Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 54

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She woke up early in the morning.

I went to bed late and woke up early to the point where I wondered if I was going to sleep at all. It was to the point where I could guess that he might be spending a short night without sleep and eating a lucky breakfast.

I woke up early and went up the mountain behind and came down. It seemed like he was probably coming from training.

When I asked my subordinates through Jeong Yeo, they said that since I came here, I have not missed a day of morning training.

I was able to infer one important thing from that fact.

She wasn’t protecting the Demon Essence. If she wanted to protect his person, she would have acted as an ‘escort’. However, she was ‘observing’, not escorting. Her words as I observe her.

This was a fortunate thing for me, who had decided to eliminate the Demon Essence.

I also thought about whether or not I should follow her to see what kind of training she was doing.

But I decided not to do that. There was nothing worse for her than having my presence discovered, so she didn’t push herself for no reason.

In the end, I could only roughly guess about her martial arts skills.

If I could reveal my prayers, I would be able to know her level more accurately, but right now I had completely hidden myself. Since she doesn’t have any weapons, I can only guess that she doesn’t use martial arts.

However, judging from his gait and prayer, he was quite capable.

Isn’t it similar to Sigon or slightly lower? Considering her age, it could be said to be a remarkable skill.

Her martial arts skills and her vibe.

My first feeling that it might be a secret weapon developed by some secret organization became more and more powerful.

Anyway, whoever she is, you have to use her.

Because I have to go back and report that the Demon Essence was eliminated by the hands of Yasang. In that respect, her role was very important.

The next night I was standing at the pond and looking in.

Beautiful white lotuses shimmered in the water, and the scent of lotuses wafted through the autumn breeze. There were a few carp in the pond, but perhaps because it was late at night, there was little movement.

Why was she looking at this like that? Did she want to save the carp? Did she or did she want to kill him?

Suddenly I saw the moon reflected in the water.

It occurred to me that maybe she was looking at the moon, not the carp.

After looking at it for a while, I turned around and saw her in front of a building in the distance, looking this way.

Normally, I thought she would just turn around and go in, but she slowly walked towards me.

She walked over and stood next to me.

I looked down at the pond without saying a word of greeting, as if I didn’t exist.

“Isn’t that weirder?”

She glanced at me at my words.

“I’m asking if it’s strange to treat someone as someone who doesn’t exist when they clearly exist.”

She said, looking back at the pond.

“at all.”

I spoke in such a low voice that an average person would not have been able to understand. But I understood clearly. Those were her first words.

This time I spoke briefly.


Then she turned to me. She had an expression that asked why she said ‘Hangin’.

“This is my whole life, one way or another, so it might be easier to live alone and not get involved with other people.”

She turned her head back toward the pond.

“Aren’t you going to tell me your name?”

After looking at the lotus for a moment, she blurted out.

“Are names that important?”

Although she said it to herself, it was the first time she spoke properly.

“People are more important than names. But there has to be something to call it, right? “Hey, you can’t call me like that.”

She didn’t answer anything and said that I had given up.

“Okay. I don’t even pretend to know anyway, so what does my name matter? “Whether they call you a pond or a carp, you are still you.”

She still just stared at the pond expressionlessly.

For some reason, I didn’t feel bad about her solitude. Rather, I even felt a sense of kinship. Perhaps it was because I realized that my past life was also one of deep loneliness.

“I’m sorry if I said something unnecessary.”

Her lips moved slightly at my apology. It seemed like he was hesitating to say something.

Just then, someone called me from far away.


Ma Jeong-su was beckoning me in front of the building. At his appearance, the woman’s hesitation disappeared.


I answered loudly and ran towards him.

Ma Jeongsu asked with a stern face.

“What did you talk about with her?”

“We didn’t say much. “I asked him his name, but he didn’t answer.”

“Didn’t I tell you? “Don’t worry about that woman!”

There was irritation in his words.

“sorry. We met by chance… … .”

“Come to my room later.”


Ma Jeongsu entered the building.

When I turned my head again, she had disappeared.

* * *

When I went to Ma Jeong-su’s room, he was drinking alone.

“Come here and get a drink.”


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The nervous attitude from before had subsided.

I took the drink he gave me.

“Take a sip.”


I drank without hesitation. As I drank, I realized there was one more thing I needed to solve as quickly as possible.

It was something related to poison.

In my previous life, I had reached the state of being immune to poison and poison. Because of that, I was able to eat and drink as much as I wanted.

But Byeokridan’s body was not like that.

In order to be able to overcome all poisons, the constitution itself must change. When poison enters, it is not blocked by luck, but the poison has no effect.

Since I had become a master of poison, I naturally knew how to do it.

First of all, there must be a strong poison. It’s just a poison that can be found on the market; it has to be very toxic. Even strong poisons should not be artificially manufactured poisons.

In other words, even if it is the most powerful intangible poison in the world, it is not allowed because it was artificially created by humans. It must be a natural poison, like a poisonous snake or a poisonous plant, and the important thing is that it must be live at the time of taking it.

Ah, it must be there.

Of course, that shouldn’t be the only thing. There must be a solution that can decipher it at a critical moment.

You become addicted to it almost to the point of death and then have to detoxify it at a critical moment. It was definitely not an easy task because if you made a mistake, you could die even after taking the medicine.

Another despairing fact is that surviving like that does not mean that one is invulnerable to poison. There is a very low probability that many factors will work in combination to make it impossible to kill poison.

You need to have bold courage and follow the luck of heaven.

Since I have achieved 100,000 poisons and acupuncture once, I plan to give it a try if I have the supplies.

However, finding such poisons and remedies is not easy enough to be called a miracle.

“Jeong Bang-ju praised you a lot.”

“There is still a lot missing.”

“Now, have another drink.”

I drank another glass of alcohol.

He first spoke about the woman from earlier.

“I understand that you are interested in women because you are young. But she should find a good woman, not that kind of woman.”

“She seems to be a very bad woman.”

I asked with a smile, as if it were a joke, but Ma Jeong-su answered with a straight face.

“It’s more than that. She’s as dangerous as a snake. As you know, if a man meets the wrong woman, his life is ruined.”

“all right.”

As he spoke, I saw annoyance flash across his face. I could clearly tell the difference between the two people.

We didn’t talk about her anymore. Because she didn’t need to be in the spotlight for that.

Eventually, Ma Jeong-soo brought up the business for which he had called me.

“I need some money… … .”

“I understand that this office provided financial support.”

First, Jeongyeo gave him 10,000 nyang. He told me to give it without sparing it because he was planning to retrieve it all anyway.

“That money isn’t enough.”

“How much do you need?”

“100,000 nyang.”

I pretended to be surprised. Immediately afterwards, he asked again as if he knew nothing.

“How long do you need it?”

“The sooner the better. “We must rescue it within five days at the latest.”

“100,000 nyang in five days?”

He looked seriously worried and spoke cautiously. It was important from now on.

“There is one way.”


“Have you ever heard of night vision?”

“Night sleep? Of course I know. Aren’t they the ones who lend money at high interest rates? “I heard they are very nasty people?”

“you’re right. “These are people you should avoid interacting with as much as possible.”

I told it like it is. Rather, it was emphasized a little more.

“They are dirty, vile and poisonous people. These are the people who, once they harbor a grudge, will inevitably kill the other person. “These are people who use memorization, which is prohibited in the Gangho, without hesitation.”

The Murim League banned the use of memorized weapons fired with organs on the grounds that it damaged the reputation of martial people. Poisonous memorization was also prohibited. If you get caught while using it, you will be locked up in prison.

However, there are always people in the rivers who break the rules. Yasang is one of those types.

“Do you mean to borrow money from people like that?”

“Because it’s the only way to get 100,000 nyang within five days.”

There was silence for a moment.

“Do they have as much money as 100,000 nyang?”

“From what I heard, the night merchants have amassed enormous wealth through secret deals with local merchants. “We will be able to mobilize enough 100,000 nyang.”

“Good. As you said, let’s say you have money. Would they really lend a large sum of 100,000 nyang? “I don’t even have collateral?”

“Why is there no collateral?”

“What do you mean?”

“Ma Daehyeop himself is the best collateral.”

“Am I the pawn?”

“Ma Daehyeop is the successor to Cheon Dao-mun. “What surer security could there be than that?”

A look of pride flashed across Ma Jeongsu’s face. These days, when he is in a corner, this tickling compliment will be like a trickle of rain to him.

Nevertheless, Ma Jeong-su hesitated. It seems that there was a feeling of rejection caused by the presence of night vision.

In this case, you shouldn’t push it. Rather, it is more effective to take a step back.

“I’m sorry, I guess I said something unnecessary. “Just pretend you didn’t hear it.”

“No. “It’s definitely something worth considering.”

Because he was cornered, it was the only way to get money within a few days.

“Can you connect with them?”

“of course.”

Ma Jeong-su, who was thinking, emptied his glass and said.

“Contact them.”


I emptied the remaining alcohol.

I’m sorry, but I haven’t pulled out the dagger that was put on him yet.

* * *

A piece of news arrived in the night.

“We received a call from Ma Jeongsu saying he will visit us.”

Gucheol was surprised by Yacheon’s words.

“Could it be that they found out that we killed Sigon?”

“Maybe so.”

However, it was unexpected that the demon essence would come to visit in person like this.

“Just avoid it!”

“What if I avoid it?”

“I will take responsibility and meet him.”

“idiot! “What are you going to do!”


Yacheon screamed, but inside he felt good. He was a bad-tempered and impatient guy, but at least he was loyal to himself.

“Then what should we do?”

I wasn’t sure what was coming, but I couldn’t be scared and run away. He couldn’t abandon the foundation he had built for a long time, and he couldn’t show his subordinates like that.

The knifemen in the field are rough and cruel. If you want to rule over such guys, you have to show venom and courage. Even if there is a limit to it.

Yacheon tightened his eyes and prepared to fight.

“Gather all the kids with guts and skills. Prepare to memorize as much as possible. If you’re going to do something stupid, kill them all. “Running away is the next step.”

* * *

The next day, we took a carriage and headed to the night camp’s headquarters.

The people in the carriage were me and Ma Jeongsu.

The mystery woman saw us leaving, but did not accompany us. I thought maybe they would follow separately. I thought maybe they put something like incense on Ma Jeong-su.

“Is he really going to lend me money?”

It seemed that Ma Jeongsu was anxious. If Sigon and Hwaseonnodae had been together, they would have been proud, but in the current situation, they would naturally feel intimidated.

“You have to go out strong.”


“The characteristics of those who live in the shadows are that they are weak against the strong and strong against the weak. Although Yasang is infamous in the powerhouses, its essence is no different from that of Yeomwangchae or rolling Parakho. Moreover, the place we are going is Shandong Village.

This is a nocturnal image of a corner. “There is absolutely no reason to be afraid.”

Ma Jeong-su seemed to be encouraged by my words.

“I feel very reassured because you are here.”

“you’re welcome. “Please leave this matter entirely to me.”

He tightened his eyes and showed a strong sense of resonance.

“I will do that.”

Ma Jeong-su will feel fortunate. Anyway, if things go wrong, you can just pass the blame on to me and get out of there.

Just like that, the carriage arrived at Yasang’s home base.

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