ho. The Macheolgun’s bodyguards were also waiting outside Maengjujeon, and Samho was able to follow them in here.

“Did I tell you?”

When Master Noh asked carefully, Ma Cheol shook his head and answered.

“I couldn’t give it to you.”

“I must tell you before I go back.”

Ma Cheol nodded his head.

The moonlight was bright, but his expression was extremely distraught.

* * *

I climbed the mountain behind my guesthouse to practice before going to bed.

First, I did physical training. It was important before, but now it is even more important.

Since Seonhak Secret Art was a martial art that used the whole body, basic physical strength played a much larger role.

I could not yet understand the deep meaning contained in Seonhak’s secret arts. I could see it as just imitation.

But even that wasn’t normal power.

After moving vigorously with my whole body, I felt refreshed. She felt the freshness of her new martial arts skills and the vitality of change.

Of course, I have no intention of changing my German martial arts to Seonhak secret arts.

Still, my wish is to achieve peace of mind.

There are two reasons for practicing this Seonhak secret art. In a small way, it is because of practical help.

No matter how often the moment will come when the sword falls out of my hand, there may come a moment when I have no choice but to fight with my bare hands. At that time, this Seonhak secret art will save my life.

The second reason is the main reason to learn Seonhak secret techniques.

This is because of the realization gained through conversation with Chilho.

Chilho was like that that day.

The best person in the world wouldn’t do that. I won’t be caught up in the format. It was a response to my comment that swordsmanship and martial arts would not be compatible with each other.

Then I realized. The fact that I was caught up in something without even realizing it. It had become stagnant river water that could not go out to the sea. It occurred to me that I might have lived my life thinking of the river as the sea.

I think that, like boxing, box fighting is not compatible with swordsmanship at all.

Rather, it was thought to be even more so since the whole body was used as a weapon. Instead of the smooth muscles needed for swordsmanship, you would have to build useless muscles all over your body, which would slow down your movements.

However, I will try to prove what she said, that if you are the best person in the world, you will not be tied down by such things.

I had a feeling that the process of fusing these two martial arts skills would be of some help in reaching the depth of the mind.

Papa papapang!

Fists split the air and elbows struck imaginary enemies. If it had been real, his jaw would have been shattered and he would have collapsed.

Roll around on the floor, jump up, lunge with your knees, then turn around and kick again. The Seonhak secret arts were truly free.

* * *

The next day, I stopped by the Cheonmanghoe branch and received information about Jo Byeok.

It was also revealed in the last investigation that he had been involved in several incidents since his days as a ronin.

As I tried to find someone to blame, I discovered a surprising fact. He and all the people involved in the incident were already dead.

A few months or years later, he dies in an accident, dies mysteriously, or commits suicide. Everyone is dead.

I could tell. That he unleashed the Samyoung and eliminated them all. He erased any past that had the potential to be harmful to him.

He was like a devil.

Secondly, I was able to learn new facts about finances, which I had asked to focus on.

The amount of money he spent was not small. As a clear example, even if you drink at a giru, you drink at the highest quality giru and with the most famous courtesan there.

It was an expense that Sima Qian’s right-hand man could not afford.

There was money somewhere.

I had a feeling that if I could just find that, I could solve this problem neatly.

When money is involved, a believable story is always created.

As I left the branch and walked down the street, a wind blew from somewhere. The wind was cold. I could feel that fall was ending and winter was coming.

“It’s going to get cold soon.”

I want to live as a king, but this powerful man keeps turning me into a sura.

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