Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 58

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Where does inspiration come from?(1)

Chilho walked down the hallway.

It was a complicated hallway like a maze. Left, right, left again. It was a hallway that no matter how smart a person was, he would never be able to find his way there at once.

After circling for a while and exiting the maze, a long hallway was waiting.

There was a room at the end of a gray hallway that looked as if the walls on either side would open at any moment and something would pop out.

As I opened the door and entered, there was a man standing there with his back turned. Because it was underground, there were no windows in the room. The man was looking at a picture hanging where the window would be.

It was a dynamic picture of waves hitting the rocks on the beach, creating foam. It was a real contrast to this stuffy room.

“The Demon Essence is dead.”

The tone was as calm as when he said, “It’s raining outside.”

The man’s reaction was also similar.


The news of Ma Jeong-soo’s death was not delivered to Ma Bong-gi. However, this man was not even a member of the Murim League.

“He died after becoming entangled with the nightlife in the Shandong region.”

“Did you check it yourself?”

“Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. “Here is a detailed report.”

She placed the report she brought on the table.

The man still did not take his eyes off the picture.

“I think of that every time I see this picture. Did the artist actually see the sea and paint it, or did he draw it from his imagination? “What do you think?”

“I am… … I do not know.”

Only then did the man turn around. She was a man in his thirties, and unlike the sentimental feeling she had while looking at the painting, she gave off a very cold feeling.

The man was none other than Ilho, the head of this organization. He was also the only person who knew what number everyone was in this organization and whose orders they received.

Ilho read the report slowly.

“Hwaseonnodae and Si-gon, who went together, went missing. “Do you see the involvement of another successor?”

“Yes, it is.”

Ilho spoke with his eyes still focused on the report.

“Please wait until the next command.”


As she turned and opened the door and was about to leave, Ilho called her.



Ilho’s tone softened a little.

“Good work.”

However, Chilho still had a rigid tone.

“thank you.”

After she left, Ilho finished reading the report. After closing the last page, his eyes turned back to the picture behind him.

* * *

After three visits, the contents of the report were finally delivered to the Murim lord Ma Bong-gi.

The person reporting was Gwangwoldanju Joo Cheol-ryong.

“Unfortunately, your son, Ma Jeongsu Sohyeop, has passed away.”

Ma Bong-gi showed no emotional disturbance upon hearing of his child’s death.

“Who killed it?”

“He appears to be one of the successors.”

Joo Cheol-ryong did not convey any information about Yasang or Shandong Chamber of Commerce.

It was unclear whether it was edited arbitrarily, or whether it also did not receive relevant information. It is unknown how many hands it passed through until it was passed from Ilho’s hands to him.

“I think we need to send an investigator. “You can’t send it from the blind dimension, you have to send it from Heaven’s Gate.”

Ma Bongi nodded.

“I will take care of it. Now, what about the next report?”

That was the end of the conversation about Ma Jeong-su’s death. If the dead Ma Jeong-su had seen this conversation in hell, he would have hit the ground and been furious.

“Because of this incident, Kangho’s public opinion is not good. “Bring in the successors who were sent out.”

“I can’t do that.”

Ma Bong-gi categorically refused.

“Despite the opposition of those children, you sent your people there. So you know everything that happens there better than I do. “We have made such concessions, but we cannot accept their request to bring them in.”

“Public opinion should not be ignored.”

“You shouldn’t ignore me first.”

Joo Cheol-ryong continued talking, pretending not to hear.

“There is a quality that powerful people look for in a Murim lord.”

“As you know, I don’t have anything like that.”

“Then start making it now.”

A tense battle of wits unfolded between the two.

“I ask you just one thing.”


“Why did you support me?”

If it were not for Joo Cheol-ryong, the leader of the Gwangwoldan, the most powerful of the three major orders, Ma Bong-gi would never have become the Murim lord.

“I have always respected the leader.”

“Cut that bullshit aside and tell me the real reason.”

“There is no other reason.”

“Who on earth is behind you?”


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“There is no one.”

Ma Bong-gi snorted and leaned against Taesa’s chair. Really, it made me think that maybe he really respected me when he acted so innocently.

But that couldn’t have been the case. Ma Bong-gi was a man who had gone through many hardships and hardships, and he knew himself better than anyone else.

There was definitely someone behind it.

However, even though it has been more than half a year since he became the leader, he has not shown himself and has not asked for anything. He would have been better off as a leader, so he wouldn’t be anxious if he asked for money, a position, or anything else.


“Then rest.”

Joo Cheol-ryong slowly walked out of there.

Ma Bongi’s eyes flashed as he looked at his back as he walked away.

“If you only saw me as an old man who flashes women’s breasts, and if you chose me because you thought you could take advantage of me… … “That’s a big mistake.”

* * *

Starting from Shandong, rumors about Demonic Water began to spread.

There was a rumor that Ma Jeong-su was trying to collaborate with the Shandong Chamber of Commerce and in the process, tried to steal the money lent to the Shandong Chamber of Commerce.

There was no rumor that Ma Jeongsu had died. Instead, he left Shandong, and it was rumored that his plan to establish a military post was aborted.

Of course, it was a rumor I spread.

I shed it very carefully so as not to let its tail get stepped on. Because it was such a sensitive issue, even if it was leaked just a little bit, it quickly spread everywhere.

This incident also had a ripple effect in other parts of the central region. Public opinion began to criticize that the Cheon Do-mun faction was trying to intervene deeply in the affairs of the central government.

The dissatisfaction that had been building up as they watched Ma Bong-gi all this time came out all at once.

Do you think that the heated public opinion will subside over time? The Murim League did not make any comment regarding this.

Shandong regained peace, but there were two organizations that were anxious. It was Yasang and Shandong Store. Ya-sang was in an uproar because he got tangled up with Ma Jeong-su, and Shandong Store was in trouble because he got tangled up with Ya-sang.

Anyway, the final winner was me.

The money that came into my hands was 200,000 nyang.

It was money that could immediately increase the number of swordsmen to hundreds.

However, I plan to increase the number of swordsmen next spring as originally planned. As originally planned, there were only two groups and about forty people.

There was no need to do anything that would draw attention when the Murim Alliance or Cheondomun might begin an investigation into this incident.

The sword unit was running well under the command of the official.

Each of them could do the job well even if they were assigned to lead the sword team.

We will raise them into stronger elites by next spring.

If you had the right commander, it was possible to call a number in an instant.

If you select twenty groups with these people as leaders, a large-scale sword unit of up to four hundred people will be created in an instant.

Gwangdu was also absorbed in martial arts training. In particular, Gwangdu has changed a lot after gaining eight years of training with the spirit that I gave him. I gained confidence.

“Anyway, it’s hard to see your face these days.”

“I was busy.”

“Please take me with you, too.”


When I asked with wide eyes, Gwangdu was shocked.

“… … “Was it dangerous?”

I said with a serious expression.

“Crazy people are slashing everywhere, shooting threats behind their backs, making threats every time they open their mouths, hundreds of thousands of nyang exchanged, suspecting each other, being deceived, burying bodies… … .”

Gwangdu covered his ears.

“Stop! “Please stop!”

“Next time, let’s go together. I’ll show you a real powerhouse. “I think it’s time.”

“No, it’s far. I will live in this friendly and peaceful river, where I will be gifted with fragrant herbs and good knives! forever.”


“Don’t laugh like that!”

It felt great to have such a pleasant conversation with Gwangdu after a long time. I felt all the tension that had been building up because of the magic essence dissipating.

“But where are you going? “Carry the burden.”

Gwangdu asked while looking at the leather bag on my back.

I said with sad eyes.

“shall we go together?”

“omg! No way, in a leather bag… … “Is it a corpse?”

Gwangdu quickly stepped back into the distance and waved his hand.

After giving him a grin, I left the house.

What was in the leather bag was not a corpse, but a gift the corpse gave me.

* * *

I arrived at Heuksi carrying a leather bag containing 200,000 nyang.

I plan to buy elixirs here again.

Why are you so obsessed with internal skills?

Because it is the surest and fastest way for me to become stronger.

In normal cases, when several elixirs are mixed, the purity of the inner energy tends to deteriorate.

As your skill increases, the effects you can obtain from elixirs decrease, and since purity also decreases, there is a clear limit to building skills with money.

Fortunately, I had learned the best mental technique called Cheonmuhosimgyeol, so I was able to create multiple elixirs into one pure inner energy.

It is inevitable that the effectiveness decreases as the internal strength increases. However, since it was still before the first attack, buying elixirs was still an effective option.

There were things I felt while experiencing the Ma Jeong-su incident. Something unexpected was happening in the Murim Alliance.

You need to get stronger as quickly as possible.

I can already use the perfect basic technique of Chuhonsura swordsmanship. I also train every day to build up my physical strength. What was most needed in this situation was internal strength.

I need to be able to use Sedge-based food soon after I pass the age of one. Because it was so powerful that it could not be compared to the previous herbivorous meal.

Anyway, there must be an elixir suitable for dark vision.

The old man with the dark eyes greeted me. Today too, I visited with a different face.

The old man’s sad answer came back to me as I searched for the elixir.

“Unfortunately, no elixir arrived.”


I brought the most money, but there was no elixir.

I felt regretful, but it was something I couldn’t do. As the old man said, elixirs have their own owners.

“I understand that there are no other branches in Shandong either. The supply of elixirs is gradually decreasing. “I probably won’t be able to see the elixir this year.”

“I can’t.”

“Now that you’re here, would you like to see some other things?”


Yes, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a look at what items are available at least once.

I followed the old man out of the room.

After passing through the manor’s yard, we arrived at a large exhibition hall. It was so large that it was as big as the main hall of Yangsobang, where the banquet was held.

All kinds of items were on display there.

What was unusual was that the items there were divided into two types.

There were iron bars along the walls.

The items behind the bars were expensive items. The items outside were relatively cheap.

I could tell that this ordinary-looking iron bar was not ordinary steel.

It may not be as strong as 10,000 years of steel, but it is a metal that can block quite a bit of sword energy and sword strength.

In my prime, I raised the Geomgang and cut off Mannyeon Hancheol. It was when I was fighting the Black Dragon Emperor of Sapa, and he laughed at me as he ran away through the emergency passage beyond the 10,000-year season.

When I raised my eyebrows, he laughed even louder.

But you should have seen the look on his face when my swordsmith started cutting it off. In the end, he was unable to get through the emergency passage and was caught by me and died.

The old man took me to the place where the sword was displayed.

“The sword you’re wearing looks pretty old. Let’s buy a sword.”

ha ha ha.

I laughed inside.

This is said without knowing what kind of sword is inside this normally camouflaged scabbard. If Cheonjogeom hears this, he will be very disappointed.

The old man pointed to the sword hanging behind the iron bars.

“That sword is the Wind Jin Sword. “At the time, it was the best sword in Gangbuk, so it was the sword worn by Pungjin Daehyup.”

I knew rubella. I once competed with him when I was young. I beat him in two hundred and fifty seconds. After that, he occasionally exchanged letters with him, but after some time, we stopped hearing from him.

Seeing as the sword is here, he is probably dead.

‘Senior, I hope you go to a good place.’

I prayed for his peace in my heart.

“how much?”

“That’s 90,000 cats.”

“90,000 cat?”

I asked in surprise. It was much more expensive than expected.

“Isn’t this the sword worn by Fengjin Daekyo?”


If the Ruben Sword costs 90,000 nyang, then how expensive is this Thousand-Light Sword? What if the sword itself is much better and has the same value as the sword used by the Murim Lord? It seemed like it would cost a few hundred thousand nyang. Of course, I had no intention of selling it.

Well, it won’t be that expensive after remodeling.

I thought that if I brought the Sura Myeongwang Sword, it would be worth the price.

In addition to the Rubin Sword, there were several swords. They were small swords that were one level below the Rubin Sword. Those alone were worth between thirty thousand and fifty thousand catfish.

It may be difficult to use the Fengjin Sword, but lower level swords could be cut with this Cheonjo Sword.

After looking at the sword, I looked at various other things as well. All kinds of powerful weapons, including swords, spears, gauntlets, and self-defense armor, were on display.

The things I wanted to buy were too expensive.

For example, the armor that protects the heart cost as much as 100,000 nyang.

Of course, it is of superior quality and cannot be cut by any sword technique, so it may save one’s life someday.

However, in my current situation, considering price and performance, the efficiency was too low. After looking at all the expensive things behind the iron bars, I looked away.

I started looking around for items outside the bars that were much cheaper.

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