Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 60

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Where does inspiration come from?(3)

I decided to go to Tianmen Mountain.

I thought for a while about stopping by the next time I went to Hubei, but I decided to just go when I got the chance.

“I’ll come back after getting some fresh air.”

The distance was far and I had no idea what was waiting for me there, so I told my father and mother.

“Where are you going?”

“I will go to Hubei.”

“Why in Hubei?”

“While I’m there, I want to stop by the Murim Alliance headquarters and make plans for the future.”

“Good idea. After all, a man should know the wide world.”

My father trusted me completely. My recent changes have been changes, but there was a decisive moment that made me trust myself.

Seojung conveyed to his father that the soldiers of the Sogeomdae truly follow me. My father was very happy.

This may be because my father knew that it was much more difficult to gain people’s trust than to improve one’s martial arts skills.

At that time, my father called me and gave me the same advice he had given me before.

“Always have a heart of respect, even for those below you.”

I was disappointed. If my father had been by my side and given me this advice over and over again around the time I became a leader, my past life would have been different. In human relationships, authority is not the top priority, but something else must have taken its place.

After saying hello, my mother followed me out and said.

“Lin visited while you were away.”

“For what?”

“He just came to say hello to me. “I had a great time with Lin.”

She came to see her mother? As she experiences various events, she feels that Songhwa-rin is changing little by little.

“What are your true feelings about that child?”

“It’s the same as what I said before. “Right now, I want to do what I want rather than get married.”

Of course, this mind may change.

There are so many things I have to do now that I can’t even dare to think about love, but the human heart is something that cannot be understood.

If I fall in love with someone, then my heart will send a signal. It could be a new woman, or it could be Song Hwarin. Because you may change your mind later.

I was moved by Song Hwa-rin’s appearance as she gave Ma Jeong-su a punch. She felt loneliness when she saw Chilho looking down at the pond.

In this way, changing a relationship is an ‘opportunity’. It doesn’t matter whether it’s small or big. If it happens at the right time, everything changes completely.

“Is what you’ve been doing these days what you want to do?”


While parents hope to find a good partner, they are probably worried that their child will live a lonely life and become unhappy.

So I confidently told my mother.

“Mom, I’m very happy these days.”

Only then did my mother smile.

“Okay, that’s it.”

“I’ll stop by Songjiajang for a moment before I leave.”

“If it’s because of me, there’s no need to do that.”

I smiled and said to the mother who was trying to ease the burden on her son.

“no. “I was going to go anyway.”

I felt grateful that she came to see my mother when I was away. Song Woo-kyung, who punished Song Hwa-rin by telling her to meet frequently because of her beating, was also concerned.

* * *

“ha ha ha. “You’re welcome.”

Song Woo-kyung was very happy about my visit.

If you punish someone and they don’t even pretend to receive it, it wouldn’t be polite to them.

“Okay, now that we’ve said our goodbyes, let’s go see Lin.”

“All right.”

Song Woo-kyung pushed me out as if pushing me. Seeing him so satisfied made her think that she had come to the right place.

Suran led the way to where Song Hwarin was.

Her eyes towards me were not kind. Because it was natural, I pretended not to notice.

When we arrived near the training ground, Suran stopped.

“I feel presumptuous to say this, but I will tell you just one thing.”

“Do it.”

“Please never do that again in the future. “Please.”

Her love for her master was revealed on her face.

“That won’t happen.”

“Thank you.”

She greeted politely. At first glance, it may seem harsh and rude, but her liking for poached eggs actually increased. It wouldn’t have been easy to say this to me.

However, he willingly gathered courage out of concern for Song Hwa-rin. Isn’t being willing to do difficult things truly a sign of caring for someone else? She felt reassured because she had her poached egg next to her.

Song Hwa-rin was practicing swordsmanship in the training hall.

She had slender arms and legs, and when she stretched out her legs, she looked truly beautiful. It was really nice to see her there, drenched in sweat and practicing hard.

She was unfolding the herbivore that I pointed out. She was probably working on a weakness to eliminate it.

“Byeok-gongja has arrived.”

At Suran’s words, Song Hwa-rin stopped practicing and walked towards me.

“I’m here?”

“It was a hindrance to my training. Sorry.”

“no. “I was just about to finish it.”

The swollen face has now subsided and is barely visible. Is it because of my mood? She actually felt a little brighter than before.


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“You came to my house?”

“I came to see my mother.”

Come to think of it, Song Hwa-rin’s mother died when she was young. In my previous life, I was raised by her mother, and she was raised by her father.

She said looking at me.

“Would you please take a look at my herbivorous diet?”

“However much.”

She unfolded the snack from last time.

“At that time, you dodged this way and destroyed my Chosik. So this is how I came up with it.”

She unfolded a slightly modified version of her chosik. It was definitely a move that made up for her previous weaknesses. In a short amount of time, she found a pretty good solution.

Instead of pulling out my sword, I just held the direction with my hand and stretched it out in one direction.

“But what if I attack like this?”

Then Song Hwa-rin let out a brief exclamation, ‘Ah.’ By changing the herbivorous diet, a weakness that did not exist before arose.

“The method I found wasn’t the answer.”

I nodded.

she said with a smile.

“thank you. “I’ll think again.”

I almost wanted to ask her to teach me how to make the perfect herbivore, but she didn’t ask me to teach her. She wants to do it alone.

“But what happened?”

“It’s a punishment.”


Song Woo-kyung came and told me what he said last time.

“By the way, father too.”

She gave an expression that said she couldn’t stop him.

I talked to her about various things. Perhaps because I felt more comfortable, the conversation went smoothly now.

We talked for a while and then said goodbye.

“You said you were going to Hubei, right? Bye.”


As I turned and walked away, she muttered to herself from afar.

“Next time, don’t punish me… … “Just come.”

Of course, I thought I wouldn’t hear it, but I heard it clearly in my sensitive ears.

I pretended not to hear anything and left.

* * *

Six days later. I arrived at a village near Tianmen Mountain.

There were several villages along Cheonmunsan Mountain, and the one I arrived at was a village near Seonhakbong Peak. I came to this place to dance when I was young, but it felt unfamiliar, as if it was my first time there.

I could see why. It wasn’t just because it was a long time ago. Even if you had been there ten times, it would still be an unfamiliar place. Because the scenery didn’t catch my eye at that time. It was a time when we only looked at each other.

Now that I’m back here again, I can feel how urgent it was.

I just came here without doing anything, but this journey was already teaching me.

Okay, let’s take our time.

Only if you live a different life will you get different results.

There was a small guesthouse in the village.

Because there were not many customers, the owner said he was running the guest house while doing farming.

I asked the owner and my memory was correct. Seonhakbong was the main peak of Cheonmunsan Mountain, and it was said that it was so high and steep that even herbalists could not easily climb it.

After renting a room, I spent the day relaxing and relaxing.

The next morning, I climbed the mountain.

What on earth is on this mountain? What should I look for?

First, I decided to climb to the top. Judging by the contents left in the box, I thought there must be something hidden somewhere along the way to the summit.

The mountain conditions were very rough. It was difficult for me, who had learned martial arts, to climb up easily. Above all, it was very difficult to find the way because there were no people.

Sometimes I headed down the mountain, wondering if it was this way, and sometimes I reached a dead end while climbing hard, thinking it was the other way.

However, they did not just fly up to the new law.

Because what I should be looking for here is not the flag planted on the top of the mountain.

Since it was the first day, I climbed the mountain with a relaxed mind. In the end, she couldn’t find her way to the top and came down from the mountain before dark.

The next day, I climbed the mountain early in the morning.

Since I already had the experience of wandering once yesterday, I was able to climb the mountain more easily and quickly today.

But when I went up a little further than yesterday, I also got lost.

Of course, I could have used credulity to get over this section, but I didn’t do that. I went down the way I came and at a possible turning point, I went up again, this time in a different direction.

This time we went up a bit further.

But this time, after climbing a bit further, the road was cut off. This is not the way either.

Of course, this entire process was not in vain. Because I was looking around carefully while finding my way.

That night, I drank alcohol in the guesthouse.

The owner asked curiously as he brought us some snacks.

“But what brings you to this small town?”

“I’m planning to climb Seonhakbong Peak.”


“yes. “I came here because a friend of mine boasted about the amazing scenery of Seonhakbong Peak.”

“Oh, I see. you’re right. Seonhakbong is a mountain with truly spectacular scenery. It is called Seonhakbong because the rock at the top resembles a crane. But the road is so rough that ordinary people cannot climb to the top.”

“It was really difficult. “Is there anyone in town who knows much about the mountains?”

“The herbalist in our village knows it well, but now he is out digging up herbs in another mountain. “It will likely take a month before I return.”


I didn’t regret it. Because from the beginning, I planned to find a way on my own.

“It has been famous for its rugged terrain since ancient times. So it is said that strong people used to come in and train. “I heard that there was a very famous person a long time ago.”

I asked with sparkling eyes.

“Do you know who that is?”

“I heard this story from my grandfather when I was young, so I don’t remember it now. “I just remember hearing that he was a very great expert.”

“Oh, I see.”

At least one thing was certain. As old as the paper in the box was, the person who left it was also a long time ago.

“Now, eat this and cheer up.”

“thank you.”

While listening to the sound of owls in the distance outside the window, I was more intoxicated with the atmosphere of the mountain village than with alcohol.

Three days later, I finally found my way to the summit.

There was nothing at the top. Instead, a wonderful scenery unfolded. As I looked down from a high altitude, I felt the loneliness of being the only person alive in the world.

I really felt like I had become a hermit, but this scenery probably wasn’t what the paper left behind.

I felt great knowing that I had found a way on my own.

I stood at the top and cheered in good spirits.


Not long after I started going down the mountain, I found a small cave.

It was a cave that a person could barely crawl into, but it was located in a location where you would never find it unless you looked carefully.

I strained my eyes, but I couldn’t see anything in the darkness. When I was about to go in, I felt afraid.

I didn’t know whether it would be infested with poisonous snakes or poisonous insects. It could have just been a cave inhabited by small animals.

Is it really here? What should I do?

At that time, this thought suddenly occurred to me.

At least, I thought that this was a cave that Kang Ho-in could never find. I can use Shinjinjutsu, but I don’t want to go through the trouble of wandering around for days.

A cave that can only be discovered by those who find the way on their own.

Maybe that wasn’t the primary test?

Okay, let’s go in.

The cave was narrow and cramped. It felt like something was going to pop out and there was a terrible smell. I hesitated several times about whether to go back again, and it occurred to me that no one would continue to visit this place. Fortunately, there were no snakes or poisonous insects.

After crawling for a while, the cave began to widen little by little, and I was able to get up.

I saw a bright light ahead.

When I went out there with a happy heart.


I was surprised. There was only enough space to place one foot, and the bottom was a cliff.

When I raised my head and looked up, I saw that the top was the summit. This was the part where the crane’s tail was sticking out from behind, and a small cave could be seen under the rock sticking out like the tail.

Even from the top, you couldn’t see that there was a cave below, and even if you tried to look down, the rock was angled downward so you couldn’t see it.

The entrance to the cave is visible only from this cliff ledge.

I could tell. The place the paper in the box led to was that cave.

It was a really difficult place to find. You had to find your way up the mountain, go through a small cave that didn’t really seem like it was there, have the courage to look up from every foot ledge on this treacherous cliff, and finally…

me more You must be able to overcome the fear of this ceiling cliff and fly above it.

If you don’t get to that entrance, you’ll fall down the cliff.

I had to use the Gyeongshinbeop, and even that required a lot of skill.

I took a powerful leap and flew up.

It was farther than I thought. Her back and hands were stretched out.


I sighed as I hung on the cliff.

I barely made it to the passage. Slowly, I gave strength to my arms and went up. The cave entrance was bigger than I thought. At least I could stand and go inside.

After taking a deep breath, I slowly walked inside.

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