Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 56

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Exit without a sound (2)

Ma Jeong-su put the leather bag containing the voucher in the safe.

The smile on my face did not disappear from the joy of accomplishing something unexpected.

He called the woman and told her that he had borrowed money. She proudly added, after boasting that I had done it as if she had done it herself.

“I should have seen them crawling.”

I was listening to the story outside the door.

How can you be so shameless? Even when I know I’m out there listening.

“Tell it right! Understand?”

As soon as I heard those words, the woman came out. She glanced at me.

Her eyes ask. Is this all your doing?

Since you have probably been watching Ma Jeongsu for a while, you probably know that he is not the kind of person who would show such courage.

I didn’t give a look to judge yes or no.

She left there immediately. Looking at her back, I suddenly had this doubt.

Did Ma Bongi really send her? No matter how much Ma Jeong-su is, she is a person with a dirty personality who has been pushed back in the succession battle, but she is still the blood relative of the master she serves, so can she react in such a cold way?

Of course, it may be possible if you were raised as a murder weapon from a young age and have no fear or emotions.

What if Ma Bongi wasn’t raised? So what if such behavior is possible?

But there are questions about that assumption as well. Why was a person raised by a third person sent to Ma Bongi’s blood relatives? Why did Ma Bongi allow that?

“Galmuin, come in.”


When we went inside, he smiled and said,

“I borrowed some of Galmuin’s performance. Are you fine?”

“of course.”

“Haha, as expected, the bowl is big. “I knew it would happen.”

I smiled cheerfully at the unexpected compliment.

“I have one question.”


“Did people like that woman follow other successors?”

Then Ma Jeongsu nodded.

“I know so.”

“Are they women?”

“I heard there are women and men. But why do you ask?”

“I thought that in order to help Ma Daehyup in the future, I needed to know everything.”

The goal is to extract as much information as possible before killing them.

Without even knowing that, Ma Jeong-su smiled happily.

“Then how did your father become the leader? Has he been preparing for a long time?”

“Yeah… … of course.”

There was no answer right away. It means that Ma Jeong-su doesn’t know much either.

After all, he was the one who had more than twenty children indiscriminately, so how could he take care of them all?

“Why do you ask that?”

“I thought about the scene a little while ago when Ma Daehyeop became the Murim Lord.”

“Am I going to become the leader? “Isn’t this too far-fetched?”

“It’s not necessarily a tall tale. “Isn’t it possible to become a successor?”

“It might be possible if you help me.”

“Now that we’ve already talked about it, I’d like to ask. “Who do you think is the strongest competitor?”

“I guess it’s Macheolgun.”

Ma Cheol-gun was the fifth of Ma Bong-gi’s twenty-two sons and was currently serving as the temporary head of Cheondomun Gate.

I had seen Ma Cheol-gun before, and he was smart and clear-headed, unlike Ma Bong-gi’s son, and had a good personality.

“What’s next?”

“Maryeongin (麻令寅) is cunning, and Mayanghwa (麻養華) is treacherous. “Ma Gung-tae (麻穹太) is an ignorant and strong man, and Ma Seong-hu (麻城厚) is a child who doesn’t know anything.”

Of course, this evaluation is only an evaluation of this magic essence. You’ll have to meet it to find out what it’s really like. I don’t know, but they probably aren’t worse than this demonic beast.

Ma Cheolgun, Ma Ryeong-in, Ma Yang-hwa, Ma Gung-tae, Ma Seong-hu, and Ma Jeong-su. These were the six people fighting for succession.

“Someone of these people is interfering with my work.”

Ma Jeong-su gritted his teeth.

“Isn’t it because the Ma Daehyup is the most threatening in the succession battle?”

Ma Jeong-su’s expression brightened at the extremely sweet words.

I said with a sincere expression.

“I will do my best to help in the future.”

“I will only trust Galmuin.”

Ma Jeong-su said something unexpected.

“Oh, and we are going to Jinan.”

“To Jinan?”

“okay. I’m just saying this to you. I’ve been through some trouble recently. “The contract to establish the military was canceled when the money that was supposed to be provided by the Shandong Chamber of Commerce ran out.”

“Ah, so something like that happened.”

“So this time I’m going to take the money and go myself. “I need to go and sign a contract as soon as possible.”

There was also a way to call someone who would sign a contract there. However, it took time to deliver the news, and there was no guarantee that he would come right away. Because he had rumors that he was broke. They probably thought it was a trick and made excuses.

It won’t come to you.

“So you’re planning to go in person.”


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I lowered my voice and said.

“But it is dangerous to move with a large sum of money, as much as 100,000 nyang.”

“I’ll just take the 20,000 nyang I need as a down payment. “If we take you and that bitch, we’ll have enough escort.”

Although he hated and disapproved of women, what he hated even more was having his money stolen.

Of course, there was a way to safely move money.

All you have to do is put money into the battlefield here and go to the Jinan branch to retrieve it.

But for that to happen, I had to wait at least ten days. I couldn’t do that because the day was urgent.

“I think you can rest assured if she goes with you.”

“You believe her.”

“Is that possible? Ma Daehyup even warned us to be careful. “I just meant that two hands are better than one.”

“We’re leaving early tomorrow. “Get ready.”


I briefly considered removing it tonight.

But I decided not to do that. Because she had the opportunity to find out about the woman’s identity by going with her to Jinan.

Don’t be happy just because you survived a few more days. You’re out of luck. Because I have to experience even deeper despair that the slip is fake.

* * *

The next day I was driving a carriage.

There was a woman sitting next to me. She could not refuse Ma Jeong-soo’s order to go together.

We ran for a while, but she didn’t say a word. She knew well that she was naturally silent, so she did not bother to speak.

I could see her hands up close. Her hands were very rough, uncharacteristic of a woman’s hands. The calluses on the backs of his hands were those of a person who had properly trained his regime.

As expected, you have learned martial arts.

I could tell that it had been a very hard training for a long time.

There were also injuries there. It runs long from the back of the left hand to the arm. Because it was covered by clothes, it was impossible to see how far the wound was. I thought that maybe there were many other wounds on my body besides those wounds.

The woman must have sensed my gaze and quietly hid her hand.

I felt sorry for no reason, but it would have been more rude to pretend not to have seen it.

“Have you learned martial arts?”

After a moment she answered.

“is it so.”

“Why did you have to learn martial arts?”

Boxing was a martial art that women did not often choose. This is because they are inherently weak.

“For me… … “I had no choice.”

The conversation stopped for a moment. With those words, it was almost certain that she had been raised in some organization from a very young age.

“I, too, was once fascinated by martial arts. “The idea of ​​fighting with bare fists and without any weapons felt even more attractive.”

I meant it sincerely. In addition to swordsmanship, I learned several martial arts. He also learned various martial arts, including martial arts, spearmanship, and martial arts.

Among them, I was particularly interested in martial arts, because of the Gwangsepungsinken (曠世風神拳) that I had learned at the time.

Gwangsepoongshinkwon was a martial art of King Kwon of the pre-Jeonjeon Dynasty, which he learned by discovering a secret level from the report of the Murim League.

It was difficult to learn it on my own, and at the time, my pride in Chuhonsura swordsmanship reached the sky, so I stopped learning it until I reached the level of understanding.

“If I hadn’t learned swordsmanship, I don’t know if I would have trained in martial arts in earnest.”

Then she blurted out a word.

“It’s an excuse.”

I turned to her and she stared.

“I guess he just didn’t want to learn martial arts.”

“Whilst swordsmanship requires precise dexterity, doesn’t boxing have a strong tendency to be subversive? “I wouldn’t know if the martial arts I learned was Taoism, but swordsmanship and martial arts are not compatible.”

“Who said that?”

For a moment, I was shocked. What I said a little while ago was something that anyone who has learned even a little bit of martial arts knows. It’s not like you haven’t heard something like that about her.

“Did you even ask the best expert in the world?”


Look at this, an unidentified soger. This is what the best expert in the world says.

Then she said.

“I think the best expert in the world would probably not say something like that. “It won’t be subject to that kind of formality.”

At that moment, something struck my chest.

In the past, I would have told you this when you become the best expert in the world and are not subject to such formality.

Look, he is no different from being the best expert in the world. Rather, it is nothing more than accumulating ordinary meaninglessness and accumulating it to the highest level in the world.

But when I heard her speak just now, I didn’t think of that.

Shouldn’t it be as special as she said?

Even if it is something that has been passed down as an orthodoxy in martial arts for a long time, shouldn’t the best expert in the world be able to interpret and apply it differently?

Because he is the best expert in the world. Because there is only one person in the world.

Shouldn’t we be able to reveal that what everyone believes to be correct is also incorrect?

I haven’t checked it myself.

That swordsmanship and martial arts really do not go well together. Because I couldn’t reach the extreme in both martial arts.

If martial arts reaches its ultimate level and swordsmanship also reaches its ultimate level, wouldn’t the interaction between the two lead to some level that I had never imagined unfolding?

Even if it doesn’t.

Shouldn’t I have learned martial arts with this mindset in the first place?

When you see martial arts as nothingness without any framework, when you break all frameworks, isn’t it possible to manifest true heart and sword?

I fell into a trance, lost in my continuing doubts.

When she came to, she was driving the carriage. When she saw that I was deep in thought, she spoke for me.

It was a trip to find out her identity, and I gained valuable experience in feeling my limitations and framework. Right now I am just deep in thought, but this realization today will be of great help in my martial arts training in the future.

I had a feeling that it was.

As I was about to thank her, a carriage came around the corner of the main street and went out.


She let out a brief exclamation. There were colorful autumn leaves on the mountains in the distance. It was a truly beautiful sight.

The emotion felt even greater because she was a woman who did not seem to be impressed by such things at all.

I told her.

“Thank you.”

I felt her startle. As if she wasn’t used to hearing him say thank you, she pretended not to hear him and didn’t look away from her foliage.

How long did it run like that?

A group of people on horseback came running towards us.

I was surprised to see the person in front.

It was Song Woo-kyung. Beside him, Song Hwa Lin was also riding her horse. The people running together were Song Jajang’s warriors. It seemed like he was probably on his way back from somewhere on Ga-Jang Song’s business.

I was surprised when I met them in an unexpected place.

Of course, they didn’t recognize me because I was wearing a human skin mask.

They passed by.

It was right then. Ma Jeongsu spoke to me inside the carriage.

“Stop the carriage.”

I stopped the carriage.

He stuck his head out the window and said loudly.

“Lord Song Jang!”

The horses passing by stopped.

Song Woo-gyeong recognized Ma Jeong-su and turned the reins in this direction.

“oh! “Isn’t it Ma Daehyeop?”

It was not because of Song Woo-kyung that Ma Jeong-soo called them. This was because she saw a woman with a slender figure next to her.

Song Woo-kyung got off the horse. Song Hwarin and the soldiers followed.

“This is my daughter Hwarin. Greetings, I am Ma Daehyeop of Cheondomun.”

Song Hwa-rin greeted Ma Jeong-su.

“nice to see you. “It’s called Hwarin.”

“Oh, you were such a beautiful person? “This man’s heart is pounding.”

Although he was saying it as a joke, Ma Jeong-su was serious. He couldn’t take his eyes off Song Hwa-rin.

Song Hwa-rin smiled and said, looking at the burdensome gaze.

“What should I do? “It’s a pity, but I have a fiancé.”

“Oh, I heard that too. “Oh, you idiot, I’m sorry.”

I said it intentionally and apologized, pretending it was a mistake.

I could learn about its nature.

I trembled with fear when dealing with Yasang. However, against an opponent who thinks he has the upper hand, he slyly uses all kinds of tricks. He is a typical small person who is weak to the strong and strong to the weak.

“Let me ask you a presumptuous question: I heard that Lady Song requested an end to the engagement?”

Song Hwa-rin smiled and said, saying something that could be embarrassing.

“Women are fickle beings.”

“Does this mean you won’t break off the engagement?”

“All I can say is that Gongja Byeok is a much better person than he is known to the world.”

“Oh, to receive such trust from a woman. “I think Byukgongja has a very different side to what men see.”

Damn you, you’re so impatient that you can’t criticize me.

Song Hwa-rin said with a soft smile.

“It seems to be similar to the Ma Daehyup.”

“What does that mean?”

Song Hwa-rin just smiled inexplicably.

But both I and the Demon Essence knew. I heard rumors that the magic essence was great, but in reality, I found that it was lacking. Song Hwa-rin turned and slapped him.

I would have been less grateful if he had behaved like that in front of me. However, seeing someone do something like that out of sight made me feel more than grateful and even touched.

At that time, the woman next to me spoke softly.

“You can’t help it either.”


I looked back at her.

“You can’t take your eyes off that woman.”

“that… … .”

Since he couldn’t explain his relationship with Song Hwa-rin, there was no room for excuses.

Meanwhile, Song Woo-kyung, feeling the atmosphere becoming cold, quickly said goodbye.

“I’m busy today, so I’ll just go. “I will formally invite you to our headquarters next time.”

“Let’s do that.”

Ma Jeongsu got into the carriage with a cold expression.

Song Woo-kyung and his group quickly disappeared in the other direction.

His voice was heard from behind the carriage.

“Insolent bitch! How dare you ignore me? “You damn bitch!”

I smiled as I heard the words being whispered. A person who likes to put others down can never tolerate being bullied himself.

ha ha ha. Well done, Hwarin.

I increased the speed of the carriage. Ma Jeong-su’s words were drowned out by the sound of the wind.

martial arts,

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