Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 65

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King Sura (4)

Ban Seo-jeong was guided to a well-decorated guesthouse deep inside the Murim Alliance.

Bingnodae, who had followed her, could not come in here, so he had to wait for her outside.

The person waiting in the guesthouse was Sima Qian.

“Welcome, Banhoeju.”

“It’s an honor to meet you, Master Sima.”

“Now, please sit down.”

The drinking table had been set up in advance. It could be said that it was rude to prepare drinks in advance for their first meeting, knowing clearly that the other person was a woman.

Whether it was a man or a woman, if it was an official first meeting, it was common courtesy to ask the doctor if he would like to have a drink while drinking tea.

“Thank you very much for accepting my invitation.”

“no. Of course, I have to come and say hello.”

“Haha, I feel much more at ease when you think of it that way. Now, take a drink.”

Even if it’s her first meeting, she can have a nice drink as long as the other person is a good person. As a person living in a powerful world, the distinction between men and women has long since been overcome.

But she knew Sima Qian in front of her better than anyone else.

In the past, he was a person who was attached to the Cheondomun faction and took charge of all kinds of corrupt matters. He was not a person suited to the position of general military leader of the Murim Alliance, nor did he have the ability to do so. Rather than being a soldier, he is a politician who is good at scheming.

He was a person close to a jester.

In any case, regardless of his inner feelings, Ban Seo-jeong’s expression did not reveal any such discomfort.

Her way of dealing with people was to never lose her smile when dealing with unfavorable people.

You can convey your true feelings to a good person. If you are angry, you can say that you are angry because of this or that reason. At least I won’t misinterpret it and hold a grudge.

However, it is absolutely foolish to honestly reveal one’s feelings to someone who is considered an enemy. Especially if it is anger. At that moment, it may seem like you are taking out your anger on the other person, but in the end, it is something you are doing to yourself.

Because it becomes something.

At that time, someone entered there.

“Did you call me?”

The person who arrived at Sima Qian’s call was none other than Gal Si Liang.

Gal Sa-ryang was startled to see Ban Seo-jeong there. The same was true for Ban Seo-jeong. I never dreamed that I would see Galsaryang here.

“Oh, now that I think about it, I guess you two know each other.”

He played it off as if he had called me without knowing.

However, both Gal Si-ryang and Ban Seo-jeong could sense that Sima Qian had intentionally led this meeting.

“long time no see. how are you?”

When Ban Seo-jeong greeted first, Gal Sa-ryang also bowed his head politely.

“yes. Thanks to you, I had a good time.”

Ban Seo-jeong felt sad in the answer. It sounded like this to her:

How can I get along after losing my master?

Gal Si-liang handed out the documents he had brought to Sima Qian.

“Here are the documents you requested.”

“Haha, thank you. “Please have a drink while you’re here.”

“I’m still at work, so I’ll just accept it with my heart. “Then I’ll just leave.”

“I hope you have a hard time.”

Sima Qian didn’t even know that there were subtle feelings between the two people.

The reason I called Gal Sa-ryang here today was to humiliate her in front of her.

Now, it would be insulting enough just to show him as a soldier and running miscellaneous errands.

Sima Qian was constantly trying to destroy Gal Si-liang’s spirit and send him crashing to the ground. He was enjoying this bad hobby.

Gal Sa-ryang left the room. Sima Qian said before the door closed.

“He was truly a capable man.”

It was deliberately said in the past tense for Gal Sa-ryang to listen to, and at the same time, it was a semi-lyrical expression of how people viewed him.

Ban Seo-jeong said with a smile.

“There are many talented people in Gangho. But not many people want what the times want.”

Although these words were not in his heart, they sounded sweet to Sima Qian’s ears, as if he were saying that you are the person the era wants.

Sima Qian smiled happily.

‘Yes, this is what it tastes like.’

This was the taste of power. If you are not a general, how can you drink the alcohol served by the head of the Cheonmanghoe, and how can you listen to words that are sweeter than alcohol?

If he had been himself before becoming the general of the Murim Alliance, it would not have been easy to meet Lord Cheonmanghoe.

Recently, I have been enjoying the reward of diligently cleaning Cheondomun’s asshole. Of course, that was why I was trying hard not to fall out of this place.

There was a lot of talk and now it was time for her to leave.

“Then I’ll see you next time.”

“Let’s do that.”

Before standing up, Ban Seo-jeong held out something from his arms.

“This is information that recently came to this association. “I brought it as a gift to commemorate my meeting with you today.”

Sima Qian unfolded it.

Sima Qian was surprised when he read the contents.

“Is this really a message left by the former great lord?”

“That’s right. “We have already confirmed that it is handwritten.”

“How did you get this article?”

Then Ban Seo-jeong smiled and said.

“As you well know, Gangho’s information flows naturally like the laws of nature. Just as no one asks how summer came.”

Sima Qian couldn’t ask any more questions. This was because he knew very well that it was an unwritten rule among intelligence organizations not to ask about the source of information. Moreover, this information was brought as a gift.

In fact, Ban Seo-jeong was contemplating whether to leak this information or not. It seemed like it would be better to shed it for the sake of saving money, but since the issue was a serious issue, there were various burdens.


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However, after seeing Sima Qian bring Gal Si-liang here and humiliate him, he decided to spill the information.

She left the guesthouse first, and Sima Qian also left in a hurry.

* * *

“Something is suspicious.”

Jo Byeok, who came running at Sima Qian’s call, immediately became suspicious after hearing Ban Xuezheng’s story.

“Besides, the timing is too odd.”

“Didn’t it turn out that the leader wrote it himself?”

“Handwriting can be forged.”

“There was also information written about Chuhonsura swordsmanship that only the leader knows. How are you going to explain that?”

“It also means that if you are not the leader, you cannot accurately confirm it.”

“Let’s wait for now. “Because we are also in the process of handwriting identification.”

It was entrusted to the most skilled inspector in the Murim League.

“If it is a forgery as you speculate, does that mean that the Heavenly Manghoe Lord is against me?”

I couldn’t understand it. Confronting oneself means confronting the Murim Alliance, which means risking the life and death of the organization.

“Is the Tenmanghoe risking its life over something like this?”

Sima Qian tilted his head. No matter how much I thought about it, it didn’t seem likely.

“Someone could be taking advantage of them.”

“who? The former Meng Hao Danju?”

The first person that came to mind was Baekpyo. Because he was now suspected that he might have had a sword.

“Based on what I saw that day and his past history, he was not the kind of person who would plan something like this.”

Jo Byeok also agreed with that opinion.

“Gal Sa-ryang may have planned it.”

“Maybe so.”

Galsaryang was placed under surveillance. If he had been in contact with Cheonmanghoe, he would have been contacted. Of course, as he is a person who has experienced all kinds of hardships, he may have contacted Cheonmanghoe to avoid surveillance.

But looking at the two people before, it didn’t seem like that would happen. When they first met, they were surprised to see each other. I could tell that I was really surprised, not just making it up, and I could also feel that it had been a long time since we had seen each other again.

there was.

At that time, a subordinate came into the office and reported.

“As a result of the handwriting analysis, it is clear that the writing was written by the leader of the former warlord.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I am sure.”

“What is the possibility of forgery?”

“Nothing at all. According to the expert, it appears to have been written a few months before the former leader passed away. As for the part mentioning martial arts, I checked with veterans in the Senate and heard that it appears to have been written by Lord Maeng.


“I get it. “Stop walking away.”

When the subordinate retreated, Sima Qian looked at Cao Bi.

Jo Byeok still could not shake off his doubts.

“Even if this is real, we have to be suspicious that it happened to be released at this time.”

“If someone had intentionally released it, it would have been the work of Baekpyo or Gal Salyang. Because they are the only two people who can keep the leader’s belongings. But what does that mean now? The important thing is that there is no Sura Myeongwanggeom in this world anymore.

“That’s the point.”

The reason Sima Qian tried to obtain the Sura Myeongwang Sword was to gain his trust by offering it to Ma Bong-gi.

But when it was revealed that there was no sword, interest disappeared along with it.

“Stop investigating the white mark. “There are many more important things for us to do.”

Sima Qian was not interested in what the powerful people wanted. He was still looking for what Ma Bongi wanted, as he had been doing all his life.

* * *

That evening, I was able to meet Baekpyo’s son, Myeongyeong, who had come to briefly run an errand for his mother.

“I have to say hello. “It’s Gongja Byeok.”

“nice to see you. “It is said to be a name.”

He was the seven-year-old son of Baekpyo. He had bright eyes and good manners for a seven-year-old. Well, whose son is it, wouldn’t it be right?

“Who do you look like so handsome? “I think your sister-in-law is very beautiful.”

Baekpyo was taken aback when he heard the word sister-in-law. He was only the owner of a tavern, but I was a customer and heir to the Byeok family.

When I smiled comfortably, Baekpyo soon relaxed as well. I was moved by the look in my eyes. I was even more impressed because I didn’t expect it.

It should have been like this in my past life too. A word like this, a small consideration, can move the other person’s heart. What was so important about the authority of the leader, and why did he live so tightly?

“Myeong-ah, you need to listen to your parents.”

When I handed Myeongyeong a coin, the child looked at Baekpyo and asked if he could take it.

When Baekpyo nodded, he nodded his thanks and quickly ran to the back door.

Baekpyo’s gaze toward Myeonggi deepened.

“These days, I live for the fun of raising that guy.”

Baekpyo spent his youth protecting me.

He wandered through all kinds of battlefields with me and fought like crazy.

I lost many colleagues in the process. The wound in his heart will be deeper than the dozens of wounds on his body. Wounds that will never be erased.

And Baekpyo, who left the Murim Alliance, is now guarding my sword.

I live my whole life protecting myself and what is related to me.

If you think about his life… … Why was the life of an authoritative old man so important? What is that sword?

So Baekpyo, you can be happy now. Enjoy happiness to your heart’s content.

I will protect you now.

* * *

Three men entered a manor on the outskirts of Wuhan.

They had different body types and ages, and each had their own unique characteristics.

The older-looking man was a hairy man. Sideburns covered his face, and the backs of his hands and arms were also covered in hair. Another man was enormous, and his forearms seemed as thick as an average person’s waist. Who is the last man?

He was a really ugly guy, like an oyster mashed up with soybeans.

Each of them had distinct characteristics, but one thing was similar.

Their eyes were full of life, and it was a chronic way of life that made them feel like they would casually kill someone and then eat next to him.

These were Jo Byeok’s three shadows, Samyoung.

The person who was waiting was Jo Byeok.

“Are you here?”

“Call all three of us. “What on earth is going on?”

“Unfortunately, the mission you needed has been cancelled.”

Samyoung showed a look of disappointment.

Then Jo Byeok took out three or four hundred nyang vouchers and gave them to them.

“Just take a break and be a bitch for a while.”

Samyoung’s expression suddenly brightened.

“Do not leave Wuhan until I order you to.”

Jo Byeok did not send them away. Sima Qian let go of this matter, but he still felt uncomfortable. I had a feeling that there was more, something hidden.

So, I secretly planned to find out more from Baekpyo. Of course, I do not intend to report the results to Sima Qian. He wants to prove to himself that his hunch was not wrong.

One of the Samyoung, who was about to turn around and leave, asked vaguely.

“But who was our original target?”

“Former leader of the Meng Tiger Dan.”

“It must be quite strong.”

“It’s not that strong. Even if you three work together, you won’t be able to kill him.”

“Is it that much?”

“What do you think of the Murim Alliance’s fiercest warriors? They are the ones who protect the leader. Meng Haodanju is the leader of such people. Even I can’t win in a head-to-head match. But don’t worry. He has a wife and a son. I’ll kneel down anytime

“You can.”

A look of cruelty flashed across the four men’s expressions at the same time. It was the way they lived until now, and it was also the way they survived.

“I was put on the killing squad for my brother, so even if I were to spare the money instead of the Meng Hao Danju, the result would be the same.”

Because there was no one who was entangled with them and survived. No matter how expert he was, he would somehow find his weakness and kill him.

I appeared where they left.

I was the one who never took my eyes off Samyoung’s movements as he was heading towards Wuhan.

I listened to their entire conversation while hiding my presence.

When I heard that the order had been cancelled, I realized that my plan had succeeded.

But it was only half a success. That Jo Byeok hasn’t completely let go of his doubts yet. The proof was that Samyoung was not sent back.

The moment he mentioned the White Panther family, I made up my mind.

I decided to get rid of all four of them.

This is what I hate the most. Interfering with family members and harming people who don’t know martial arts. But what if it is Baekpyo’s family?

Part of me wanted to get rid of it all right here, but I didn’t.

I went to great lengths to make people believe that I got rid of the Sura Myeongwang Sword, but there was no need to make Sima Qian suspicious again.

Over time, I will get rid of it by linking it to something completely different from this one.

You are on my killing squad.

Leave a will in your death register.

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