Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 64

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King Sura (3)

The next day, I received information about the man who had escorted Sima Qian from the Wuhan branch of the Heavenly Mang Association.

The man’s name is Jo Byeok.

He was originally a ronin expert, but after being noticed and selected by Sima Qian, he served as his right hand man for a long time.

Although he was involved in various illegal activities, including assassination, he was able to escape the charges thanks to Cheon Do-mun’s protection each time.

In other words, it was a passage that showed that the relationship between Sima Qian and Cheon Dao Mun had been close for a long time.

There was a lot of other miscellaneous information, but this was the most noteworthy piece of information.

It is said that there are three swordsmen who have followed Jo Byeok since his days as a ronin, and they are called Samyeong (三影) because they follow him like a shadow.

I thought that if Jo Byeok was going to handle this matter, he would definitely call them.

I again asked the Heavenly Manghoe about Samyoung. I didn’t need their skills or past, just wanted to find out where they were and their whereabouts.

I asked them to let me know as quickly as possible. If you want information faster than the set time, you have to pay twice as much.

But I didn’t spare any money. Since it was related to the white mark, it wasn’t a waste even if I spent all my money.

This matter must be handled carefully.

Sima Qian is the one at the center of the Murim Alliance. He shouldn’t be tangled up with them anymore.

Today too, Baekpyo welcomed me warmly.

“You’re here again?”

“Didn’t I say I would make you rich?”

“haha. “We need to open a branch on that street.”

For this matter as well, I felt the need to get closer to Baekpyo for the future as well.

I told him the truth about me. He is the successor to the Byeok clan of Shandong Province and is expanding his knowledge by traveling around Gangho.

I might take him to Shandong someday, so it was a paving stone for later. The most important thing in a relationship is trust. If you lie from the start, no amount of explanation will be able to erase your uncomfortable feelings.

This job helped him escape danger, but at the same time it was also a very important opportunity for him and Byeokridan to build a friendship.

“Byeogongja’s age is at its peak.”

Baekpyo seemed to be jealous of this youth.

“Isn’t the owner still young?”

“Haha, it’s been a long time since I was young.”

“I think heart is more important than age.”

“I guess so?”

“As I talk about my age, it feels like my younger self is shaking.”

“no. “Pyeokgongja does not seem like a young man.”

“You’re saying I look old.”

Baekpyo was embarrassed and waved his hands.

“That’s not what I meant. What can I say, there is something special about Mr. Byokgongja.”

Of course so. How am I looking at you? Baekpyo! I’m suppressing the feeling of wanting to scream and run to him and hug him right now.

“That’s a compliment, right?”


“Well, I guess I’ll have a nice drink today too. Now, give me a drink!”

Several guests came in the evening. I looked closely to see if there were any dangerous people, but they were all ordinary customers.

I drank until late today and returned to my guesthouse.

* * *

The next day, I was able to receive information about Samyoung through the Cheonmanghoe.

It was news that they were coming to Wuhan.

I could see that my predictions were correct. The fact that they were from another area and suddenly came to Wuhan probably means that Jo Byeok was in charge of this matter.

Samyoung had a worse history than Jo Byeok. It was natural. Because they must have been the minions that actually moved.

I was furious with Sima Qian and Cao Bi.

You’re trying to bring in these dirty guys to take care of the job, right?

But I soon got my mind under control.

Garbage was widespread in the river. What is important now is not anger, but neat work done for Baekpyo.

The estimated time it will take them to reach Wuhan is five days. If it’s long, it’s long, if it’s short, it’s been a short time, but in the meantime, we have to solve this problem.

If we fail to do so and they arrive here, we will end up having to eliminate them all. It wouldn’t be difficult to get rid of it, but the problem is that there is a high possibility that white votes will overturn it.

After leaving the Cheonmanghoe branch, I walked down the street and got lost in thought.

Even in my past life, if I was worried about something, I would walk like this and a good thought would come to me and it would be resolved.

How good would it be to have galsaryang in times like this?

I remembered a conversation I had with him before.

“How are you so smart?”

“That is an overstatement.”

“There’s no need to be so humble.”

“The more complex and difficult a problem is, the simpler the answer is often.”

“You know what? Those words make fun of people like us even more. “The answer that seems simple to you is completely invisible to our eyes.”

What if the answer to this problem is simple?

The problem is that Sima Qian wants to get the Sura Myeongwang Sword. There is a suspicion that the sword belongs to Baekpyo, and in reality it belongs to Baekpyo.

The answer to the problem is… … All you have to do is tell Baekpyo that the Sura Myeongwanggeom is not there.


That wasn’t the only problem. Even if we are lucky enough to get through this situation, Sima Qian will doubt Gal Si Liang again. The Sura Myeongwang Sword was too valuable to just give up.

A thought crossed my mind at that time.

What if we were to believe that the Sura Myeongwanggeom was gone in the first place? What if it is known that I, the former great leader, completely destroyed it before I died?

I stood on the road for a while, lost in thought.


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How long was it like that?

I started moving again. It was a powerful step, not a step filled with worry.

* * *

Ban Seo-jeong, the head of Cheonmanghoe, was silently looking down at the car in front of him.

The address where she was sitting was Bulu, and it was the same place where Byeokridan had come to look for Galsaryang.

“Are you worried about something?”

An old woman in the kitchen approached her wearing an apron. The old woman was Bingnodae (馮老大), her guardian and an elder of the Heavenly Manghoe.

Since Bingnodae had taken care of Ban Seo-jeong since he was young, the relationship between the two was closer to that of a grandfather and grandson, rather than that of a leader and an elder. You could tell what she was thinking just by looking at her expression.

“I received a call from the Murim League to meet you.”

“Mabongi? “What is that ugly old thing for?”

Bingnodae was well aware of the Mabonggi. He especially hated Ma Bong-gi, who had been embroiled in all sorts of scandals since his youth.

“I received a call from Sima Qian, not Ma Fengqi. It looks like separate messages were sent to Gwiangok and Mantonghoe.”

“Are you going to call them one by one and tame them?”

“It seems so.”

“It seems pure. Leaders, soldiers, and similar things gather together. “I’m really worried about this powerhouse’s future!”

Bingnodae clicked his tongue and made a disapproving expression.

Cheonmanghoe was one of the top three intelligence organizations along with Gwiangok and Mantonghoe. In other words, it was one of the most powerful organizations that held Kangho’s information.

During the time of Cheon Ha-jin, people were not asked to join the Murim Alliance through such unilateral notification.

After a long association with Jeongjeongak, he naturally met General Gunsa. The process was very polite and courteous.

Compared to that, this unilateral notification was truly rude.

A certain longing flashed through Ban Seo-jeong’s eyes as he looked down at the half-full tea in his teacup.

“Have you heard any news about him?”

Ban Seo-jeong raised his head and made an expression that asked who he was talking about. But she knew who Old Bing was talking about, so she was a little embarrassed.

Bingnodae pretended not to know.

“The former general military.”

“I heard you were demoted to general military.”

Although she said it as if that was all she knew, she knew much more. She knew that she was being harassed by Sima Qian, and she even knew that Sima Qian was looking for the Suraming King Sword. She is a member of Jeongjeongak and

I was paying close attention to the situation.

“That person… … I’ll endure it well. “Because I am a strong person by nature.”

I have felt for a long time that Gal Sa-ryang likes him. I didn’t hate it that much.

But Gal Sa-ryang never once expressed his feelings. If he had confessed that he liked him, would things have been different now? It occurred to me that maybe he was.

Bingnodae noticed that the two people had a crush on each other.

‘Frustrating things!’

But that doesn’t mean you can’t just interfere in the love affairs of grown people.

At that time, one of his subordinates came in disguised as a guest.

Suha spoke softly while ordering tea.

“I think you should go to the branch right now.”

* * *

After about a minute of waiting at the Wuhan branch of the Celestial Association, a new person appeared behind the hanging curtain.

I could tell who the person behind me was.

Lord Cheonmanghoe, it must be her.

“You came to sell very valuable information?”

The calm voice coming from behind was modulated differently than usual, but I could tell that she was the Lord of the Tenmanghoe.

But she didn’t recognize me. Because I got a new skin mask and even changed my voice.


Intelligence organizations mostly sell information, but they also buy information. Of course, this was limited to very large and important information.

“That information is a text left by the former great lord?”

“exactly. “This article has not been published anywhere.”

This was the reason she appeared here in person.

I took out a piece of paper.

“This is a message left by former great leader Cheon Ha-jin.”

“How do you know it’s Cheon Ha-jin’s?”

“You guys know the handwriting.”

“Can you confirm for us?”

“Of course.”

Then an old man came inside.

I folded the paper I brought to show only the first few lines.

The old man used a magnifying glass to compare the font on the scroll he had brought with mine.

The old man, who had been studying for a while, looked towards the badge and nodded once. It meant Cheon Ha-jin’s handwriting.

It was natural. Because the text on the paper was written by me myself. Even the paper and ink were taken care of to make it look like it wasn’t just written.

“I have to see for myself how much it is worth, is that okay?”

“Okay. I believe in the reputation of the Heavenly Vision Society. I’m sure Heavenly Manghoe won’t steal customer information.”

“You don’t have to worry.”

I gave the paper to the old man. The old man took it and put it through the curtain.

I could feel the woman behind the curtain being startled.

I wrote some stories about martial arts on paper. It wasn’t very important content, and I only wrote a little bit about Chuhonsura swordsmanship that only I would know, to make sure that this article was written by me.

This was the important part.

… … I did not reach my life’s goal, cardiomyopathy. Now, I am planning to take on a new challenge to the mind and sword realm by getting rid of the Sura Myeongwanggeom, which has been my poisonous weapon and lifelong friend. I just hope that this challenge of mine bears fruit.

am. The reason I am writing this is because today is a turning point in my martial arts life… …

It states that the Sura Myeongwanggeom has been eliminated.

I knew that Gal Sa-ryang had a crush on her. That’s why she visited Daru, which she runs, last time.

I hoped there would be more emotional exchange than I expected. If so, she would also know that Gal Sa-ryang is under suspicion because of the Sura Myeongwang Sword.

The head of the Celestial View Association would know that much information. And even more so if you’re interested.

If so, this information can be used to save Galsaryang from danger.

What if she leaks this information to Sima Qian?

Lord Cheonmanghoe will take care of where and how this was discovered. Since the information was given to them, it was now information from the Celestial Vision.

It doesn’t matter even if she doesn’t move the way I want.

I plan to wait a day or two and pass on this information to Sima Qian myself. Information related to the sword has entered the Heavenly Watch Society. Then Sima Qian will personally come forward and find out this information.

“How much will you pay for this information?”

The answer came quickly, as if there was a set price.

“I’ll buy it for 10,000 nyang.”

She didn’t ask where I got this. It was like an unwritten rule for those who trade information.

Honestly, I had no intention of taking money from her. Because it was something she had to do, even if it meant giving her money. However, this is something that should not arouse suspicion.

“Please give me fifteen thousand nyang.”

“This information is worth ten thousand taels.”

I tried to raise the price several times and was rejected each time.

In the end, I backed away with an expression that there was nothing I could do.

“Okay. “I will sell it for 10,000 nyang.”

“Thank you for giving in.”

After a while, a man came and handed me money. Like the transactions in Black City, transactions here were also made with small amounts that could not be traced.

Before I knew it, the woman behind the curtain had disappeared.

I didn’t know what she would do. I just hope that the contents will flow to Sima Qian.

From Sima Qian’s perspective, he might be suspicious if that information comes in at this time.

However, since what is written there is the Lord’s handwriting, we will have no choice but to accept the fact that the Sura Myeongwanggeom does not exist in the world.

If that happens, Sima Qian will give up the sword and Baekpyo will no longer be bothered by this.

There may have been unexpected loopholes, and the outcome was unknown, but it was the best method I came up with. I hope you get lucky.

Even though the net in the sky is wide and thin, I just hope that nothing is missed.

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